More Big Heaping Spoons of Justice for Capital Rioters! Four Year Sentence Imposed

Did you ever think you would see folks invade the Capitol?
Precisely. This is what should make you suspicious of the entire narrative. They knew they were all coming, and just they let them in.


I happen to follow the writings of a former congress women with integrity. Do you know what they did during Farrakhan's "million man march?"

Every Senator, congressmen, the Justices, staffers, cabinet officials, and the president and VP, all left town, and they locked all the buildings up tight.

Folks that believe what they are selling need their heads examined, IMO.

More heaping spoons of justice given out to Capital rioters/terrorists/anarchists/freedom fighters.


I hope we turn the nation deep red from city council to school board to the Senate and the House. I will then watch with no small amount of interest as the long knives come out for Biden.

Bang on about Jan 6th then; I'm sure it will get you far.
FYI-10,000 people were arrested during the George Floyd murder protests throughout the country.

And then promptly released, the vast majority without charges.

Precisely. This is what should make you suspicious of the entire narrative. They knew they were all coming, and just they let them in.


I happen to follow the writings of a former congress women with integrity. Do you know what they did during Farrakhan's "million man march?"

Every Senator, congressmen, the Justices, staffers, cabinet officials, and the president and VP, all left town, and they locked all the buildings up tight.

Folks that believe what they are selling need their heads examined, IMO.

Can you imagine what would have happened if they would have had black police officers shooting down white folks on national TV, even though, they would have been justified.

I was at the Million Man March, don't remember anyone storming the Capitol or anyone advocating that we storm the Capitol.
Why in the hell would black folks in this country vote republicklan? Make the case for me.

Why in the hell would black folks keep voting for the party that keeps them enslaved?

Explain that to me...
Why in the hell would black folks keep voting for the party that keeps them enslaved?

Explain that to me...
As compared to the anti-black party, why would we vote for a party that votes against anything that helps black folks, ie. Voting rights, police reform, equal opportunity, etc.

It is funny, you can't even give me a reason black folks should vote republiklan.
As compared to the anti-black party, why would we vote for a party that votes against anything that helps black folks, ie. Voting rights, police reform, equal opportunity, etc.

It is funny, you can't even give me a reason black folks should vote republiklan.

How are repubs anti black? You have a 60 year track record of abuse at the hands of the democrats.

When is enough enough?

I don't care who you vote for dude. I just hope you will eventually wake up like I did.

I was a staunch Democrat for longer than you have been alive. Then I figured out they WERE the party of racism and slavery.

Free yourself my good man. The rest will follow.
A conspiracy without a shred of evidence. Brilliant! And convincing!
Conspiracy? I'm just pointing out that if you're a liberal who protested violently in America chances are you were back on the street within hours of being arrested but if you were a conservative who protested violently at the Capitol you sat in jail for months even years before you were even given a trial. That isn't a "conspiracy theory"'s just a fact!
Why in the hell would black folks keep voting for the party that keeps them enslaved?

Explain that to me...

As compared to the anti-black party, why would we vote for a party that votes against anything that helps black folks, ie. Voting rights, police reform, equal opportunity, etc.
The point here? Is you are both right.

Just like the major third parties in this nation, the libertarians, and the greens, the elite black leaders in this nation have been infiltrated by corporate and elite ruling class and cultural interests of the establishment.

There are WAY MORE than enough black folks in this nation, to form a viable, and VERY POWERFUL third party, which could swing congress, on any policy they so choose for the interests of black stake holders.

But? They don't. The establishment has more power, more money, and more intelligence than the grassroots. As long as the black community, like the white community, thinks that the deep state is serving their interests? They won't organize. They actually believe their white neighbor is the problem, and not the slave master that never really quit enslaving both him and the white peasant both.

Glen Ford, has rightfully pointed out the corruption of the black mis-leadership class of the ruling DNC, and the black caucus, IS A JOKE, and it is corrupt, and serves no purpose for the black community. It only enriches itself, just like the ruling white elites, serve only themselves.

In this respect? Whites and Blacks in America, are all the same. And have always been the same.

In the fifties and sixties, Black America was the MOST anti-war contingent part of the electorate. After the machinations and plotting of the deep state's brilliant CIA spook Obama? Black America is now, is THE MOST PRO-WAR population dynamic in America.
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The point here? Is you are both right.

Just like the major third parties in this nation, the libertarians, and the greens, the elite black leaders in this nation have been infiltrated by corporate and elite ruling class and cultural interests of the establishment.

There are WAY MORE than enough black folks in this nation, to form a viable, and VERY POWERFUL third party, which could swing congress, on any policy they so choose for the interests of black stake holders.

But? They don't. The establishment has more power, more money, and more intelligence that the grassroots. As long as the black community, like the white community, thinks that the deep state is serving their interests? They won't organize. They actually believe their white neighbor is the problem, and not the slave master that never really quit enslaving both him and the white peasant both.

Glen Ford, has rightfully pointed out the corruption of the black mis-leadership class of the ruling DNC, and the black caucus, IS A JOKE, and it is corrupt, and serves no purpose for the black community. It only enriches itself, just like the ruling white elites, serve only themselves.

In this respect? Whites and Blacks in America, are all the same. And have always been the same.

In the fifties and sixties, Black America was the MOST anti-war contingent part of the electorate. After the machinations and plotting of the deep state's brilliant CIA spook Obama? Black America is now, is THE MOST PRO-WAR population dynamic in America.

Yup. The political class keeps blacks and whites at war with each other to weaken everyone who isn't political class.

A tactic as old as politics itself.
The point here? Is you are both right.

Just like the major third parties in this nation, the libertarians, and the greens, the elite black leaders in this nation have been infiltrated by corporate and elite ruling class and cultural interests of the establishment.

There are WAY MORE than enough black folks in this nation, to form a viable, and VERY POWERFUL third party, which could swing congress, on any policy they so choose for the interests of black stake holders.

But? They don't. The establishment has more power, more money, and more intelligence than the grassroots. As long as the black community, like the white community, thinks that the deep state is serving their interests? They won't organize. They actually believe their white neighbor is the problem, and not the slave master that never really quit enslaving both him and the white peasant both.

Glen Ford, has rightfully pointed out the corruption of the black mis-leadership class of the ruling DNC, and the black caucus, IS A JOKE, and it is corrupt, and serves no purpose for the black community. It only enriches itself, just like the ruling white elites, serve only themselves.

In this respect? Whites and Blacks in America, are all the same. And have always been the same.

In the fifties and sixties, Black America was the MOST anti-war contingent part of the electorate. After the machinations and plotting of the deep state's brilliant CIA spook Obama? Black America is now, is THE MOST PRO-WAR population dynamic in America.
Fine, don't believe me. Do you're research, or listen to someone that is an acknowledged expert on the subject.

Glen Ford Speaks about the Black "Mis-Leadership" Class​

I didn't see any of our progressive members note Glen's passing.

Makes me wonder if they are really progressive at all. :eusa_think:



Fine, don't believe me. Do you're research, or listen to someone that is an acknowledged expert on the subject.

Glen Ford Speaks about the Black "Mis-Leadership" Class​

I didn't see any of our progressive members note Glen's passing.

Makes me wonder if they are really progressive at all. :eusa_think:

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No you clown, you make your case with facts instead of one guy's opinion and then maybe i won't think you're full of shit. 😄
Yup. The political class keeps blacks and whites at war with each other to weaken everyone who isn't political class.

A tactic as old as politics itself.
They had to, they had no choice after the black community demanded an end to Jim Crow. The poor and middle classes were starting to "blend," into a common cultural the American melting pot, like we always historically had. This would not be good for corporate America.

MLK called the farce of Vietnam out for what it was, and folks might have caught on to the CIA's drug running, after all, SF was one of the corner of the golden triangle.

Motown, the blues, all of that.

Black culture and White culture, were all "American Culture," so CIA and Fed subversives, were introduced, stealthy like, into the black panthers, and into the black music, TV and Movie scenes, to encourage more emphasis on a "separateness," culture.

And agents (informants,) were directly recruited from inside the black culture, much like they had in foreign nations, to move the "balkanization mission," forward.

Bobby Seal was Leary's contact inside the Black Panthers. It is now an open secret that Leary was either CIA, or an useful idiot, not sure which. :eusa_think:

I'd say, with those riots we saw in the summer of 2020? The mission has met with a resounding success.

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