More Economic Good News- Economists agree: Stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs

Is RW a Truthmattersnot sock puppet or is it the other way around?
I'm theorizing that you are either mutual sock puppets, products of the same brain washing pogrom, or descended from the same defective one celled creature in the primordial soup. Perhaps all three!
You stupid fucking dripping gash... we were headed for bad times whether that money got spent or not, but now that your shit for brains, spend like the wind, radical turd cakes spent all that money, we're still headed for the same financial problems, BUT NOW IT'S WAY, WAY, WAY WORSE.



You are so fucking stupid you dont even realise that things are better than GWBush left us with.

You guys want to go right back into doing the shit that got us here.

Wow. I think you need to have something straigtened out here.
We had three things happen at once.

First...recession...normal cycle, happens all the time every 6-8 years
Second- Housing buble collpse. Had nothing to do with the recession
Third- Credit crunch. Directly related to the housing bubble collapse.

Lessons were learned by the housing bubble collapse. Reforms were established.
Recession had nothing to do with policy. It is usally a factor of market stauration and requires nothing but the natural correction that pure competition allows for.

No one is pushing for policies that got us here.

You are a victim of left wing rhetoric. And it is making you look foolish.

the abnormally low interest rates enabled both the housing bubble and the credit crunch.

You are so fucking stupid you dont even realise that things are better than GWBush left us with.

You guys want to go right back into doing the shit that got us here.

Wow. I think you need to have something straigtened out here.
We had three things happen at once.

First...recession...normal cycle, happens all the time every 6-8 years
Second- Housing buble collpse. Had nothing to do with the recession
Third- Credit crunch. Directly related to the housing bubble collapse.

Lessons were learned by the housing bubble collapse. Reforms were established.
Recession had nothing to do with policy. It is usally a factor of market stauration and requires nothing but the natural correction that pure competition allows for.

No one is pushing for policies that got us here.

You are a victim of left wing rhetoric. And it is making you look foolish.

the abnormally low interest rates enabled both the housing bubble and the credit crunch.

Boo Yah:clap2: You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to uscitizen again.
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What caused the abnormally low interest rates in the first place?
Federal Reserve , a book titled "Greenspan's Bubbles" is a good read and takes on this issue rather nicely,imho.
Here's another for you - which goes back further into the root cause:

[ame=] The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve (9780912986395): G. Edward Griffin: Books[/ame]

Greenspan is just a player in a decades long venture to extract income out of the productive folks and foist risk onto the taxpayers by the international banking system and its big government henchmen.
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Here's another for you - which goes back further into the root cause: The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve (9780912986395): G. Edward Griffin: Books

Greenspan is just a player in a decades long venture to extract income out of the productive folks and foist risk onto the taxpayers by the international banking system and its big government henchmen.

Boo Yah again!:clap2: Thanks for adding reputation to this user. May you be lucky enough to receive the same Reputation back in turn.
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You are so fucking stupid you dont even realise that things are better than GWBush left us with.

You guys want to go right back into doing the shit that got us here.

Wow. I think you need to have something straigtened out here.
We had three things happen at once.

First...recession...normal cycle, happens all the time every 6-8 years
Second- Housing buble collpse. Had nothing to do with the recession
Third- Credit crunch. Directly related to the housing bubble collapse.

Lessons were learned by the housing bubble collapse. Reforms were established.
Recession had nothing to do with policy. It is usally a factor of market stauration and requires nothing but the natural correction that pure competition allows for.

No one is pushing for policies that got us here.

You are a victim of left wing rhetoric. And it is making you look foolish.

the abnormally low interest rates enabled both the housing bubble and the credit crunch.

True story.
My question is what will happen once the stimulus incentives are withdrawn. It has to happen sometime and have the companies learned anything from the current economic crisis?

Can you say double dip? Triple dip?

govt spending has been the only thing keeping our economy in the black for around 10 years.
Absolute poppycock.

This is all based on a what if model that assumes a high multiplier on government spending which is not accurate.
What leads you to believe Rogoff's work is based on a "high" multiplier for government spending?

Any dollar the government spends is a dollar taken away from the private sector.

Current government borrowing is coming from foreign nations and from people so risk averse that they'll accept a near-negative interest rate. They allocated that money to the most productive place they could find, and that place is paying almost nothing.

Because the administrations whole policy toward the Stimulus was based on a the LIE that for every dollar you spend you get 1.6 Dollars of Private sector growth.

The truth is more like 70 cents for every dollar you spend, and that is only when you spend it on the right things.

When almost half of what you spend is just to bail out State Budget deficits for Medicare then over half the money you spent HAD NO EFFECT at all on job creation.
My question is what will happen once the stimulus incentives are withdrawn. It has to happen sometime and have the companies learned anything from the current economic crisis?

Can you say double dip? Triple dip?

govt spending has been the only thing keeping our economy in the black for around 10 years.

The crim de la crim of magic and illusion is government spending, back when Bush was in office and people would be boasting of the quarterly expansion of the economy, I would go to the US Dept. of Labor and look at the statistics and sure enough, just like you said; about the only thing expanding was government and the health care industry.
Hey fucking idiot.

It kept us OUT of a depression.

Now in the warped con minds that is a bad thing?

Unless a bubble comes around to pull us out of the recession we will possibly have a depression. All Obama/Bush have done it try to float the country to the next bubble. In the end the money spent will come back and bite the country in the ass.

TM, you have no idea wtf you are talking about. Shit, you believe we are out of Iraq… You think Obama would really get rid of something that is employing so many people right now? No way, Obama would rather be in perpetual war and risk deaths of civilians in other countries and deaths of US troops just to keep that unemployment % down.

Same deal as FDR TM, without the war the Great depression was going nowhere… Without these wars and the possibility of another the recession might just show itself as a depression.

1920’s depression lasted about a year… LET THE MARKETS CORRECT THEMSELVES! Markets WILL correct themselves at some point, that’s why we had the Great Depression, the markets were forcing the change and Government was running out of money and time it could interfere.
All one has to do is look at the economic trends before the Stimulus and TARP passed and after. The financial markets were in a panic as the Dow Jones shed 7000 points. GDP was negative in five of the six previous quarters. The Auto Companies and Banks were on the verge of collapse. We were losing 600,000 jobs a month.

All of these trends reversed after the Stimulus passed. It sent an indicator that the US Government would stand behind the economy. Since then..

- Dow is up 4000 points
- GDP is up for four consecutive quarters
- Job losses have stabilized and even gone positive in recent months
- GM is ready to go public again and is repaying the money

and a recession, that usually sees a recvovery begin within 8 to 16 months, is not yet showing a recovery 24 months later.

If you believed the rhetoric of the 2008 campaign, then yes, we were headed for a depression. But we can not forget...Obama wanted to win the election so he would say whatever he had to in an effort to win.

SO I didnt believe him.

Many of us didnt.

The stimulus did nothing but stablize...and likely dramaticall stunt and slow any recovery.

So what you see as short term "good" I see as lontg term "crap".

You have to understand the difference between a recession and a Republican Recession. Normal recessions are cyclical resets of the economy and can basically be ignored. A Republican Recession is a once in a lifetime event (Great Depression, Bush Recession) that requires immediate Government action to prevent a complete economic collapse

You just gave the great depression to a Republican???? Hoover was a liberal and FDR had 3 full terms of nothing but a depression... Are you even for real???
Economists agree: Stimulus created nearly 3 million jobs -

A recent study by two prominent economists generally agrees, crediting the pump-priming with averting "what could have been called Great Depression 2.0."

Eighteen months later, the consensus among economists is that the stimulus worked in staving off a rerun of the 1930s. But the spending's impact was dwarfed by other crisis-fighting tools deployed by the Bush and Obama administrations, including costly efforts to stabilize crippled banks and the Fed's unconventional monetary policy.

"I think it was important for confidence. ... But fiscal stimulus was the least important of the three planks of the government's strategy," said Harvard University's Kenneth Rogoff, former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund.

Gave up on the housing market spin huh ? ....... :eusa_whistle:
Its history not wishful thinking.

I know you all hate history along with sceince, higher education and this report which prooves the stim worked and is still working.

Says the person who clearly lacks knowledge of history, is not a scientist and obviously has no meaningful higher education…
The report is pure fantasy and political propaganda, hence it's appeal to TM.

Thats because the Republicans already wrote the history of the Stimulus as soon as it passed.... The Stimulus will Fail

No need to check whether it failed or not

The surge has failed, the war is lost = democrat talking point

The stimulus has failed = republican talking point

Who's right ? Who's wrong ?

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