More Anti-Muslim Bigotry and Hate from the Far Right

‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.
We will never erase bigotry and ignorance. Not in my lifetime at least.

How is muslim infiltration working out in the U.K??????
----------------------------------------- Tommy likes it . muslims still don't have the power to start throwing homosexuals off high points --- yet !!
---------------------------------------- Tommy wants to be the last to be eaten by the muslim crocodile in good old 'blighty' !!
View attachment 132141

Linda Sarsour’s Muslim Identity Politics Epitomize Feminism’s Hypocrisy

It's not hate , it's your own stupidity. To support women being treated as nothing more than dogs.
It supports women having no freedom
It supports grown men marrying little girls...

Yeah try again with that hate bs.
Damn, they treat their women as well as they treat dogs?
calais refugee says food for women and dogs - - Yahoo Video Search Results

They enjoy as well as support female mutilation too I believe. That group up in Michigan just got caught doing that. I think there were five women.
I've read that they believe that a woman robbed of her ability to physically enjoy sex makes a more complacent, obedient breeder slave.
View attachment 132141

Linda Sarsour’s Muslim Identity Politics Epitomize Feminism’s Hypocrisy

It's not hate , it's your own stupidity. To support women being treated as nothing more than dogs.
It supports women having no freedom
It supports grown men marrying little girls...

Yeah try again with that hate bs.
Damn, they treat their women as well as they treat dogs?
calais refugee says food for women and dogs - - Yahoo Video Search Results
He actually says he would give the food to a dog and then said for a woman, problem. First of all English is not his first language. He could be saying that bringing that food home to his wife would cause a problem. But you have already decided to paint the whole entire Muslim population after what this man may or may not have said. Keep up the bigotry.
Taken in context, this ass was complaining that the food being provided to him, and his fellow invaders, was unsuitable and he was demanding more palatable food for himself and his fellow men. His women would have to eat what the dogs would refuse.
If wanting to defend my daughter and granddaughters from the type of abuse known to be typical of these animals, to preserve my culture and way of life from subversion by those diametrically opposed to it is "bigotry", then color me bigoted. What exactly would you call these f**ckers? Misogynist? Racist? Liberal/progressives?
It was actually anti-Sharia.

The regressives, they just gotta spin and lie for their pet constituency religion.

Even when that pet constituency religion treats women and gays as Islam does, let alone Sharia.

The regressives suffer from a sickness, a pathology of self-loathing, hypocrisy and zealotry.
The Regressive Left and Islam -- What is happening here?
View attachment 132141

Linda Sarsour’s Muslim Identity Politics Epitomize Feminism’s Hypocrisy

It's not hate , it's your own stupidity. To support women being treated as nothing more than dogs.
It supports women having no freedom
It supports grown men marrying little girls...

Yeah try again with that hate bs.
Damn, they treat their women as well as they treat dogs?
calais refugee says food for women and dogs - - Yahoo Video Search Results

They enjoy as well as support female mutilation too I believe. That group up in Michigan just got caught doing that. I think there were five women.
The count is over 100 now. That's those they know about in ONE Muzzy "clinic." Our senate is working on a bill, 15 years in prison, but I doubt our RINO governor will sign it. Might, but I don't expect it.
‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.
And, let me clear my throat . Um UMM, Who the hell cares? Let me remind you, Islam is the problem child here, and until Muslims get their holier- than- thou heads out of their collective asses and resolve their death cult dark side, I am not worried about a backlash to Islam. It's numerically a tiny fraction, and besides the point, anyway.
‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.
And, let me clear my throat . Um UMM, Who the hell cares? Let me remind you, Islam is the problem child here, and until Muslims get their holier- than- thou heads out of their collective asses and resolve their death cult dark side, I am not worried about a backlash to Islam. It's numerically a tiny fraction, and besides the point, anyway.
The regressives are stuck in the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" trap - absolutely willing to spin and deflect for Islam and jihadism while ignoring their treatment of women and gays, and other behaviors.

Their hatred of Christians is so intense that they're willing to align themselves with THE most illiberal religion on the planet.

This is a sickness.
‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.
And, let me clear my throat . Um UMM, Who the hell cares? Let me remind you, Islam is the problem child here, and until Muslims get their holier- than- thou heads out of their collective asses and resolve their death cult dark side, I am not worried about a backlash to Islam. It's numerically a tiny fraction, and besides the point, anyway.
The regressives are stuck in the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" trap - absolutely willing to spin and deflect for Islam and jihadism while ignoring their treatment of women and gays, and other behaviors.

Their hatred of Christians is so intense that they're willing to align themselves with THE most illiberal religion on the planet.

This is a sickness.

Stockholme Syndrome.
Funny Libs HATE religion, they are such smug assholes. I know, so am I, but I digress. Why do liberals despise religion but defend Islam? Liberals are all about mocking religion and it's restrictions, but LOVE to defend the very religion that would literally put them to death? I have no clue what the hell liberals are about anymore, they are such neurotic contradictory children, I give up trying to understand liberals.
Funny Libs HATE religion, they are such smug assholes. I know, so am I, but I digress. Why do liberals despise religion but defend Islam? Liberals are all about mocking religion and it's restrictions, but LOVE to defend the very religion that would literally put them to death? I have no clue what the hell liberals are about anymore, they are such neurotic contradictory children, I give up trying to understand liberals.
These are Regressive Leftists, NOT liberals.

How can you spot a Regressive Leftist? They'll attack a Christian but deflect and spin after the latest jihadist atrocity.

And they'll start threads like this one.

These people are NOT liberals.
‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.
So you are for throwing gays off buildings?
Funny Libs HATE religion, they are such smug assholes. I know, so am I, but I digress. Why do liberals despise religion but defend Islam? Liberals are all about mocking religion and it's restrictions, but LOVE to defend the very religion that would literally put them to death? I have no clue what the hell liberals are about anymore, they are such neurotic contradictory children, I give up trying to understand liberals.
They share a common spirit with the Devil's religion. Satan is the god of this world.

Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.
‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.
So you are for throwing gays off buildings?
If he can find a way to spin it, you bet.
‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.
We will never erase bigotry and ignorance. Not in my lifetime at least.
Aren't you gay? Protesting against sharia equals protesting against throwing you off a tall building.
Islam is a mass delusion, like the rev. Jim Jones' People's cult or satanist, for that mater.Only Islam has become a global threat to the human race and freedom of thought. We need to defend THAT, don't we?
Islam is a mass delusion, like the rev. Jim Jones' People's cult or satanist, for that mater.Only Islam has become a global threat to the human race and freedom of thought. We need to defend THAT, don't we?


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