More economic good news: Economy adds 3 million jobs last year, unemployment down to 5.6%

You just can't help being stupid, can you!
Stick to photoshop

Yes, bitch slapping you with facts is EASIER for you to understand when it comes in picture form! :badgrin::badgrin::ahole-1:
You need to understand your limitations

Lame Photoshop is the best you have to offer

And reading ISN'T fundamental with a 2 digit, IQ'd moron!

Does Breitbart know you are stealing their act?

Start making some serious posts and maybe we can take you seriously
You just can't help being stupid, can you!
Stick to photoshop

Yes, bitch slapping you with facts is EASIER for you to understand when it comes in picture form! :badgrin::badgrin::ahole-1:
You need to understand your limitations

Lame Photoshop is the best you have to offer

And reading ISN'T fundamental with a 2 digit, IQ'd moron!

Does Breitbart know you are stealing their act?

Start making some serious posts and maybe we can take you seriously

I never take you seriously, you are the very definition of a joke!
I've never understood this claim:
First, the claim is that the government is lying about the "real rate," yet the "real rate" is found in the same news release and calculated by the same people. I don't think I've ever heard anyone lying include the truth as well.

Second, since when is including people with jobs real unemployment? It's a bit odd for the article to specify that they are underemployed, but say including them is the real unemployment.

Side note: BLS does not refer to anything but the U-1, U-2, and U-3 as an unemployment rate, because the others include people who are not unemployed. They are rates of underutilization.

Third, the article is mistaken on its definition of marginally attached by imply
I've never understood how someone can pretend to be interested but not bother to do a few seconds of research. Makes no sense.
I don't get it either, especially when they just cut and paste.

Many people have given up on finding decent work, they retired early or live off of savings or maybe somebody else. Since they are no longer looking for work they don't factor in to the unemployment rate.
Right, it wouldn't make sense to include them as unemployed: they're not in the Labor market. They tell us nothing about the labor market.
Also, if a guy looses a good paying job an McD's hire two zit face part timers the libs give obama credit for creating two jobs.
No, that would be a gain of 1 job. But then I would look at average hours and average wage.

The job market still sucks around here, you must live in a blessed area.
4.5% unemployment rate in my area
5.6% unemployment rate last month

A drop of 4.6%....... Not bad for a community organizer

This has taken far too long, and there is still far too much negative data out there.

Neither party can claim victory, both have played a part in this chronic mediocrity.

Okay, back to the partisan silliness now.


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