More Big Heaping Spoons of Justice for Capital Rioters! Four Year Sentence Imposed

The earmark of any totalitarian regime is the use of the justice system to intimidate and imprison political opposition. I never thought I'd see it happen in America, but here we are thanks to the Democrats.
We never thought we'd see a violent insurrection attempt to try and stop a free and fair election, but thanks to Republicans, here we are.

This guy's sentence gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling, and this is what you get when you don't accept responsibility and think you can outsmart the legal system. Have fun in the Big House, you piece of shit. :laugh:
They haven't divided the blacks into sub groups, wrote laws that punished blacks more than whites (Biden did that) said they would help the black community, then didn't, and Trump secured funding for the black colleges for years at a time so that they didn't have to come begging, hat in hand, year, after year, after year.
Trump cut funding to HBCUs his first year in office, so save that lie. Damn near every republican voted for the 94 crime bill. You still can't tell me a damn thing Republicans have done to help black folks in the last 60yrs. Tell me why black folks should vote republican again.
Why are you such a double dumbass? Thats not what he is strawmanning and you know it.
How many courthouses were attacked? One? If thats all you're talking about then your comparison is crapola.
Try to keep it together old man!
With all due respect, Zinc...liberal riots lasted months and months...all over the country. The destruction of public and private property was over 1 billion dollars just for the George Floyd riots and that's only what insurance companies paid out! How much more destruction do you think was done to small businesses that couldn't afford insurance!
The riot at the Capitol lasted less than one day and did so little damage that Congress was in session in the Capitol building the very next day!
How do you justify the huge discrepancy between jail time for liberal protesters and for conservative ones? What do you think would have happened if a Police officer shot an unarmed female protester breaking a window? Would he have been "commended" for his actions like the officer who executed Ashli Babbitt was?
Trump cut funding to HBCUs his first year in office, so save that lie. Damn near every republican voted for the 94 crime bill. You still can't tell me a damn thing Republicans have done to help black folks in the last 60yrs. Tell me why black folks should vote republican again.

Provide a link to that. I just did, absence of harm is BETTER than doing harm, which the dems are doing.
Yup. And they are still out there. Now though they are paid by soros, and others like him.

Now the ultimate goal is the destruction of this country.
Same families have always been behind this.

The Brits have the monarchy, we have an oligarchy of the same families, going back generations.

Just recently? I found out, that Bill Gates great grandfather? Was the one that set up the Rockefeller foundation. Yeah, ain't that a bitch. There is a close connection between the Rockefeller family and the Gates family.


David isn't easily visible in this photo with Gates and Fauci, but he is in in there, with of course, Annenberg, who was, instrumental in getting both Reagan and Obama elected.


In case you are wondering, who the black woman is? She is the president of the Club of Rome, I think you know WHAT THAT IS, you had previously liked a comment on that demonic organization before. It doesn't matter the color of your skin when it comes to these psychopaths. :rolleyes:


Dennis Lynn Meadows

Nothing is as bad as trying to overthrow the government to install a person who clearly lost the election. That would be the end of this country. We`ve had violent protests in the past and we`ll have more in the future. BFD.

Which is exactly what the dems did 17 minutes after Trump took office. And lied to this country for 5 fucking years.
Same families have always been behind this.

The Brits have the monarchy, we have an oligarchy of the same families, going back generations.

Just recently? I found out, that Bill Gates great grandfather? Was the one that set up the Rockefeller foundation. Yeah, ain't that a bitch. There is a close connection between the Rockefeller family and the Gates family.

View attachment 716424

David isn't easily visible in this photo with Gates and Fauci, but he is in in there, with of course, Annenberg, who was, instrumental in getting both Reagan and Obama elected.

View attachment 716427

In case you are wondering, who the black woman is? She is the president of the Club of Rome, I think you know WHAT THAT IS, you had previously liked a comment on that demonic organization before. It doesn't matter the color of your skin when it comes to these psychopaths. :rolleyes:


Dennis Lynn Meadows

Yup. We need a reset for sure. A REAL one.
We never thought we'd see a violent insurrection attempt to try and stop a free and fair election, but thanks to Republicans, here we are.

This guy's sentence gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling, and this is what you get when you don't accept responsibility and think you can outsmart the legal system. Have fun in the Big House, you piece of shit. :laugh:
What we saw was another manufactured crisis by your Democratic Party. Just like Benghazi when you have woefully inadequate security, bad things happen sometimes by design.
Why should it trigger me that you made a claim you can't back up and now want to run away like a little bitch? 😄
The claim was backed up by a well known, well regarded national academic, that founded one of the nation's largest alternative media platforms for the black community. WaPo even ran an article upon his death, which I posted for you.

Other members watched the content, and verified, that claim is good, and that you lost the argument. IOW? You are the one that is triggered, in denial, and is crying like a bitch now.

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Also for clarity, we are in agreement that if you attack Federal property you should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, up to and including the complete destruction of your country ***cough*** CSA/JAPAN/AlQaeda***cough***
The quote button tells who or what you are talking about, dumbass! Learn to use it!
The claim was backed up by a well known, well regarded national academic, that founded one of the nation's largest alternative media platforms for the black community. WaPo even ran an article upon his death, which I posted for you.

Other members watched the content, and verified, that that claim is good, and that you lost the argument. IOW? You are the one that is triggered, in denial, and is crying like a bitch now.


Goat licker is your garden varity troll. Long on BS, short on intellect.
You appear to be bad at math.



Yeah. Under 2 million in damages, and known ANTIFA were doing the majority of the damage, that is why pelousi won't release all of the video evidence.

Compared to 30 murders and 2 billion in damages.

You truly are a clod.
The attack on the Capitol occurred in an attempt to stop the certification of the next President of the US on Federal Land. You are discussing state level offenses which are handled by the state/local AGs.

To be comparable you have to look at other attacks on Federal land, hence I was mentioning the Federal court house.
I guess you could also include crimes at Federal Parks and military bases.
I'm talking about a protest that turned violent because the security at the Capitol that day was so piss poor despite the people in charge being warned that it could get violent...a protest that lasted less than a day and caused so little real damage that Congress was in session the very next day. Not a single member of Congress was injured and the only fatality was an unarmed female protester who was shot for breaking a window.

Quite frankly there is no comparison...the liberal riots did far more damage...killed far more people...and went on and on and on...yet very few liberals went to prison for what they did. My question is why? Because the liberal narrative is that Jan. 6th was worse than 9/11? That always bordered on farce and you know it!
The claim was backed up by a well known, well regarded national academic, that founded one of the nation's largest alternative media platforms for the black community. WaPo even ran an article upon his death, which I posted for you.
Didn't even watch the video. I don't care about someone else's claims or who you want to hide behind, like a coward. I was talking about the claim that the black demographic was the most pro-war. The one you admitted you had no evidence of.
Other members watched the content, and verified, that that claim is good, and that you lost the argument.
Oh did they? Lost the argument to what exactly? Your picture book argument? 😄 I give a flying fuck about your coloring book peanut gallery.
IOW? You are the one that is triggered, in denial, and is crying like a bitch now.

Sure I am. 😄

All you have are specious claims and straw men.
The attack on the Capitol occurred in an attempt to stop the certification of the next President of the US on Federal Land. You are discussing state level offenses which are handled by the state/local AGs.

To be comparable you have to look at other attacks on Federal land, hence I was mentioning the Federal court house.
I guess you could also include crimes at Federal Parks and military bases.
So the assault on that Police precinct building where liberal protesters set the building on fire with Police officers trapped inside garnered how many years in prison for those protesters, Zinc? Do you see why conservatives are pissed about sentences that are being handed down to the people who were at the Jan. 6th protest? Does that not make you pause?

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