More Anti-Muslim Bigotry and Hate from the Far Right

Islam is to modern western culture what is nothing more than flat earth unicorn worshipers that are suicidal maniacs trying to intimidate non believers. Freedom of religion isn't something Muslims are to keen on. Liberals are cute, but clueless. Why defend something would destroy you? Defending Islam is like defending NAZI's. Good for you, playing games and being the Devil's advocate. Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.

People probably don't want any terror attacks in their country and unlike the OP, remember the tragic events in Nice, Brussels, London, German cities, ....

Fort Hood, Orlando, San Bernadino, New York.........

Fuck.....the whole European continent has been invaded by these fucks..........go google NO-Go Zones and check that shit out. Aint happening here like ever........we'll have long before chosen up sides.:popcorn: And guess who's not winning?
Unlike Europe, we have not yet permitted the government to disarm us.

Correct..........and will never happen. It ensures we will never see No-Go Zones in the US.......100% certainty. American Muslims might not think it..........but they will!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Oh go for a walk and enjoy life. U might get shot or robbed and more likely it won't be a Muslim I can guarantee you that. Because we are busy being productive in all jobs and don't plan to bother your highness. Get over yourself.

Islam is to modern western culture what is nothing more than flat earth unicorn worshipers that are suicidal maniacs trying to intimidate non believers. Freedom of religion isn't something Muslims are to keen on. Liberals are cute, but clueless. Why defend something would destroy you? Defending Islam is like defending NAZI's. Good for you, playing games and being the Devil's advocate. Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
Mostly Christian girls forced to get married. This is still happening in the US and not Afghanistan.
This is in America:

Nevertheless, the data show that 3,481 children were married in New Jersey between 1995 and 2012. Most were age 16 or 17 and married with parental consent, but 163 were between ages 13 and 15, meaning a judge approved their marriages.

Shockingly, 91 percent of the children were married to adults, often at ages or with age differences that could have triggered statutory-rape charges, not a marriage license.
Any additional data? What religion were the families involved? Where did the families reside? What was the reasoning behind either parental or judicial approval of such unions?
This is in America:

Nevertheless, the data show that 3,481 children were married in New Jersey between 1995 and 2012. Most were age 16 or 17 and married with parental consent, but 163 were between ages 13 and 15, meaning a judge approved their marriages.

Shockingly, 91 percent of the children were married to adults, often at ages or with age differences that could have triggered statutory-rape charges, not a marriage license.

  1. Contemporary Pedophilic Islamic Marriages - WikiIslam Highlight

    Girls far below the age of puberty are often forcibly married to older persons ... But her organisation's research shows that the problem of young marriages is most ... to allow one Pakistani man to sponsor his 15-year-old bride in August 2009. ..... age of 54, also indulged in a pedophilic marriage with Aisha, a 9 year old girl.

  2. Child Bride Legally Married Under Sharia Law, German Judge Rules Highlight

    Jun 11, 2016 ... But although most European countries stipulate that a girl must be 16 to marry, the authorities seem unsure what to do with young bride
Funny Libs HATE religion, they are such smug assholes. I know, so am I, but I digress. Why do liberals despise religion but defend Islam? Liberals are all about mocking religion and it's restrictions, but LOVE to defend the very religion that would literally put them to death? I have no clue what the hell liberals are about anymore, they are such neurotic contradictory children, I give up trying to understand liberals.
No one is defending the religion. They are defending people who are being unfairly ostracized and condemned. You first need to understand what is actually being said. Pay attention.
This is in America:

Nevertheless, the data show that 3,481 children were married in New Jersey between 1995 and 2012. Most were age 16 or 17 and married with parental consent, but 163 were between ages 13 and 15, meaning a judge approved their marriages.

Shockingly, 91 percent of the children were married to adults, often at ages or with age differences that could have triggered statutory-rape charges, not a marriage license.

Indonesia 19 16
Iran** ^ 9 9
Iraq (not including Isis controlled territory) 15 15
Chart shows the lowest age you can legally get married around the world
Most ignorant and hateful people are those who don't travel and base their opinions on stereotypes and rumours.

This is in America:

Nevertheless, the data show that 3,481 children were married in New Jersey between 1995 and 2012. Most were age 16 or 17 and married with parental consent, but 163 were between ages 13 and 15, meaning a judge approved their marriages.

Shockingly, 91 percent of the children were married to adults, often at ages or with age differences that could have triggered statutory-rape charges, not a marriage license.

  1. Contemporary Pedophilic Islamic Marriages - WikiIslam Highlight

    Girls far below the age of puberty are often forcibly married to older persons ... But her organisation's research shows that the problem of young marriages is most ... to allow one Pakistani man to sponsor his 15-year-old bride in August 2009. ..... age of 54, also indulged in a pedophilic marriage with Aisha, a 9 year old girl.

  2. Child Bride Legally Married Under Sharia Law, German Judge Rules Highlight

    Jun 11, 2016 ... But although most European countries stipulate that a girl must be 16 to marry, the authorities seem unsure what to do with young bride
You still at no go zones....didnt your president got slammed by the Brits for spreading lies along FAUX news?
Correct..........and will never happen. It ensures we will never see No-Go Zones in the US.......100% certainty.
Too late. We have them.
Our president always turns out right. I am aware of two in my own state of Michigan, but it's still early in the Trump presidency. Your shit won't fly under our new administration. Just ask our illegals. They thought they were safe with Obama, but he ain't running things now.
Well the US is up there with those countries .

This is in America:

Nevertheless, the data show that 3,481 children were married in New Jersey between 1995 and 2012. Most were age 16 or 17 and married with parental consent, but 163 were between ages 13 and 15, meaning a judge approved their marriages.

Shockingly, 91 percent of the children were married to adults, often at ages or with age differences that could have triggered statutory-rape charges, not a marriage license.

Indonesia 19 16
Iran** ^ 9 9
Iraq (not including Isis controlled territory) 15 15
Chart shows the lowest age you can legally get married around the world
Dearborn? Is a majority Muslim why does that bother you if there are more people of another faith that yours?

You still at no go zones....didnt your president got slammed by the Brits for spreading lies along FAUX news?
Correct..........and will never happen. It ensures we will never see No-Go Zones in the US.......100% certainty.
Too late. We have them.
Our president always turns out right. I am aware of two in my own state of Michigan, but it's still early in the Trump presidency. Your shit won't fly under our new administration. Just ask our illegals. They thought they were safe with Obama, but he ain't running things now.
‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.

No, I'm sorry you have it all wrong, Johnson! They aren't anti-Muslim, they are anti Sharia-Law rallies, and only a brainless dolt who knows nothing of what Sharia Law is about would post against these rallies. You see, WE ALREADY HAVE A SET OF LAWS IN THIS COUNTRY: CALLED THE CONSTITUTION, that tells us how to live! Sharia Law is wholly incompatible with our society and seeks to SUPPLANT (that means replace) existing law wherever it goes. Under the guise of religion and religious tolerance and diversity, it moves in, gets accepted, then finally takes over. In your case, that would make you a Dhimmi, which on second thought, might not be a bad idea. If you want to immigrate here, fine, but immigrate with the desire to become an American and live by our laws, our values, or just keep moving onto somewhere else.

Saying you are against these rallies is like saying you are all for being invaded. It isn't about religion, dolt, it is about preserving our way of life! But if you like Sharia so much, I'm sure they won't mind you moving to Yemen--- ---just don't bother trying to come back.
This is the same shit the Leftiwngers pulled in the UK and Europe.

And no wonder why they are now impotently being hit with terror attack after attack now every few days. Another EU success!
Well the US is up there with those countries .

This is in America:

Nevertheless, the data show that 3,481 children were married in New Jersey between 1995 and 2012. Most were age 16 or 17 and married with parental consent, but 163 were between ages 13 and 15, meaning a judge approved their marriages.

Shockingly, 91 percent of the children were married to adults, often at ages or with age differences that could have triggered statutory-rape charges, not a marriage license.

Indonesia 19 16
Iran** ^ 9 9
Iraq (not including Isis controlled territory) 15 15
Chart shows the lowest age you can legally get married around the world

Sharia Law has led to the legislation of child marriage in 6 countries
Saudi wives can be not only pre-pubescent, but even babies, because Saudi Arabia has no minimum marriage age at all
By Roddy Newman

While Sharia law courts have created a lot of controversy in Britain, they would be even more controversial if people found out that Sharia has led to the legalisation of child marriage in 6 countries. As the vast majority of people seem to be unaware of Sharia's child marriage dimension, this article only uses mainstream media articles, the UN, a major opinion poll company's Sharia law polling data, and the early biographer of Mohammed who Muslims say is the most reliable, and who states unequivocally that that Mohammed married one of his wives, 'Aisha, when she was a child as its sources.

For example, this 2008 "Times" article about forced child marriages in Nigeria, reveals that there is "fierce resistance" in its mostly Muslim states to a ban on child marriage, because they see such a ban as contrary to Sharia, which is why only one of them has agreed to a modified form of the ban (which outlaws marriage to pre-pubescent girls):

Sharia Law has led to the legislation of child marriage in 6 countries « RAWA News
‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.

No, I'm sorry you have it all wrong, Johnson! They aren't anti-Muslim, they are anti Sharia-Law rallies, and only a brainless dolt who knows nothing of what Sharia Law is about would post against these rallies. You see, WE ALREADY HAVE A SET OF LAWS IN THIS COUNTRY: CALLED THE CONSTITUTION, that tells us how to live! Sharia Law is wholly incompatible with our society and seeks to SUPPLANT (that means replace) existing law wherever it goes. Under the guise of religion and religious tolerance and diversity, it moves in, gets accepted, then finally takes over. In your case, that would make you a Dhimmi, which on second thought, might not be a bad idea. If you want to immigrate here, fine, but immigrate with the desire to become an American and live by our laws, our values, or just keep moving onto somewhere else.

Saying you are against these rallies is like saying you are all for being invaded. It isn't about religion, dolt, it is about preserving our way of life! But if you like Sharia so much, I'm sure they won't mind you moving to Yemen--- ---just don't bother trying to come back.
This is the same shit the Leftiwngers pulled in the UK and Europe.
It's pretty much the same shit Muslims have pulled in Europe, ironic. Terrorism in the name of hoodoo, but we can't watch the hoodoo hate cult people because it offends liberals, wow. Liberals are more afraid of a backlash, than the thing that drives it, Muslim extremists. Fear of a anti Muslim backlash is so laughable, if not misplaced.All those chickens are coming home to roost, to quote a famous Muslim.

You are witnessing the mental disorder of liberalism in action. They always achieve the exact opposite of their stated intent, yet the dissonance of liberalism is that they never see what they did as being flawed or wrong, but merely that they haven't done enough of it yet! Just a little bit more and success is within their grasp! The very same thing that drives the Democratic Party now, that despite their path having already cost them three major elections in succession, the Democrats now forge ahead undeterred by simply stepping up their actions more now against Trump. Sure! That is the road to success!
Well the US is up there with those countries .

This is in America:

Nevertheless, the data show that 3,481 children were married in New Jersey between 1995 and 2012. Most were age 16 or 17 and married with parental consent, but 163 were between ages 13 and 15, meaning a judge approved their marriages.

Shockingly, 91 percent of the children were married to adults, often at ages or with age differences that could have triggered statutory-rape charges, not a marriage license.

Indonesia 19 16
Iran** ^ 9 9
Iraq (not including Isis controlled territory) 15 15
Chart shows the lowest age you can legally get married around the world

Sharia is based on "The Koran", and the "Sunnah" (the words and deeds of Mohammed), and according to Sahih al-Bukhari, who is regarded by Muslims as the most reliable early biographer of their prophet, the founder of Islam married one of his wives, 'Aisha, when she was 6, and consummated that marriage when she was 9, as volume 7, book 62, number 64 of this University of Southern California Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement translation of Al-Bukhari reveals:

Translation of Sahih Bukhari - CMJE
View attachment 132141

Linda Sarsour’s Muslim Identity Politics Epitomize Feminism’s Hypocrisy

It's not hate , it's your own stupidity. To support women being treated as nothing more than dogs.
It supports women having no freedom
It supports grown men marrying little girls...

Yeah try again with that hate bs.
Oh please, like you really give a fuck about Muslim women?

You're using this issue like a cheap whore uses a tampon (as a vehicle to spread your racist hate), then to be discarded when no longer needed.
View attachment 132141

Linda Sarsour’s Muslim Identity Politics Epitomize Feminism’s Hypocrisy

It's not hate , it's your own stupidity. To support women being treated as nothing more than dogs.
It supports women having no freedom
It supports grown men marrying little girls...

Yeah try again with that hate bs.
Oh please, like you really give a fuck about Muslim women?

You're using this issue like a cheap whore uses a tampon (as a vehicle to spread your racist hate), then to be discarded when no longer needed.

Oh please, like you really give a fuck because if you did you wouldn't be an ANTIFA fkn moron who wants to bring SHARIA LAW so that women can be treated worse than a dog. CYKA
View attachment 132141

Linda Sarsour’s Muslim Identity Politics Epitomize Feminism’s Hypocrisy

It's not hate , it's your own stupidity. To support women being treated as nothing more than dogs.
It supports women having no freedom
It supports grown men marrying little girls...

Yeah try again with that hate bs.
Oh please, like you really give a fuck about Muslim women?

You're using this issue like a cheap whore uses a tampon (as a vehicle to spread your racist hate), then to be discarded when no longer needed.

You support them not having any rights CYKA
If you supported them you wouldn't be chanting your sharia protesting assholes who want it
so women can bet their asses beat
little girls can get raped and forced into marriage...

YOU SUPPORT IT ( Sharia Law) and YOU DONT GIVE A FK , ..................

Because some of us are willing to take what idiots like you dish out and keep on fighting to make ppl aware of the true information we STAND while you cowards are go alongs to get alongs.

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