More Big Heaping Spoons of Justice for Capital Rioters! Four Year Sentence Imposed

Yet another example of why America needs to physically remove the bed wetters from our political boundaries. Next they will be attempting to exterminate us and we will have to get medieval on them.

We can avoid this inevitability through a convention of states and territories. A Constitutional Convention would also work by the addition of amendments that declaw these parasites.

No you clown, you make your case with facts instead of one guy's opinion and then maybe i won't think you're full of shit. 😄
The facts are in the speech.

It isn't opinion, those are the facts, those things happened in history.

You have your POV about history, and those are the facts I am linking you too. You do not want to look at the facts he is laying out, because they will conflict with your POV, I understand that.

If you want to deny what Obama said he was, or the things he actually did, before he was elected president, and the things he actually DID do as president?

HE BOMBED AN AFRICAN NATION. That is not an opinion.

The congressional black caucus? Did not give a shit. And I am not going to list the stats about what the zogby poll said about the black community's opinion on that war, reported about the black community, you listen to what he reports on THAT, or shut the fuck up.

This is FACTUAL. Not opinion.

This is a troll thread started by a piece of shit that has no business moderating the rest of us.
The facts are in the speech.

It isn't opinion, those are the facts, those things happened in history.
History is never recited without a particular POV or agenda.
You have your POV about history,
You do not want to look at the facts he is laying out, because they will conflict with your POV, I understand that.
No, I don't care about videos posted in debates in general because the person in the video isn't here to respond to my critiques and criticism. It's your argument. You make it. I'll happily read and respond to it.
If you want to deny what Obama said he was, or the things he actually did, before he was elected president, and the things he actually DID do as president?

HE BOMBED AN AFRICAN NATION. That is not an opinion.
No but your apparent belief that I deny these facts or support these actions is a complete straw man.
The congressional black caucus? Did not give a shit. And I am not going to list the stats about what the zogby poll said about the black community's opinion on that war, reported about the black community, you listen to what he reports on THAT, or shut the fuck up.

This is FACTUAL. Not opinion.

Is it factual? Then why are you so scared to post this poll? 😄
The earmark of any totalitarian regime is the use of the justice system to intimidate and imprison political opposition. I never thought I'd see it happen in America, but here we are thanks to the Democrats.
When the tables are turned and the bed wetters find themselves on the receiving end of political vendettas, they will squeal like the pigs they are. That is why we need to ensure their political influence is contained to the regions they dominate and marginalized in the rest of the country.

It needs to be adopted as a GOP Policy agenda before these parasites give us no choice but to respond forcefully.

History is never recited without a particular POV or agenda.


No, I don't care about videos posted in debates in general because the person in the video isn't here to respond to my critiques and criticism. It's your argument. You make it. I'll happily read and respond to it.

No but your apparent belief that I deny these facts or support these actions is a complete straw man.

Is it factual? Then why are you so scared to post this poll? 😄
I admit, I don't have a link to the poll.

And I don't care to have a discussion with someone that won't look at the facts presented, so I guess we are done.

I guess you are scared of the facts too. It IS factual, I have presented it. Just because it is not in the form you prefer? That is your problem, not mine. The forum can read our exchange, and view the evidence, and see for themselves, that my claim is factual. Since the election of Obama, the black community has become more pro-war. Sorry reality triggers you.
I admit, I don't have a link to the poll.

And I don't care to have a discussion with someone that won't look at the facts presented, so I guess we are done.
Cross your arms, stomp your feet and storm off then you Simp child but everyone can read that I haven't denied any of the facts so far that you yourself have presented. 😄
I guess you are scared of the facts too. It IS factual, I have presented it. Just because it is not in the form you prefer? That is your problem, not mine. The forum can read our exchange, and view the evidence, and see for themselves, that my claim is factual. Since the election of Obama, the black community has become more pro-war. Sorry reality triggers you.
Why should it trigger me that you made a claim you can't back up and now want to run away like a little bitch? 😄
The earmark of any totalitarian regime is the use of the justice system to intimidate and imprison political opposition. I never thought I'd see it happen in America, but here we are thanks to the Democrats.
You B and E you pay.
How are repubs anti black? You have a 60 year track record of abuse at the hands of the democrats.
What have Republicans done for black folks in the last 60yrs?
When is enough enough?

I don't care who you vote for dude. I just hope you will eventually wake up like I did.

I was a staunch Democrat for longer than you have been alive. Then I figured out they WERE the party of racism and slavery.

Free yourself my good man. The rest will follow.

PEW research has shown that in the last 60 years that black folks do better in education, housing, business, employment, etc. when Democrats are in the WH.

Now tell me why would black folks vote for Republicans when they are totally against our interest.
They had to, they had no choice after the black community demanded an end to Jim Crow. The poor and middle classes were starting to "blend," into a common cultural the American melting pot, like we always historically had. This would not be good for corporate America.

MLK called the farce of Vietnam out for what it was, and folks might have caught on to the CIA's drug running, after all, SF was one of the corner of the golden triangle.

Motown, the blues, all of that.

Black culture and White culture, were all "American Culture," so CIA and Fed subversives, were introduced, stealthy like, into the black panthers, and into the black music, TV and Movie scenes, to encourage more emphasis on a "separateness," culture.

And agents (informants,) were directly recruited from inside the black culture, much like they had in foreign nations, to move the "balkanization mission," forward.

Bobby Seal was Leary's contact inside the Black Panthers. It is now an open secret that Leary was either CIA, or an useful idiot, not sure which. :eusa_think:

I'd say, with those riots we saw in the summer of 2020? The mission has met with a resounding success.

Yup. And they are still out there. Now though they are paid by soros, and others like him.

Now the ultimate goal is the destruction of this country.
What have Republicans done for black folks in the last 60yrs?

PEW research has shown that in the last 60 years that black folks do better in education, housing, business, employment, etc. when Democrats are in the WH.

Now tell me why would black folks vote for Republicans when they are totally against our interest.

They haven't divided the blacks into sub groups, wrote laws that punished blacks more than whites (Biden did that) said they would help the black community, then didn't, and Trump secured funding for the black colleges for years at a time so that they didn't have to come begging, hat in hand, year, after year, after year.

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