More Clinton Deceit Comes to Light


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
More Clinton Deceit Comes to Light
WAPO ^ | June 16, 2015 | Jennifer Rubin
News reports today reveal that Sidney Blumenthal, Hillary Clinton’s crony barred from the State Department but worming his way into State via more than two dozen memos, has turned over previously undiscovered emails. As the New York Times notes, this raises “new questions about whether the State Department and Mrs. Clinton have complied with a series of requests from the [Benghazi panel].” Perhaps she put them in the “personal” category before destroying them and wiping her server.
Reacting angrily, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) in a written statement said, “New revelations that the Obama State Department or former Secretary Hillary Clinton withheld emails related to Benghazi and Libya from the Select Committee are outrageous.” What in the world is she trying to hide?”
This is pure Clinton: secretive, never entirely forthcoming or truthful and breaking rules no other politician would dare try to evade. The heretofore missing emails may have been “misplaced” or intentionally withheld. If so, and if she intentionally defied a subpoena, the stakes get higher for her.
This latest news is also a reminder that with the Clinton circus you never know exactly what is out there. The recent security breaches suggest again that third-party hackers may well be in possession of a great deal more information than she has provided to Congress. That puts her — and her party — in an awkward and vulnerable position, possibly at the mercy of hackers who might disclose at a time of their choosing new information.

corruption is part of life to this crook! I pray that Bernie Sanders or Mark O'Malley catches up...
More Clinton Deceit Comes to Light
WAPO ^ | June 16, 2015 | Jennifer Rubin
News reports today reveal that Sidney Blumenthal, Hillary Clinton’s crony barred from the State Department but worming his way into State via more than two dozen memos, has turned over previously undiscovered emails. As the New York Times notes, this raises “new questions about whether the State Department and Mrs. Clinton have complied with a series of requests from the [Benghazi panel].” Perhaps she put them in the “personal” category before destroying them and wiping her server.
Reacting angrily, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) in a written statement said, “New revelations that the Obama State Department or former Secretary Hillary Clinton withheld emails related to Benghazi and Libya from the Select Committee are outrageous.” What in the world is she trying to hide?”
This is pure Clinton: secretive, never entirely forthcoming or truthful and breaking rules no other politician would dare try to evade. The heretofore missing emails may have been “misplaced” or intentionally withheld. If so, and if she intentionally defied a subpoena, the stakes get higher for her.
This latest news is also a reminder that with the Clinton circus you never know exactly what is out there. The recent security breaches suggest again that third-party hackers may well be in possession of a great deal more information than she has provided to Congress. That puts her — and her party — in an awkward and vulnerable position, possibly at the mercy of hackers who might disclose at a time of their choosing new information.

corruption is part of life to this crook! I pray that Bernie Sanders or Mark O'Malley catches up...
I really need help to understand what I'm supposed to be outraged about.

When people talk about emails, missing or otherwise...what is the wrong thing that happened?

Did they cause Benghazi?

Do they show Hillary lied about Benghazi?

Do they prove something I should be outraged about?

I'm not disputing she may have done something wrong...but I just don't get what that is

Please tell me what that is.
Say something interesting and get me interested enough to read all this bullshjr
More Clinton Deceit Comes to Light
WAPO ^ | June 16, 2015 | Jennifer Rubin
News reports today reveal that Sidney Blumenthal, Hillary Clinton’s crony barred from the State Department but worming his way into State via more than two dozen memos, has turned over previously undiscovered emails. As the New York Times notes, this raises “new questions about whether the State Department and Mrs. Clinton have complied with a series of requests from the [Benghazi panel].” Perhaps she put them in the “personal” category before destroying them and wiping her server.
Reacting angrily, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) in a written statement said, “New revelations that the Obama State Department or former Secretary Hillary Clinton withheld emails related to Benghazi and Libya from the Select Committee are outrageous.” What in the world is she trying to hide?”
This is pure Clinton: secretive, never entirely forthcoming or truthful and breaking rules no other politician would dare try to evade. The heretofore missing emails may have been “misplaced” or intentionally withheld. If so, and if she intentionally defied a subpoena, the stakes get higher for her.
This latest news is also a reminder that with the Clinton circus you never know exactly what is out there. The recent security breaches suggest again that third-party hackers may well be in possession of a great deal more information than she has provided to Congress. That puts her — and her party — in an awkward and vulnerable position, possibly at the mercy of hackers who might disclose at a time of their choosing new information.

corruption is part of life to this crook! I pray that Bernie Sanders or Mark O'Malley catches up...
I really need help to understand what I'm supposed to be outraged about.

When people talk about emails, missing or otherwise...what is the wrong thing that happened?

Did they cause Benghazi?

Do they show Hillary lied about Benghazi?

Do they prove something I should be outraged about?

I'm not disputing she may have done something wrong...but I just don't get what that is

Please tell me what that is.
1). If Hillary deleted emails having to do with her job, instead of turning them over, she committed a felony. You have to remember that the committee never got those emails before Friday, so one has to question if Hillary didn't turn them over, or if the State Department tried to hide them, right???

2). Hillary used Blumenthal's unvetted information when she had CIA information available.... Bad info can cause bad decisions.

3). Hillary DID lie... She kept claiming the attack was caused by a stupid video, even after information to the contrary came out.

4). Maybe you should be outraged about the fact that Blumenthal isn't too bright, since he voluntarily gave those emails to the committee!!!!!:badgrin:
More Clinton Deceit Comes to Light
WAPO ^ | June 16, 2015 | Jennifer Rubin
News reports today reveal that Sidney Blumenthal, Hillary Clinton’s crony barred from the State Department but worming his way into State via more than two dozen memos, has turned over previously undiscovered emails. As the New York Times notes, this raises “new questions about whether the State Department and Mrs. Clinton have complied with a series of requests from the [Benghazi panel].” Perhaps she put them in the “personal” category before destroying them and wiping her server.
Reacting angrily, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) in a written statement said, “New revelations that the Obama State Department or former Secretary Hillary Clinton withheld emails related to Benghazi and Libya from the Select Committee are outrageous.” What in the world is she trying to hide?”
This is pure Clinton: secretive, never entirely forthcoming or truthful and breaking rules no other politician would dare try to evade. The heretofore missing emails may have been “misplaced” or intentionally withheld. If so, and if she intentionally defied a subpoena, the stakes get higher for her.
This latest news is also a reminder that with the Clinton circus you never know exactly what is out there. The recent security breaches suggest again that third-party hackers may well be in possession of a great deal more information than she has provided to Congress. That puts her — and her party — in an awkward and vulnerable position, possibly at the mercy of hackers who might disclose at a time of their choosing new information.

corruption is part of life to this crook! I pray that Bernie Sanders or Mark O'Malley catches up...
I really need help to understand what I'm supposed to be outraged about.

When people talk about emails, missing or otherwise...what is the wrong thing that happened?

Did they cause Benghazi?

Do they show Hillary lied about Benghazi?

Do they prove something I should be outraged about?

I'm not disputing she may have done something wrong...but I just don't get what that is

Please tell me what that is.
1). If Hillary deleted emails having to do with her job, instead of turning them over, she committed a felony. You have to remember that the committee never got those emails before Friday, so one has to question if Hillary didn't turn them over, or if the State Department tried to hide them, right???

2). Hillary used Blumenthal's unvetted information when she had CIA information available.... Bad info can cause bad decisions.

3). Hillary DID lie... She kept claiming the attack was caused by a stupid video, even after information to the contrary came out.

4). Maybe you should be outraged about the fact that Blumenthal isn't too bright, since he voluntarily gave those emails to the committee!!!!!:badgrin:

1. Everybody she sent emails to has a copy of them on their servers and probably also on their computers.
2. There's still no "there" there.
More Clinton Deceit Comes to Light
WAPO ^ | June 16, 2015 | Jennifer Rubin
News reports today reveal that Sidney Blumenthal, Hillary Clinton’s crony barred from the State Department but worming his way into State via more than two dozen memos, has turned over previously undiscovered emails. As the New York Times notes, this raises “new questions about whether the State Department and Mrs. Clinton have complied with a series of requests from the [Benghazi panel].” Perhaps she put them in the “personal” category before destroying them and wiping her server.
Reacting angrily, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) in a written statement said, “New revelations that the Obama State Department or former Secretary Hillary Clinton withheld emails related to Benghazi and Libya from the Select Committee are outrageous.” What in the world is she trying to hide?”
This is pure Clinton: secretive, never entirely forthcoming or truthful and breaking rules no other politician would dare try to evade. The heretofore missing emails may have been “misplaced” or intentionally withheld. If so, and if she intentionally defied a subpoena, the stakes get higher for her.
This latest news is also a reminder that with the Clinton circus you never know exactly what is out there. The recent security breaches suggest again that third-party hackers may well be in possession of a great deal more information than she has provided to Congress. That puts her — and her party — in an awkward and vulnerable position, possibly at the mercy of hackers who might disclose at a time of their choosing new information.

corruption is part of life to this crook! I pray that Bernie Sanders or Mark O'Malley catches up...
I really need help to understand what I'm supposed to be outraged about.

When people talk about emails, missing or otherwise...what is the wrong thing that happened?

Did they cause Benghazi?

Do they show Hillary lied about Benghazi?

Do they prove something I should be outraged about?

I'm not disputing she may have done something wrong...but I just don't get what that is

Please tell me what that is.
1). If Hillary deleted emails having to do with her job, instead of turning them over, she committed a felony. You have to remember that the committee never got those emails before Friday, so one has to question if Hillary didn't turn them over, or if the State Department tried to hide them, right???

2). Hillary used Blumenthal's unvetted information when she had CIA information available.... Bad info can cause bad decisions.

3). Hillary DID lie... She kept claiming the attack was caused by a stupid video, even after information to the contrary came out.

4). Maybe you should be outraged about the fact that Blumenthal isn't too bright, since he voluntarily gave those emails to the committee!!!!!:badgrin:

1. Everybody she sent emails to has a copy of them on their servers and probably also on their computers.
2. There's still no "there" there.

Doesn't matter if they have a copy.... THEY aren't required to turn them over for the record, and Hillary was required to do so under FEDERAL LAW.....

It's kind of like if you steal a record from the courthouse.... YOU may have a copy, but the government doesn't....

Face it, if she destroyed those emails in an attempt to cover her ass, it's serious.... As a matter of fact, destroying government records is a felony that could keep her from ever holding office again if convicted... You have already seen plenty of posts here covering that.

Hillary also may have violated the following statutes.....

44 U.S. Code 3101 - Records management by agency heads general duties US Law LII Legal Information Institute
44 U.S. Code § 3101 - Records management by agency heads; general duties
The head of each Federal agency shall make and preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the agency and designed to furnish the information necessary to protect the legal and financial rights of the Government and of persons directly affected by the agency’s activities

eCFR Code of Federal Regulations
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations
§1236.22 What are the additional requirements for managing electronic mail records?

(a) Agencies must issue instructions to staff on the following retention and management requirements for electronic mail records:

(1) The names of sender and all addressee(s) and date the message was sent must be preserved for each electronic mail record in order for the context of the message to be understood. The agency may determine that other metadata is needed to meet agency business needs, e.g., receipt information.

(2) Attachments to electronic mail messages that are an integral part of the record must be preserved as part of the electronic mail record or linked to the electronic mail record with other related records.

(3) If the electronic mail system identifies users by codes or nicknames or identifies addressees only by the name of a distribution list, retain the intelligent or full names on directories or distributions lists to ensure identification of the sender and addressee(s) of messages that are records.

(4) Some e-mail systems provide calendars and task lists for users. These may meet the definition of Federal record. Calendars that meet the definition of Federal records are to be managed in accordance with the provisions of GRS 23, Item 5.

(5) Draft documents that are circulated on electronic mail systems may be records if they meet the criteria specified in 36 CFR 1222.10(b) of this subchapter.

(b) Agencies that allow employees to send and receive official electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency must ensure that Federal records sent or received on such systems are preserved in the appropriate agency recordkeeping system.

(c) Agencies may elect to manage electronic mail records with very short-term NARA-approved retention periods (transitory records with a very short-term retention period of 180 days or less as provided by GRS 23, Item 7, or by a NARA-approved agency records schedule) on the electronic mail system itself, without the need to copy the record to a paper or electronic recordkeeping system, provided that:

(1) Users do not delete the messages before the expiration of the NARA-approved retention period, and

(2) The system's automatic deletion rules ensure preservation of the records until the expiration of the NARA-approved retention period.

(d) Except for those electronic mail records within the scope of paragraph (c) of this section:

(1) Agencies must not use an electronic mail system to store the recordkeeping copy of electronic mail messages identified as Federal records unless that system has all of the features specified in §1236.20(b) of this part.

(2) If the electronic mail system is not designed to be a recordkeeping system, agencies must instruct staff on how to copy Federal records from the electronic mail system to a recordkeeping system.

(e) Agencies that retain permanent electronic mail records scheduled for transfer to the National Archives must either store them in a format and on a medium that conforms to the requirements concerning transfer at 36 CFR part 1235 or maintain the ability to convert the records to the required format and medium at the time transfer is scheduled.

(f) Agencies that maintain paper recordkeeping systems must print and file their electronic mail records with the related transmission and receipt data specified by the agency's electronic mail instructions
I can't believe the illegality of this has to be explained to our resident dimocraps.

Unfuckingbelievable how stupid dimocraps are.

More Clinton Deceit Comes to Light
WAPO ^ | June 16, 2015 | Jennifer Rubin
News reports today reveal that Sidney Blumenthal, Hillary Clinton’s crony barred from the State Department but worming his way into State via more than two dozen memos, has turned over previously undiscovered emails. As the New York Times notes, this raises “new questions about whether the State Department and Mrs. Clinton have complied with a series of requests from the [Benghazi panel].” Perhaps she put them in the “personal” category before destroying them and wiping her server.
Reacting angrily, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) in a written statement said, “New revelations that the Obama State Department or former Secretary Hillary Clinton withheld emails related to Benghazi and Libya from the Select Committee are outrageous.” What in the world is she trying to hide?”
This is pure Clinton: secretive, never entirely forthcoming or truthful and breaking rules no other politician would dare try to evade. The heretofore missing emails may have been “misplaced” or intentionally withheld. If so, and if she intentionally defied a subpoena, the stakes get higher for her.
This latest news is also a reminder that with the Clinton circus you never know exactly what is out there. The recent security breaches suggest again that third-party hackers may well be in possession of a great deal more information than she has provided to Congress. That puts her — and her party — in an awkward and vulnerable position, possibly at the mercy of hackers who might disclose at a time of their choosing new information.

corruption is part of life to this crook! I pray that Bernie Sanders or Mark O'Malley catches up...
I really need help to understand what I'm supposed to be outraged about.

When people talk about emails, missing or otherwise...what is the wrong thing that happened?

Did they cause Benghazi?

Do they show Hillary lied about Benghazi?

Do they prove something I should be outraged about?

I'm not disputing she may have done something wrong...but I just don't get what that is

Please tell me what that is.
1). If Hillary deleted emails having to do with her job, instead of turning them over, she committed a felony. You have to remember that the committee never got those emails before Friday, so one has to question if Hillary didn't turn them over, or if the State Department tried to hide them, right???

2). Hillary used Blumenthal's unvetted information when she had CIA information available.... Bad info can cause bad decisions.

3). Hillary DID lie... She kept claiming the attack was caused by a stupid video, even after information to the contrary came out.

4). Maybe you should be outraged about the fact that Blumenthal isn't too bright, since he voluntarily gave those emails to the committee!!!!!:badgrin:
Do the emails contain proof of all of that?

Because if it's true, I am outraged
I can't believe the illegality of this has to be explained to our resident dimocraps.

Unfuckingbelievable how stupid dimocraps are.


Yep, it kind of explains this....
View attachment 42665
Geeze, all I did was ask questions.

You guys are real charmers, and make me really want to stay here and take all this abuse, because I'm asking questions....
I can't believe the illegality of this has to be explained to our resident dimocraps.

Unfuckingbelievable how stupid dimocraps are.


Yep, it kind of explains this....
View attachment 42665
Geeze, all I did was ask questions.

You guys are real charmers, and make me really want to stay here and take all this abuse, because I'm asking questions....

You read more like you were denying the illegality. But I'll take your word that you were just asking. So -- My apologies.

When something is under subpoena, it becomes the property of the government (or The Court). You may not alter it, change it, delete it, hide it or deny it in any way shape or form. It is no longer yours, it is the governments.

To do so is a Felony.

A serious one.

Unless you're a dimocrap scumbag. In which case, if there's a dimocrap scumbag running the Executive Branch, you're safe because dimocrap scum are nothing more than criminals and they won't prosecute each other -- Well, unless you go against The Don like Menendez did.

I hate dimocraps
More Clinton Deceit Comes to Light
WAPO ^ | June 16, 2015 | Jennifer Rubin
News reports today reveal that Sidney Blumenthal, Hillary Clinton’s crony barred from the State Department but worming his way into State via more than two dozen memos, has turned over previously undiscovered emails. As the New York Times notes, this raises “new questions about whether the State Department and Mrs. Clinton have complied with a series of requests from the [Benghazi panel].” Perhaps she put them in the “personal” category before destroying them and wiping her server.
Reacting angrily, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio) in a written statement said, “New revelations that the Obama State Department or former Secretary Hillary Clinton withheld emails related to Benghazi and Libya from the Select Committee are outrageous.” What in the world is she trying to hide?”
This is pure Clinton: secretive, never entirely forthcoming or truthful and breaking rules no other politician would dare try to evade. The heretofore missing emails may have been “misplaced” or intentionally withheld. If so, and if she intentionally defied a subpoena, the stakes get higher for her.
This latest news is also a reminder that with the Clinton circus you never know exactly what is out there. The recent security breaches suggest again that third-party hackers may well be in possession of a great deal more information than she has provided to Congress. That puts her — and her party — in an awkward and vulnerable position, possibly at the mercy of hackers who might disclose at a time of their choosing new information.

corruption is part of life to this crook! I pray that Bernie Sanders or Mark O'Malley catches up...
She deleted private emails from an personal friend in which he purported to give her inside scoop on Libya. I'm OUTRAGED!! OUTRAGED!!

(Seriously, there's some stuff that should give pause about Hill, to say the least, but this is pathetic)
This is what I hoped would happen.

Hillary thought by wiping her emails she was safe and she swore she turned over all emails but now people who she sent emails to have been turning them over.

Sorry if I offended you, but it's becoming apparent that Hillary tried to conceal information. She should have known better since she worked on the Nixon impeachment.
This is what I hoped would happen.

Hillary thought by wiping her emails she was safe and she swore she turned over all emails but now people who she sent emails to have been turning them over.
But we have no right to see her personal emails, nor did she have any legal duty to turn over private emails to the DOS. However, if you were asking why she thought she needed a private server in her home, which was hardly secure from hacking, then perhaps you'd be asking a relevant question about her character......
But we have no right to see her personal emails, nor did she have any legal duty to turn over private emails to the DOS. However, if you were asking why she thought she needed a private server in her home, which was hardly secure from hacking, then perhaps you'd be asking a relevant question about her character......
But if they concerned her job, we have a right to see them, and deleting them was a felony.

And the emails were certainly pertinent if Blumenthal turned them over, weren't they??? After all, they concerned information about the situation in Libya...
Only official communications were required to be obtained, and there was no hard ban on the use of private accounts for official communication, although since official communications had to be retained, I don't think one can honestly argue those communications should not be on an official server/account.

I don't think anyone has a right to private advise ANY potus gets from friends and family. If you know of such a law, let me know. The bush family would be interested as well.

Apparently the committee disagrees with you, since they questioned Blumenthal for around 8 hours. And they stated that Hillary solicitated the information from him, then denied doing so...
I can't believe the illegality of this has to be explained to our resident dimocraps.

Unfuckingbelievable how stupid dimocraps are.


Yep, it kind of explains this....
View attachment 42665
Geeze, all I did was ask questions.

You guys are real charmers, and make me really want to stay here and take all this abuse, because I'm asking questions....

You read more like you were denying the illegality. But I'll take your word that you were just asking. So -- My apologies.

When something is under subpoena, it becomes the property of the government (or The Court). You may not alter it, change it, delete it, hide it or deny it in any way shape or form. It is no longer yours, it is the governments.

To do so is a Felony.

A serious one.

Unless you're a dimocrap scumbag. In which case, if there's a dimocrap scumbag running the Executive Branch, you're safe because dimocrap scum are nothing more than criminals and they won't prosecute each other -- Well, unless you go against The Don like Menendez did.

I hate dimocraps
So why hasn't Hillary been arrested by the DC police, or the FBI, if she either altered it, changed it, deleted it, hid it or denied it in any way shape or form?

Who would make that arrest, and why haven't they?

And thank you for answering my questions

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