More class warfare with this "corporate jet" nonsense

Were in obied doodle/dims stimulus package. it was their own damn legislation..

oops and hardeeeeee har har har

Which party gave us the corporate jet tax loophole? Guess again

Ryan told Greta:

'It was in the stimulus package. None of us voted for the stimulus package. This was called accelerated depreciation. It's a tax policy that the president put into his stimulus package and passed. Now he's saying that it's a corporate jet loophole. It applies to lots of things, airplanes included. What I find interesting about this one particular issue was it never came up in our debt negotiations, it never came up in discussions. The first time I heard about a corporate jet loophole, which was in the stimulus package, was when he mentioned it six times in a press conference

What to Read Today: Which party gave us the corporate jet tax loophole? Guess again.

merged with existing thread on topic
Of course, rather than taking responsibility for the loopholes, Obama looked into the teleprompter and read, "It's the Republicans' fault, it's the Republicans' fault, it's the Republicans' fault." Six times Obama repeated the fib about Republicans wanting to protect that tax loophole for millionaires. Apparently, TOTUS is stuck on that line.

The effectiveness of Glenn Beck-style media indoctrination is plainly manifest in the willingness of right-wing loyalists, most of whom don't have a pot to piss in, to vigorously defend the corporate jet set. It is as if these brainwashed dreamers truly believe they will someday break free of credit-card debt and earn more than $75k a year.

The uber-rich regard these yapping toadies as something on the order of well-trained dogs with hand-licking compulsions and the will to happily die for their masters.

I do not watch Glenn Beck.
I am not defending "the corporate jet set" as you call it.
Your use of that term is Exhibit A of your indoctrination by the class warfare crowd.
Your masters have trained you well.

400 people control HALF the wealth in America.

80% of the income increase in the last 40 years went to the top 1%.

The class war is over. The rich won.

The rich won but the war of the classes is NOT over.

The war of the classes is NEVER OVER.


Because almost no policy of government can NOT affect the different socio-economic classes differently, that's why.

That is, in fact, the primary problem of every representational government.

And more power the government has the more that is defined as a problem, too.
I do not watch Glenn Beck.
I am not defending "the corporate jet set" as you call it.
Your use of that term is Exhibit A of your indoctrination by the class warfare crowd.
Your masters have trained you well.

400 people control HALF the wealth in America.

80% of the income increase in the last 40 years went to the top 1%.

The class war is over. The rich won.

The rich won but the war of the classes is NOT over.

The war of the classes is NEVER OVER.


Because almost no policy of government can NOT affect the different socio-economic classes differently, that's why.

That is, in fact, the primary problem of every representational government.

And more power the government has the more that is defined as a problem, too.

There is no fucking 'class' war, because the US is not a class based society. This bullshit is a catchphrase latched onto by politicians to manipulate Americans into blaming each other rather than the politicians. Apparently, it worked. I'm not surprised.

Baaaaaa Baaaaaa.
Yup,blame Jet Owners for his own astounding incompetence. Par for the course i guess. I guess he forgot that his own Stimulus included Tax Breaks for jet owners. And jet owners didn't cause this awful mess. He did that. Oh well,probably about that time to break out his old stand-by Blame DA BOOOOOOOSH and Palin stuff. Him & his Democrats never seem to get enough of that. "Blame the Jet Owners?" Yea that's just pretty funny.

Yep, put in and voted for by the Dimocrats.

Gee, MSM, no one interested in why they were for tax breaks for jet owners before they were against them?
I do not watch Glenn Beck.
I am not defending "the corporate jet set" as you call it.
Your use of that term is Exhibit A of your indoctrination by the class warfare crowd.
Your masters have trained you well.

400 people control HALF the wealth in America.

80% of the income increase in the last 40 years went to the top 1%.

The class war is over. The rich won.

The rich won but the war of the classes is NOT over.

The war of the classes is NEVER OVER.


Because almost no policy of government can NOT affect the different socio-economic classes differently, that's why.

That is, in fact, the primary problem of every representational government.

And more power the government has the more that is defined as a problem, too.

Of course, rather than taking responsibility for the loopholes, Obama looked into the teleprompter and read, "It's the Republicans' fault, it's the Republicans' fault, it's the Republicans' fault." Six times Obama repeated the fib about Republicans wanting to protect that tax loophole for millionaires. Apparently, TOTUS is stuck on that line.
400 people control HALF the wealth in America.

80% of the income increase in the last 40 years went to the top 1%.

The class war is over. The rich won.

The rich won but the war of the classes is NOT over.

The war of the classes is NEVER OVER.


Because almost no policy of government can NOT affect the different socio-economic classes differently, that's why.

That is, in fact, the primary problem of every representational government.

And more power the government has the more that is defined as a problem, too.

There is no fucking 'class' war, because the US is not a class based society. This bullshit is a catchphrase latched onto by politicians to manipulate Americans into blaming each other rather than the politicians. Apparently, it worked. I'm not surprised.

Baaaaaa Baaaaaa.

Are you claiming that politicians do not pander to the welfare class and those that do not pay taxes with "the rich do not pay enough taxes" for votes?
Where the hell have you been?
I'm still waiting for the Left to Absolutely define what "Rich" is where is the line drawn?
More than simply "Left" I can be described as having Socialist leanings. As such I define rich as being able to fully own at least one fine quality home, at least one luxury car, at least one million dollars in liquid assets, an annual income of at least $250k and no debts. That is what I call wealth. Anything more than that is what I call excessive wealth.

In a social environment where there is no homelessness or poverty I would have no problem with any level of wealth. But in a social environment such as today's United States I have a very big problem with the class of citizens who have accumulated and hoard unreasonable levels of excessive wealth.

To take it a step further I believe any personal assets in excess of twenty million dollars should be confiscated by the IRS and used to address the deficit, provide free college tuition to qualified individuals, create massive employment by overhauling our crumbling infrastructure and provide single-payer health care for all citizens.

We would then have the kind of nation America should be. There would be many millionaires but no billionaires. And I want to hear one greedy bastard tell me he or she simply can't make it on twenty million dollars.

So, you can point to the clause in the Constitution that gives the Government the power to seize the lawfully gained assets of American citizens, right?
The rich won but the war of the classes is NOT over.

The war of the classes is NEVER OVER.


Because almost no policy of government can NOT affect the different socio-economic classes differently, that's why.

That is, in fact, the primary problem of every representational government.

And more power the government has the more that is defined as a problem, too.

There is no fucking 'class' war, because the US is not a class based society. This bullshit is a catchphrase latched onto by politicians to manipulate Americans into blaming each other rather than the politicians. Apparently, it worked. I'm not surprised.

Baaaaaa Baaaaaa.

Are you claiming that politicians do not pander to the welfare class and those that do not pay taxes with "the rich do not pay enough taxes" for votes?
Where the hell have you been?

That's not what I said. I actually said that it was politicians that created this mythical 'class war'.... got that? No hard.
More than simply "Left" I can be described as having Socialist leanings. As such I define rich as being able to fully own at least one fine quality home, at least one luxury car, at least one million dollars in liquid assets, an annual income of at least $250k and no debts. That is what I call wealth. Anything more than that is what I call excessive wealth.

In a social environment where there is no homelessness or poverty I would have no problem with any level of wealth. But in a social environment such as today's United States I have a very big problem with the class of citizens who have accumulated and hoard unreasonable levels of excessive wealth.

To take it a step further I believe any personal assets in excess of twenty million dollars should be confiscated by the IRS and used to address the deficit, provide free college tuition to qualified individuals, create massive employment by overhauling our crumbling infrastructure and provide single-payer health care for all citizens.

We would then have the kind of nation America should be. There would be many millionaires but no billionaires. And I want to hear one greedy bastard tell me he or she simply can't make it on twenty million dollars.

So, you can point to the clause in the Constitution that gives the Government the power to seize the lawfully gained assets of American citizens, right?

Hmmmm. Clearly, we need to study the document more. :eek:
To take it a step further I believe any personal assets in excess of twenty million dollars should be confiscated by the IRS and used to address the deficit, provide free college tuition to qualified individuals, create massive employment by overhauling our crumbling infrastructure and provide single-payer health care for all citizens.

We would then have the kind of nation America should be. There would be many millionaires but no billionaires. And I want to hear one greedy bastard tell me he or she simply can't make it on twenty million dollars.
Did you ever stop and think (a stretch, I know) that the people able to create and accumulate that kind of wealth would simply cease doing so, or quite probably just leave the country, leaving looters like you no funding for your little Utopia?
To take it a step further I believe any personal assets in excess of twenty million dollars should be confiscated by the IRS and used to address the deficit, provide free college tuition to qualified individuals, create massive employment by overhauling our crumbling infrastructure and provide single-payer health care for all citizens.

We would then have the kind of nation America should be. There would be many millionaires but no billionaires. And I want to hear one greedy bastard tell me he or she simply can't make it on twenty million dollars.
Did you ever stop and think (a stretch, I know) that the people able to create and accumulate that kind of wealth would simply cease doing so, or quite probably just leave the country, leaving looters like you no funding for your little Utopia?

lol...amazing how the jealous and lazy forget that the well will dry up....
Lets see......If I work hard this year and make money, I will have to give it all to the government becuase I have a net worth of 20 million already.
So I guess I will sacrifice my family time, my health and get up everyday at 5AM anyway.

Sure...that makes a lot of sense.
Yup,blame Jet Owners for his own astounding incompetence. Par for the course i guess. I guess he forgot that his own Stimulus included Tax Breaks for jet owners. And jet owners didn't cause this awful mess. He did that. Oh well,probably about that time to break out his old stand-by Blame DA BOOOOOOOSH and Palin stuff. Him & his Democrats never seem to get enough of that. "Blame the Jet Owners?" Yea that's just pretty funny.

Yep, put in and voted for by the Dimocrats.

Gee, MSM, no one interested in why they were for tax breaks for jet owners before they
were against them?

Glad you found that.

I heard it on one of the news shows last weekend.

Kinda funny that the loophole was AOK enough to put into the stimulus but now its evil.

Oh and BTW it is all Bush's fault and will be till OL'BO is in his hoveround and a drooling old man. LOL
Yup,blame Jet Owners for his own astounding incompetence. Par for the course i guess. I guess he forgot that his own Stimulus included Tax Breaks for jet owners. And jet owners didn't cause this awful mess. He did that. Oh well,probably about that time to break out his old stand-by Blame DA BOOOOOOOSH and Palin stuff. Him & his Democrats never seem to get enough of that. "Blame the Jet Owners?" Yea that's just pretty funny.

Yep, put in and voted for by the Dimocrats.

Gee, MSM, no one interested in why they were for tax breaks for jet owners before they
were against them?

Glad you found that.

I heard it on one of the news shows last weekend.

Kinda funny that the loophole was AOK enough to put into the stimulus but now its evil.

Oh and BTW it is all Bush's fault and will be till OL'BO is in his hoveround and a drooling old man. LOL

That's a good catch. However, the loophole should be closed.. Cop orate jet exceptions did not cause this problem anymore than public sector unions. Both sides are playing to constituencies and for points.
Yep, put in and voted for by the Dimocrats.

Gee, MSM, no one interested in why they were for tax breaks for jet owners before they
were against them?

Glad you found that.

I heard it on one of the news shows last weekend.

Kinda funny that the loophole was AOK enough to put into the stimulus but now its evil.

Oh and BTW it is all Bush's fault and will be till OL'BO is in his hoveround and a drooling old man. LOL

That's a good catch. However, the loophole should be closed.. Cop orate jet exceptions did not cause this problem anymore than public sector unions. Both sides are playing to constituencies and for points.

Loophole? You mean the ability to write off a corporate expense before paying taxes?
Why stretch out the expensing at all?
Corporations should be able to immediately expense 100% of their equipment purchases.
There is no fucking 'class' war, because the US is not a class based society. This bullshit is a catchphrase latched onto by politicians to manipulate Americans into blaming each other rather than the politicians. Apparently, it worked. I'm not surprised.

Baaaaaa Baaaaaa.

Are you claiming that politicians do not pander to the welfare class and those that do not pay taxes with "the rich do not pay enough taxes" for votes?
Where the hell have you been?

That's not what I said. I actually said that it was politicians that created this mythical 'class war'.... got that? No hard.

Got it and agree.
Yea like the Hopey Changey One has never flown on a corporate jet with his good buddy GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt. Btw,how much Taxes does GE pay? Hmm?
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A friend of mine works at Centineal Airport in South Denver, he hangers and fuels private aircraft at a fixed based operator. He told me that there were over 200 private jets and numerous turboprop aircraft parked on the ramp during the Democrat Convention.......... including the 757-300 (a really large airliner capable of carrying 279 people) that Barry flew around for 2 years during his campaign. There were many aircraft that dropped these people of and left too.

It's a bit disingenuous for a guy who flies around on the ultimate corporate jet (burning 2,500 gallons of fuel per hour), with a minimum of 2 other aircraft (burning 3,000 gallons an hour) that proceed him carrying his security detail and limousines...... A LOT! criticize those that have a need and the ability to pay for a plane. More of the do as I order you to do, not as I feel like doing.
A friend of mine works at Centineal Airport in South Denver, he hangers and fuels private aircraft at a fixed based operator. He told me that there were over 200 private jets and numerous turboprop aircraft parked on the ramp during the Democrat Convention.......... including the 757-300 (a really large airliner capable of carrying 279 people) that Barry flew around for 2 years during his campaign. There were many aircraft that dropped these people of and left too.

It's a bit disingenuous for a guy who flies around on the ultimate corporate jet (burning 2,500 gallons of fuel per hour), with a minimum of 2 other aircraft (burning 3,000 gallons an hour) that proceed him carrying his security detail and limousines...... A LOT! criticize those that have a need and the ability to pay for a plane. More of the do as I order you to do, not as I feel like doing.

It is outrageous that you would bring this up as it is a different situation altogether. Obama and his friends are doing the business of the working man and should be not held accountable to the same standards.
Obama feels their pain. He is going to change their lot in life. He has brought hope and change. Accordingly, leave him alone or you are a racist, bigoted terrorist Klansman.

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