More babies died in US than 68 other countries.


We've established that the bible does address abortion.

And great civilizations fall after sinking into depravity, including the devaluation and butchery of children.

Do I need to set you straight on anything else?

Well, if it isn't coathanger cathy.

There isn't an abortion thread you're not involved in.
If only the anti-Choice fanatics were as upset about this as they are about abortion.

More US babies die day they are born than any industrialized country, report shows - Vitals

The U.S. is a worse place for newborns than 68 other countries, including Egypt, Turkey and Peru, according to a report released Tuesday by Save the Children.

A million babies die every year globally on the same day they were born, including more than 11,000 American newborns, the report estimates. Most of them could be saved with fairly cheap interventions, the group says.

Stupid is as stupid does.

The US tracks live births different than any other country, so it is perfectly natural that we have more deaths than any other country. Anyone with a brain, and the ability to be honest, would know that, and not make a fool of themselves.

We've established that the bible does address abortion.

And great civilizations fall after sinking into depravity, including the devaluation and butchery of children.

Do I need to set you straight on anything else?

Well, if it isn't coathanger cathy.

There isn't an abortion thread you're not involved in.

If one is going to be in the midst of dead babies, I think I'd rather be trying to protect them and their mothers, instead of rolling in their carcasses and gibbering with glee. So yes, I'm in the abortion threads.

But what does it say about you that you are, too?
If only the anti-Choice fanatics were as upset about this as they are about abortion.

More US babies die day they are born than any industrialized country, report shows - Vitals

The U.S. is a worse place for newborns than 68 other countries, including Egypt, Turkey and Peru, according to a report released Tuesday by Save the Children.

A million babies die every year globally on the same day they were born, including more than 11,000 American newborns, the report estimates. Most of them could be saved with fairly cheap interventions, the group says.

Stupid is as stupid does.

The US tracks live births different than any other country, so it is perfectly natural that we have more deaths than any other country. Anyone with a brain, and the ability to be honest, would know that, and not make a fool of themselves.

WTF are you talking about? LOL Get some sleep.

They either live or they don't, and when you have a crappe GOP health "system", they're more likely to die...

We've established that the bible does address abortion.

And great civilizations fall after sinking into depravity, including the devaluation and butchery of children.

Do I need to set you straight on anything else?

Well, if it isn't coathanger cathy.

There isn't an abortion thread you're not involved in.

If one is going to be in the midst of dead babies, I think I'd rather be trying to protect them and their mothers, instead of rolling in their carcasses and gibbering with glee. So yes, I'm in the abortion threads.

But what does it say about you that you are, too?

Baby killer....James 2:10
Yes, that means something, coming from a biblical scholar like yourself.

More babies died in US than 68 other countries.

that just tells me there are 68 other countries value life more than the abortion crazed U.S. liberals who want to go out a fuck their brains out then when they are pregnant....., cut that "abnormal growth" from their body.

what a country.., huh ? when a murdering doctor (?) and a pregnant female collude to murder a baby because she can not keep her knees together.

you abortion on demand sickos make me want to perform retroactive abortion !! :up:
God will judge us all. And the saints will judge the angels.

My salvation is secure, you don't need to worry yourself on my account, you biblical scholar you.
Starting in 1980 the Republicans decided to roll back most of the programs that help poor people and expand opportunities for hard-working members of the middle class.. They also stopped investing in infrastructure and declared war on American education. They did this to make room for tax cuts for the wealthy. With the help of the Clinton Democrats they handed American health care to the pharmaceuticals and insurance companies. By divesting in education and handing healthcare to monopolies, America went from a world leader in these sectors to falling behind most advanced industrial nations.

America emerged from the fiscally liberal postwar years with a standard of living that was the envy of the world. Then we tried 30 years of Reaganomics. As a result the middle class is dead and China is eating our lunch.

Reagan made a small class of people wealthy beyond their wildest dreams, but he destroyed a great nation to do it.

He helped corporate America escape the expense of the middle class wage system. He helped corporate America go overseas in order to get cheap labor. And he replaced wages and benefits with credit cards.

America swallowed poison in 1980.
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Uh huh.

We were a leader until we went socialist.

Now we suck shit, just like you guys do.
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Starting in 1980 the Republicans decided to roll back most of the programs that help poor people and expand opportunities for hard-working members of the middle class.. They also stopped investing in infrastructure and declared war on American education. They did this to make room for tax cuts for the wealthy. With the help of the Clinton Democrats they handed American health care to the pharmaceuticals and insurance companies. By divesting in education and handing healthcare to monopolies, America went from a world leader in these sectors to falling behind most advanced industrial nations.

Yep....imagine how many lives they could have saved....imagine the poor mentally ill people who went homeless after Reagan cut them loose, who either starved or froze to death in the streets.
I do repent of my sins.

Hatred of my fellow man isn't one of them.

Really? You're going to sit there and actually say that? you mean you only hate those who don't share your viewpoint.... the rest....they are subject to your "righteous" wrath... right?
I'm not fond of those who exploit and murder women and children...and I'm even less admiring of the armchair abortionists, who don't like to think about what's going on, but defend the sanctity of abortion with every breath they take.

I think they should be judged harshly, and punished severely.

But I pity them, too, because I know they will. If I'm harsh, it's because I'm fighting for your soul, you poor lost baby killer.
Starting in 1980 the Republicans decided to roll back most of the programs that help poor people and expand opportunities for hard-working members of the middle class.. They also stopped investing in infrastructure and declared war on American education. They did this to make room for tax cuts for the wealthy. With the help of the Clinton Democrats they handed American health care to the pharmaceuticals and insurance companies. By divesting in education and handing healthcare to monopolies, America went from a world leader in these sectors to falling behind most advanced industrial nations.

Yep....imagine how many lives they could have saved....imagine the poor mentally ill people who went homeless after Reagan cut them loose, who either starved or froze to death in the streets.

Actually, though it happened partially during Reagan's presidency, the de-funding of the mental institutes and the tossing into the streets of the mentally ill was completely a progressive brainstorm. Conceived of and completed by liberals who maintained that crazy people needed to be mainstreamed, and Joe Public needed to just deal with them. So that money could be used for other pet projects....abortion, for example.

Killing two birds with one stone, so to speak. Defund the crazies and toss them into the streets, so they die off...and use the money you save to abort the shit out of poor black women.
I'm not fond of those who exploit and murder women and children...and I'm even less admiring of the armchair abortionists, who don't like to think about what's going on, but defend the sanctity of abortion with every breath they take.

I think they should be judged harshly, and punished severely.

But I pity them, too, because I know they will. If I'm harsh, it's because I'm fighting for your soul, you poor lost baby killer.

Finally....a decent post....I'll even excuse the baby killer part at the end. You see, the difference between you and God is that you don't get to judge. You are not equipped for the job...and neither am I. We see things pretty much only from one perspective.... our own. We don't have the ability to see into the hearts and minds of others, we don't see or hear people pray for forgiveness and know the regret that others feel.

Just remember that...God's laws may be absolute, but his level of forgiveness is beyond what you and I can imagine.
That's a foetus, dingbat- and thank god for Dems giving women free birth control next year, no thanks to holier than thou GOP a-holes...who appear to want 5000 women dying a year during botched abortions like before Roe. Guess that would be 9000 now...
Uh huh.

We were a leader until we went socialist.

Now we such shit, just like you guys do.

Study the economic growth during the 50s and 60s, during the height of New Deal liberalism. America had strong labor unions, which helped build the world's highest-paid middle class. Because wages and benefits were so high, the mother could afford to stay home and raise the kids. Families had more time together. Ironically, the New Deal, by ensuring that the father got paid enough so the mother could stay home, ushered in the heyday of American conservativism. The Liberals protected the solvency of American families.

Unfortunately, there was corporate unrest over the admittedly fragile postwar compact between capital and labor. Simply put, the wealthy wanted cheaper labor. They no longer wanted to pay expensive middle-class labor costs.

So Reagan freed capital to seek cheaper labor in Asia and the developing world (and Clinton, the opportunist, followed suit, in obedience to the powerful corporations he was beholden to). As a result of the cheap labor costs that Reaganomics produced, the profits of American corporations skyrocketed. However, the wages of American workers remained flat or vanished. Corporations like Nike took advantage of the fact that they could have their sneakers made for pennies a day by workers living in freedom-hating nations beneath dictators. Walmart gets over 50% of its products made in Communist China. By helping corporations ship jobs to cheaper labor markets, Reagan helped corporations thrust large portions of the American middle class into the kind of generational, unending poverty that used to be exclusive to the third world.

Having lost jobs to China, The American middle-class went on a 30 year borrowing binge to make up for the shortfall in wages. [What else were American families going to do? They needed to provide for their children. So they went deeper and deeper into debt. Don't take my word for it. Do the research yourself. I urge you to study what happened to household debt starting in 1980. It will blow your fucking mind.]

Under Reaganomics, credit cards and debt slowly replaced wages. The borrowing got so bad that Americans pawned the last thing they had left with any value: their homes.

Again, compare the thriving economy of the postwar years to the unstable economy of the post-Reagan era, when we had to constantly bailout capital.... and middle-class debt reached Toxic levels.

America swallowed poison in 1980.

You've been lied to.
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