More economic good news: Job openings hit 14 year high

"More economic good news: Job openings hit 14 year high"

What's sad and telling is that for many on the right this constitutes political bad news.
And when jobs began coming back under Bush after the Clinton recession all we heard was "all we get are McJobs."
Yeah, you're a hypocrite.
The truth is the economy sucks, and has sucked for 8 years. Everyone understands this.

Uhm. No.


You really are an idiot.
This is why I ignore you. You cannot grasp more than one factoid at a time. And you post graphs and have no idea what they mean.
"More economic good news: Job openings hit 14 year high"

What's sad and telling is that for many on the right this constitutes political bad news.
And when jobs began coming back under Bush after the Clinton recession all we heard was "all we get are McJobs."
Yeah, you're a hypocrite.
The truth is the economy sucks, and has sucked for 8 years. Everyone understands this.

Uhm. No.


You really are an idiot.
This is why I ignore you. You cannot grasp more than one factoid at a time. And you post graphs and have no idea what they mean.

Yeah, right.....

Oh, and btw, Greece is still in the EU.
"More economic good news: Job openings hit 14 year high"

All fast food and cheep store jobs. No one has the money to go to a nice restaurant so places like McDonalds and Wallmart are hiring. Big Deal! Get the stupid dems out of the white house and watch the nation really get healthy not the BS you are being fed by the feds today.

Nope. There are plenty of jobs at all skill levels, low paid entry level jobs with a median salary of $19,000 but the top 20 occupations with the most new jobs include registered nurses at $65,000. secretaries and administrative assistants at $32,000, customer service reps and $30,000. bookkeeping and auditing clerks at $35,000, general and operations managers at $95.000, carpenters at $39,000, heavy and tractor trailer truck operators, $39,000, LPN's and vocational nurses at $41,000.

Most New Jobs Occupational Outlook Handbook U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Seven million people are stuck in part time jobs...

Part-time jobs America s hidden unemployment crisis - Nov. 20 2014

The number of people working part-time involuntarily is more than 50% higher than when the recession began.

There was a similar spike in part-time workers in prior recessions, but it dropped quickly. That's not happening this time around. In fact, some states have seen an increase during the recovery in people languishing in part-time jobs who want something more
The bond market thinks we might be finally getting there, and I trust that far more than pundits and partisans.

Fingers crossed.

Job openings hit 14-year high in April

The number of job openings in the U.S. surged to a 14-year high in April in a sign that job growth could strengthen further in coming months, the Labor Department said Tuesday.
Employers posted 5.4 million openings in April, up from 5.1 million in March and the most since labor began tracking the figure in 2000, according to the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey.(JOLTS).
The number of hires fell slightly to 5 million but remained near recent highs.
Labor reported last week that employers added a net 221,000 jobs in April and 280,000 in May as the labor market bounced back after a harsh winter. Tuesday's JOLTS report provides a more detailed view of hiring and employee movements
Good lord, I know. The Walmart, McDonalds, and Meijer are ALWAYS hiring. lol Ever since that ACA passed, part-time jobs are falling off trees.

The local siding and window places, and the cabinet manufacturers laid off all the full timers, they only want part time folks now, and they just can't seem to hold on to enough skilled workers that will do it w/o the benefits. Who needs those jobs now? Medical is no longer a worry, and they only hire part-timers. Skilled part-timers? Go figure. The temp agencies are critically understaffed now. What would solve this dilemma?

Ewww, how about a HUGE influx of immigrants that are dirt poor and don't have mortgages or aren't in debt already? That might do the trick, eh?
Wholesale lumber prices continue to fall,not a good sign,housing starts up some then slip back,these are bell weathers,there is much much room for improvement.

You mean the Lumber that is twice the price of when Obama took over...

Where were you when the price was going down for 3 years under Bush?

The funny thing here is the RWers clinging on to Doom like it is going out of fashion...

First we have ACA is getting rid of part time workers and then Bear said there is too much part-time workers...

There is the screaming of they are are all Walmart and McD, but that does come true either...

What's breaking these guys heart is that Obama's Administration is working and for that to happen they have to be wrong.

They can't take it being wrong. There horse (Bush) turned out to be a turkey and Obama is a success despite every Anti American trick in the book being pulled by the TP and other RWers.

But what is really going to kill them is Hillary, why should Joe public believe in the team that continuously tell stuff that doesn't come true (still waiting on Ebola)?

Hillary campaign slogan should be 'TEAM SUCCESS' cause for all the untruthful crap they try to throw at her the general public will be quick to figure out that the GOP started the Iraq War, Collapsed the economy, Gay Marriage position, Shutdown the Government,...

GOP/RWer's are the obstacle to Success.
"More economic good news: Job openings hit 14 year high"

What's sad and telling is that for many on the right this constitutes political bad news.

Response from the right

1. Deny it
2. Claim they are all low paying jobs
3. Point to other economic indicators
4. Take credit for it
where were these Bush apologists these wing nuts when Bush collapsed the economy and was losing 800,000 jobs a month...where were these noble wing nuts...
"More economic good news: Job openings hit 14 year high"

What's sad and telling is that for many on the right this constitutes political bad news.

Response from the right

1. Deny it
2. Claim they are all low paying jobs
3. Point to other economic indicators
4. Take credit for it
Their was always good jobs , I changed jobs 5 times in the past 8 years but don't deny the facts that 7 million are working part time jobs (as of last November) thanks to Obama care and his 30 hour work week.
"More economic good news: Job openings hit 14 year high"

All fast food and cheep store jobs. No one has the money to go to a nice restaurant so places like McDonalds and Wallmart are hiring. Big Deal! Get the stupid dems out of the white house and watch the nation really get healthy not the BS you are being fed by the feds today.
I'm as real as you can get. I do not bullshit. I do not need to nor I gain any. I'm a republican but sick and disgusted.
Republicans wannabees? So far I have not heard anything except Hillary Hillary Hillary b/c they are so scared.
We have several vendors that make custom machined parts, sheet metals, harnesses, sub assemblies etc. for us and are all hiring. Not to mention we are not their only customers some of them bought new CNC machines.
Do your self a favor just do a small research about the economy.

I'm happy to hear you are doing well but in my industry which I'm a business owner in, things could not be worse. In 2008 my phone would not stop ringing but now zip zero nada. The banks are still being micro managed from DC which is what caused the economic downturn in the first place.
I need banks to be free to lend again to people they are assured of paying the money back. Home loans ect...
There are many things that the president can do to get the banks lending again but he refuses and so my industry sits and flounders.
This trade bill that is being debated is probably a good thing but Obama won't allow a public viewing of the details so I can't be sure whether it's good or not. And another thing I do my homework...all you did was give an anecdotal example of an improving economy so I'm left to wonder if you actually have done your homework.
We still have millions of people that want to work out of a job or under employed. We have a disaster of a Health care bill stopping new employment in it's tracks. The only real good news in our economy is that all three branches of government will most likely be in the hands of people that know what a good economy looks like and how to get there.

Im sorry to hear that. I'm also a business owner like you but I do not have a problem like banks or health care. My info is based from how we are doing because our customers will not buy my instruments unless they are doing well. Plus I know lots of business owners from all sorts that has positive indications. A good example car sales are up. On the other side I know some business owners that has the same situations like you. Hope you can recover.
What exactly do you do? I may ask.
"More economic good news: Job openings hit 14 year high"

What's sad and telling is that for many on the right this constitutes political bad news.

Response from the right

1. Deny it
2. Claim they are all low paying jobs
3. Point to other economic indicators
4. Take credit for it
Their was always good jobs , I changed jobs 5 times in the past 8 years but don't deny the facts that 7 million are working part time jobs (as of last November) thanks to Obama care and his 30 hour work week.

No one is denying that the economy is not perfect. Obamacare was only implemented 1/1/14 so how can that possibly hurt your career? You changed 5 jobs in last 8 years but Obama is only president for last 6. Meaning you are already having a problem 2 years with Bush. I'm confused but hopefully you will land a better job.
"More economic good news: Job openings hit 14 year high"

What's sad and telling is that for many on the right this constitutes political bad news.

Response from the right

1. Deny it
2. Claim they are all low paying jobs
3. Point to other economic indicators
4. Take credit for it
Their was always good jobs , I changed jobs 5 times in the past 8 years but don't deny the facts that 7 million are working part time jobs (as of last November) thanks to Obama care and his 30 hour work week.

There is no evidence that Obamacare has made an impact on part time work

Republicans predicted that Obamacare would drive the unemployment rate above 8%. It is at 5.5% and we are adding 230,000 jobs a month

Obama is doing as well now in 2015 as Reagan was doing in 1987.

Yeah the economy is just humming, right?
U.S. Economic Confidence Index Steady at -9
You are a hardware sales man. Like nuts, washers and screws? Lumbers? Or what kind? If yes then you should be selling tons depending where you're store is located. That's a sign for you that economy growing.
Like Glocks, Colts and Smith&Wessons.
The economy sucks. It sucks slughtly less than it did 4 years ago. But it still sucks. The numbers are there. If we hadnt had a massively inflationary policy over the last 8years we would still be in recession.
"More economic good news: Job openings hit 14 year high"

What's sad and telling is that for many on the right this constitutes political bad news.

Response from the right

1. Deny it
2. Claim they are all low paying jobs
3. Point to other economic indicators
4. Take credit for it
Their was always good jobs , I changed jobs 5 times in the past 8 years but don't deny the facts that 7 million are working part time jobs (as of last November) thanks to Obama care and his 30 hour work week.

There is no evidence that Obamacare has made an impact on part time work

Republicans predicted that Obamacare would drive the unemployment rate above 8%. It is at 5.5% and we are adding 230,000 jobs a month
the news evidence has been all around for the past 7 years don't tell me you are like franko?

We all posted many links, but if you want to hide your head in the sand, it don't bother me much because I am doing ok, while your fellow democrats are scratching their heads.

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