Where are the jobs?

Year 2003. Jobs created 87000.

"The slight increase in jobs last month is wonderful news for 57,000 Americans. But the 2.1 million Americans who have been actively looking for work for more than two years … know that it is far from enough …" - Nancy Pelosi

Year 2004. Jobs created 2 million.

"This President has created a climate in this country where the number of jobs is not growing. It did not have to be that way." - Dick Durbin

Year 2005. Jobs created 2.5 million

"Today’s anemic jobs numbers confirm that President Bush has still failed to create a single new private-sector job since he became President." - Nancy Pelosi

Year 2006. Jobs created 2.1 million.

Bush policies favored the privileged few at the expense of America’s working families... - Nancy Pelosi

Under Bush 5.7 million jobs created.

"As unemployment reaches two-year high, American jobs are the latest casualty of Bush’s failed economic policies" - Harry Reid

When Obama signed stimulus, he pledged that stimulus will create 3.5 million jobs by the end of 2010.

Where are the jobs?
there r thousands of jobs - for the federal govt. = just put in for an IRS agents job - komrade obama is hiring over 1000 of them = welcome to the UNITED SOVIET STATES OF AMERIKA !
To the OP...


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