More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

No one is forced to work. We know this because there's a guy on the side walk as I leave for work, who hasn't done anything at all for the entire day, and people give him money to stand on the corner.

Exploitation is not inherently bad. In fact, it's mutually beneficial. My employer is making money off me. I'm making money off him. We're both better off because of the arrangement. If I were not better off, I wouldn't work there.
For some reason, they think that a person is chained to an employer. If the employer won't pay them enough, there's nothing they can do. The employer can laugh and giggle and dance around them, because they just can't go anywhere else. That's it, they're stuck there.

For those with no skills, in this market, that is pretty much the truth. Advice I give to any young person, learn a skill, get an education, and continue that education for as long as you are alive. Yesterdays skills are often not revelant in todays employment market.
It's not that easy, and someone has to do the majority of "unskilled jobs" it's how it works.

There is nothing wrong with that. And nothing in life is easy. What idiot bum wanders around life, expecting that they can barely take the energy to flip a burger over, and yet earn millions? That's the ideology of the fool.

If you want to earn more, you have to EARN it. You have to find a skill or job that is worth more to the public. This is life. This is how is should be.
Their is something wrong with that, and we have the capacity to make life easy, these bums don't want millions, they want enough to not have to worry and have a livable wage for nutritional needs, shelter, medicine.. I know plenty of homeless individuals. Ah, earn it. Yeah, what's the definition of earning it? I don't think the public gives two fucks about the people on wall street, or the CEO of nestle. Inherently, billions of people will never be able to achieve "success" and "earn it" since they're failures and obviously need to try harder, not everyone can be businessmen, bankers.. You're delusional if you think it's easy to rise up either.

I have lived off of $20K and less, for the past 12 years.

I have always had a job. It's easy. Get off your butt, and get a job. It's not that hard.

No, not everyone can be a banker or whatever. But that doesn't entitle them to the earnings of others.

Nothing in life is easy, nor should it be. Life is tough. Stop whining about it, and start working for it.

If you save just $100 a month, for 45 years, you'll be a millionaire or close to it.

Livable wage is irrelevant. Your labor is worth what the customer is willing to pay for it. If the customer isn't willing to pay you $20 for a fast food burger, then the company can't pay you $20/hr. That's how life works. The company can never pay you, as much or more, than how much the customer is willing to pay for your labor.

So you have two options, you can either work for what your labor is worth, or choose to do something that has a higher value.

There will never be a time in which you are paid $40K+ for flipping burgers or any other low value work. It will never happen.
Yes, there are numerous examples of exactly what you point out here. To those people, and the people like Musk, Gates, and Buffet, a tip of the hat. But then there are the people like Ken Lay, that are parasites on the rest of us. Just as there are people I have worked with that are also parasites on the rest of us. But it is easier to fire the parasite worker, than the parasite capitalist.

Capitalism is an economic tool, and like other tools, circle saws, ect., it needs safeguards on it. Those are regulations. Had we kept the Glass-Steigal regulations in force, the crash of '08 might not have happened.
The reason people are not answering you directly, is because we perceive that you are both ideologically driven, and willfully ignorant. In short, we don't think you would accept the honest answer.

Nevertheless, here is your answer.

My CEO and company owner, shows up a full hour before any employees arrive. He works from 7 AM, to about 6 PM every day. He has flown to China, Arizona, and numerous other locations to meet with Customers and Suppliers, to fix problems, sign deals, and make contracts for new products.

The CEO sold his home to purchase this company, and I've seen him pack up everything, and fly to Florida, to spend an entire week fixing a bad deployment, with only him, and the head Engineer there, working 12-hour shifts, to fix all the issues.

There are numerous examples where a Capitalists does a ton. I used to work for a small firm called Vanner Inc, and in the conference room, there's a picture of the company owner, in his basement, with all his equipment, building the original product all by himself. He built the company from the ground up.

The reason most people on this thread, are just insulting you, is because all of us in the real world, that know how things actually work, know that to claim Capitalists don't do anything, is the absolute pinnacle of total ignorance and stupidity.
I don't think the international capitalists who own sweatshops, mines, phone centers in India, Apple.. Yes, the petty capitalist may work hard to continue his exploitation, but signing deals? That's not hard labor or work.

It is hard work. You are just wrong. Sorry. I've seen CEOs put in MONTHS to put together a deal.

Sorry, you are just flat out wrong. And by the way, those sweat shops, are often the highest paying jobs in those areas. The people who work there, have a higher standard of living than all their fellow citizens.

It's amazing how arrogant people in this country can be, attacking those who give a better life to those who have no other possibility for improving themselves.

I remember reading about the Nike plant in Malaysia. Everyone screamed and yelled.... so they raised wages.... AND LAID OFF 25% OF THE WORKERS. Hundreds of workers lost their jobs, and went back to being completely impoverished. Good job socialist scum. You screwed over some of the poorest people in the world. Well done. Give yourself a pat on the back. Idiots.
Yeah, you're full of shit.

You haven't run so much as a lemonade stand. I wager you likely don't even balanced your check book do you?

Am I wrong? Maybe I am. You tell me. What company have you run?
I balance my checkbook, and I have made investments in the past when I was unaware of the problems

What company have you run.
I don't think the international capitalists who own sweatshops, mines, phone centers in India, Apple.. Yes, the petty capitalist may work hard to continue his exploitation, but signing deals? That's not hard labor or work.

It is hard work. You are just wrong. Sorry. I've seen CEOs put in MONTHS to put together a deal.

Sorry, you are just flat out wrong. And by the way, those sweat shops, are often the highest paying jobs in those areas. The people who work there, have a higher standard of living than all their fellow citizens.

It's amazing how arrogant people in this country can be, attacking those who give a better life to those who have no other possibility for improving themselves.

I remember reading about the Nike plant in Malaysia. Everyone screamed and yelled.... so they raised wages.... AND LAID OFF 25% OF THE WORKERS. Hundreds of workers lost their jobs, and went back to being completely impoverished. Good job socialist scum. You screwed over some of the poorest people in the world. Well done. Give yourself a pat on the back. Idiots.
Yeah, you're full of shit.

You haven't run so much as a lemonade stand. I wager you likely don't even balanced your check book do you?

Am I wrong? Maybe I am. You tell me. What company have you run?
I balance my checkbook, and I have made investments in the past when I was unaware of the problems

What company have you run.
None, like most people.
For some reason, they think that a person is chained to an employer. If the employer won't pay them enough, there's nothing they can do. The employer can laugh and giggle and dance around them, because they just can't go anywhere else. That's it, they're stuck there.

For those with no skills, in this market, that is pretty much the truth. Advice I give to any young person, learn a skill, get an education, and continue that education for as long as you are alive. Yesterdays skills are often not revelant in todays employment market.
It's not that easy, and someone has to do the majority of "unskilled jobs" it's how it works.

There is nothing wrong with that. And nothing in life is easy. What idiot bum wanders around life, expecting that they can barely take the energy to flip a burger over, and yet earn millions? That's the ideology of the fool.

If you want to earn more, you have to EARN it. You have to find a skill or job that is worth more to the public. This is life. This is how is should be.
Their is something wrong with that, and we have the capacity to make life easy, these bums don't want millions, they want enough to not have to worry and have a livable wage for nutritional needs, shelter, medicine.. I know plenty of homeless individuals. Ah, earn it. Yeah, what's the definition of earning it? I don't think the public gives two fucks about the people on wall street, or the CEO of nestle. Inherently, billions of people will never be able to achieve "success" and "earn it" since they're failures and obviously need to try harder, not everyone can be businessmen, bankers.. You're delusional if you think it's easy to rise up either.

I have lived off of $20K and less, for the past 12 years.

I have always had a job. It's easy. Get off your butt, and get a job. It's not that hard.

No, not everyone can be a banker or whatever. But that doesn't entitle them to the earnings of others.

Nothing in life is easy, nor should it be. Life is tough. Stop whining about it, and start working for it.

If you save just $100 a month, for 45 years, you'll be a millionaire or close to it.

Livable wage is irrelevant. Your labor is worth what the customer is willing to pay for it. If the customer isn't willing to pay you $20 for a fast food burger, then the company can't pay you $20/hr. That's how life works. The company can never pay you, as much or more, than how much the customer is willing to pay for your labor.

So you have two options, you can either work for what your labor is worth, or choose to do something that has a higher value.

There will never be a time in which you are paid $40K+ for flipping burgers or any other low value work. It will never happen.
I have a job, like most people worldwide. It's actually not that easy in many areas, and in many places like China, the jobs are awful. Why shouldn't it be easy when we have the capacity to make it easy? LOL. That $100 bullshit is hilarious, it ignores everything logical, it doesn't work like that anymore. Living wage isn't irrelevant, and to make a point, Denmark McDonald's workers make $20 and the Big Mac is 40-50 cents more. I want a time where work is based on the needs of the people, not the needs of the capitalist. Oh please, 40k a year wouldn't even raise prices anywhere near that high, you fail sir
Still won't take up the challenge of putting all your investment into a company and its equipment and not hire anyone to do the work!
See how much money you get on your investment.
You choose to justify your ideology on the poorest of poor countries ; and who knows where the photos were taken.
Put up or shut up! LOL

The investment doesn't work unless the middle class workers do the job. Dumbass!

Yes, yes, your petty ROFL response is hilarious. Now tell me, what work does the capitalist actually do then "invest" to buy materials, made by workers, hell, everything the capitalist uses is made by workers.
ROFL what a dumb ass POS you are.

I suppose you've never done any work as an investment that you were not directly paid for. Effing marxist pig. Investments don't have to pay off. Investments in $ is no different than an investment in time or effort.

That doesn't matter. Without the Capitalists, there would be no work for the middle class to do.
Without the capitalists, work would be based on the actual needs of society, not by what the capitalist wants done for profit.

Yeah, that's why the Soviets were literally starving to death. That's why Venezuela has record poverty and malnutrition. That's why people were willing to risk death to swim to Miami.

We've seen how your system works... it works by leaving people impoverished, and starving.


Cuban "pharmacy". No Capitalists making profit, and no medications either.


Venezuela; Sign says "made with socialism"... above the empty shelves.
The investment doesn't work unless the middle class workers do the job. Dumbass!

Capitalists are. Without capitalists there are no jobs.

If workers created jobs, then why was pre-78 China a 3rd world country? They had more "worker" class people than any 10 other nations combined, and yet they were impoverished, and 63% of the population lived on less than $2 a day.

Adopting a Capitalist system, has turned China into the power house economy they are now, and the number of people impoverished has drastically declined.... because of Capitalists.
You missed the entire point of the post, the point is, without capitalism, people would still work, after all, the capitalist is not needed.
Yes, yes, your petty ROFL response is hilarious. Now tell me, what work does the capitalist actually do then "invest" to buy materials, made by workers, hell, everything the capitalist uses is made by workers.
ROFL what a dumb ass POS you are.

I suppose you've never done any work as an investment that you were not directly paid for. Effing marxist pig. Investments don't have to pay off. Investments in $ is no different than an investment in time or effort.
ROFL what an idiot. Yeah cause a lawyer or engineer getting paid 300k is "middle class."
The investment doesn't work unless the middle class workers do the job. Dumbass!

ROFL what a dumb ass POS you are.

I suppose you've never done any work as an investment that you were not directly paid for. Effing marxist pig. Investments don't have to pay off. Investments in $ is no different than an investment in time or effort.

That doesn't matter. Without the Capitalists, there would be no work for the middle class to do.
Without the capitalists, work would be based on the actual needs of society, not by what the capitalist wants done for profit.

Yeah, that's why the Soviets were literally starving to death. That's why Venezuela has record poverty and malnutrition. That's why people were willing to risk death to swim to Miami.

We've seen how your system works... it works by leaving people impoverished, and starving.


Cuban "pharmacy". No Capitalists making profit, and no medications either.


Venezuela; Sign says "made with socialism"... above the empty shelves.
Keep cherry picking and completely ignore that Venezuela literally improved in most areas under Hugo, and look at what Cuba has gone through, and compare them to a similar country.

Cuba had a standard of living that was directly comparable to the US in the 1950s. Today they live impoverished.

Venezuela has not improved in most, or even a few areas. Over 1 Million people have left a country of only 27 Million. For a country which you claimed has improved so much, a million plus people thought it improved so much they left.

An estimated 1 million Venezuelans have moved abroad in the decade since Chávez took power.

And now, after a decade of the so-called Bolivarian revolution, tens of thousands of disillusioned Venezuelan professionals have had enough. Artists, lawyers, physicians, managers, and engineers are leaving the country in droves, while those already abroad are scrapping plans to return.The wealthiest among them are buying condos in Miami and Panama City.

One by one, he watched the people he trained over the years leave the country. "I used to give angry speeches about the brain drain. Now I have to bite my tongue," says Benaim, who is also moving to the U.S. "We had the best minds in the business, and now there's nothing for them here."

Your 21st Century Socialism has resulted in Venezuela being an absolute mess.

How Bad Are Venezuela s Economic Problems - Forbes

In an op-ed published on October 16 Harvard economists Kenneth Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart explained that Venezuela is “a major oil-exporting economy that is so badly mismanaged that real (inflation-adjusted) per capita GDP today is 2% lower than it was in 1970, despite a ten-fold increase in oil prices.”

What level of idiocy does it take for socialists to take a net-oil exporter nation, and end up with a per capita GDP that is 2% lower today, than it was in 1970?

The US economy sucked in the 1970s, and yet we managed to grow economically without net oil exports that Venezuela has.

How many oil exporters in the world are on the verge of default? This is the only one I know of, and the only openly socialist.

Venezuela is a fail on so many levels, it's hard to even grasp how bad off it is. This is a country that had to go to CUBA to get doctors, only to have them defect the moment they could get away.
And a CEO is worth his money?
Doubt it but your kind seem to kiss the ground they walk on.


The investment doesn't work unless the middle class workers do the job. Dumbass!

You missed the entire point of the post, the point is, without capitalism, people would still work, after all, the capitalist is not needed.
Yes, yes, your petty ROFL response is hilarious. Now tell me, what work does the capitalist actually do then "invest" to buy materials, made by workers, hell, everything the capitalist uses is made by workers.
ROFL what a dumb ass POS you are.

I suppose you've never done any work as an investment that you were not directly paid for. Effing marxist pig. Investments don't have to pay off. Investments in $ is no different than an investment in time or effort.
ROFL what an idiot. Yeah cause a lawyer or engineer getting paid 300k is "middle class."
The investment doesn't work unless the middle class workers do the job. Dumbass!

That doesn't matter. Without the Capitalists, there would be no work for the middle class to do.
Without the capitalists, work would be based on the actual needs of society, not by what the capitalist wants done for profit.

Yeah, that's why the Soviets were literally starving to death. That's why Venezuela has record poverty and malnutrition. That's why people were willing to risk death to swim to Miami.

We've seen how your system works... it works by leaving people impoverished, and starving.


Cuban "pharmacy". No Capitalists making profit, and no medications either.


Venezuela; Sign says "made with socialism"... above the empty shelves.
Keep cherry picking and completely ignore that Venezuela literally improved in most areas under Hugo, and look at what Cuba has gone through, and compare them to a similar country.

Cuba had a standard of living that was directly comparable to the US in the 1950s. Today they live impoverished.

Venezuela has not improved in most, or even a few areas. Over 1 Million people have left a country of only 27 Million. For a country which you claimed has improved so much, a million plus people thought it improved so much they left.

An estimated 1 million Venezuelans have moved abroad in the decade since Chávez took power.

And now, after a decade of the so-called Bolivarian revolution, tens of thousands of disillusioned Venezuelan professionals have had enough. Artists, lawyers, physicians, managers, and engineers are leaving the country in droves, while those already abroad are scrapping plans to return.The wealthiest among them are buying condos in Miami and Panama City.

One by one, he watched the people he trained over the years leave the country. "I used to give angry speeches about the brain drain. Now I have to bite my tongue," says Benaim, who is also moving to the U.S. "We had the best minds in the business, and now there's nothing for them here."

Your 21st Century Socialism has resulted in Venezuela being an absolute mess.

How Bad Are Venezuela s Economic Problems - Forbes

In an op-ed published on October 16 Harvard economists Kenneth Rogoff and Carmen Reinhart explained that Venezuela is “a major oil-exporting economy that is so badly mismanaged that real (inflation-adjusted) per capita GDP today is 2% lower than it was in 1970, despite a ten-fold increase in oil prices.”

What level of idiocy does it take for socialists to take a net-oil exporter nation, and end up with a per capita GDP that is 2% lower today, than it was in 1970?

The US economy sucked in the 1970s, and yet we managed to grow economically without net oil exports that Venezuela has.

How many oil exporters in the world are on the verge of default? This is the only one I know of, and the only openly socialist.

Venezuela is a fail on so many levels, it's hard to even grasp how bad off it is. This is a country that had to go to CUBA to get doctors, only to have them defect the moment they could get away.
Your blatant cherry picking and ignorance of the poorer classes being helped is hilarious. Hugo took the oil profits and put them into social programs, unlike the previous leader. Show me how well the poor were doing in Cuba in 1950... Venezuelan inflation sucks, I know, but Hugo improved literacy, healthcare, lifted many out of extreme poverty.. Who the fuck cares if the wealthy leave, the poor needed help, and Venezuela still had many public care workers.
Still won't take up the challenge of putting all your investment into a company and its equipment and not hire anyone to do the work!
See how much money you get on your investment.
You choose to justify your ideology on the poorest of poor countries ; and who knows where the photos were taken.
Put up or shut up! LOL

The investment doesn't work unless the middle class workers do the job. Dumbass!

ROFL what a dumb ass POS you are.

I suppose you've never done any work as an investment that you were not directly paid for. Effing marxist pig. Investments don't have to pay off. Investments in $ is no different than an investment in time or effort.

That doesn't matter. Without the Capitalists, there would be no work for the middle class to do.
Without the capitalists, work would be based on the actual needs of society, not by what the capitalist wants done for profit.

Yeah, that's why the Soviets were literally starving to death. That's why Venezuela has record poverty and malnutrition. That's why people were willing to risk death to swim to Miami.

We've seen how your system works... it works by leaving people impoverished, and starving.


Cuban "pharmacy". No Capitalists making profit, and no medications either.


Venezuela; Sign says "made with socialism"... above the empty shelves.

Dude people do what you say all the time.

My former employer, they had a picture of the dude with all the machines, building stuff by himself in his basement. He built the company with his own hands. He was worth millions before he hired the first employee.

Apple computer, HP, and dozens of other companies all started without employees, just the owners making it work.

I think it was Snapple, where the guy put literally all his money into the business, and actually lived out of his car, in the parking lot of his business.

People do what you say ALL THE FREAKIN TIME.

As soon as I can find it, there was a Hot Rod Magazine article, about a guy who bought all the equipment, and the building, and hand made hot rods. He molded the metal, and did all the work himself. He was a multi millionaire making custom coups. He hired.... NO ONE.

People do this all the time. You people are bat crazy.

I'll never forget the day I was working at this company, and one of the machines broke down. So this dude was there rolling around on the floor, in jeans and a t-shirt, flopping around with tools in the dirt. And one of the guys walked up and said.... "that's him". I was standing there, thinking that's who? The new maintenance crew? The guy looked at me... no he's the owner and CEO. He signs your pay check. He owns this whole place.

I was shocked.... there he was with grimy tools, cranking on a machine. Turns out he installed all the machines himself, and before he had employees, he setup the machines, ran the machines, and repaired the machines all himself. So when they broke down, he just put on some old jeans, grabbed his tools, and fixed them.

He could run the WHOLE FREAKIN PLACE, without an employee. But that doesn't work with your socialist myth that "they can't earn anything without us, and they don't do anything".

But you are wrong. You are ignorant, and foolish.
Still won't take up the challenge of putting all your investment into a company and its equipment and not hire anyone to do the work!
See how much money you get on your investment.
You choose to justify your ideology on the poorest of poor countries ; and who knows where the photos were taken.
Put up or shut up! LOL

The investment doesn't work unless the middle class workers do the job. Dumbass!

That doesn't matter. Without the Capitalists, there would be no work for the middle class to do.
Without the capitalists, work would be based on the actual needs of society, not by what the capitalist wants done for profit.

Yeah, that's why the Soviets were literally starving to death. That's why Venezuela has record poverty and malnutrition. That's why people were willing to risk death to swim to Miami.

We've seen how your system works... it works by leaving people impoverished, and starving.


Cuban "pharmacy". No Capitalists making profit, and no medications either.


Venezuela; Sign says "made with socialism"... above the empty shelves.

Dude people do what you say all the time.

My former employer, they had a picture of the dude with all the machines, building stuff by himself in his basement. He built the company with his own hands. He was worth millions before he hired the first employee.

Apple computer, HP, and dozens of other companies all started without employees, just the owners making it work.

I think it was Snapple, where the guy put literally all his money into the business, and actually lived out of his car, in the parking lot of his business.

People do what you say ALL THE FREAKIN TIME.

As soon as I can find it, there was a Hot Rod Magazine article, about a guy who bought all the equipment, and the building, and hand made hot rods. He molded the metal, and did all the work himself. He was a multi millionaire making custom coups. He hired.... NO ONE.

People do this all the time. You people are bat crazy.

I'll never forget the day I was working at this company, and one of the machines broke down. So this dude was there rolling around on the floor, in jeans and a t-shirt, flopping around with tools in the dirt. And one of the guys walked up and said.... "that's him". I was standing there, thinking that's who? The new maintenance crew? The guy looked at me... no he's the owner and CEO. He signs your pay check. He owns this whole place.

I was shocked.... there he was with grimy tools, cranking on a machine. Turns out he installed all the machines himself, and before he had employees, he setup the machines, ran the machines, and repaired the machines all himself. So when they broke down, he just put on some old jeans, grabbed his tools, and fixed them.

He could run the WHOLE FREAKIN PLACE, without an employee. But that doesn't work with your socialist myth that "they can't earn anything without us, and they don't do anything".

But you are wrong. You are ignorant, and foolish.
Keep cherry picking and ignoring that once companies are founded, this stops happening in those companies.
You need to try it with your "smarts" and your "working" ability. You would be a billionaire in no time.

Still won't take up the challenge of putting all your investment into a company and its equipment and not hire anyone to do the work!
See how much money you get on your investment.
You choose to justify your ideology on the poorest of poor countries ; and who knows where the photos were taken.
Put up or shut up! LOL

The investment doesn't work unless the middle class workers do the job. Dumbass!

That doesn't matter. Without the Capitalists, there would be no work for the middle class to do.
Without the capitalists, work would be based on the actual needs of society, not by what the capitalist wants done for profit.

Yeah, that's why the Soviets were literally starving to death. That's why Venezuela has record poverty and malnutrition. That's why people were willing to risk death to swim to Miami.

We've seen how your system works... it works by leaving people impoverished, and starving.


Cuban "pharmacy". No Capitalists making profit, and no medications either.


Venezuela; Sign says "made with socialism"... above the empty shelves.

Dude people do what you say all the time.

My former employer, they had a picture of the dude with all the machines, building stuff by himself in his basement. He built the company with his own hands. He was worth millions before he hired the first employee.

Apple computer, HP, and dozens of other companies all started without employees, just the owners making it work.

I think it was Snapple, where the guy put literally all his money into the business, and actually lived out of his car, in the parking lot of his business.

People do what you say ALL THE FREAKIN TIME.

As soon as I can find it, there was a Hot Rod Magazine article, about a guy who bought all the equipment, and the building, and hand made hot rods. He molded the metal, and did all the work himself. He was a multi millionaire making custom coups. He hired.... NO ONE.

People do this all the time. You people are bat crazy.

I'll never forget the day I was working at this company, and one of the machines broke down. So this dude was there rolling around on the floor, in jeans and a t-shirt, flopping around with tools in the dirt. And one of the guys walked up and said.... "that's him". I was standing there, thinking that's who? The new maintenance crew? The guy looked at me... no he's the owner and CEO. He signs your pay check. He owns this whole place.

I was shocked.... there he was with grimy tools, cranking on a machine. Turns out he installed all the machines himself, and before he had employees, he setup the machines, ran the machines, and repaired the machines all himself. So when they broke down, he just put on some old jeans, grabbed his tools, and fixed them.

He could run the WHOLE FREAKIN PLACE, without an employee. But that doesn't work with your socialist myth that "they can't earn anything without us, and they don't do anything".

But you are wrong. You are ignorant, and foolish.
No one is forced to work. We know this because there's a guy on the side walk as I leave for work, who hasn't done anything at all for the entire day, and people give him money to stand on the corner.

Exploitation is not inherently bad. In fact, it's mutually beneficial. My employer is making money off me. I'm making money off him. We're both better off because of the arrangement. If I were not better off, I wouldn't work there.
For some reason, they think that a person is chained to an employer. If the employer won't pay them enough, there's nothing they can do. The employer can laugh and giggle and dance around them, because they just can't go anywhere else. That's it, they're stuck there.

For those with no skills, in this market, that is pretty much the truth. Advice I give to any young person, learn a skill, get an education, and continue that education for as long as you are alive. Yesterdays skills are often not revelant in todays employment market.
It's not that easy, and someone has to do the majority of "unskilled jobs" it's how it works.

There is nothing wrong with that. And nothing in life is easy. What idiot bum wanders around life, expecting that they can barely take the energy to flip a burger over, and yet earn millions? That's the ideology of the fool.

If you want to earn more, you have to EARN it. You have to find a skill or job that is worth more to the public. This is life. This is how is should be.
Their is something wrong with that, and we have the capacity to make life easy, these bums don't want millions, they want enough to not have to worry and have a livable wage for nutritional needs, shelter, medicine.. I know plenty of homeless individuals. Ah, earn it. Yeah, what's the definition of earning it? I don't think the public gives two fucks about the people on wall street, or the CEO of nestle. Inherently, billions of people will never be able to achieve "success" and "earn it" since they're failures and obviously need to try harder, not everyone can be businessmen, bankers.. You're delusional if you think it's easy to rise up either.
we have the capacity to make life easy
First...Who in the hell told you that life should be easy?
Ya know what the results of "easy" are? Mediocrity....
Working hard, or smart gives people a sense of accomplishment and achievement.
Working to improves one's self offers not only the above, but also an opportunity to earn more.
I'd like to know what your perception of "capacity" might be?....Would that be in the form of additional taxation?
"they want enough to not have to worry and have a livable wage for nutritional needs, shelter, medicine.."
We already have in place plenty of social benefits which provide for those who cannot afford these things.
We cannot have a system where wages are available for artificial increase on demand. The money has to come from somewhere.
Why did you inject homeless people into this?
"billions of people"......HUH? Where?
"not everyone can be businessmen, bankers"....So?
"You're delusional if you think it's easy to rise up either".....No. It isn't easy. But that does not mean one should not try. You don't get to say "why should I" then expect others to pick up the slack.
I have no idea what makes a person such as yourself believe others owe you something.
You have the opportunity to do whatever you wish to better yourself.
Why is that such a difficult concept to grasp?
For some reason, they think that a person is chained to an employer. If the employer won't pay them enough, there's nothing they can do. The employer can laugh and giggle and dance around them, because they just can't go anywhere else. That's it, they're stuck there.

For those with no skills, in this market, that is pretty much the truth. Advice I give to any young person, learn a skill, get an education, and continue that education for as long as you are alive. Yesterdays skills are often not revelant in todays employment market.
It's not that easy, and someone has to do the majority of "unskilled jobs" it's how it works.

There is nothing wrong with that. And nothing in life is easy. What idiot bum wanders around life, expecting that they can barely take the energy to flip a burger over, and yet earn millions? That's the ideology of the fool.

If you want to earn more, you have to EARN it. You have to find a skill or job that is worth more to the public. This is life. This is how is should be.
Their is something wrong with that, and we have the capacity to make life easy, these bums don't want millions, they want enough to not have to worry and have a livable wage for nutritional needs, shelter, medicine.. I know plenty of homeless individuals. Ah, earn it. Yeah, what's the definition of earning it? I don't think the public gives two fucks about the people on wall street, or the CEO of nestle. Inherently, billions of people will never be able to achieve "success" and "earn it" since they're failures and obviously need to try harder, not everyone can be businessmen, bankers.. You're delusional if you think it's easy to rise up either.
we have the capacity to make life easy
First...Who in the hell told you that life should be easy?
Ya know what the results of "easy" are? Mediocrity....
Working hard, or smart gives people a sense of accomplishment and achievement.
Working to improves one's self offers not only the above, but also an opportunity to earn more.
I'd like to know what your perception of "capacity" might be?....Would that be in the form of additional taxation?
"they want enough to not have to worry and have a livable wage for nutritional needs, shelter, medicine.."
We already have in place plenty of social benefits which provide for those who cannot afford these things.
We cannot have a system where wages are available for artificial increase on demand. The money has to come from somewhere.
Why did you inject homeless people into this?
"billions of people"......HUH? Where?
"not everyone can be businessmen, bankers"....So?
"You're delusional if you think it's easy to rise up either".....No. It isn't easy. But that does not mean one should not try. You don't get to say "why should I" then expect others to pick up the slack.
I have no idea what makes a person such as yourself believe others owe you something.
You have the opportunity to do whatever you wish to better yourself.
Why is that such a difficult concept to grasp?
There are many people in the world who are willing to give up quite a bit to be taken care of.

It is what it is.

The investment doesn't work unless the middle class workers do the job. Dumbass!

Yes, yes, your petty ROFL response is hilarious. Now tell me, what work does the capitalist actually do then "invest" to buy materials, made by workers, hell, everything the capitalist uses is made by workers.
ROFL what a dumb ass POS you are.

I suppose you've never done any work as an investment that you were not directly paid for. Effing marxist pig. Investments don't have to pay off. Investments in $ is no different than an investment in time or effort.

That doesn't matter. Without the Capitalists, there would be no work for the middle class to do.
Without the capitalists, work would be based on the actual needs of society, not by what the capitalist wants done for profit.
Wow......Without the business owner we have...WHAT?
Business does not operate for "the needs of society"...Nor should it.
Products and services are made available through market research.
Your premise would suggest you would have government force business for instance to continue making manual typewriters.
After all, the people employed by the typewriter manufacturer "need" jobs.
Have you a problem with the concept of profit?
Yes, there are numerous examples of exactly what you point out here. To those people, and the people like Musk, Gates, and Buffet, a tip of the hat. But then there are the people like Ken Lay, that are parasites on the rest of us. Just as there are people I have worked with that are also parasites on the rest of us. But it is easier to fire the parasite worker, than the parasite capitalist.

Capitalism is an economic tool, and like other tools, circle saws, ect., it needs safeguards on it. Those are regulations. Had we kept the Glass-Steigal regulations in force, the crash of '08 might not have happened.
The reason people are not answering you directly, is because we perceive that you are both ideologically driven, and willfully ignorant. In short, we don't think you would accept the honest answer.

Nevertheless, here is your answer.

My CEO and company owner, shows up a full hour before any employees arrive. He works from 7 AM, to about 6 PM every day. He has flown to China, Arizona, and numerous other locations to meet with Customers and Suppliers, to fix problems, sign deals, and make contracts for new products.

The CEO sold his home to purchase this company, and I've seen him pack up everything, and fly to Florida, to spend an entire week fixing a bad deployment, with only him, and the head Engineer there, working 12-hour shifts, to fix all the issues.

There are numerous examples where a Capitalists does a ton. I used to work for a small firm called Vanner Inc, and in the conference room, there's a picture of the company owner, in his basement, with all his equipment, building the original product all by himself. He built the company from the ground up.

The reason most people on this thread, are just insulting you, is because all of us in the real world, that know how things actually work, know that to claim Capitalists don't do anything, is the absolute pinnacle of total ignorance and stupidity.
I don't think the international capitalists who own sweatshops, mines, phone centers in India, Apple.. Yes, the petty capitalist may work hard to continue his exploitation, but signing deals? That's not hard labor or work.

It is hard work. You are just wrong. Sorry. I've seen CEOs put in MONTHS to put together a deal.

Sorry, you are just flat out wrong. And by the way, those sweat shops, are often the highest paying jobs in those areas. The people who work there, have a higher standard of living than all their fellow citizens.

It's amazing how arrogant people in this country can be, attacking those who give a better life to those who have no other possibility for improving themselves.

I remember reading about the Nike plant in Malaysia. Everyone screamed and yelled.... so they raised wages.... AND LAID OFF 25% OF THE WORKERS. Hundreds of workers lost their jobs, and went back to being completely impoverished. Good job socialist scum. You screwed over some of the poorest people in the world. Well done. Give yourself a pat on the back. Idiots.
Yeah, you're full of shit.

You haven't run so much as a lemonade stand. I wager you likely don't even balanced your check book do you?

Am I wrong? Maybe I am. You tell me. What company have you run?
I balance my checkbook, and I have made investments in the past when I was unaware of the problems
Non responsive
Still won't take up the challenge of putting all your investment into a company and its equipment and not hire anyone to do the work!
See how much money you get on your investment.
You choose to justify your ideology on the poorest of poor countries ; and who knows where the photos were taken.
Put up or shut up! LOL

That doesn't matter. Without the Capitalists, there would be no work for the middle class to do.
Without the capitalists, work would be based on the actual needs of society, not by what the capitalist wants done for profit.

Yeah, that's why the Soviets were literally starving to death. That's why Venezuela has record poverty and malnutrition. That's why people were willing to risk death to swim to Miami.

We've seen how your system works... it works by leaving people impoverished, and starving.


Cuban "pharmacy". No Capitalists making profit, and no medications either.


Venezuela; Sign says "made with socialism"... above the empty shelves.

Dude people do what you say all the time.

My former employer, they had a picture of the dude with all the machines, building stuff by himself in his basement. He built the company with his own hands. He was worth millions before he hired the first employee.

Apple computer, HP, and dozens of other companies all started without employees, just the owners making it work.

I think it was Snapple, where the guy put literally all his money into the business, and actually lived out of his car, in the parking lot of his business.

People do what you say ALL THE FREAKIN TIME.

As soon as I can find it, there was a Hot Rod Magazine article, about a guy who bought all the equipment, and the building, and hand made hot rods. He molded the metal, and did all the work himself. He was a multi millionaire making custom coups. He hired.... NO ONE.

People do this all the time. You people are bat crazy.

I'll never forget the day I was working at this company, and one of the machines broke down. So this dude was there rolling around on the floor, in jeans and a t-shirt, flopping around with tools in the dirt. And one of the guys walked up and said.... "that's him". I was standing there, thinking that's who? The new maintenance crew? The guy looked at me... no he's the owner and CEO. He signs your pay check. He owns this whole place.

I was shocked.... there he was with grimy tools, cranking on a machine. Turns out he installed all the machines himself, and before he had employees, he setup the machines, ran the machines, and repaired the machines all himself. So when they broke down, he just put on some old jeans, grabbed his tools, and fixed them.

He could run the WHOLE FREAKIN PLACE, without an employee. But that doesn't work with your socialist myth that "they can't earn anything without us, and they don't do anything".

But you are wrong. You are ignorant, and foolish.
Keep cherry picking and ignoring that once companies are founded, this stops happening in those companies.
Ahh..The lib playbook.....Instead of engaging the debate, you find yourself unable to rebut, you accuse the OP of cherry picking......Typical.
The investment doesn't work unless the middle class workers do the job. Dumbass!

Yes, yes, your petty ROFL response is hilarious. Now tell me, what work does the capitalist actually do then "invest" to buy materials, made by workers, hell, everything the capitalist uses is made by workers.
ROFL what a dumb ass POS you are.

I suppose you've never done any work as an investment that you were not directly paid for. Effing marxist pig. Investments don't have to pay off. Investments in $ is no different than an investment in time or effort.

That doesn't matter. Without the Capitalists, there would be no work for the middle class to do.
Without the capitalists, work would be based on the actual needs of society, not by what the capitalist wants done for profit.
Wow......Without the business owner we have...WHAT?
Business does not operate for "the needs of society"...Nor should it.
Products and services are made available through market research.
Your premise would suggest you would have government force business for instance to continue making manual typewriters.
After all, the people employed by the typewriter manufacturer "need" jobs.
Have you a problem with the concept of profit?
I disagree with the idea of profit in regards to capitalism.
It is hard work. You are just wrong. Sorry. I've seen CEOs put in MONTHS to put together a deal.

Sorry, you are just flat out wrong. And by the way, those sweat shops, are often the highest paying jobs in those areas. The people who work there, have a higher standard of living than all their fellow citizens.

It's amazing how arrogant people in this country can be, attacking those who give a better life to those who have no other possibility for improving themselves.

I remember reading about the Nike plant in Malaysia. Everyone screamed and yelled.... so they raised wages.... AND LAID OFF 25% OF THE WORKERS. Hundreds of workers lost their jobs, and went back to being completely impoverished. Good job socialist scum. You screwed over some of the poorest people in the world. Well done. Give yourself a pat on the back. Idiots.
Yeah, you're full of shit.

You haven't run so much as a lemonade stand. I wager you likely don't even balanced your check book do you?

Am I wrong? Maybe I am. You tell me. What company have you run?
I balance my checkbook, and I have made investments in the past when I was unaware of the problems

What company have you run.
None, like most people.
And?.....So who the hell are you to demand others provide for your happiness?
More economic GOOD News...DOW hits new record..on track to hit 17K.

Why is it good news that a bunch of speculators and super rich are hitting it big in the Stock market? It will be good news when people stop losing their jobs. It will be good news when people can get a raise in income.
It will be good news when people start spending again. But the market hitting 17k big fucking deal.

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