More class warfare with this "corporate jet" nonsense

A friend of mine works at Centineal Airport in South Denver, he hangers and fuels private aircraft at a fixed based operator. He told me that there were over 200 private jets and numerous turboprop aircraft parked on the ramp during the Democrat Convention.......... including the 757-300 (a really large airliner capable of carrying 279 people) that Barry flew around for 2 years during his campaign. There were many aircraft that dropped these people of and left too.

It's a bit disingenuous for a guy who flies around on the ultimate corporate jet (burning 2,500 gallons of fuel per hour), with a minimum of 2 other aircraft (burning 3,000 gallons an hour) that proceed him carrying his security detail and limousines...... A LOT! criticize those that have a need and the ability to pay for a plane. More of the do as I order you to do, not as I feel like doing.

It is outrageous that you would bring this up as it is a different situation altogether. Obama and his friends are doing the business of the working man and should be not held accountable to the same standards.
Obama feels their pain. He is going to change their lot in life. He has brought hope and change. Accordingly, leave him alone or you are a racist, bigoted terrorist Klansman.

Hey, I was only criticizing his white half. As a Euro-American I understand that his black half is off limits and will never speak badly about graying nappy hair or gray lips.
A friend of mine works at Centineal Airport in South Denver, he hangers and fuels private aircraft at a fixed based operator. He told me that there were over 200 private jets and numerous turboprop aircraft parked on the ramp during the Democrat Convention.......... including the 757-300 (a really large airliner capable of carrying 279 people) that Barry flew around for 2 years during his campaign. There were many aircraft that dropped these people of and left too.

It's a bit disingenuous for a guy who flies around on the ultimate corporate jet (burning 2,500 gallons of fuel per hour), with a minimum of 2 other aircraft (burning 3,000 gallons an hour) that proceed him carrying his security detail and limousines...... A LOT! criticize those that have a need and the ability to pay for a plane. More of the do as I order you to do, not as I feel like doing.

It is outrageous that you would bring this up as it is a different situation altogether. Obama and his friends are doing the business of the working man and should be not held accountable to the same standards.
Obama feels their pain. He is going to change their lot in life. He has brought hope and change. Accordingly, leave him alone or you are a racist, bigoted terrorist Klansman.

Hey, I was only criticizing his white half. As a Euro-American I understand that his black half is off limits and will never speak badly about graying nappy hair or gray lips.

Well! We all know that will never happen to you.
The fascist code talk here is deliberately confusing explicit equipment purchases with business loop holes for corporate jets. The Righty Extremist Fascist code talkers are talking in neanderthal: so easy to expose these wankers and wankettes.
400 people control HALF the wealth in this country.

80% of the income gain in the last 40 years went to the top 1%.

The class war is over.

The rich won.
Now we see the Left pull out the race card on the debt

you know they are scared now
Yep, put in and voted for by the Dimocrats.

Gee, MSM, no one interested in why they were for tax breaks for jet owners before they
were against them?

Glad you found that.

I heard it on one of the news shows last weekend.

Kinda funny that the loophole was AOK enough to put into the stimulus but now its evil.

Oh and BTW it is all Bush's fault and will be till OL'BO is in his hoveround and a drooling old man. LOL

That's a good catch. However, the loophole should be closed.. Cop orate jet exceptions did not cause this problem anymore than public sector unions. Both sides are playing to constituencies and for points.

Obama just found out that most bizjets are built in three states. Georgia, Kansas and Arizona. They are all 'right to work' states. No money from unions for Obama there so he wants to shut them down. Just like he is doing to Boeing in the 'right to work' state of South Carolina.

Since the engineers, technicians and mechanics that build bizjets are all middle class wage earners, a down turn will seriously affect the economy in those states.

All of these bizjet companies have overseas partners and there is no doubt in my mind that they will shut down operations in the US and move overseas.
The only thing the Left knows about jobs is how to discourage the private sector from creating them
The fascist code talk here is deliberately confusing explicit equipment purchases with business loop holes for corporate jets. The Righty Extremist Fascist code talkers are talking in neanderthal: so easy to expose these wankers and wankettes.

Why don't you explain the loop hole for corporate jets?
Unless you're too stupid.
I didn't read all the posts... so perhaps this was covered.... Why is it "class warfare" to eliminate Corporate jet loopholes for Billionaires.... but it's not Class warfare to cut the piss out of needed programs for the poor, working and Middle Class?

funny how Conservatives only see ONE side of a theoretical war. One side needs programs and subsidies to survive.... the other side just wants them to increase their already astounding level of wealth. But the ones that "want" it and don't really "need" it are the good guys, and the ones that actually "need" it are painted as the evil ones.

People ought to be ashamed of themselves.... especially those that consider themselves Christian.
Glad you found that.

I heard it on one of the news shows last weekend.

Kinda funny that the loophole was AOK enough to put into the stimulus but now its evil.

Oh and BTW it is all Bush's fault and will be till OL'BO is in his hoveround and a drooling old man. LOL

That's a good catch. However, the loophole should be closed.. Cop orate jet exceptions did not cause this problem anymore than public sector unions. Both sides are playing to constituencies and for points.

Obama just found out that most bizjets are built in three states. Georgia, Kansas and Arizona. They are all 'right to work' states. No money from unions for Obama there so he wants to shut them down. Just like he is doing to Boeing in the 'right to work' state of South Carolina.

Since the engineers, technicians and mechanics that build bizjets are all middle class wage earners, a down turn will seriously affect the economy in those states.

All of these bizjet companies have overseas partners and there is no doubt in my mind that they will shut down operations in the US and move overseas.

No, TooTall, the manufacturers will not move plants overseas. Your doubtful mind is no solid indication of fact. And your opinion that Obama is after right to work states is only your opinion. Give us some hard facts, please.
The fascist code talk here is deliberately confusing explicit equipment purchases with business loop holes for corporate jets. The Righty Extremist Fascist code talkers are talking in neanderthal: so easy to expose these wankers and wankettes.

Why don't you explain the loop hole for corporate jets?
Unless you're too stupid.

Todd, you defended the loophole, and you want me to explain it? You are one goofy militia nut.
Now we see the Left pull out the race card on the debt

you know they are scared now

Whenever Neo talks race, he is fascistic code talking. Dismissed.


I have missed you. How have you been?

"fascistic" ? is that what statists like you are using now?

Whenever Jake uses words like "fascistic", he is following Godwin's law

Meaning, he has no valid argument.

Code taking? Sounds very secretive.. Are the voices in your head telling you those things?

It may be time to adjust you "tin foil hat"
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Now we see the Left pull out the race card on the debt

you know they are scared now

Whenever Neo talks race, he is fascistic code talking. Dismissed.


I have missed you. How have you been?

"fascistic" ? is that what statists like you are using now?

Whenever Jake uses words like "fascistic", he is following Godwin's law

Meaning, he has no valid argument.

Code taking? Sounds very secretive.. Are the voices in your head telling you those things?

It may be time to adjust you "tin foil hat"

BubbaNeo, you are one of the silly Righty Extremist Fascists, and it is what it is.
Whenever Neo talks race, he is fascistic code talking. Dismissed.


I have missed you. How have you been?

"fascistic" ? is that what statists like you are using now?

Whenever Jake uses words like "fascistic", he is following Godwin's law

Meaning, he has no valid argument.

Code taking? Sounds very secretive.. Are the voices in your head telling you those things?

It may be time to adjust you "tin foil hat"

BubbaNeo, you are one of the silly Righty Extremist Fascists, and it is what it is.

Well opinions are like assholes, and I think yours is big and stinky

being called a fascist by someone who thinks Statism does not exist anywhere in the world, it is hard to take that person serious.

Your radical ideas of calling for more gov't and more centrally planned economies is closer to what you accuse others of being- you just don't understand it.

Which is where the problem for most people like you come in....
They often do understand the means on how to get to goals they want
That is not only silly, it is downright sad and dangerous.

So man up Jake.
Prove how I am a fascist - pretty nasty thing to call someone with no proof. In fact, I will say you have overreached this one and you are a liar.

Put up or shut up- I am calling you out- liar
Something tells me you will do neither
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The fascist code talk here is deliberately confusing explicit equipment purchases with business loop holes for corporate jets. The Righty Extremist Fascist code talkers are talking in neanderthal: so easy to expose these wankers and wankettes.

Why don't you explain the loop hole for corporate jets?
Unless you're too stupid.

Todd, you defended the loophole, and you want me to explain it? You are one goofy militia nut.

You're attacking the loophole and you can't explain it?
You're one sad product of the public schools.
Neo is a liar who calls anyone who disagrees with him a socialist, a lib, a commie, a whatever.

Come on, guys, deal or squeal. You have to make your case, not me, and you have failed so far.
Neo is a liar who calls anyone who disagrees with him a socialist, a lib, a commie, a whatever.

Come on, guys, deal or squeal. You have to make your case, not me, and you have failed so far.

Poor Jake, trying so hard to change the subject....

I didn't call you those things. I called you a liar.

Again, you called me a Fascist - based on what? calls for smaller gov't

The voice in your head or perhaps you have no real argument?

Come JakeLiar-
Man up- you can't spin this one liar!

You call someone a Fascist you better have some real proof

Again, typical behaviour of extremists like you to use false accusations and generalizations in hope
of supporting your points
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You post it everyday, Neo, yet you freely call others all sorts of names with no proof. You silly little man.

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