More class warfare with this "corporate jet" nonsense

The effectiveness of Glenn Beck-style media indoctrination is plainly manifest in the willingness of right-wing loyalists, most of whom don't have a pot to piss in, to vigorously defend the corporate jet set. It is as if these brainwashed dreamers truly believe they will someday break free of credit-card debt and earn more than $75k a year.

The uber-rich regard these yapping toadies as something on the order of well-trained dogs with hand-licking compulsions and the will to happily die for their masters.
The effectiveness of Glenn Beck-style media indoctrination is plainly manifest in the willingness of right-wing loyalists, most of whom don't have a pot to piss in, to vigorously defend the corporate jet set. It is as if these brainwashed dreamers truly believe they will someday break free of credit-card debt and earn more than $75k a year.

The uber-rich regard these yapping toadies as something on the order of well-trained dogs with hand-licking compulsions and the will to happily die for their masters.

That's it in a nutshell.

The fact that the Republicans in Congress are willing to destroy the economy rather than raise the top rate 3% is proof of what you are saying.
The fact that the Republicans in Congress are willing to destroy the economy rather than raise the top rate 3% is proof of what you are saying.

You mean the Democrats are willing to destroy the economy so long as they get they can raise the top rate 3%.
How many "jobs" do you suppose that jet provides?

Parts suppliers
Training schools
Flight stewards

Anyone notice the trickle down effect?

How many taxes are raised because of each jet sold and the jobs it creates.

Stupidity has no limits apparently.
No one is talking about taking the private jets away from the uber-rich.

How much do you think a private jet costs? Ten million for a really nice one? That's pocket change for some of these gluttonous bastards. Some of them "earn" $3 millilon a week and walk away with $300 million Christmas bonuses. As for the corporations, they pay so little in taxes that it may be said you and I are compensating the cost of their jets.

There are Americans whose assets exceed $50 billion. They make the ordinary billionaires look poor. And from there we step down to the multi-millionaires who need psychotherapy because they feel inadequate compared to the billionaires.
The 'class warfare' has intensified since the election of RR in 1980. Break the political power of the corporations and that of their lackeys and stooges.

Are you still pretending to be a Republican?

This guy couldn't even pass as a liberal. I couldn't do a better imitation of a Stalinist.

You are a great example of a fascist, both of you. Reagan would be too far left for you, much more Reagan or Ford. We will take the GOP back from you turds. No doubt about it.
The GOP will have to move toward BHO on the economic crisis, not the other way. The American people will overwhelmingly condemn the far right wackos of the GOP if they stop government. Watch what happens in Minnesota.
The effectiveness of Glenn Beck-style media indoctrination is plainly manifest in the willingness of right-wing loyalists, most of whom don't have a pot to piss in, to vigorously defend the corporate jet set. It is as if these brainwashed dreamers truly believe they will someday break free of credit-card debt and earn more than $75k a year.

The uber-rich regard these yapping toadies as something on the order of well-trained dogs with hand-licking compulsions and the will to happily die for their masters.

Geeze...I agree with every word.
The effectiveness of Glenn Beck-style media indoctrination is plainly manifest in the willingness of right-wing loyalists, most of whom don't have a pot to piss in, to vigorously defend the corporate jet set. It is as if these brainwashed dreamers truly believe they will someday break free of credit-card debt and earn more than $75k a year.

The uber-rich regard these yapping toadies as something on the order of well-trained dogs with hand-licking compulsions and the will to happily die for their masters.

Geeze...I agree with every word.

I certainly do not.

I disagree with those who believe we shouldn't raise tax rates on the rich. But I won't do so because I think its against their interests. Indeed, the entire "What's wrong with Kansas?" thesis is flawed and ungenerous. One needn't believe that he or she is likely to become rich to support low taxes on the rich. No, its enough to believe its remotely possible. In fact, it would be even more noble to know its unlikely to become rich, and yet support low tax rates on the rich, out of the pure love of liberty.

Now, I personally think the pure love of liberty should be outweighed by the pressure of the extreme deficits and the very moderate amount of tax increases we would place onto the rich. But, can we please cut back a little on the they-disagree-with-me-so-they-must-be-propagandized routine? (and I honestly do not mean to single anyone out)
The effectiveness of Glenn Beck-style media indoctrination is plainly manifest in the willingness of right-wing loyalists, most of whom don't have a pot to piss in, to vigorously defend the corporate jet set. It is as if these brainwashed dreamers truly believe they will someday break free of credit-card debt and earn more than $75k a year.

The uber-rich regard these yapping toadies as something on the order of well-trained dogs with hand-licking compulsions and the will to happily die for their masters.

I do not watch Glenn Beck.
I am not defending "the corporate jet set" as you call it.
Your use of that term is Exhibit A of your indoctrination by the class warfare crowd.
Your masters have trained you well.

I paid over 65 grand in taxes this past year.

How much did you pay?

I paid much more of a percentage of my ACTUAL INCOME THAN YOU DID!!! It helps that average workers can't hide their income in any way, yes?
The effectiveness of Glenn Beck-style media indoctrination is plainly manifest in the willingness of right-wing loyalists, most of whom don't have a pot to piss in, to vigorously defend the corporate jet set. It is as if these brainwashed dreamers truly believe they will someday break free of credit-card debt and earn more than $75k a year.

The uber-rich regard these yapping toadies as something on the order of well-trained dogs with hand-licking compulsions and the will to happily die for their masters.

I do not watch Glenn Beck.
I am not defending "the corporate jet set" as you call it.
Your use of that term is Exhibit A of your indoctrination by the class warfare crowd.
Your masters have trained you well.

400 people control HALF the wealth in America.

80% of the income increase in the last 40 years went to the top 1%.

The class war is over. The rich won.
I should get a tax break on my car and rapid depreciation so I can rush out and get a deal on another one. Oh, it has to have wings................. That should generate a couple billion for GM & Ford.
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How many "jobs" do you suppose that jet provides?

Parts suppliers
Training schools
Flight stewards

Anyone notice the trickle down effect?

How many taxes are raised because of each jet sold and the jobs it creates.

Stupidity has no limits apparently.

Personally, I could care less if a person or company owns a private jet. If they can afford it, the more power to them. However, for the sake of argument, let's take the price of the average middle of the road corporate jet. A midsize jet will cost in the range of $15 million. Now, how many jobs are created by the sale of that $15 million jet? Personally, I don't really know. On the flipside though, that $15 million will buy 600 $25,000 cars. Now how many jobs do you think are created by the sale of 600 new cars?

Now I could be wrong, but something tells me that the production of 600 new cars creates many more jobs than the production of one jet. Again, I could be wrong, but I don't think I am. The middle class is what makes our economy grow, because the middle class buys a lot of mid-priced shit. That is where the jobs are. When the majority of the wealth is sitting in the hands of the few rather than in the hands of the many, we have a problem. That is not to say that taxation just to redistribute wealth is the answer. The truth is that it goes well beyond that.

Somehow, over the last 30 or so years, we have found a way to keep the pay of those who actually produce goods and services at a very low level, while those at the top have been able to reap all the reward and benefits. Our productivity levels have risen at spectacular levels, yet income has not, unless you are at the very top.
I should get a tax break on my car and rapid depreciation so I can rush out and get a deal on another one. Oh, it has to have wings................. That should generate a couple billion for GM & Ford.

Shitsao aka Shitfucker,

You are a certified fucked up Obamarrhoidal stooge ......and I checkmated your usual arrant bullshit in my thread on Page 4 : "McConnell NAILS Obummer."

Not that I, or anyone who is rational, could convince an established Obamarrhoidal Piece of Shit like you on anything that is REALISTIC about your idol the MONUMENTAL MARXIST FRAUD, RACIST, MUSLIM & ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT PROTECTOR, Obami Salaami.

However, I totally exposed your idiotic bullshit regarding your LIEberrhoidal Phoney Messiah to enlighten thise who are totally ignorant, or who landed from another planet....because tjhose are the ONLY ones who don't know what a turd Obami Salaami is.
I'm still waiting for the Left to Absolutely define what "Rich" is where is the line drawn?
More than simply "Left" I can be described as having Socialist leanings. As such I define rich as being able to fully own at least one fine quality home, at least one luxury car, at least one million dollars in liquid assets, an annual income of at least $250k and no debts. That is what I call wealth. Anything more than that is what I call excessive wealth.

In a social environment where there is no homelessness or poverty I would have no problem with any level of wealth. But in a social environment such as today's United States I have a very big problem with the class of citizens who have accumulated and hoard unreasonable levels of excessive wealth.

To take it a step further I believe any personal assets in excess of twenty million dollars should be confiscated by the IRS and used to address the deficit, provide free college tuition to qualified individuals, create massive employment by overhauling our crumbling infrastructure and provide single-payer health care for all citizens.

We would then have the kind of nation America should be. There would be many millionaires but no billionaires. And I want to hear one greedy bastard tell me he or she simply can't make it on twenty million dollars.

So, you can point to the clause in the Constitution that gives the Government the power to seize the lawfully gained assets of American citizens, right?
If someone is rich enough to have a private jet, do they really deserve a tax break? I mean, come on!!! Here's what I would do. Let us working stiffs pay only 15% tax on our income and make the uber wealthy pay 35% for a while. I'm sick of the people who need the least help with taxes passing legislation and writing tax code that benefits them obscenely. Aren't you? When do we, the middle class, get a significant break?

You do know, don't you, that this loophole was created by (drum roll please)...the stimulus bill?

That's right, Obama's own stimulus plan is where this "jet loophole" originiated, and now he's blaming it on the GOP?

That is exactly right, and the community organizer talked about the fact that it created jobs, and it did! Now no one seems to care that it will destroy jobs, adding to the 9.2% unemployment rate.
The rich pay the most so it makes perfect sense that they get the most back.

No they don't pay the most. I pay 35% and some crook pushing money around (many of the same crooks that tanked the economy of the WHOLE EFFING WORLD in the first place) pays 15% without producing ANYTHING - how is that fair? Then he can afford lawyers to help him hide the rest. The rich DO NOT pay their share. Also, why is 100% of my income taxed for SS but only a small fraction of someone making over 100K? How is THAT fair?

SS is an insurance plan where the benefits paid out are determined by the amount of the premiums paid in. Is that too difficult for you?
You keep saying this as if it justifies the rich paying a lower percentage than the rest of people.

The rich have never paid a lower percentage than the rest of the people.
Who told you that myth?

Warren Buffett, the third-richest man in the world, has criticised the US tax system for allowing him to pay a lower rate than his secretary and his cleaner.

Speaking at a $4,600-a-seat fundraiser in New York for Senator Hillary Clinton, Mr Buffett, who is worth an estimated $52 billion (£26 billion), said: “The 400 of us [here] pay a lower part of our income in taxes than our receptionists do, or our cleaning ladies, for that matter. If you’re in the luckiest 1 per cent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 per cent.”

Mr Buffett said that he was taxed at 17.7 per cent on the $46 million he made last year, without trying to avoid paying higher taxes, while his secretary, who earned $60,000, was taxed at 30 per cent. Mr Buffett told his audience, which included John Mack, the chairman of Morgan Stanley, and Alan Patricof, the founder of the US branch of Apax Partners, that US government policy had accentuated a disparity of wealth that hurt the economy by stifling opportunity and motivation.

Buffett blasts system that lets him pay less tax than secretary - Times Online

Buffett pays over $8 million in taxes and the headline reads he pays less taxes than his $60,000 a year secretary. WTF!
I'm still waiting for the Left to Absolutely define what "Rich" is where is the line drawn?
More than simply "Left" I can be described as having Socialist leanings. As such I define rich as being able to fully own at least one fine quality home, at least one luxury car, at least one million dollars in liquid assets, an annual income of at least $250k and no debts. That is what I call wealth. Anything more than that is what I call excessive wealth.

In a social environment where there is no homelessness or poverty I would have no problem with any level of wealth. But in a social environment such as today's United States I have a very big problem with the class of citizens who have accumulated and hoard unreasonable levels of excessive wealth.

To take it a step further I believe any personal assets in excess of twenty million dollars should be confiscated by the IRS and used to address the deficit, provide free college tuition to qualified individuals, create massive employment by overhauling our crumbling infrastructure and provide single-payer health care for all citizens.

We would then have the kind of nation America should be. There would be many millionaires but no billionaires. And I want to hear one greedy bastard tell me he or she simply can't make it on twenty million dollars.

That's what i love about america, a complete fucking imbecile like yourself is free to speak his opinion, no matter how utterly marxist and ridiculous it may be.......

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