More economic good news: 173,000 jobs added, unemployment drops to 5.1%

Cue outrage over workforce participation rate

Employers added 173,000 jobs in a key report that could help the Federal Reserve decide whether to raise interest rates later this month.
The unemployment rate fell from 5.3% to 5.1%, lowest since March 2008.

And in other news Americans can't find jobs as Democrats continue to flood the job market with low wage workers from overseas.

Well I wouldn't be aiming for those jobs anyway since they are for low wage
About 5 million high wage maintenance jobs going unfilled in this nation. So, why don't you fill one of them?
Cue outrage over workforce participation rate

Employers added 173,000 jobs in a key report that could help the Federal Reserve decide whether to raise interest rates later this month.
The unemployment rate fell from 5.3% to 5.1%, lowest since March 2008.

And in other news Americans can't find jobs as Democrats continue to flood the job market with low wage workers from overseas.

Well I wouldn't be aiming for those jobs anyway since they are for low wage
About 5 million high wage maintenance jobs going unfilled in this nation. So, why don't you fill one of them?

Not interested in Maintenance
Cue outrage over workforce participation rate

Employers added 173,000 jobs in a key report that could help the Federal Reserve decide whether to raise interest rates later this month.
The unemployment rate fell from 5.3% to 5.1%, lowest since March 2008.


I don't give a shit what anybody says about this man and his years in the white house....BUT FOR ME....I wouldn't trade his time in office, with one president dead or alive, save for Roosevelt..... for anything, that's just how good Obama has been for me. Yaw may not agree, but this is my opinion. As for the anti societal outbreaks that have occurred under his tenor, that's for those individuals to work out between them and their God...from the mass shootings, to nigga's acting like caged animals, to the cops, to the terrorist, to the hurricanes and beyond...out of his control and for yaw to work out with God.
Sure hope you're right. UE sucks and there are plenty of people out there who have just stopped looking and are no longer counted.

Discouraged workers dropped again...down to 624,000...less than half its height of 1,300,000 in 2010

Discouraged my got a lot of people who lost good paying jobs a few years ago, trying to replicate that same income and they're not finding any luck. They don't want these 8-12 an hour jobs and I don't blame em...but then again, I kinda got use to eating so I took it!!
A gain of just 173,000 jobs and a 0.2% drop in the unemployment rate are not congruent.

This effect is generally equated with more people dropping out of looking for jobs.

Anyone who follows this stuff knows that.

We need at LEAST 250,000 jobs for an extended period to achieve escape velocity.
When Obama took office unemployment was in the double digits.....(sigh)...while congress was crying about cutting cutting cutting and more cutting the President held that things are starting looking up, and we got an election year...WATCH THIS FUCKED UP CONGRESS FUCK SHIT UP, JUST WATCH!!
When Obama took office unemployment was in the double digits.....(sigh)...while congress was crying about cutting cutting cutting and more cutting the President held that things are starting looking up, and we got an election year...WATCH THIS FUCKED UP CONGRESS FUCK SHIT UP, JUST WATCH!!


5.1% is fucking awesome and there's no way these idiots can run against it. ;) But, hey expect them to run on cut, slash and burn once again and watch them lose!!!! Infrastructure is at its lowest level since Reagan but hell,,,lets cut some more so the tax payers can drive on the pot holes!!! Not a good way to run a hate seeing America leading at anything.

LOL! Let's tell the old people again they don't need ssi or young people that you don't need first rate science institutions or clean air, water and food.
Also, the bastards are itching to deregulate once again and explode our economy!!!!! You do know that a deregulating, tax cutting for the rich republican caused the great depression and great recession? Fact!
When Obama took office and unemployment shot to 10%, that was the only economic factor Republicans said was important
When Obama ran for reelection, they harped that 8% average unemployment was the worst ever

Now that it is 5.1% they say:

U3 doesn't matter
The numbers are bogus
Labor Participation Rate is the new "most important" indicator
You think nobody will notice?

STILL...., 94,031,000 Americans not working.

CNS News reported:

A record 94,031,000 Americans were not in the American labor force last month — 261,000 more than July — and the labor force participation rate stayed stuck at 62.6 percent, a 38-year low, for a third straight month in August, the Labor Department reported on Friday, as the nation heads into the Labor Day weekend.
So rightie, can we cut the welfare roles in half now? Since Obama's economy is roaring?
You think nobody will notice?

STILL...., 94,031,000 Americans not working.

CNS News reported:

A record 94,031,000 Americans were not in the American labor force last month — 261,000 more than July — and the labor force participation rate stayed stuck at 62.6 percent, a 38-year low, for a third straight month in August, the Labor Department reported on Friday, as the nation heads into the Labor Day weekend.

You think 16 year olds and 80 year olds should be working?
You bastard
So rightie, can we cut the welfare roles in half now? Since Obama's economy is roaring?

I say we cut them in half as soon as that trickle down kicks in

No, since Obama ended the recession we don't need welfare for many, right? Or are you just lying about the economy?
What ever happened to all that trickle down?
When are we going to abandon all those failed supply side policies so that taxpayers don't have to support low wage earners?
So rightie, can we cut the welfare roles in half now? Since Obama's economy is roaring?

I say we cut them in half as soon as that trickle down kicks in

No, since Obama ended the recession we don't need welfare for many, right? Or are you just lying about the economy?
What ever happened to all that trickle down?
When are we going to abandon all those failed supply side policies so that taxpayers don't have to support low wage earners?
By your post Obama fixed it, so it is time to take people off welfare, right?
Cue outrage over workforce participation rate

Employers added 173,000 jobs in a key report that could help the Federal Reserve decide whether to raise interest rates later this month.
The unemployment rate fell from 5.3% to 5.1%, lowest since March 2008.

And in other news Americans can't find jobs as Democrats continue to flood the job market with low wage workers from overseas.

Well I wouldn't be aiming for those jobs anyway since they are for low wage
The only reason those jobs are low wage, is because the illegals flood the market for said jobs. If the owners can't find cheap labor they increase the amount they pay for labor till people say... hey for that much I'll do that job.
Cue outrage over workforce participation rate

Employers added 173,000 jobs in a key report that could help the Federal Reserve decide whether to raise interest rates later this month.
The unemployment rate fell from 5.3% to 5.1%, lowest since March 2008.

And in other news Americans can't find jobs as Democrats continue to flood the job market with low wage workers from overseas.

Well I wouldn't be aiming for those jobs anyway since they are for low wage
About 5 million high wage maintenance jobs going unfilled in this nation. So, why don't you fill one of them?

Not interested in Maintenance
You'd be interested in maintenance if it was a nice raise over what you are getting now... that's the point.
You think nobody will notice?

STILL...., 94,031,000 Americans not working.

CNS News reported:

A record 94,031,000 Americans were not in the American labor force last month — 261,000 more than July — and the labor force participation rate stayed stuck at 62.6 percent, a 38-year low, for a third straight month in August, the Labor Department reported on Friday, as the nation heads into the Labor Day weekend.

You think 16 year olds and 80 year olds should be working?
You bastard
The 94m does not include 80 year olds. Why are you pretending to be a moron? And why shouldn't 16year olds have a part time job? They can drive can't they? Did you treat your 16year olds as useless cripples?

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