More economic good news: 173,000 jobs added, unemployment drops to 5.1%

Cue outrage over workforce participation rate

Employers added 173,000 jobs in a key report that could help the Federal Reserve decide whether to raise interest rates later this month.
The unemployment rate fell from 5.3% to 5.1%, lowest since March 2008.


Yeah! We only need 450,000 to break even but hey RW needs something to blabber about so....yaaaaay!
A gain of just 173,000 jobs and a 0.2% drop in the unemployment rate are not congruent.

This effect is generally equated with more people dropping out of looking for jobs.

Anyone who follows this stuff knows that.

We need at LEAST 250,000 jobs for an extended period to achieve escape velocity.
Boomers are retiring. Have you factored that into your equation?
Sure, that's a big number - what, 65,000 per month, something like that. The problem is that this "recovery" has been incredibly uneven and we still haven't hit a strong growth pattern. Worse, there are some who feel that we're in the latter stages of the "recovery" and that would be pretty lousy news.

There are all kinds of peripheral things to consider. Baby boomer retirements, increases in productivity, the global currency race to the bottom, on and on. But 173,000 this far into it? Yikes.

Yes, there are a lot of factors to consider. The mere fact that we haven't had another recession since 2008 is making some people nervous. But past performance is no guarantee, right?

So what we have now is similar, but different. Taking just one factor into consideration and trying to extrapolate it as a bellwether is no longer reliable IMO.

Where I work one division is laying off consultants wholesale while another is hiring at a rate I have never seen before. Is this just a redirection of priorities from the C level or is it in response to the broader economy? :dunno:

So I have given up trying to read the tea leaves, smoke signals, entrails, bones, Tarot cards, etc and simply make sure that I can survive whatever damage the markets might throw at me. Everything else is just noise as far as I am concerned.
I can understand that, and when this stuff becomes political the bullshit starts flying.

Unfortunately, I have to do some tea leaf reading, so my task is to keep my freaking blood pressure down.

The horrific mess of the Meltdown and the fundamentally changing economy, on a macro level, are at the foundation of this uncertainty.

If this is your job then you definitely need a means of destressing yourself outside of work.

Yes, the economy will change because it always changes. The economy of the 80's was different from the 70's and so on.

Your problem is figuring out where it is going to be in the future hence the tea leaf reading and more importantly, getting that reading right.

There is only one way that I have ever found that comes close to pointing out which way things are heading. That is trend analysis. And yes, it is a lot of work and a lot of factors need to be included for it give any kind of reading. On top of that you also need to make judgment calls based on whether those trends will continue, strengthen or die off.

But at least you are looking at data and not whatever opinion is being spouted by some talking head or blogger.
Y'know, I have to watch politics and political trends for my profession.

If I didn't, I swear, you guys wouldn't even know I exist.

Boomers are retiring. Have you factored that into your equation?
Sure, that's a big number - what, 65,000 per month, something like that. The problem is that this "recovery" has been incredibly uneven and we still haven't hit a strong growth pattern. Worse, there are some who feel that we're in the latter stages of the "recovery" and that would be pretty lousy news.

There are all kinds of peripheral things to consider. Baby boomer retirements, increases in productivity, the global currency race to the bottom, on and on. But 173,000 this far into it? Yikes.

Yes, there are a lot of factors to consider. The mere fact that we haven't had another recession since 2008 is making some people nervous. But past performance is no guarantee, right?

So what we have now is similar, but different. Taking just one factor into consideration and trying to extrapolate it as a bellwether is no longer reliable IMO.

Where I work one division is laying off consultants wholesale while another is hiring at a rate I have never seen before. Is this just a redirection of priorities from the C level or is it in response to the broader economy? :dunno:

So I have given up trying to read the tea leaves, smoke signals, entrails, bones, Tarot cards, etc and simply make sure that I can survive whatever damage the markets might throw at me. Everything else is just noise as far as I am concerned.
I can understand that, and when this stuff becomes political the bullshit starts flying.

Unfortunately, I have to do some tea leaf reading, so my task is to keep my freaking blood pressure down.

The horrific mess of the Meltdown and the fundamentally changing economy, on a macro level, are at the foundation of this uncertainty.

If this is your job then you definitely need a means of destressing yourself outside of work.

Yes, the economy will change because it always changes. The economy of the 80's was different from the 70's and so on.

Your problem is figuring out where it is going to be in the future hence the tea leaf reading and more importantly, getting that reading right.

There is only one way that I have ever found that comes close to pointing out which way things are heading. That is trend analysis. And yes, it is a lot of work and a lot of factors need to be included for it give any kind of reading. On top of that you also need to make judgment calls based on whether those trends will continue, strengthen or die off.

But at least you are looking at data and not whatever opinion is being spouted by some talking head or blogger.
Y'know, I have to watch politics and political trends for my profession.

If I didn't, I swear, you guys wouldn't even know I exist.


Yeah, we should be so lucky! :D
Cue outrage over workforce participation rate

Employers added 173,000 jobs in a key report that could help the Federal Reserve decide whether to raise interest rates later this month.
The unemployment rate fell from 5.3% to 5.1%, lowest since March 2008.


Yeah! We only need 450,000 to break even but hey RW needs something to blabber about so....yaaaaay!

Interesting perception

Thanks for posting
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A gain of just 173,000 jobs and a 0.2% drop in the unemployment rate are not congruent.

This effect is generally equated with more people dropping out of looking for jobs.

Anyone who follows this stuff knows that.

We need at LEAST 250,000 jobs for an extended period to achieve escape velocity.

Yup and 5.1 isn't the true figure. Oh and the Fed is getting ready to let inflation loose. Something they have been controlling since 2008. I'm looking forward to that as I'm sure most of America is. NOT

The expected move from the Fed is to raise interest rates something used to control inflation not create inflation. Since 2008 the Fed had been trying to ward off "deflation" by pumping liquidity [money] into the economy through "Quantitative easing" or monthly purchases of Government bonds in huge amounts to put money into the economy. That program ended in October 2014 however the Fed has kept interest rates near zero to this date as it has done since 2008. The Fed will raise interest rates if it feels employment and wages have strengthened enough that the economy can handle a small interest rates without back sliding into recession etc....
The unemployment rate fell from 5.3% to 5.1%, lowest since March 2008.

first.., i wish you libertards did not lie so much and repeat the lie you sheeple are fed by this criminal regime. :up:

second.., if you are not too afraid of the truth here it is:

To tell the truth: The real unemployment

...since the unemployment rate dropped to 5.5 percent. This is about as close to full employment as you can get – and it should be good news, assuming all the numbers are accurate and the economy is thriving.

But here's the deception: 102 million people aren't working, including about nine million who are officially counted as unemployed and the 93 million who've given up. Are these numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics accurate? Ninety-three million adults aren't in the labor force. That's up from about 79 million from when we began to head into recession seven years ago.

did you or any other libertard read the full article i posted ?
Record 94,031,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Stuck at 38-Year Low for 3rd Straight Month

Derp, derp, derp

Record 94,031,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Stuck at 38-Year Low for 3rd Straight Month

Who cares about Labor Force Participation Rate?
Why should I care if kids and grandparents are in the workforce?

Who cares about Labor Force Participation Rate?

the government does

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age
But here's the deception: 102 million people aren't working, including about nine million who are officially counted as unemployed and the 93 million who've given up. Are these numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics accurate? Ninety-three million adults aren't in the labor force. That's up from about 79 million from when we began to head into recession seven years ago.

did you or any other libertard read the full article i posted ?
Why should anyone read any article you post when you post such an obvious lie? There are LESS than 1 million who've given up, a far cry from your 93 million.

Employment Situation Summary

there were 624,000 discouraged workers in
August, down by 151,000 from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally
adjusted.) Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work
because they believe no jobs are available for them.
Record 94,031,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Stuck at 38-Year Low for 3rd Straight Month

Derp, derp, derp

Record 94,031,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Stuck at 38-Year Low for 3rd Straight Month

Who cares about Labor Force Participation Rate?
Why should I care if kids and grandparents are in the workforce?

Who cares about Labor Force Participation Rate?

the government does

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age
But it is a useless economic indicator if you don't adjust it for demographics. It is quite a different number when you adjust for the aging Boomers!

Record 94,031,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Stuck at 38-Year Low for 3rd Straight Month

Derp, derp, derp

Record 94,031,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Stuck at 38-Year Low for 3rd Straight Month

Who cares about Labor Force Participation Rate?
Why should I care if kids and grandparents are in the workforce?

Who cares about Labor Force Participation Rate?

the government does

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age
But it is a useless economic indicator if you don't adjust it for demographics. It is quite a different number when you adjust for the aging Boomers!


of course it is useful it is an indicator on how productive we are

as a country and how the countries bills are going to get paid

we cant keep on cranking out the money presses forever
The unemployment rate fell from 5.3% to 5.1%, lowest since March 2008.

first.., i wish you libertards did not lie so much and repeat the lie you sheeple are fed by this criminal regime. :up:

second.., if you are not too afraid of the truth here it is:

To tell the truth: The real unemployment

...since the unemployment rate dropped to 5.5 percent. This is about as close to full employment as you can get – and it should be good news, assuming all the numbers are accurate and the economy is thriving.

But here's the deception: 102 million people aren't working, including about nine million who are officially counted as unemployed and the 93 million who've given up. Are these numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics accurate? Ninety-three million adults aren't in the labor force. That's up from about 79 million from when we began to head into recession seven years ago.

did you or any other libertard read the full article i posted ?
Why do you keep trying to pass the labor participation rate off as the unemployment rate?

You think nobody will notice?
The stock market disagreed with the OP

Dow Sheds 272 Points After Opaque Jobs Report
No it did not..paradoxically enough the market sees good news as leading the Fed to raise interest rates in their next meeting so good news triggers selling anxiety ...........

Sorta, the markets reacted to the question of what the feds would do with rates. Trust me, any savvy trader knows this jobs report is complete bull shit. They are not even adding enough jobs to maintain....let alone cause a drop. There lie the problem with this nonsense
Sorta, the markets reacted to the question of what the feds would do with rates. Trust me, any savvy trader knows this jobs report is complete bull shit. They are not even adding enough jobs to maintain....let alone cause a drop. There lie the problem with this nonsense

If they thought it was BS they would not have reacted to it....
Record 94,031,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Stuck at 38-Year Low for 3rd Straight Month

Derp, derp, derp

Record 94,031,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Stuck at 38-Year Low for 3rd Straight Month

Who cares about Labor Force Participation Rate?
Why should I care if kids and grandparents are in the workforce?

Who cares about Labor Force Participation Rate?

the government does

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

So what is wrong with our labor participation rate?
Been dropping for 17 years for a reason...why do you care?

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