More brazen anti-white racism in Minneapolis school system


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Black and hispanic parents don't care about education. They use our schools as day care centers and for the free food. No wonder the kids run wild

Minneapolis School District Now Needs Permission to Suspend Any Black Hispanic Student

nov 9 2014
The Minneapolis public school system announced a major new district-wide policy for disciplining students: any suspension of a non-white student requires the district superintendent's approval.
The MPS has been stung by reports that students of color are 10 times more likely to receive a suspension than white students. The Minneapolis school system has an enrollment of over 32,000 students. Seventy percent are non-white.

School superintendent Bernadeia Johnson, a black woman, maintains that she wants to "disrupt" the current suspension trends.

So, starting on Monday, November 10, every suspension of a black, Hispanic or American Indian student that does not involve violent behavior will be reviewed by Johnson's office before being approved.
Good! reward noxious behavior. Teach kids that you get special consideration based on skin color.

All this shit does is breed more violent little turds.
`Fact is it would be best for everyone if whites/asians had their own schools and blacks/latins/injuns had theirs.

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