More economic good news: Economy adds 3 million jobs last year, unemployment down to 5.6%

The labor participation rate is the lowest it's been in decades.

Who on the planet thinks that is good?

Labor participation rate has been going down for 15 years. It is expected to keep going down as baby boomers drop out of the workforce

For the first 4 years of Obama's presidency, Republicans hammered that the unemployment rate was the only economic measure that mattered. Now that it is down to 5.6%, labor participation rate is the only economic measure that matters
We all know both parties cook the UE numbers.

But you still want to believe don't you?

OK where are we?

1. The economy is failing
2. If #1 is not true, the government must be cooking the books

3. Even if the economy is really good, Obama didn't have anything to do with it
You forgot: 4. The economy is good because GOP was elected.
The labor participation rate is the lowest it's been in decades.

Who on the planet thinks that is good?

Labor participation rate has been going down for 15 years. It is expected to keep going down as baby boomers drop out of the workforce

For the first 4 years of Obama's presidency, Republicans hammered that the unemployment rate was the only economic measure that mattered. Now that it is down to 5.6%, labor participation rate is the only economic measure that matters
We all know both parties cook the UE numbers.

But you still want to believe don't you?
No, we all are not as stupid as you, speak for yourself.
You fall for the party line more than anyone here.

I on the other hand think both parties are full of shit
The ONLY way Conservative policies get traction is through fear. If the numbers are great, something MUST be found to instill fear.
The labor participation rate is the lowest it's been in decades.

Who on the planet thinks that is good?

Labor participation rate has been going down for 15 years. It is expected to keep going down as baby boomers drop out of the workforce

For the first 4 years of Obama's presidency, Republicans hammered that the unemployment rate was the only economic measure that mattered. Now that it is down to 5.6%, labor participation rate is the only economic measure that matters
We all know both parties cook the UE numbers.

But you still want to believe don't you?

OK where are we?

1. The economy is failing
2. If #1 is not true, the government must be cooking the books

3. Even if the economy is really good, Obama didn't have anything to do with it
You forgot: 4. The economy is good because GOP was elected.

I really don't think the economy is that good right now
The labor participation rate is the lowest it's been in decades.

Who on the planet thinks that is good?

Labor participation rate has been going down for 15 years. It is expected to keep going down as baby boomers drop out of the workforce

For the first 4 years of Obama's presidency, Republicans hammered that the unemployment rate was the only economic measure that mattered. Now that it is down to 5.6%, labor participation rate is the only economic measure that matters
We all know both parties cook the UE numbers.

But you still want to believe don't you?

OK where are we?

1. The economy is failing
2. If #1 is not true, the government must be cooking the books

3. Even if the economy is really good, Obama didn't have anything to do with it
You forgot: 4. The economy is good because GOP was elected.

I really don't think the economy is that good right now

Come on can do it

Was last months data good news or bad news?

Its not hard, you can tell us
The labor participation rate is the lowest it's been in decades.

Who on the planet thinks that is good?

Labor participation rate has been going down for 15 years. It is expected to keep going down as baby boomers drop out of the workforce

For the first 4 years of Obama's presidency, Republicans hammered that the unemployment rate was the only economic measure that mattered. Now that it is down to 5.6%, labor participation rate is the only economic measure that matters
We all know both parties cook the UE numbers.

But you still want to believe don't you?

OK where are we?

1. The economy is failing
2. If #1 is not true, the government must be cooking the books

3. Even if the economy is really good, Obama didn't have anything to do with it

Sorry but he shot his wad on the stimulus if that was going to work it wouldn't have taken 6 years. And the economy is not "really good" yet

The economy ebbs and flows on its own you know. Generally the more the government does the less well it does.
Well, according to the idiots on the Right, Obamacare is the government doing more and the economy has grown steadily since it passed, and it has been going into effect gradually each year since.
So another piece of Right-wing crapaganda has been put to the lie, but you will still bitterly cling to it.
The labor participation rate is the lowest it's been in decades.

Who on the planet thinks that is good?

Labor participation rate has been going down for 15 years. It is expected to keep going down as baby boomers drop out of the workforce

For the first 4 years of Obama's presidency, Republicans hammered that the unemployment rate was the only economic measure that mattered. Now that it is down to 5.6%, labor participation rate is the only economic measure that matters
We all know both parties cook the UE numbers.

But you still want to believe don't you?

OK where are we?

1. The economy is failing
2. If #1 is not true, the government must be cooking the books

3. Even if the economy is really good, Obama didn't have anything to do with it

Sorry but he shot his wad on the stimulus if that was going to work it wouldn't have taken 6 years. And the economy is not "really good" yet

The economy ebbs and flows on its own you know. Generally the more the government does the less well it does.
Well, according to the idiots on the Right, Obamacare is the government doing more and the economy has grown steadily since it passed, and it has been going into effect gradually each year since.
So another piece of Right-wing crapaganda has been put to the lie, but you will still bitterly cling to it.

So now prove that Obamacare is improving the economy. If you can.

And we haven't even seen the effects of all the delayed fees and taxes yet so you might not want to jump to conclusions yet.
The labor participation rate is the lowest it's been in decades.

Who on the planet thinks that is good?

Labor participation rate has been going down for 15 years. It is expected to keep going down as baby boomers drop out of the workforce

For the first 4 years of Obama's presidency, Republicans hammered that the unemployment rate was the only economic measure that mattered. Now that it is down to 5.6%, labor participation rate is the only economic measure that matters
We all know both parties cook the UE numbers.

But you still want to believe don't you?

OK where are we?

1. The economy is failing
2. If #1 is not true, the government must be cooking the books

3. Even if the economy is really good, Obama didn't have anything to do with it

Sorry but he shot his wad on the stimulus if that was going to work it wouldn't have taken 6 years. And the economy is not "really good" yet

The economy ebbs and flows on its own you know. Generally the more the government does the less well it does.
Well, according to the idiots on the Right, Obamacare is the government doing more and the economy has grown steadily since it passed, and it has been going into effect gradually each year since.
So another piece of Right-wing crapaganda has been put to the lie, but you will still bitterly cling to it.

Remember all the "Train Wreck" predictions from Republicans about how Obamacare was going to cost jobs and crash the economy?
The labor participation rate is the lowest it's been in decades.

Who on the planet thinks that is good?

Labor participation rate has been going down for 15 years. It is expected to keep going down as baby boomers drop out of the workforce

For the first 4 years of Obama's presidency, Republicans hammered that the unemployment rate was the only economic measure that mattered. Now that it is down to 5.6%, labor participation rate is the only economic measure that matters
We all know both parties cook the UE numbers.

But you still want to believe don't you?

OK where are we?

1. The economy is failing
2. If #1 is not true, the government must be cooking the books

3. Even if the economy is really good, Obama didn't have anything to do with it
You forgot: 4. The economy is good because GOP was elected.

I really don't think the economy is that good right now

Did Mitch McConnell Just Take Credit for the Economic Recovery?
The labor participation rate is the lowest it's been in decades.

Who on the planet thinks that is good?

Labor participation rate has been going down for 15 years. It is expected to keep going down as baby boomers drop out of the workforce

For the first 4 years of Obama's presidency, Republicans hammered that the unemployment rate was the only economic measure that mattered. Now that it is down to 5.6%, labor participation rate is the only economic measure that matters
It's significantly lower than it was just 5 years ago.

Sorry but all those people who lost their jobs didn't choose to retire.

Aren't you happy that 3 million jobs were added last year?

Or are you one of those "economy must fail" types?
If that number is actually true sure but I don't think Obama had anything to do with it

And it begins.

Suddenly, the anti-job creating right will take credit for Obama's hard work.
The economy is doing so good, the GOP will try to take credit for it!

They just took over Congress....time to start taking credit
They've had the House since 2010 and yes, you can thank them for what little break we've been getting. Which policy has obama enacted that created jobs?
Now hold on there a minute there Slick, the Right have been telling us that Reid has sat on all 400 House jobs bills and never let a single one even come up for a vote, so how exactly does unpassed and never signed legislation from the House help the economy?????
This answer should be rich!!!
Thank you Republican Governors, and those working so hard to make their businesses work while their President does everything he can to cripple them.....and thanks to the American energy industry....also fighting to bring us energy, cheaply, while the President does his best to destroy coal, and prevent the shale oil boom......

too bad obama will take credit for the hard work of so many others while he is not just standing by and doing nothing, but actively trying to undermine their efforts.....
The labor participation rate is the lowest it's been in decades.

Who on the planet thinks that is good?

Labor participation rate has been going down for 15 years. It is expected to keep going down as baby boomers drop out of the workforce

For the first 4 years of Obama's presidency, Republicans hammered that the unemployment rate was the only economic measure that mattered. Now that it is down to 5.6%, labor participation rate is the only economic measure that matters
It's significantly lower than it was just 5 years ago.

Sorry but all those people who lost their jobs didn't choose to retire.
The Average Labor Force Participation Rate in 2009 was 65.4% and in 2014 was 62.9%. That's the drop you're talking about.
However: The percentage of the population that said they did not want a job was 32.1% in 2009 and 34.6% in 2014.
So that leaves a remainder of 2.5% of the population neither working nor looking for work who say they want a job in 2009, and 2.6% of the population in 2014 (actually 2.55%, rounded up)
Now, this last number is certainly not good, as it's compared to a recession year, but still and all it's clear that almost all the drop in the Labor Force Participation since 2009 has been due to people not wanting work, not people desperately needing work. The average number of Discouraged workers was 778,000 in 2009 and 739,000 in 2014.
The labor participation rate is the lowest it's been in decades.

Who on the planet thinks that is good?
Who thinks it`s good? I`d say the millions who saw their retirement fund double when Gomer left office. They no longer need to participate in the labor market.
2014 was America s best year of job growth since 1999 - Jan. 9 2015

It's encouraging news as the U.S. tries to put the Great Recession and sluggish recovery solidly behind it. Many economists expect 2015 to be equally as strong, if not better, for job seekers.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.6%in December, down from 5.8% in November. That's also a big drop from the 6.7% rate in December 2013. It's expected to hit 5.2% -- around the normal level -- by the end of the year, according to CNNMoney's survey of economists.
Related: Expect strong U.S. economy in 2015
Throughout the recovery, the concern has been that America was adding jobs slowly and people hunting for work were getting so frustrated they would drop out of the workforce altogether.
But the U.S. added over 200,000 jobs every month in 2014 except two. The end of the year was especially strong with 252,000positions added in December. That was ahead of CNNMoney's economist forecast of 236,000.
The government also revised up its estimates for job gains in October and November, revealing employers added more than 50,000 jobs than previously thought.


Thanks to the Republican Congress.
The labor participation rate is the lowest it's been in decades.

Who on the planet thinks that is good?
Who thinks it`s good? I`d say the millions who saw their retirement fund double when Gomer left office. They no longer need to participate in the labor market.

Well put!

Millions of workers had to put off their retirement plans when Bush crashed the economy. With Obama doubling the stock market, these workers were able to retire after all
2014 was America s best year of job growth since 1999 - Jan. 9 2015

It's encouraging news as the U.S. tries to put the Great Recession and sluggish recovery solidly behind it. Many economists expect 2015 to be equally as strong, if not better, for job seekers.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.6%in December, down from 5.8% in November. That's also a big drop from the 6.7% rate in December 2013. It's expected to hit 5.2% -- around the normal level -- by the end of the year, according to CNNMoney's survey of economists.
Related: Expect strong U.S. economy in 2015
Throughout the recovery, the concern has been that America was adding jobs slowly and people hunting for work were getting so frustrated they would drop out of the workforce altogether.
But the U.S. added over 200,000 jobs every month in 2014 except two. The end of the year was especially strong with 252,000positions added in December. That was ahead of CNNMoney's economist forecast of 236,000.
The government also revised up its estimates for job gains in October and November, revealing employers added more than 50,000 jobs than previously thought.


Thanks to the Republican Congress.

Which "Kill Obamacare" bill resulted in 3 million jobs last year?
2014 was America s best year of job growth since 1999 - Jan. 9 2015

It's encouraging news as the U.S. tries to put the Great Recession and sluggish recovery solidly behind it. Many economists expect 2015 to be equally as strong, if not better, for job seekers.
The unemployment rate fell to 5.6%in December, down from 5.8% in November. That's also a big drop from the 6.7% rate in December 2013. It's expected to hit 5.2% -- around the normal level -- by the end of the year, according to CNNMoney's survey of economists.
Related: Expect strong U.S. economy in 2015
Throughout the recovery, the concern has been that America was adding jobs slowly and people hunting for work were getting so frustrated they would drop out of the workforce altogether.
But the U.S. added over 200,000 jobs every month in 2014 except two. The end of the year was especially strong with 252,000positions added in December. That was ahead of CNNMoney's economist forecast of 236,000.
The government also revised up its estimates for job gains in October and November, revealing employers added more than 50,000 jobs than previously thought.
Uh-oh! Good news for America is bad news for Conservatives. Better start talking about those not in the labor force. :lol:

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