More bad news Republicans, U.S. manufacturing expands at fastest pace in 10 months


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
WASHINGTON — U.S. manufacturing grew last month at the fastest pace in 10 months. New orders, production and a measure of hiring all rose.

The strength at U.S. factories suggests the economy is healthier than recent data had indicated. That’s a hopeful sign ahead of Friday’s report on hiring in April.

The Institute for Supply Management, a trade group of purchasing managers, said Tuesday that its index of manufacturing activity reached 54.8 in April. That’s the highest level since June and up from 53.4 the previous month. Readings above 50 indicate expansion.

The report, which exceeded analysts’ expectations, led investors to shift money out of bonds and into stocks. The flurry of stock buying put the Dow Jones industrial average on track for its highest close in more than four years.

US manufacturing expands at fastest pace in 10 months, as economy shows resilience - The Washington Post
Chris here's what I want you too do when unemployment figures are up post those.
Obama has added 4.1 million jobs since 2009.

Here’s what Bush left us with.....

Aug 2008 - 334,000 net JOBS LOST
Sep 2008 - 458,000 net JOBS LOST
Oct 2008 - 554,000 net JOBS LOST
Nov 2008 - 728,000 net JOBS LOST
Dec 2008 - 673,000 net JOBS LOST
Jan 2009 - 779,000 net JOBS LOST
We have just had the fastest 6 month drop in unemployment since 1984.

Obama is the Democrats Reagan.
Just so I can accurately keep score, Bush was responsible for the manufacturing jobs declining the first 2+ years of the Obama administration and Obama is responsible for the increase in the last 10 months?

Is that correct?
Well, yes, that is correct. The damage done from the Bush admin policies didn't just go away when President Obama took office. The effects are still being felt, but the policies of the present President are having a beneficial effect now.
I suspect most new jobs are due to expansion of government because the private sector opportunities are still slim. As usual, the left is touting success without backing it up.

It would be good for Americans if businesses picked up, but we're still seeing "unexpected" increases in unemployment. The claim of manufacturing increasing at the fastest pace in 10 months could mean one job. When you start at zero, it takes little to say there is improvement. I still know many laid off factory workers and more businesses around here have closed in the past 6 months. People aren't going to believe anything coming out of Washington. People will believe what they see themselves.
Obama has added 4.1 million jobs since 2009.

Here’s what Bush left us with.....

Aug 2008 - 334,000 net JOBS LOST
Sep 2008 - 458,000 net JOBS LOST
Oct 2008 - 554,000 net JOBS LOST
Nov 2008 - 728,000 net JOBS LOST
Dec 2008 - 673,000 net JOBS LOST
Jan 2009 - 779,000 net JOBS LOST

2.5 Million Jobs Lost During Obama’s Presidency
Didn't the GDP just slow to a crawl at 2.2... Unemployment (real) is about ...what 12%+. Yeah, sometimes these numbers are looking a little fishy. I wonder who is doing the numbers cooking today?
Well, yes, that is correct. The damage done from the Bush admin policies didn't just go away when President Obama took office. The effects are still being felt, but the policies of the present President are having a beneficial effect now.

Well i know it's a flexible timeline.

The mess in Afghanistan is still Bush's fault according to dems, the debt going up is still Bush's fault, the Bush Tax Cuts are still Bush's fault, but currently Obama gets the credit for these manufacturing jobs.

Since everything Bush touched turned to shit, and everything Obama touches turns to gold, people need to recognize everything bad going on in the U.S. is cuz of Bush and everything good is because of Obama, regardless of timeline.

I got a pretty cute puppy a month ago, thank you Obama. Damn shoelace snapped this morning, another Bush failure.
I suspect most new jobs are due to expansion of government because the private sector opportunities are still slim. As usual, the left is touting success without backing it up.

It would be good for Americans if businesses picked up, but we're still seeing "unexpected" increases in unemployment. The claim of manufacturing increasing at the fastest pace in 10 months could mean one job. When you start at zero, it takes little to say there is improvement. I still know many laid off factory workers and more businesses around here have closed in the past 6 months. People aren't going to believe anything coming out of Washington. People will believe what they see themselves.

Where is this "expansion of government" you are claiming? There have been almost 600,000 public sector jobs lost.
Oh, so zero to a snails pace is now a recovery? How about GDP, unemployment, underemployment, and those that are no longer counted? I guess those tid bits are no longer viewed as barometers? What policies? Plunging the country into massive debt is a policy? I guess those rose colored glasses are blinders after all. But then again it's all about fairness, who gives a shit about debt, sustainability, and dollar bubble, someone else will take care of that, right? It is after all Chicago style politics and the facts don't count.
AS the presidential election campaign heats up, two measures of the economic success of President Obama’s administration provide drastically different views of how he has done.
His stock market record is among the best of all the administrations that have held office over the last century. But in terms of economic growth, the record is among the poorest.
It's difficult to give credit (good or bad) to any president for the economy, since the economy is incredibly complex and presidents have limited authority to affect it.

As a liberal, I don't think Bush is at fault for the Great Recession. His tax cuts helped create huge deficits and did not lead to improved economic data despite the "trickle down" theory, but that did not cause any recession.

But the economy is improving under Obama. His handling of the auto industry helped significantly. I don't think you can say Obama saved the economy--like I said, it's all too complex to credit any one person--but at the very least you can say Obama helping.
Then there's the pure political aspect of economic data. Today, unemployment is improving, manufacturing is up, consumer confidence is getting better, the stock market is higher than even, and gas prices are slightly retreating. There's plenty of time between now and November, but if things keep going this way, people* will credit Obama (rightfully or wrongfully) with improving the economy and he will win.

* Except for fanatical, neo-fascist conservatives who think Obama is a Kenyan Muslim Socialist Communist.
WASHINGTON — U.S. manufacturing grew last month at the fastest pace in 10 months. New orders, production and a measure of hiring all rose.

The strength at U.S. factories suggests the economy is healthier than recent data had indicated. That’s a hopeful sign ahead of Friday’s report on hiring in April.

The Institute for Supply Management, a trade group of purchasing managers, said Tuesday that its index of manufacturing activity reached 54.8 in April. That’s the highest level since June and up from 53.4 the previous month. Readings above 50 indicate expansion.

The report, which exceeded analysts’ expectations, led investors to shift money out of bonds and into stocks. The flurry of stock buying put the Dow Jones industrial average on track for its highest close in more than four years.

US manufacturing expands at fastest pace in 10 months, as economy shows resilience - The Washington Post
Overall, there has been a slight increase in low paying jobs such as the service sector. Higher paying jobs are on a steady decline. But don't expect the BS artist we have for president to ever tell the truth about anything.
It's difficult to give credit (good or bad) to any president for the economy, since the economy is incredibly complex and presidents have limited authority to affect it.

As a liberal, I don't think Bush is at fault for the Great Recession. His tax cuts helped create huge deficits and did not lead to improved economic data despite the "trickle down" theory, but that did not cause any recession.

But the economy is improving under Obama. His handling of the auto industry helped significantly. I don't think you can say Obama saved the economy--like I said, it's all too complex to credit any one person--but at the very least you can say Obama helping.

His policy effect economy
Regulations that cost businesses will have an effect on the economy
His energy policy will have an effect on gas prices.
Then there's the pure political aspect of economic data. Today, unemployment is improving, manufacturing is up, consumer confidence is getting better, the stock market is higher than even, and gas prices are slightly retreating. There's plenty of time between now and November, but if things keep going this way, people* will credit Obama (rightfully or wrongfully) with improving the economy and he will win.

* Except for fanatical, neo-fascist conservatives who think Obama is a Kenyan Muslim Socialist Communist.

Again without using obama's labor department numbers show us how good the economy is again?

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