More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

No, they invest the money. Others who work in the factories or in the offices or wherever, help the company to survive and to make a profit.
Try this. Take $100,000 and buy a building and all the equipment need for your "company" then lets just see how much money you make without help.
Try it, just once!


The Dow being up never seems to translate into jobs. Seems like there's a permanent cork in the tubing of "trickle down economics". Hoarding is a problem with the 1%. The cure, if not an adoption of a fiscal morality, should be one of patriotism. If that fails, a mandate. Either way the American economy cannot stand up much longer without one of the three.

Malignant greed is never suddenly overcome with compassion or patriotism. So when the rich grumble about raising taxes, they can look in the mirror when they want someone to blame. Gotta keep the consuming 99% consuming somehow..

The Chinese symbol for the American economy is a dragon eating its own tail.

Thankfully then you'll be glad to know I straddle the middle of the aisle. I believe in capitalism AND a living wage. Wrap your head around that! What that means is, I know capitalism is what drives our economy. And I also know what drives our economy is the 99% consuming. You choke them out and you're putting the noose around your own neck if you're at the top.

Of course if you're at the VERY top, you don't give a fuck. That's because you are so wealthy that even a lifetime of economic hits won't crumble your castle walls. It's the top 15% of business owners that I worry about. They will soon find themselves in the bread lines as the middle class dries up and blows away in the wind.

This malignant greed isn't going to end pretty...

If the rich people all left, how pretty would it be? The rich people are the ones who have created all the wealth in our society. Without them, you would be impoverished and starving.

Trickle down economics, is how all economics works. Every bit of wealth the lower and middle class has, only exists because of the wealthy. Equally every job that the lower and middle class has, only exists because of the wealthy. Without trickle down, we would all be poor and impoverished.

Hoarding is not a problem. Wealth itself is dynamic. If you take a Rich guys Luxury sports car, and give it to a lower class person, without the wealth to maintain the car, the car will quickly end up worthless, and the Rich guy will buy another.

Moving wealth around, will never change the economic status of the people involved. Never.

America is one of the most compassionate countries in the world. The wealthiest people in our culture, give more money to the poor and charitable organizations, than anywhere in the world. That is not our problem. Our problem is greed and envy of the poor and middle class, who spend too much of their time being bitter and complaining about the rich, instead of working on improving their own lives.

The DOW and the Stock Market, was never about jobs. It's about the success of companies in our country. Success of companies, isn't about jobs either. If we make it unprofitable to create jobs in the US, companies will make jobs elsewhere, and still be profitable, and thus have a growing stock market. When you demand things like "a living wage", the result is that you make employing Americans less profitable, or unprofitable. Thus jobs are created outside the US. The DOW will go up, without jobs here in the US. Your policies have the bad results you don't like. Stop it.

Consuming is a natural part of any economy, and by definition is the driving force behind a consumer-driven economy. But consuming everything you have is not automatic. People should save and invest. But that's not the fault of CEOs or corporations if they don't. You are not pathetic children, at the mercy of big bad companies. Stop acting like it. Take responsibility for your life.

You don't need to worry about the top 15% of business owners. If the middle class dries up, they will simply work elsewhere.

France tried to soak the rich, and the result was the Rich packed up their money, and their jobs, and moved out of France.

The rich will be rich, and wealthy, either here at our benefit, or elsewhere, at our loss. You can't harm them. You can't punish them. The only thing you can do, is suffer when they leave. Atlas Shrugged. Read it.

Don't think that the middle class is going to harm the rich. You will only harm yourself. Especially since most of the business owners you are talking about, are already internationally connected. The CEO of Ford, can very easily move the companies to any number of other countries, and resettle there. They already have large offices, and regional headquarters elsewhere in the world. It wouldn't take much to move.

Similarly, they can move their jobs as well. If you push a "living wage" that makes it cheaper to build cars outside the US, and import them..... it won't take much to make that happen when they already have factories around the world.
I always hear that capitalists create the jobs, well, everything the capitalist uses, acquires, the labor they use, it all comes from workers. Who are the real job creators?

Capitalists are. Without capitalists there are no jobs.

If workers created jobs, then why was pre-78 China a 3rd world country? They had more "worker" class people than any 10 other nations combined, and yet they were impoverished, and 63% of the population lived on less than $2 a day.

Adopting a Capitalist system, has turned China into the power house economy they are now, and the number of people impoverished has drastically declined.... because of Capitalists.
You missed the entire point of the post, the point is, without capitalism, people would still work, after all, the capitalist is not needed.
No, they invest the money. Others who work in the factories or in the offices or wherever, help the company to survive and to make a profit.
Try this. Take $100,000 and buy a building and all the equipment need for your "company" then lets just see how much money you make without help.
Try it, just once!


If the rich people all left, how pretty would it be? The rich people are the ones who have created all the wealth in our society. Without them, you would be impoverished and starving.

Trickle down economics, is how all economics works. Every bit of wealth the lower and middle class has, only exists because of the wealthy. Equally every job that the lower and middle class has, only exists because of the wealthy. Without trickle down, we would all be poor and impoverished.

Hoarding is not a problem. Wealth itself is dynamic. If you take a Rich guys Luxury sports car, and give it to a lower class person, without the wealth to maintain the car, the car will quickly end up worthless, and the Rich guy will buy another.

Moving wealth around, will never change the economic status of the people involved. Never.

America is one of the most compassionate countries in the world. The wealthiest people in our culture, give more money to the poor and charitable organizations, than anywhere in the world. That is not our problem. Our problem is greed and envy of the poor and middle class, who spend too much of their time being bitter and complaining about the rich, instead of working on improving their own lives.

The DOW and the Stock Market, was never about jobs. It's about the success of companies in our country. Success of companies, isn't about jobs either. If we make it unprofitable to create jobs in the US, companies will make jobs elsewhere, and still be profitable, and thus have a growing stock market. When you demand things like "a living wage", the result is that you make employing Americans less profitable, or unprofitable. Thus jobs are created outside the US. The DOW will go up, without jobs here in the US. Your policies have the bad results you don't like. Stop it.

Consuming is a natural part of any economy, and by definition is the driving force behind a consumer-driven economy. But consuming everything you have is not automatic. People should save and invest. But that's not the fault of CEOs or corporations if they don't. You are not pathetic children, at the mercy of big bad companies. Stop acting like it. Take responsibility for your life.

You don't need to worry about the top 15% of business owners. If the middle class dries up, they will simply work elsewhere.

France tried to soak the rich, and the result was the Rich packed up their money, and their jobs, and moved out of France.

The rich will be rich, and wealthy, either here at our benefit, or elsewhere, at our loss. You can't harm them. You can't punish them. The only thing you can do, is suffer when they leave. Atlas Shrugged. Read it.

Don't think that the middle class is going to harm the rich. You will only harm yourself. Especially since most of the business owners you are talking about, are already internationally connected. The CEO of Ford, can very easily move the companies to any number of other countries, and resettle there. They already have large offices, and regional headquarters elsewhere in the world. It wouldn't take much to move.

Similarly, they can move their jobs as well. If you push a "living wage" that makes it cheaper to build cars outside the US, and import them..... it won't take much to make that happen when they already have factories around the world.
I always hear that capitalists create the jobs, well, everything the capitalist uses, acquires, the labor they use, it all comes from workers. Who are the real job creators?

Capitalists are. Without capitalists there are no jobs.

If workers created jobs, then why was pre-78 China a 3rd world country? They had more "worker" class people than any 10 other nations combined, and yet they were impoverished, and 63% of the population lived on less than $2 a day.

Adopting a Capitalist system, has turned China into the power house economy they are now, and the number of people impoverished has drastically declined.... because of Capitalists.
You missed the entire point of the post, the point is, without capitalism, people would still work, after all, the capitalist is not needed.
Yes, yes, your petty ROFL response is hilarious. Now tell me, what work does the capitalist actually do then "invest" to buy materials, made by workers, hell, everything the capitalist uses is made by workers.
No, they invest the money. Others who work in the factories or in the offices or wherever, help the company to survive and to make a profit.
Try this. Take $100,000 and buy a building and all the equipment need for your "company" then lets just see how much money you make without help.
Try it, just once!

I always hear that capitalists create the jobs, well, everything the capitalist uses, acquires, the labor they use, it all comes from workers. Who are the real job creators?

Capitalists are. Without capitalists there are no jobs.

If workers created jobs, then why was pre-78 China a 3rd world country? They had more "worker" class people than any 10 other nations combined, and yet they were impoverished, and 63% of the population lived on less than $2 a day.

Adopting a Capitalist system, has turned China into the power house economy they are now, and the number of people impoverished has drastically declined.... because of Capitalists.
You missed the entire point of the post, the point is, without capitalism, people would still work, after all, the capitalist is not needed.
Yes, yes, your petty ROFL response is hilarious. Now tell me, what work does the capitalist actually do then "invest" to buy materials, made by workers, hell, everything the capitalist uses is made by workers.
ROFL what a dumb ass POS you are.

I suppose you've never done any work as an investment that you were not directly paid for. Effing marxist pig. Investments don't have to pay off. Investments in $ is no different than an investment in time or effort.

Amazing how many on the left have absolutely no idea how much work, stress, time and sacrifice it takes just to be able to hire your FIRST employee, and keep paying them.

Just start a business, snap your fingers, and BING! You're a millionaire with 200 employees.


I always hear that capitalists create the jobs, well, everything the capitalist uses, acquires, the labor they use, it all comes from workers. Who are the real job creators?

Capitalists are. Without capitalists there are no jobs.

If workers created jobs, then why was pre-78 China a 3rd world country? They had more "worker" class people than any 10 other nations combined, and yet they were impoverished, and 63% of the population lived on less than $2 a day.

Adopting a Capitalist system, has turned China into the power house economy they are now, and the number of people impoverished has drastically declined.... because of Capitalists.
You missed the entire point of the post, the point is, without capitalism, people would still work, after all, the capitalist is not needed.
Yes, yes, your petty ROFL response is hilarious. Now tell me, what work does the capitalist actually do then "invest" to buy materials, made by workers, hell, everything the capitalist uses is made by workers.
ROFL what a dumb ass POS you are.

I suppose you've never done any work that you were not paid for as an investment. Effing marxist pig.
You're intelligent comments are inspiring. You refuse to tell me what the capitalist actually does that involves hard work.

Amazing how many on the left have absolutely no idea how much work, stress, time and sacrifice it takes just to be able to hire your FIRST employee, and keep paying them.

Just start a business, snap your fingers, and BING! You're a millionaire with 200 employees.


Oh, I have no hatred for the petty capitalist, although labor exploitation is never a good thing.
Capitalists are. Without capitalists there are no jobs.

If workers created jobs, then why was pre-78 China a 3rd world country? They had more "worker" class people than any 10 other nations combined, and yet they were impoverished, and 63% of the population lived on less than $2 a day.

Adopting a Capitalist system, has turned China into the power house economy they are now, and the number of people impoverished has drastically declined.... because of Capitalists.
You missed the entire point of the post, the point is, without capitalism, people would still work, after all, the capitalist is not needed.
Yes, yes, your petty ROFL response is hilarious. Now tell me, what work does the capitalist actually do then "invest" to buy materials, made by workers, hell, everything the capitalist uses is made by workers.
ROFL what a dumb ass POS you are.

I suppose you've never done any work that you were not paid for as an investment. Effing marxist pig.
You're intelligent comments are inspiring. You refuse to tell me what the capitalist actually does that involves hard work.
An investment in money is the same as an investment in time or effort, ya dumb ass marxist.

Amazing how many on the left have absolutely no idea how much work, stress, time and sacrifice it takes just to be able to hire your FIRST employee, and keep paying them.

Just start a business, snap your fingers, and BING! You're a millionaire with 200 employees.


Oh, I have no hatred for the petty capitalist, although labor exploitation is never a good thing.
I'm referring to the ignorance.


Amazing how many on the left have absolutely no idea how much work, stress, time and sacrifice it takes just to be able to hire your FIRST employee, and keep paying them.

Just start a business, snap your fingers, and BING! You're a millionaire with 200 employees.


Oh, I have no hatred for the petty capitalist, although labor exploitation is never a good thing.
you marxist pigs are the ones exploiting labor, ya dumb ass.

Amazing how many on the left have absolutely no idea how much work, stress, time and sacrifice it takes just to be able to hire your FIRST employee, and keep paying them.

Just start a business, snap your fingers, and BING! You're a millionaire with 200 employees.


Oh, I have no hatred for the petty capitalist, although labor exploitation is never a good thing.
I'm referring to the ignorance.

Hey, if the capitalist wants to go work in the diamond mines or the sweatshop he relies on, I'm all for it.
You missed the entire point of the post, the point is, without capitalism, people would still work, after all, the capitalist is not needed.
Yes, yes, your petty ROFL response is hilarious. Now tell me, what work does the capitalist actually do then "invest" to buy materials, made by workers, hell, everything the capitalist uses is made by workers.
ROFL what a dumb ass POS you are.

I suppose you've never done any work that you were not paid for as an investment. Effing marxist pig.
You're intelligent comments are inspiring. You refuse to tell me what the capitalist actually does that involves hard work.
An investment in money is the same as an investment in time or effort, ya dumb ass marxist.
Investment in essentially worthless money by capitalists with other capitalists.

Amazing how many on the left have absolutely no idea how much work, stress, time and sacrifice it takes just to be able to hire your FIRST employee, and keep paying them.

Just start a business, snap your fingers, and BING! You're a millionaire with 200 employees.


Oh, I have no hatred for the petty capitalist, although labor exploitation is never a good thing.
you marxist pigs are the ones exploiting labor, ya dumb ass.

Amazing how many on the left have absolutely no idea how much work, stress, time and sacrifice it takes just to be able to hire your FIRST employee, and keep paying them.

Just start a business, snap your fingers, and BING! You're a millionaire with 200 employees.


Oh, I have no hatred for the petty capitalist, although labor exploitation is never a good thing.
I'm referring to the ignorance.

Hey, if the capitalist wants to go work in the diamond mines or the sweatshop he relies on, I'm all for it.
Yes, yes, your petty ROFL response is hilarious. Now tell me, what work does the capitalist actually do then "invest" to buy materials, made by workers, hell, everything the capitalist uses is made by workers.
ROFL what a dumb ass POS you are.

I suppose you've never done any work that you were not paid for as an investment. Effing marxist pig.
You're intelligent comments are inspiring. You refuse to tell me what the capitalist actually does that involves hard work.
An investment in money is the same as an investment in time or effort, ya dumb ass marxist.
Investment in essentially worthless money by capitalists with other capitalists.
Dumb ass, we get paid in $. Money is only worthless when you live in a marxist country.

Amazing how many on the left have absolutely no idea how much work, stress, time and sacrifice it takes just to be able to hire your FIRST employee, and keep paying them.

Just start a business, snap your fingers, and BING! You're a millionaire with 200 employees.


Oh, I have no hatred for the petty capitalist, although labor exploitation is never a good thing.
I'm referring to the ignorance.

Hey, if the capitalist wants to go work in the diamond mines or the sweatshop he relies on, I'm all for it.
Yes, yes, your petty ROFL response is hilarious. Now tell me, what work does the capitalist actually do then "invest" to buy materials, made by workers, hell, everything the capitalist uses is made by workers.
ROFL what a dumb ass POS you are.

I suppose you've never done any work that you were not paid for as an investment. Effing marxist pig.
You're intelligent comments are inspiring. You refuse to tell me what the capitalist actually does that involves hard work.
An investment in money is the same as an investment in time or effort, ya dumb ass marxist.
Investment in essentially worthless money by capitalists with other capitalists.
Dumb ass, we get paid in $. Money is only worthless when you live in a marxist country.
You fail to understand.

Amazing how many on the left have absolutely no idea how much work, stress, time and sacrifice it takes just to be able to hire your FIRST employee, and keep paying them.

Just start a business, snap your fingers, and BING! You're a millionaire with 200 employees.


Oh, I have no hatred for the petty capitalist, although labor exploitation is never a good thing.
I'm referring to the ignorance.

Hey, if the capitalist wants to go work in the diamond mines or the sweatshop he relies on, I'm all for it.
ROFL what a dumb ass POS you are.

I suppose you've never done any work that you were not paid for as an investment. Effing marxist pig.
You're intelligent comments are inspiring. You refuse to tell me what the capitalist actually does that involves hard work.
An investment in money is the same as an investment in time or effort, ya dumb ass marxist.
Investment in essentially worthless money by capitalists with other capitalists.
Dumb ass, we get paid in $. Money is only worthless when you live in a marxist country.
You fail to understand.
I feed what I want to feed... when I want to feed it... as much as I want to feed it.
Oh, I have no hatred for the petty capitalist, although labor exploitation is never a good thing.
I'm referring to the ignorance.

Hey, if the capitalist wants to go work in the diamond mines or the sweatshop he relies on, I'm all for it.
You're intelligent comments are inspiring. You refuse to tell me what the capitalist actually does that involves hard work.
An investment in money is the same as an investment in time or effort, ya dumb ass marxist.
Investment in essentially worthless money by capitalists with other capitalists.
Dumb ass, we get paid in $. Money is only worthless when you live in a marxist country.
You fail to understand.
I feed what I want to feed... when I want to feed it... as much as I want to feed it.
The rich keep getting richer and keep fucking over the workers. You loserterians are a front group for destroying America.

You have the right to be ignorant, and wrong. Please continue.

How? The rich since the 1970's have constantly become richer and richer as the avg mans wages only very slowly increased. The rich hold most of the wealth and take advantage of the little guy.

How is this fair? And how exactly am I wrong>

Fair... is you getting paid how much someone is willing to pay you. How much someone else is paid, has no barring on it either way.

Saying that someone else should not be paid more, because you are not, is just greed and envy. None of your business how much someone else is paid.

You don't do what a CEO does. And bad CEO, and Enron the whole company. So they should be paid a ton, because all the employees of Enron lost everything. You want that to happen more? Just cut their pay. You end up with crap CEOs, and soon no job.

I for one... want a job. I like having a job. And if the CEO makes a thousand times my wage, what difference does that make? If I'm paid a fair wage for my job, that's all that matters.

Further.... of course the rich are getting richer..... THEY MAKE ALL THE WEALTH IN THE COUNTRY...... They SHOULD get richer.

Look around you dude..... everything you have......... (catch that?) EVERYTHING YOU HAVE.... is due to a rich guy.

If they could not become richer making that stuff? They wouldn't. And you wouldn't have it.

We have one of the highest standards of living on the face of the planet, and you owe it to rich.

I've been to Europe. They are not poor like a 3rd world country... no. But they are not like America. You have the highest standard of living in the world. In the whole freakin world. It's not close.

And you have more opportunity to be a rich person, here in this country, than anywhere else.

You want to change that? You want to be poorer, and have less opportunity? Just get rid of the libertarians that fight for your ability to make something of yourself. Just adopt a socialist left-wing hell, and you'll end up just like China did. China used to lead the whole world. They screwed themselves, and we are trying the same thing.

Amazing how many on the left have absolutely no idea how much work, stress, time and sacrifice it takes just to be able to hire your FIRST employee, and keep paying them.

Just start a business, snap your fingers, and BING! You're a millionaire with 200 employees.


Oh, I have no hatred for the petty capitalist, although labor exploitation is never a good thing.

No one is forced to work. We know this because there's a guy on the side walk as I leave for work, who hasn't done anything at all for the entire day, and people give him money to stand on the corner.

Exploitation is not inherently bad. In fact, it's mutually beneficial. My employer is making money off me. I'm making money off him. We're both better off because of the arrangement. If I were not better off, I wouldn't work there.
Capitalists are. Without capitalists there are no jobs.

If workers created jobs, then why was pre-78 China a 3rd world country? They had more "worker" class people than any 10 other nations combined, and yet they were impoverished, and 63% of the population lived on less than $2 a day.

Adopting a Capitalist system, has turned China into the power house economy they are now, and the number of people impoverished has drastically declined.... because of Capitalists.
You missed the entire point of the post, the point is, without capitalism, people would still work, after all, the capitalist is not needed.
Yes, yes, your petty ROFL response is hilarious. Now tell me, what work does the capitalist actually do then "invest" to buy materials, made by workers, hell, everything the capitalist uses is made by workers.
ROFL what a dumb ass POS you are.

I suppose you've never done any work that you were not paid for as an investment. Effing marxist pig.
You're intelligent comments are inspiring. You refuse to tell me what the capitalist actually does that involves hard work.

The reason people are not answering you directly, is because we perceive that you are both ideologically driven, and willfully ignorant. In short, we don't think you would accept the honest answer.

Nevertheless, here is your answer.

My CEO and company owner, shows up a full hour before any employees arrive. He works from 7 AM, to about 6 PM every day. He has flown to China, Arizona, and numerous other locations to meet with Customers and Suppliers, to fix problems, sign deals, and make contracts for new products.

The CEO sold his home to purchase this company, and I've seen him pack up everything, and fly to Florida, to spend an entire week fixing a bad deployment, with only him, and the head Engineer there, working 12-hour shifts, to fix all the issues.

There are numerous examples where a Capitalists does a ton. I used to work for a small firm called Vanner Inc, and in the conference room, there's a picture of the company owner, in his basement, with all his equipment, building the original product all by himself. He built the company from the ground up.

The reason most people on this thread, are just insulting you, is because all of us in the real world, that know how things actually work, know that to claim Capitalists don't do anything, is the absolute pinnacle of total ignorance and stupidity.

Amazing how many on the left have absolutely no idea how much work, stress, time and sacrifice it takes just to be able to hire your FIRST employee, and keep paying them.

Just start a business, snap your fingers, and BING! You're a millionaire with 200 employees.


Oh, I have no hatred for the petty capitalist, although labor exploitation is never a good thing.

No one is forced to work. We know this because there's a guy on the side walk as I leave for work, who hasn't done anything at all for the entire day, and people give him money to stand on the corner.

Exploitation is not inherently bad. In fact, it's mutually beneficial. My employer is making money off me. I'm making money off him. We're both better off because of the arrangement. If I were not better off, I wouldn't work there.
For some reason, they think that a person is chained to an employer. If the employer won't pay them enough, there's nothing they can do. The employer can laugh and giggle and dance around them, because they just can't go anywhere else. That's it, they're stuck there.

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You missed the entire point of the post, the point is, without capitalism, people would still work, after all, the capitalist is not needed.
Yes, yes, your petty ROFL response is hilarious. Now tell me, what work does the capitalist actually do then "invest" to buy materials, made by workers, hell, everything the capitalist uses is made by workers.
ROFL what a dumb ass POS you are.

I suppose you've never done any work that you were not paid for as an investment. Effing marxist pig.
You're intelligent comments are inspiring. You refuse to tell me what the capitalist actually does that involves hard work.

The reason people are not answering you directly, is because we perceive that you are both ideologically driven, and willfully ignorant. In short, we don't think you would accept the honest answer.

Nevertheless, here is your answer.

My CEO and company owner, shows up a full hour before any employees arrive. He works from 7 AM, to about 6 PM every day. He has flown to China, Arizona, and numerous other locations to meet with Customers and Suppliers, to fix problems, sign deals, and make contracts for new products.

The CEO sold his home to purchase this company, and I've seen him pack up everything, and fly to Florida, to spend an entire week fixing a bad deployment, with only him, and the head Engineer there, working 12-hour shifts, to fix all the issues.

There are numerous examples where a Capitalists does a ton. I used to work for a small firm called Vanner Inc, and in the conference room, there's a picture of the company owner, in his basement, with all his equipment, building the original product all by himself. He built the company from the ground up.

The reason most people on this thread, are just insulting you, is because all of us in the real world, that know how things actually work, know that to claim Capitalists don't do anything, is the absolute pinnacle of total ignorance and stupidity.
Yes, there are numerous examples of exactly what you point out here. To those people, and the people like Musk, Gates, and Buffet, a tip of the hat. But then there are the people like Ken Lay, that are parasites on the rest of us. Just as there are people I have worked with that are also parasites on the rest of us. But it is easier to fire the parasite worker, than the parasite capitalist.

Capitalism is an economic tool, and like other tools, circle saws, ect., it needs safeguards on it. Those are regulations. Had we kept the Glass-Steigal regulations in force, the crash of '08 might not have happened.

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