More class warfare with this "corporate jet" nonsense

You post it everyday, Neo, yet you freely call others all sorts of names with no proof. You silly little man.

Do I really Jake?
But let us not change the subject

The term Fascist was meant to be inflammatory on your part- straight up.
Again, Godwin's Law, at play, I would expect better from you.

Sorry Jake

You lied and you know it - that is the sad part

Sounds like a pretty desperate move on your part

I was just calling you out to show you are full of crap
- If I really am a Fascist then prove it from my posts.

Should be easy
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That's a good catch. However, the loophole should be closed.. Cop orate jet exceptions did not cause this problem anymore than public sector unions. Both sides are playing to constituencies and for points.

Obama just found out that most bizjets are built in three states. Georgia, Kansas and Arizona. They are all 'right to work' states. No money from unions for Obama there so he wants to shut them down. Just like he is doing to Boeing in the 'right to work' state of South Carolina.

Since the engineers, technicians and mechanics that build bizjets are all middle class wage earners, a down turn will seriously affect the economy in those states.

All of these bizjet companies have overseas partners and there is no doubt in my mind that they will shut down operations in the US and move overseas.

No, TooTall, the manufacturers will not move plants overseas. Your doubtful mind is no solid indication of fact. And your opinion that Obama is after right to work states is only your opinion. Give us some hard facts, please.

How silly of me to think that ANY American company would move their plants overseas. NOT!

Bombardier Aerospace is a division of Bombardier Inc. and is the third-largest commercial aircraft company in the world. It is headquartered in Dorval, Quebec, Canada.
Learjet continues to operate as a subsidiary of Bombardier and manufactures jets under the Learjet name.
Gulfstream currently operates two facilities outside the United States, one in Luton, England and the other in Mexicali, Mexico.

I am an Engineer and have worked in the Aviation industry my entire life and that is what I use as a basis for my opinion.

You are entitled to naively believe that it is a coincidence that the Obama administration attacks companies that do business in 'right to work' states. I believe it is intentional.

It is a fact that Obama's NLRB is sueing Boeing in South Carolina on behalf of the union and that bizjets are built in 'right to work' states. The exclusion of sending a retired space shuttle to the Johnson Space Center in Texas is a fact.
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This one's almost as stupid as him blaming the machines for his terrible Economy. Like he doesn't fly around on Corporate Jets with his good bud GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt? And how much Taxes does GE pay? This is why you don't elect an inexperienced "Community Organizer" as President. He knows nothing about Business. And i think most Americans are now understanding this.
This one's almost as stupid as him blaming the machines for his terrible Economy. Like he doesn't fly around on Corporate Jets with his good bud GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt? And how much Taxes does GE pay? This is why you don't elect an inexperienced "Community Organizer" as President. He knows nothing about Business. And i think most Americans are now understanding this.

But if you were elected it would all be in perfect harmony
You post it everyday, Neo, yet you freely call others all sorts of names with no proof. You silly little man.

Do I really Jake?
But let us not change the subject

The term Fascist was meant to be inflammatory on your part- straight up.
Again, Godwin's Law, at play, I would expect better from you.

Sorry Jake

You lied and you know it - that is the sad part

Sounds like a pretty desperate move on your part

I was just calling you out to show you are full of crap
- If I really am a Fascist then prove it from my posts.

Should be easy

You continue to tell the big Nazi lie. You stupidly think that if you keep denying that you are a fascist and keep affirming that I am a socialist that people believe you.

Neo, they don't. Your words condemn you. Start telling the truth and rehabilitate yourself. You will still be a fascist, but at least an honest one.
You post it everyday, Neo, yet you freely call others all sorts of names with no proof. You silly little man.

Do I really Jake?
But let us not change the subject

The term Fascist was meant to be inflammatory on your part- straight up.
Again, Godwin's Law, at play, I would expect better from you.

Sorry Jake

You lied and you know it - that is the sad part

Sounds like a pretty desperate move on your part

I was just calling you out to show you are full of crap
- If I really am a Fascist then prove it from my posts.

Should be easy

You continue to tell the big Nazi lie. You stupidly think that if you keep denying that you are a fascist and keep affirming that I am a socialist that people believe you.

Neo, they don't. Your words condemn you. Start telling the truth and rehabilitate yourself. You will still be a fascist, but at least an honest one.
Did you figure out what the supposed loophole is yet? LOL!
You made the assertion. Now prove it. You don't get to make the first statement without evidence then . . . you have not read the bill, have you? :lol:
You post it everyday, Neo, yet you freely call others all sorts of names with no proof. You silly little man.

Do I really Jake?
But let us not change the subject

The term Fascist was meant to be inflammatory on your part- straight up.
Again, Godwin's Law, at play, I would expect better from you.

Sorry Jake

You lied and you know it - that is the sad part

Sounds like a pretty desperate move on your part

I was just calling you out to show you are full of crap
- If I really am a Fascist then prove it from my posts.

Should be easy

You continue to tell the big Nazi lie. You stupidly think that if you keep denying that you are a fascist and keep affirming that I am a socialist that people believe you.

Neo, they don't. Your words condemn you. Start telling the truth and rehabilitate yourself. You will still be a fascist, but at least an honest one.

Denying what? You made a claim now support -liar
Finding proof should be easy- right or is
just the voices in your head telling you this stuff?

I called you a liar and a statist
A statist can come from either side
So, you lie again

Where is your proof liar?

Like I said, put up or shut up
you would probably do neither

Who said something about if you tell lies, tell big ones?
Funny how that works


Poor Jake
Now everyone sees you for what you really are- a liar
I suspect everyone knew that already

You do know, I hope, the mere fact that you have followed the Godwin Rule
does not help your argument much.

Then again, for extremists like yourself, truth does not matter- only the message
how sad you are Jake

Man up for once in your life


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Yes, you are a statist from the Extreme Fascistic Right of America. Good, that is a start. As long as you start telling the truth, it may set you free.
So instead of fighting one another over corporate jets, why not agree that taxing corporations that consumers pay for anyway, is a bad idea, and only opens the corporate door to government and your tax dollars? We need to cut the umbilical cord and set corporations adrift in the free market.

This would allow us to use every tax dollar on the people, not bailouts, not wars, not subsidies, and other corporate aid. It would also stop the millions we spend on corporations for regulation, administration, big government offices, etc. Their expenses is killing America in overtaxation of the people, not to mention corporate control of congress that prevents our interests from being addressed.
Yes, you are a statist from the Extreme Fascistic Right of America. Good, that is a start. As long as you start telling the truth, it may set you free.

Telling the truth, obviously you do not speak from experience...

Oh yes a statist who wants smaller and less intrusive gov't
Do you even know what it means.. oh wait
That is one of you extreme ideas - I remember now
You claim that Statism does not exist anywhere in world!

I guess the people of North Korea have nothing to worry about now

Have you ever started a thread yet?
What are you up to now 18,000 19,000 posts and never starting a thread?

From your lack of any originality one would almost
suspect that you are only a political agitator
Never started a thread but just posting your extreme
ideas and past them off as the norm. At the same time, use lies to
cast aspersions on anyone who does not agree with you.


Come on Jake this should be easy for you to do

After all, I found your postings with your radical ideas and have even linked
to it. This way everyone can look at the thread and see your actual words

No need to thank me

Jake are you still pushing these extreme radical ideas

-believing the General Welfare Clause can be used by itself for generating legislation
-believing that statism does not exist anywhere in the world
-believing that Rousseau had a greater influence on the founding of this nation than Locke
-believing that the Tenth Amendment does not exist or matter, such a reckless view of the Constitution
-believing that the Commerce Clause can be used to justify any Federal gov't intrusion
-the apparent use of resources that are outside the mainstream

The US is just not ready for this kind of extreme thinking on your part.
No doubt seeing a rejection of the manifestation of the "Rousseau way" last election must have really brought that point home to you.


Jake, I am sorry but the US is just not ready for such out of the mainstream thinking like yours

Yes indeed Jake, the truth will set you free
For your sake, I hope it does

See easy to do Jake. Again I am calling you out to prove your claim
I am still calling you a liar for your false claims- prove me wrong
Man up!

To be fair, I can see why you never start a thread
knowing your ideas are not the mainstream,
you are afraid to defend your beliefs or statements
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So instead of fighting one another over corporate jets, why not agree that taxing corporations that consumers pay for anyway, is a bad idea, and only opens the corporate door to government and your tax dollars? We need to cut the umbilical cord and set corporations adrift in the free market.

This would allow us to use every tax dollar on the people, not bailouts, not wars, not subsidies, and other corporate aid. It would also stop the millions we spend on corporations for regulation, administration, big government offices, etc. Their expenses is killing America in overtaxation of the people, not to mention corporate control of congress that prevents our interests from being addressed.

I like your ideas!

However, some of the more extreme on here would claim that you supporting
Extreme Fascistic Right ideas

400 people control HALF the wealth in America.

80% of the after tax income increase in the last 40 years has gone to the top 1%.

The class war is over.

The rich won.
Neo and buds: here, this will cheer you up.

[ame=]‪Glee Cast - Loser Like Me (Glee Cast Version)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Neo and buds: here, this will cheer you up.

Poor Jake

How is that fact finding doing on your lie?
Not good, we can tell


I know you are upset about your extreme beliefs being made so public
and the last election was not easy on you, seeing your whole belief system
rejected by the American voter.

The angry and contempt you have for the American way of life that our Founding Fathers intended
is quite sad. Don't take it out on the innocent with false accusations, not very becoming of you.

But, believe me, I did it for your own good

Admit you have a problem Jake, it is the first step in getting yourself better
I will pray for you

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Neo continues tell his big fascist lies, so let's get him right before he gets left, behind.

Do you believe in statism: yes.

Do you think government and business should be in cahoots at the expense of the worker: yes.

Do you have on your bedroom wall hidden by a curtain so your mother can't see the Lady GaGa poster: yes.

Do you think Washington, Adams, and Hamilton were prototypical Big Government statists that threatened American liberties: yes.

Do you know that you are part of a very small faction of RFE wacks that threaten, truly, no one: probably yes.

Do you know why you act the RFE fool here: because you like the attention because you get none in your life.

Here is a clip of your hero promising uncompromising single party power: [ame=]‪A HISTORICAL ADOLF HITLER SPEECH (WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Neo continues tell his big fascist lies, so let's get him right before he gets left, behind.

Do you believe in statism: yes.

Do you think government and business should be in cahoots at the expense of the worker: yes.

Do you have on your bedroom wall hidden by a curtain so your mother can't see the Lady GaGa poster: yes.

Do you think Washington, Adams, and Hamilton were prototypical Big Government statists that threatened American liberties: yes.

Do you know that you are part of a very small faction of RFE wacks that threaten, truly, no one: probably yes.

Do you know why you act the RFE fool here: because you like the attention because you get none in your life.

Poor Jake, you need help fast!
The pathetic use of Godwin's Rule by you is very sad and scary..

Are you always this sophomoric or are you not taking your medication today?

I believe in the same things as the Founding Fathers and you do not.

Sorry to say Jake, you are on the wrong side of the American voter.

Jake I am sure the readers would love a link to where I said those things

For example:
Links to your extreme ideas is easy to find
Why can't you do the same?
Funny how that works

But keep trying

Boy looking at your extreme ideas, one can have no doubt that
the Founding Fathers would have been very scared of you.

Oh yes I am as statist who wants smaller and less intrusive gov't
Do you even know what it means.. oh wait
That is one of you extreme ideas - I remember now
You claim that Statism does not exist anywhere in world!

I guess the people of North Korea have nothing to worry about now

Have you ever started a thread yet?
What are you up to now 18,000 19,000 posts and never starting a thread?

From your lack of any originality one would almost
suspect that you are only a political agitator
Never started a thread but just posting your extreme
ideas and past them off as the norm. At the same time, use lies to
cast aspersions on anyone who does not agree with you.


Come on Jake this should be easy for you to do

After all, I found your postings with your radical ideas and have even linked
to it. This way everyone can look at the thread and see your actual words

No need to thank me

Jake are you still pushing these extreme radical ideas

-believing the General Welfare Clause can be used by itself for generating legislation
-believing that statism does not exist anywhere in the world
-believing that Rousseau had a greater influence on the founding of this nation than Locke
-believing that the Tenth Amendment does not exist or matter, such a reckless view of the Constitution
-believing that the Commerce Clause can be used to justify any Federal gov't intrusion
-the apparent use of resources that are outside the mainstream

The US is just not ready for this kind of extreme thinking on your part.
No doubt seeing a rejection of the manifestation of the "Rousseau way" last election must have really brought that point home to you.


Jake, I am sorry but the US is just not ready for such out of the mainstream thinking like yours

Yes indeed Jake, the truth will set you free
For your sake, I hope it does

See easy to do Jake. Again I am calling you out to prove your claim
I am still calling you a liar for your false claims- prove me wrong
Man up!

To be fair, I can see why you never start a thread
knowing your ideas are not the mainstream,
you are afraid to defend your beliefs or statements

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