More Anti-Muslim Bigotry and Hate from the Far Right

We should get out and leave the place to the people who live there

Seems like you've got your factoids wrong. We've sent soldiers to liberate Kuwait, Iraq,and Afghanistan, and soldiers to defend Saudis Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, UAE, Egypt, and Syria.

But not ONE SINGLE US soldier / sailor / airman / marine has ever been deployed to Israel.
Every soldier in the ME was/is sent there to protect Israel, and some double up to protect oil. But don't let the real world get in your way.
Every soldier in the ME was/is sent there to protect Israel

Massive Arab armies tried to invade Israel in 1948, 1967, and 1972 while the US had a total arms embargo on the Jewish State. Where was the US when Israel actually needed help?

There has been no serious threat of invasion since that time.

How was '91 Gulf War, or the Invasion of Iraq, or the Invasion of Afghanistan, or the Invasion of Syria, or any US presence in the Middle East any protection to Israel.

I know you see Jews behind everything that happens in the world, but you're meshugah if you think the US blowing up villages around the Middle East in any way protects Israel.
Every soldier in the ME was/is sent there to protect Israel

Massive Arab armies tried to invade Israel in 1948, 1967, and 1972 while the US had a total arms embargo on the Jewish State. Where was the US when Israel actually needed help?

There has been no serious threat of invasion since that time.

How was '91 Gulf War, or the Invasion of Iraq, or the Invasion of Afghanistan, or the Invasion of Syria, or any US presence in the Middle East any protection to Israel.

I know you see Jews behind everything that happens in the world, but you're meshugah if you think the US blowing up villages around the Middle East in any way protects Israel.
The Gulf War happened because Saddam was lured into Kuwait by the Americans, who did it because Saddam was constantly threatening Israel and Israel at the time was going to attack Iraq themselves, so the US said, no, we'll do it. The second invasion was about finishing that job to protect Israel. Afghanistan was to get Osama, who said that 9/11 was retaliation for the support of Israel. Syria is just more of the same, but mainly because they fucked up in Iraq so the job's not really finished and spilled into Syria, which the US needs to pacify to keep Israel protected.
Just nothing better to do?
Where should I begin? Our illegal and immoral invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan? Our unconditional support for Israel? What our CIA did to Iran back in 1953?

You mean our illegal, UN -sanctioned invasion of Iraq that was agreed upon by both democrats and republicans alike and nations all over the world as a response to defend ourselves? Gee, America just is never on the side of right with you, is it?

They have openly stated their reasons for wanting to kill us
And they do have good reasons, but they are not the bullshit reasons you are stating below.

Yes, Islam has VERY GOOD reasons for attacking and killing those evil American citizens going to work in the morning or going to the movies. Bad, America, Bad!

Basically, we live in a way denounced by Mohammad.
You denounce them. Quid pro quo, mother-fucker!

Here comes Bill OReally to Islam's rescue, showing his TRUE colours.

The war on terror is bullshit. Terrorism is not an enemy.

No comment necessary.
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Resisting Sharia law is hating Muslims?

How pathetic can people get??
So resisting Israel is being an anti-semite?


Lame comparison.

The correct comparison would be if a group would have made a rally against Halacha law being the law of the state. Which I'm also against.
Hey Lips, do you still make corn tortillas from scratch? Or is it now corn matzo balls? :lmao:

I'll start those after I finish with the Gefiltefish.
I meant that our support of Israel got us the planes into skyscrapers

Better hate the Jews then ... maybe the big, bad Muslims might leave you alone.
Not a question of hate, I like Jews, but Israel should stand on its own, without our support, because us being there just makes us FUCKED every time!!! We should get out and leave the place to the people who live there, as in, not our fucking problem anymore.

too much credit to Israel. USA is involved in many conflicts in the middle-east, all those conflicts got you "fucked". But it's "Israel israel". It's like when you put a bandaid on a fleshwound when the doctors tell you it's skin cancer.
We should get out and leave the place to the people who live there

Seems like you've got your factoids wrong. We've sent soldiers to liberate Kuwait, Iraq,and Afghanistan, and soldiers to defend Saudis Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, UAE, Egypt, and Syria.

But not ONE SINGLE US soldier / sailor / airman / marine has ever been deployed to Israel.
Every soldier in the ME was/is sent there to protect Israel, and some double up to protect oil. But don't let the real world get in your way.

Your soldiers came to Afganistan and to protect Israel?

That must be the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

States like Afghanistan and Pakistan can hardly point us on the map. We don't have any actual conflict with them so don't say dumb things.
We should get out and leave the place to the people who live there

Seems like you've got your factoids wrong. We've sent soldiers to liberate Kuwait, Iraq,and Afghanistan, and soldiers to defend Saudis Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, UAE, Egypt, and Syria.

But not ONE SINGLE US soldier / sailor / airman / marine has ever been deployed to Israel.
Every soldier in the ME was/is sent there to protect Israel, and some double up to protect oil. But don't let the real world get in your way.

Your soldiers came to Afganistan and to protect Israel?

That must be the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

States like Afghanistan and Pakistan can hardly point us on the map. We don't have any actual conflict with them so don't say dumb things.
They went to get Osama, who said that 9/11 was retaliation for supporting Israel. Don't pretend that you didn't know. :boohoo:
Muslim women have more balls than you. Just take care of your god damn self. This holy keyboard war you waging is for you to indulge in...the closest Muslim women I know are ( engineers, pilots, teachers, coaches, doctors and athletes) and guess what they have two legs and two arms and the sleep at night.

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Linda Sarsour’s Muslim Identity Politics Epitomize Feminism’s Hypocrisy

It's not hate , it's your own stupidity. To support women being treated as nothing more than dogs.
It supports women having no freedom
It supports grown men marrying little girls...

Yeah try again with that hate bs.
Oh please, like you really give a fuck about Muslim women?

You're using this issue like a cheap whore uses a tampon (as a vehicle to spread your racist hate), then to be discarded when no longer needed.

Oh please, like you really give a fuck because if you did you wouldn't be an ANTIFA fkn moron who wants to bring SHARIA LAW so that women can be treated worse than a dog. CYKA
This isn't about Muslim women only, it's about Western women, gays, human rights, Western values, freedom of speech, our way of life and our constitution. The barbaric medeival shariah law does not belong in Western Democracies. Anybody who believes in this barbaric law should be deported, if they are not citizens yet. If they are it should be grounds for investigation and revoking of citizenship.
Muslim women have more balls than you. Just take care of your god damn self. This holy keyboard war you waging is for you to indulge in...the closest Muslim women I know are ( engineers, pilots, teachers, coaches, doctors and athletes) and guess what they have two legs and two arms and the sleep at night.
That's true. Although I have to admit, I'm not fond of the mechanical engineers. As an electrical engineer myself, I hate it when they are always changing their drawings just before our "due date" and if I don't remind myself to give them a call and ask if they made any changes, then the architect is asking me why "my" drawings are wrong!
So tell us, shithead, what's so great about living under Shariah law?
This isn't about Muslim women only, it's about Western women, gays, human rights, Western values, freedom of speech, our way of life and our constitution. The barbaric medeival shariah law does not belong in Western Democracies. Anybody who believes in this barbaric law should be deported, if they are not citizens yet. If they are it should be grounds for investigation and revoking of citizenship.
Why would any citizen worry about sharia law in a country that makes one of its founding principles to have a separation of church and state?
When you elect a woman as president you can teach us about equality .....oh wait the orange man do really r3espect woman, not!!!

Lol you don't travel obviously, Muslim countries had 8 female presidents, did you know that? There are women in all jobs....first ever university was built by a Muslim woman go blurry yourself you are an embarassement.

Muslim women have more balls than you. Just take care of your god damn self. This holy keyboard war you waging is for you to indulge in...the closest Muslim women I know are ( engineers, pilots, teachers, coaches, doctors and athletes) and guess what they have two legs and two arms and the sleep at night.

Oh please, like you really give a fuck because if you did you wouldn't be an ANTIFA fkn moron who wants to bring SHARIA LAW so that women can be treated worse than a dog. CYKA

Can't prove the facts wrong now can you............They're so free they can't go anywhere with out a man accompanying them
They are so free they get killed for thier husbands cheating on them
They're so fucking free they are made to wear clothes that cover their entire bodies..
Yeah keep flapping that bs of lies.
Too Funny:

You cite the moderate countries but the ones were taking refugees from are radicalized.. Wasshabi Muslims.. Yes, the clan who is dead set on killing all of us to promote their superiority.

AS for your citing there have been women presidents, they are second to the religious leaders who are MEN. Those women do/did as they are told.. But hey confusing the matter with half truths is your game...
And by allowing shariah law, which treats women like cattle and second class citizens, the chances of having a woman president are greater?
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This isn't about Muslim women only, it's about Western women, gays, human rights, Western values, freedom of speech, our way of life and our constitution. The barbaric medeival shariah law does not belong in Western Democracies. Anybody who believes in this barbaric law should be deported, if they are not citizens yet. If they are it should be grounds for investigation and revoking of citizenship.
Why would any citizen worry about sharia law in a country that makes one of its founding principles to have a separation of church and state?
Exactly. So why do you support a system of laws that does not believe in seperation of church and state as its core principle, shithead?
You mean our illegal, UN -sanctioned invasion of Iraq that was agreed upon by both democrats and republicans alike and nations all over the world as a response to defend ourselves? Gee, America just is never on the side of right with you, is it?
The UN didn't sanction that. Where do you get your information?
We should get out and leave the place to the people who live there

Seems like you've got your factoids wrong. We've sent soldiers to liberate Kuwait, Iraq,and Afghanistan, and soldiers to defend Saudis Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, UAE, Egypt, and Syria.

But not ONE SINGLE US soldier / sailor / airman / marine has ever been deployed to Israel.
Every soldier in the ME was/is sent there to protect Israel, and some double up to protect oil. But don't let the real world get in your way.

Your soldiers came to Afganistan and to protect Israel?

That must be the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

States like Afghanistan and Pakistan can hardly point us on the map. We don't have any actual conflict with them so don't say dumb things.
They went to get Osama, who said that 9/11 was retaliation for supporting Israel. Don't pretend that you didn't know. :boohoo:

Bin Laren also said 9/11 was because we had troops in Saudi Arabia. Those troops we had there were protecting Saudi Arabia and Kuwait from Iraq and had nothing to do with Israel.

Hitler attacked American ships because we supported Britain in the 2nd World War. Something tells me you'd have supported the other side in that one.
Here's who the left is getting in bed with:

The traditional schools of Islamic law based on Quranic verses and hadith, and influenced by Islamic scholars such as Imam Malik and Imam Shafi, consider homosexual acts a punishable crime and a sin.[3] The Qur'an cites the story of the "people of Lot" destroyed by the wrath of God because they engaged in lustful carnal acts between men. Nevertheless, homoerotic themes were present in poetry and other literature written by some Muslims from the medieval periodonwards and sometimes homoeroticism in the form of pederasty was seen in a positive way.[4]

Extreme prejudice remains, both socially and legally, in much of the Islamic world against people who engage in homosexual acts. In Afghanistan, Brunei, Gaza Strip, Iran, Iraq, Mauritania, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen, homosexual activity carries the death penalty.[5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]

In others countries, such as Algeria, Maldives, Malaysia, Pakistan, Qatar, Somalia and Syria, it is illegal but may not always be enforced (lax laws).[13][14][15][16][17] Same-sex sexual intercourse is legal in 20 Muslim-majority nations (Albania, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti, Guinea-Bissau, Lebanon, Tunisia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Niger, Tajikistan, Turkey, West Bank (State of Palestine), and most of Indonesia (except in Aceh and South Sumatra provinces, where bylaws against LGBT rights have been passed), as well as Northern Cyprus.[18][19]

In Albania, Tunisia, Lebanon, and Turkey, there have been discussions about legalizing same-sex marriage.[20][21] Homosexual relations between females are legal in Kuwait, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, but homosexual acts between males are illegal.[18][22][23][24]

Most Muslim-majority countries and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation(OIC) have opposed moves to advance LGBT rights at the United Nations, in the General Assembly or the UNHRC. In May 2016, a group of 51 Muslim states blocked 11 gay and transgender organizations from attending 2016 High Level Meeting on Ending AIDS.[25][26][27][28] However, Albania, Guinea-Bissau and Sierra Leone have signed a UN Declaration supporting LGBT rights.[29][30]Albania provides LGBT rights protections in the form of non-discrimination laws, and discussions on legally recognizing same-sex marriage have been held in the country.[31] Kosovo as well as the (internationally not recognized) Muslim-majority Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus also have anti-discrimination laws in place. There are also several groups within Islam around the world who support LGBT rights and LGBT Muslims.

LGBT in Islam - Wikipedia

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