More Communist Garbage

Man Sues California Mall After Guard Arrests Him for Having Conversation About God - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

OK, let me start out to say that the constitution does not ban the mall from excercising their right to kick this guy out for any reason but I can't understand when a voluntary conversation about religion was so offensive to the owner that it made them want to kick them out of the mall.

What reason would you have to throw people out of a mall when they were engaging in a private conversation that was not offensive to those that participated in it.
Would you defend a Muslim for the same action?
Man Sues California Mall After Guard Arrests Him for Having Conversation About God - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

OK, let me start out to say that the constitution does not ban the mall from excercising their right to kick this guy out for any reason but I can't understand when a voluntary conversation about religion was so offensive to the owner that it made them want to kick them out of the mall.

What reason would you have to throw people out of a mall when they were engaging in a private conversation that was not offensive to those that participated in it.
Would you defend a Muslim for the same action?

No because two people engaging in a religious dialog is their choice. I don't have the right to make that choice for them but a better question would be would a muslim been asked to leave by the same mall owner? Would he have saw it as 'diversity'?
I know the mall owners can throw them out but what would motivate people to be more offended by religion than something like someone engaging in a conversation about pro-choice?

Does it matter? Aren't the property owner(s) allowed to determine for themselves what they find acceptable and unacceptable on their own property as long as lies within the confines of the law and the constraints of individual liberty? (e.g. just because you find murder acceptable on your property doesn't mean it IS acceptable on your property).
I know the mall owners can throw them out but what would motivate people to be more offended by religion than something like someone engaging in a conversation about pro-choice?

Does it matter? Aren't the property owner(s) allowed to determine for themselves what they find acceptable and unacceptable on their own property as long as lies within the confines of the law and the constraints of individual liberty? (e.g. just because you find murder acceptable on your property doesn't mean it IS acceptable on your property).

I know that but why would they find that not acceptable but another behavior that is just as disruptive is allowed to go on. Would they have thrown out muslims who were talking about their religion?

Now if the guy was really pushy and actually harassing people then he should get thrown out but would they have reacted as aggressively it was a muslim or a pro-choice person? I'm suggesting that their might be a tad bit of bias going on and if so why? What are the motivations behind that bias?
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I know the mall owners can throw them out but what would motivate people to be more offended by religion than something like someone engaging in a conversation about pro-choice?

Does it matter? Aren't the property owner(s) allowed to determine for themselves what they find acceptable and unacceptable on their own property as long as lies within the confines of the law and the constraints of individual liberty? (e.g. just because you find murder acceptable on your property doesn't mean it IS acceptable on your property).

I know that but why would they find that not acceptable but another behavior that is just as disruptive is allowed to go on.
It doesn't matter, they don't have to explain their reasons any more than you would have to explain your reasons for throwing two people out of your house because you didn't happen to like the color of their hair at that particular moment.

Would they have thrown out muslims who were talking about their religion?
Completely irrelevant, they are under no obligation to apply any restrictions on what they find acceptable on their property in a consistent manner, they OWN the property and can toss anyone they choose off of it just for fun if it pleases them.
typical disingenuos garbage. He was arrested for refusing to leave, NOT because he was talking about religion. private businesses have the right to tell anyobdy they want to leave and refuse service. Many malls have rules against solicitation, which seems to me something preaching religion would fall under. And also the employee thought the people he was talking to was uncomfortable.\

Leave it to the "fair and balanced" Fox news to make up a bogus article title like that
OK, let me start out to say that the constitution does not ban the mall from excercising their right to kick this guy out for any reason...

...yet you still started this thread.

The point of my thread was not to discuss the rights of the mall owner to do what he wants but to discuss the motives behind it.

motives are clear. Some guy breaking rules, making customers uncomfortable, was asked to leave.

stop the poor persecuted religious person crap

you heard it here folks.....looks like the commies have invaded the holiest of Americas holiest - MALLS!

you heard it here folks.....looks like the commies have invaded the holiest of Americas holiest - MALLS!

Keep making fun of us for us pointing out the truth. Keeping making fun of us for pointing to Van Jones, Bill Ayers, and just about every other communist attached to the democratic party. Keep telling us we are insane and at the same time secretly firing VAn Jones so no one will know about him.
Does it matter? Aren't the property owner(s) allowed to determine for themselves what they find acceptable and unacceptable on their own property as long as lies within the confines of the law and the constraints of individual liberty? (e.g. just because you find murder acceptable on your property doesn't mean it IS acceptable on your property).

I know that but why would they find that not acceptable but another behavior that is just as disruptive is allowed to go on.
It doesn't matter, they don't have to explain their reasons any more than you would have to explain your reasons for throwing two people out of your house because you didn't happen to like the color of their hair at that particular moment.

Would they have thrown out muslims who were talking about their religion?
Completely irrelevant, they are under no obligation to apply any restrictions on what they find acceptable on their property in a consistent manner, they OWN the property and can toss anyone they choose off of it just for fun if it pleases them.

What happens if the guy is enforcing the rules selectively against a certain group while allowing other groups to violate the same rules? What if that group he was enforcing the rules against were black and they let every white person get away with the same stuff? Wouldn't you assume that there is some kind racial prejudice behind his actions?

This is what I am saying. He has the right to throw anyone out he wants but the motives behind it might have been less than pure.
Pointing out the truth? NOw that's funny!!

Truth is, guy broke rules, was asked to leave, and was ARRESTED FOR THAT
Not like the bullshit foxnews title suggest 'because he was talking about god'

And some of you have the nerve to call fox fair and balanced with shit like that
Pointing out the truth? NOw that's funny!!

Truth is, guy broke rules, was asked to leave, and was ARRESTED FOR THAT
Not like the bullshit foxnews title suggest 'because he was talking about god'

And some of you have the nerve to call fox fair and balanced with shit like that

If that was all there was then I wouldn't have a problem but how many others did he throw out for the same offense. Does it cover a wide variety of people or is it just the owner's hate list of people he don't like?
"Keep making fun of us for us pointing out the truth. Keeping making fun of us for pointing to Van Jones, Bill Ayers, and just about every other communist attached to the democratic party. Keep telling us we are insane and at the same time secretly firing VAn Jones so no one will know about him."

I don't have anything to do with your paranoid rantings and you are doing a A-1 job of making yourself look like a clownshoes of epic proportions.
Pointing out the truth? NOw that's funny!!

Truth is, guy broke rules, was asked to leave, and was ARRESTED FOR THAT
Not like the bullshit foxnews title suggest 'because he was talking about god'

And some of you have the nerve to call fox fair and balanced with shit like that

If that was all there was then I wouldn't have a problem but how many others did he throw out for the same offense. Does it cover a wide variety of people or is it just the owner's hate list of people he don't like?

You are making shit up. Article says nothing about any wrong doing on part of security. BUt I guess all you read is the title huh? OMG, persecuted christian aaaaaahhhh!!!
I know that but why would they find that not acceptable but another behavior that is just as disruptive is allowed to go on.
It doesn't matter, they don't have to explain their reasons any more than you would have to explain your reasons for throwing two people out of your house because you didn't happen to like the color of their hair at that particular moment.

Would they have thrown out muslims who were talking about their religion?
Completely irrelevant, they are under no obligation to apply any restrictions on what they find acceptable on their property in a consistent manner, they OWN the property and can toss anyone they choose off of it just for fun if it pleases them.

What happens if the guy is enforcing the rules selectively against a certain group while allowing other groups to violate the same rules?
Nothing since it's well within the property owners rights to do so .... as in if you wish to throw people off your property for discussing Christianity and not throw people off your property for discussing Islam, then you have every right to do so.

What if that group he was enforcing the rules against were black and they let every white person get away with the same stuff? Wouldn't you assume that there is some kind racial prejudice behind his actions?
I might assume that, however the property owner would be in violation of federal civil rights statutes if it could be demonstrated sufficiently in a court of law that he/she was discriminating based solely on race (the propriety of which are a completely different matter and outside the bounds of the case in point). However that's not applicable with respect to this case.

This is what I am saying. He has the right to throw anyone out he wants but the motives behind it might have been less than pure.
Explain how his motives might have been "less than pure", since his motive was to remove people from his property that he didn't wish to be on his property because they were behaving in a way that he found unacceptable on his property, seems like a pretty "pure" motive to me.
a nearby store employee said they "looked nervous," so he ordered the evangelist to leave.

He was bothering people and asked to leave.

How does Communism factor into this situation?

Do you even know what Communism is?

Communist were always anti-religious for many reasons. Its the reason why they got rid of all religion in their nations. I also notice that most anti-religious stuff comes from the left. That could be a coincidence but I doubt it.

The only bright spot in the whole Communist philosophy.
He was bothering people and asked to leave.

How does Communism factor into this situation?

Do you even know what Communism is?

Communist were always anti-religious for many reasons. Its the reason why they got rid of all religion in their nations. I also notice that most anti-religious stuff comes from the left. That could be a coincidence but I doubt it.

The only bright spot in the whole Communist philosophy.

I'm not sure which are more annoying, religious fanatics or anti-religious fanatics. :cool:
The point of my thread was not to discuss the rights of the mall owner to do what he wants but to discuss the motives behind it.

Either the mall owner dislikes having religious zealots push their views on him, or he sees it as bad for business.
He (the mall owner) doesn't worship Satan, and I should know as I collect the tithes. It is against contractual obligations to discuss whether the guy hauled away is a secret worshiper of Satan.

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