More blatant nonsense from the right, keeping the poor away from their schools


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
Why is Trump cutting grants for poor students to go to top schools? | Opinion

Why Is Trump Stopping Poor Students From Going to Top Schools?"

"The Administration’s education budget slashes $150 billion in federal student aid over 10 years. This move would cut by half our federal Work-Study program, which helps 675,000 students support themselves through college every year. "

Basically Trump put DeVos in charge at "education" and she's a proponent of school vouchers. Now, for me, school vouchers are just a way of taking money out of schools and giving it to rich people. But the right say it's all about CHOICE. The same people will then dismiss choice elsewhere, and ignore the fact that the UK manages to give choice to kids to go to schools they want to go to WITHOUT school vouchers.

Now, they want choice with school vouchers, and yet.... they're taking away money from poorer kids to go to college. Oh, so, what, wait.... universities will only be for rich kids, so it will benefit the rich and mean they can get the levels of education needed to get higher paid jobs....

Oh, I see, they're preventing choice, once again.

A leader elected not by choice of the people, but by the system, is making sure poorer people don't get to go to school.
The federal government has no business being involved with colleges. They charge tuition on their students. Why aren't these colleges letting "poor" students enroll for free?

The poor don't have a right to force others to pay for their higher education. They can join the military and get the GI Bill if they want it that bad. So take your Fake News story and shove it.
The right is all about fucking over the poor. It has be so since the days of the Barons of mainland europe in the 13th century and it is true today!

How the fuck can a poor person or worker ever vote for the goddamn right?
The right is all about fucking over the poor. It has be so since the days of the Barons of mainland europe in the 13th century and it is true today!

How the fuck can a poor person or worker ever vote for the goddamn right?

So we are "fucking over the poor" because we don't pay for something they should have to pay for themselves?

I never had the government pay for my education. My parents did because they had jobs. I also worked part-time. You should be attacking the greedy universities that charge outrageous prices for tuition. Since when is standing in a room giving a lecture so expensive? The only people "fucking over the poor" when it comes to education are the schools, which are now worse than any other corporation since they are all about profit and kickbacks.
Having a right to something does not mean it is something you are entitled to get for free or on the taxpayer's dime. Get that through your heads libs.

You have a right to own a car, it doesn't mean rich people have to buy you one.
The right is all about fucking over the poor.

Depends on the poor...

Why is Trump cutting grants for poor students to go to top schools? | Opinion

Why Is Trump Stopping Poor Students From Going to Top Schools?"

"The Administration’s education budget slashes $150 billion in federal student aid over 10 years. This move would cut by half our federal Work-Study program, which helps 675,000 students support themselves through college every year. "

Basically Trump put DeVos in charge at "education" and she's a proponent of school vouchers. Now, for me, school vouchers are just a way of taking money out of schools and giving it to rich people. But the right say it's all about CHOICE. The same people will then dismiss choice elsewhere, and ignore the fact that the UK manages to give choice to kids to go to schools they want to go to WITHOUT school vouchers.

Now, they want choice with school vouchers, and yet.... they're taking away money from poorer kids to go to college. Oh, so, what, wait.... universities will only be for rich kids, so it will benefit the rich and mean they can get the levels of education needed to get higher paid jobs....

Oh, I see, they're preventing choice, once again.

A leader elected not by choice of the people, but by the system, is making sure poorer people don't get to go to school.
reps wanted kids to get vouchers so they could go to any school, the dems put a stop to that, even claimed it was racist.

but now it's a bad thing

The federal government has no business being involved with colleges. They charge tuition on their students. Why aren't these colleges letting "poor" students enroll for free?

The poor don't have a right to force others to pay for their higher education. They can join the military and get the GI Bill if they want it that bad. So take your Fake News story and shove it.

Callous conservatism, bigotry and myopia all in a single post. Nice job Hawk.
Why is Trump cutting grants for poor students to go to top schools? | Opinion

Why Is Trump Stopping Poor Students From Going to Top Schools?"

"The Administration’s education budget slashes $150 billion in federal student aid over 10 years. This move would cut by half our federal Work-Study program, which helps 675,000 students support themselves through college every year. "

Basically Trump put DeVos in charge at "education" and she's a proponent of school vouchers. Now, for me, school vouchers are just a way of taking money out of schools and giving it to rich people. But the right say it's all about CHOICE. The same people will then dismiss choice elsewhere, and ignore the fact that the UK manages to give choice to kids to go to schools they want to go to WITHOUT school vouchers.

Now, they want choice with school vouchers, and yet.... they're taking away money from poorer kids to go to college. Oh, so, what, wait.... universities will only be for rich kids, so it will benefit the rich and mean they can get the levels of education needed to get higher paid jobs....

Oh, I see, they're preventing choice, once again.

A leader elected not by choice of the people, but by the system, is making sure poorer people don't get to go to school.

The funds could be made back up at State and Local government levels while taxing according to the State population for pet projects like this.

Also money could be gathered from the private community through donations.

A one size fit all blanket is never the answer.
The federal government has no business being involved with colleges. They charge tuition on their students. Why aren't these colleges letting "poor" students enroll for free?

The poor don't have a right to force others to pay for their higher education. They can join the military and get the GI Bill if they want it that bad. So take your Fake News story and shove it.

Callous conservatism, bigotry and myopia all in a single post. Nice job Hawk.
Why is Trump cutting grants for poor students to go to top schools? | Opinion

Why Is Trump Stopping Poor Students From Going to Top Schools?"

"The Administration’s education budget slashes $150 billion in federal student aid over 10 years. This move would cut by half our federal Work-Study program, which helps 675,000 students support themselves through college every year. "

Basically Trump put DeVos in charge at "education" and she's a proponent of school vouchers. Now, for me, school vouchers are just a way of taking money out of schools and giving it to rich people. But the right say it's all about CHOICE. The same people will then dismiss choice elsewhere, and ignore the fact that the UK manages to give choice to kids to go to schools they want to go to WITHOUT school vouchers.

Now, they want choice with school vouchers, and yet.... they're taking away money from poorer kids to go to college. Oh, so, what, wait.... universities will only be for rich kids, so it will benefit the rich and mean they can get the levels of education needed to get higher paid jobs....

Oh, I see, they're preventing choice, once again.

A leader elected not by choice of the people, but by the system, is making sure poorer people don't get to go to school.

My sister has a good job and so does her X, but they put everything they worked for into the education of their two children. My niece and nephew both have college bills that their parents couldn't afford. They will all be paying for my niece and nephews education for many years to come.

It's simply not right that others can walk into college and have an easy ride while others struggle for decades for the same education. There is no law that you have to attend college and never leave until you graduate. You can work for a while, take a couple of courses, rinse and repeat. You can still get college loans, you can do a number of things.

More Than 40% of Student Borrowers Aren’t Making Payments
The federal government has no business being involved with colleges. They charge tuition on their students. Why aren't these colleges letting "poor" students enroll for free?

The poor don't have a right to force others to pay for their higher education. They can join the military and get the GI Bill if they want it that bad. So take your Fake News story and shove it.

You are exceedingly generous. I hardly call a work study program going to college for free. By your logic, why should government offer vouchers? That is going to school for free.
Why is Trump cutting grants for poor students to go to top schools? | Opinion

Why Is Trump Stopping Poor Students From Going to Top Schools?"

"The Administration’s education budget slashes $150 billion in federal student aid over 10 years. This move would cut by half our federal Work-Study program, which helps 675,000 students support themselves through college every year. "

Basically Trump put DeVos in charge at "education" and she's a proponent of school vouchers. Now, for me, school vouchers are just a way of taking money out of schools and giving it to rich people. But the right say it's all about CHOICE. The same people will then dismiss choice elsewhere, and ignore the fact that the UK manages to give choice to kids to go to schools they want to go to WITHOUT school vouchers.

Now, they want choice with school vouchers, and yet.... they're taking away money from poorer kids to go to college. Oh, so, what, wait.... universities will only be for rich kids, so it will benefit the rich and mean they can get the levels of education needed to get higher paid jobs....

Oh, I see, they're preventing choice, once again.

A leader elected not by choice of the people, but by the system, is making sure poorer people don't get to go to school.

My sister has a good job and so does her X, but they put everything they worked for into the education of their two children. My niece and nephew both have college bills that their parents couldn't afford. They will all be paying for my niece and nephews education for many years to come.

It's simply not right that others can walk into college and have an easy ride while others struggle for decades for the same education. There is no law that you have to attend college and never leave until you graduate. You can work for a while, take a couple of courses, rinse and repeat. You can still get college loans, you can do a number of things.

More Than 40% of Student Borrowers Aren’t Making Payments

The problem is Ray, you're looking at this only from the perspective of the individual. What about of the nation, which does need highly educated people who have gone through university?

Take China as an example. They want to win every Olympic medal going, seriously this is their goal. Now, one of the medals is for soccer. It's really under 23's soccer which allows three over 23 year olds to be in the squad. So, you need a decent level of soccer players.

China with a population that far exceeds any other country (except India, and they're absolutely pathetic at sports with the lowest per capita ratio for medals of any country that actually gets a medal) but they can't produce good soccer players. Why not? They pump money into the system, they do all of that. But they simply don't have the kids playing soccer. In Brazil they're all at it, playing all the time and they produce some of the best, but in China, they take rich kids who can pay and put them through sports schools, if they can afford to pay, and then what comes out at the end is a sub-quality level players.

If the US only puts through the rich to university, then the US will end up relying a lot of foreigners who have gone through university. Now, you're looking at places like NASA etc, but even the intelligence community which can't have foreigners, and you'll just end up with poor quality people simply because they were the only ones who could afford it.

But hey Ray, I know, I know, I've spoken with you enough, you're only happy when the super rich feel happy.
Why is Trump cutting grants for poor students to go to top schools? | Opinion

Why Is Trump Stopping Poor Students From Going to Top Schools?"

"The Administration’s education budget slashes $150 billion in federal student aid over 10 years. This move would cut by half our federal Work-Study program, which helps 675,000 students support themselves through college every year. "

Basically Trump put DeVos in charge at "education" and she's a proponent of school vouchers. Now, for me, school vouchers are just a way of taking money out of schools and giving it to rich people. But the right say it's all about CHOICE. The same people will then dismiss choice elsewhere, and ignore the fact that the UK manages to give choice to kids to go to schools they want to go to WITHOUT school vouchers.

Now, they want choice with school vouchers, and yet.... they're taking away money from poorer kids to go to college. Oh, so, what, wait.... universities will only be for rich kids, so it will benefit the rich and mean they can get the levels of education needed to get higher paid jobs....

Oh, I see, they're preventing choice, once again.

A leader elected not by choice of the people, but by the system, is making sure poorer people don't get to go to school.

HOLEY SHIT! Are you saying that these poor kids may have to go to community college? Please DONT tell me that's what this means.!?
If you are poor, there are several ways to get a higher education:

1. Join the military, get college benefits.
2. Qualify for one of the many programs from private donors and charities
3. Work to pay for it. Get a job, bust your ass working and going to a community college at night. Then continue that same plan through college. Many people did it that way. Oh and this important part of the plan: don't have kids while you are working on this. Control yourself.

I was poor. I was the first of my generation to go to college and no one of my fathers generation did either. I did it two ways. I went into the military, and then busted my ass through school.

You do not need to force someone to pay for you.
Someone ca
The federal government has no business being involved with colleges. They charge tuition on their students. Why aren't these colleges letting "poor" students enroll for free?

The poor don't have a right to force others to pay for their higher education. They can join the military and get the GI Bill if they want it that bad. So take your Fake News story and shove it.

Callous conservatism, bigotry and myopia all in a single post. Nice job Hawk.
ll someone a bigot, is one

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