More democrat violence: republican home shot at

They complain about Democrats no matter what. And you're assuming they're going to win. The Democrats are fixing this nation's problems for the long term looking ahead to the Future I think a lot of people understand that and will not vote for Republicans anymore who are simply anti-everything that this country was built on.
You are in complete denial. Independents and even Democrats are going for the Republicans. We’ve all had enough of you people labeling people who disagree with you “threats to democracy,” sexualizing our children, throwing the border open to millions of illegals, spending money like there’s no tomorrow while we are facing a 40-year record inflation, and declaring war on oil production.

You‘re going down hard on Tuesday,
All violence be it left or right, is done by extremists.
That is true. It is EQUALLY true that the Left tends to ignore or even condone the violence done against anyone BUT themselves.
Fuck you. BLM attacked the WH. They burned down small businesses and looted and murdered and rape. Soul that you waste of life fat stupid Lib.
I've never been fat in my life. Perhaps you are talking about yourself again.
That is true. It is EQUALLY true that the Left tends to ignore or even condone the violence done against anyone BUT themselves.
No one on the left condones violence of any kind unlike the people on the right. The far-left might, but not the majority left. Where is nowadays it seems like all that is left of the Republican party is the far-right.
No one on the left condones violence of any kind unlike the people on the right. The far-left might, but not the majority left. Where is nowadays it seems like all that is left of the Republican party is the far-right.
That’s what Biden with his Ultra-Mega-MAGA talk wants you to think. And it’s completely untrue.
They complain about Democrats no matter what. And you're assuming they're going to win. The Democrats are fixing this nation's problems for the long term looking ahead to the Future I think a lot of people understand that and will not vote for Republicans anymore who are simply anti-everything that this country was built on.
Who and why put you under.You're obvioulsy not of sane mind.
A habit that has overtaken the MSM,The Democrat party and Big Tech.
Witch can never be anything but short-lived.
It'd be like trying to reason with the schoolyard bully for
the umteenth time to respect others.No good can come from
being brutish.Only in Cartoons.
But that's what defines today's left.To act cartoonish and
not trust in Truth.
" Only within the scaffolding of these truths,only on the firm
foundation of unyielding despair can the soul's habitation
henceforth be safely built. "
Bertrand Russell { British mathematician,philosopher }
No one on the left condones violence of any kind unlike the people on the right. The far-left might, but not the majority left. Where is nowadays it seems like all that is left of the Republican party is the far-right.
Complete utter,shameless lie.I have proven it numerous times.
Where NO Republican in any way,shape or form, did anything but
denounce the 2020 Sumer of Love Protests where Violence was front
and center.And those Like Kamala Harris went so far as to help
fund { Bail out efforts } of those Guilty of that Sumer of Love Violence.
Either you somehow managed to get some kind of College degree
in - Retardedness - or you enjoy being like part of a Hitlerian
Third Reich.In that maybe James Clyburn was conflatedly confused
with the wrong PArty.
It is NOT Democratic Extremists that attacked the Capitol Hill Police with metal poles and fire extinguishers on 01-06. Both sides do it ain't gonna wash.

There is no proof of political of motivation in the attack. When Paul Pelosi all Cons did was to make that attack a Gay Encounter gone wrong. But when to some jack off ReNaziCan being attacked we're suppose to be outraged.

Two words, fuck that.
Why did NBC pull it's report on the incident then?
Where's the body cam?
Yet he is on record as an Obama supporter who lives in a school bus with BLM and gay flags on either end.....sounds like a Trump supporter if I ever saw one..... :auiqs.jpg:
That's the Thingy.You ain't about to see this DePape dude in
his underwear.Or Paul Pelosi either.Nor any Police Body cam
videos.Or any Videos.Or Hear the 911 call.
Because the Leftist bunch moves quickly when they get
caught outright Twisting the Truth.
They go from twisting mode to flat out Lying Mode to
maybe If you get don't shut up about it,YOU will be
arrested.For don't what Journalist and Reporters are supposed
to do.That is Being Skeptical.
Which is now the new normal.To dissallow ANY Skepticism.
A once standard for Good Reporting.Now it's off limits.
One could get fired,maybe jailed for going against a MSM
Narrative.This is Stalinism.
Yet he is on record as an Obama supporter who lives in a school bus with BLM and gay flags on either end.....sounds like a Trump supporter if I ever saw one..... :auiqs.jpg:
Another thingy.Because Americans have seen Many { oddles } of
Trump supporters.At the mostly all overflow Trump Rallies.
Whereas the Biden Supporters are basically hither and yon.
Like Hillbillies in the hollers tending to their moonshine and
making funny noises.And oh yeah at Cable Outlets like
CNN and MSNBC making nerdlinger arses out themself.
One more time. There is zero evidence that the attack is poltically based. You have zero proof that the shooter was a Democrat. You are a fucking liar. Where was you manufactured outrage when Paul Pelosi was attacked with a hammer?

Oh Dear.....Oh My.....Of For Fuck Sake. When Mr. Pelosi was attacked, Cons called a gay encounter gone wrong, yet when one of your own idiot MAGA MAGGOT fuck head reps is a target of violence, it becomes Henny Penny The Sky Is Falling.

We know that David Depape heavy into Reich Wing Conspiracies

What YOU posted was the story of an attack on ReNaziCan, but you failed to show clear and convincing evidence that a Democrat was the person to made the attack. You make an assumption based on nothing. You conjecture without proof. You contend and not evidence to support your contention. You engage in supposition with nothing but empty words and accusations.

You have nothing, you have story of an attack, you do not proof of any form of political motovation.



How dare that fucking liberal make a thread about republican violence and telling us to tone it down. Where is that son of a bitch when a republican is shot at? You want a war you fucking liberals, you'll get one. But you won't win.

This is liberal violence at its finest. Funny I don't see a single liberal on this forum mentioning this. Shooting at a republican when his fucking kids are home.

Why aren't democrats mentioning this? Where do democrats condone democrat violence? Why don't you condone violence, fucking liberals? Why not?

The demonRats said it....even Biden said if I'm not wrong, whatever it get them re-elected, right?

we are dealing will thugs here.. the same who stole the election.
No one on the left condones violence of any kind unlike the people on the right. The far-left might, but not the majority left. Where is nowadays it seems like all that is left of the Republican party is the far-right.
Gee, that must account for the Tsunami that's coming. Damned shame so many Americans are Nazis, innit?
That’s what Biden with his Ultra-Mega-MAGA talk wants you to think. And it’s completely untrue.
You are one of the new age brainwashed fools, as bad as trump. Which means you're probably all psychotic and paranoid about everyone who doesn't support your narrow view of the world. You are creating your own enemies.
You are one of the new age brainwashed fools, as bad as trump. Which means you're probably all psychotic and paranoid about everyone who doesn't support your narrow view of the world. You are creating your own enemies.
You just demonstrated how dangerous it is to have a president who demonizes American citizens who disagree with him. People like you believe him.

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