More economic good news, unemployment rate drops to 8.6%

This thread is living proof that people will believe anything and deny anything as long as it meets their own biases. Herein, we learn of a boogieman manipulating government data to benefit the party in power - with not a shred of evidence of such. It's only believed because, well, it must be true! Afterall, Obama is in office!
This thread is living proof that people will believe anything and deny anything as long as it meets their own biases. Herein, we learn of a boogieman manipulating government data to benefit the party in power - with not a shred of evidence of such. It's only believed because, well, it must be true! Afterall, Obama is in office!

Your own posts back up your assertation :eusa_clap:
This thread is living proof that people will believe anything and deny anything as long as it meets their own biases. Herein, we learn of a boogieman manipulating government data to benefit the party in power - with not a shred of evidence of such. It's only believed because, well, it must be true! Afterall, Obama is in office!

Your own posts back up your assertation :eusa_clap:

Please show me one of my "assertations" that is not informed by data.

Last year, two people were gunned down a 1/2 block from my office. This year I haven't seen a single act of violence out my window. Thanks to President Obama for decreasing the nationwide violent crime rate.
This thread is living proof that people will believe anything and deny anything as long as it meets their own biases. Herein, we learn of a boogieman manipulating government data to benefit the party in power - with not a shred of evidence of such. It's only believed because, well, it must be true! Afterall, Obama is in office!

Your own posts back up your assertation :eusa_clap:

Please show me one of my "assertations" that is not informed by data.


\The government never lies' or is it just when a democrat is in control it never lies?
And your evidence for this is what?

The after the fact adjustments. Were you not paying attention.
When? For the CPS the reference week is the week that contains the 12th. Collection week is the week that contains the 19th, and Release Day is the first Friday of the next month. So for the November numbers, collection was from Nov 13-19. Initial processing and any follow-ups for clarification was done 21st to 25th (excluding the 24th, Thanksgiving). Final tallying (and seasonal adjustment) was done Nov 28-Dec 1st when it was sent to the printer, given to the Commissioner for final approval, and that night a copy was given to the President's Council of Econmic Advisors with release Dec 2nd. When was there time to make adjustments?

For the CES, reference week was the pay period that contains the 12th, respondents had until the 26th to report, and final week as above with the birth-death model added in. There will be 2 revisions to account for late reporting as many businesses don't make the intiial deadline. Here's the list of all revisions since 1979 and you'll see no clear pattern.

Ok, then explain how it is possible. What must be done to manipulate the numbers?

Don't be absurd.

Select *
from DBO.nonfarm cross join DBO.newjob
where nonfarm.fdate>'01/01/2011' and nonfarm.fdate,'12/31/2011' and newjob.state=inlist('CA','NV','AZ','GA','FL')
order by newjob.state

There are at least 40 ways to alter the return with one or two characters.
And almost no way to predict the multiplicitve effects of any change. Approx 440,000 worksites are surveyed, they vary by industry, size, location, so there are multiple weights and aggregation. Plus number of employees affects hours and wages. Then there's the birth-death model and seasonal adjustment. It's just way too complicated to do in the amount of time available, even if the civil servants at BLS had any motivation to do so.

The reported 2.2% GDP reported was certainly more beneficial to Obama than the factual 1.6%
And GDP was recently revised DOWN. Just look at the CES revisions I linked to above...sometimes it's an increase, sometimes not.

Are they?

{In November, the unemployment rate declined by 0.4 percentage point to 8.6 percent. From April through October, the rate held in a narrow range from 9.0 to 9.2 percent. The number of unemployed persons, at 13.3 million, was down by 594,000 in November. The labor force, which is the sum of the unemployed and employed, was down by a little more than half that amount. (See table A-1.)}

Show me where new entrants into the labor market are acknowledged in the above calculation?
From Table 1 you'll not that the population increased. The changes to Labor Force and Not in Labor Force (the 2 components of the population) are NET changes. Some of the new entrants to the population logically must also join the labor force (as employed or unemployed) and this can be shown by looking at Labor Force Flows that 3,610,000 people not in the labor force became employed and 2,651,000 became unemployed. That's 6,261,000 gross new entrants to the Labor Force. Add in the 72,000 entrants to the population that entered the Labor Force (other inflows) and that's a gross of 6,333,000 new entrants (re-entrants).

Or easier, in Table A-11 there are entries for New Entrants and Re entrants.

{"With the nomination of Robert Groves, President Obama has made clear that he intends to employ the political manipulation of census data for partisan gain," North Carolina Congressman Patrick McHenry cautioned. Other lawmakers called Groves an "incredibly troubling selection" who must be watched for "statistical sleight of hand."
That's a claim, not evidence.

The manipulation of census data for the apportionment of congressional seats and allocation of federal money is widely acknowledged.
That's done by Congress and the states in their gerrymandering, not by the Census.

Nothing makes me chuckle quite like a statistician demanding that statistics cannot possibly manipulated..
Except I didn't say that. Of course statistics can be. But the government econ statistics are so heavily monitored and checked that any "manipulation" is of twisting what the results mean, not of the data itself. There's just not enough time and too many people involved to make any real manipulation feasible. Plus, zero motivation on the part of the people making the calculations.
"When the numbers do not add up to reality how else do you explain it? When they no longer count people who are no longer receiving unemployment checks as unemployed you do the math."

How else can one interpret that quote, other than to mean you don't think they count people who are no longer receiving unemployment checks.

There is nothing "the fuck" wrong with me. There may or may not be something "the fuck" wrong with your comprehension.
And your evidence for this is what?

The after the fact adjustments. Were you not paying attention.
When? For the CPS the reference week is the week that contains the 12th. Collection week is the week that contains the 19th, and Release Day is the first Friday of the next month. So for the November numbers, collection was from Nov 13-19. Initial processing and any follow-ups for clarification was done 21st to 25th (excluding the 24th, Thanksgiving). Final tallying (and seasonal adjustment) was done Nov 28-Dec 1st when it was sent to the printer, given to the Commissioner for final approval, and that night a copy was given to the President's Council of Econmic Advisors with release Dec 2nd. When was there time to make adjustments?

For the CES, reference week was the pay period that contains the 12th, respondents had until the 26th to report, and final week as above with the birth-death model added in. There will be 2 revisions to account for late reporting as many businesses don't make the intiial deadline. Here's the list of all revisions since 1979 and you'll see no clear pattern.

And almost no way to predict the multiplicitve effects of any change. Approx 440,000 worksites are surveyed, they vary by industry, size, location, so there are multiple weights and aggregation. Plus number of employees affects hours and wages. Then there's the birth-death model and seasonal adjustment. It's just way too complicated to do in the amount of time available, even if the civil servants at BLS had any motivation to do so.

And GDP was recently revised DOWN. Just look at the CES revisions I linked to above...sometimes it's an increase, sometimes not.

From Table 1 you'll not that the population increased. The changes to Labor Force and Not in Labor Force (the 2 components of the population) are NET changes. Some of the new entrants to the population logically must also join the labor force (as employed or unemployed) and this can be shown by looking at Labor Force Flows that 3,610,000 people not in the labor force became employed and 2,651,000 became unemployed. That's 6,261,000 gross new entrants to the Labor Force. Add in the 72,000 entrants to the population that entered the Labor Force (other inflows) and that's a gross of 6,333,000 new entrants (re-entrants).

Or easier, in Table A-11 there are entries for New Entrants and Re entrants.

That's a claim, not evidence.

The manipulation of census data for the apportionment of congressional seats and allocation of federal money is widely acknowledged.
That's done by Congress and the states in their gerrymandering, not by the Census.

Nothing makes me chuckle quite like a statistician demanding that statistics cannot possibly manipulated..
Except I didn't say that. Of course statistics can be. But the government econ statistics are so heavily monitored and checked that any "manipulation" is of twisting what the results mean, not of the data itself. There's just not enough time and too many people involved to make any real manipulation feasible. Plus, zero motivation on the part of the people making the calculations.
Except I didn't say that. Of course statistics can be. But the government econ statistics are so heavily monitored and checked that any "manipulation" is of twisting what the results mean, not of the data itself.
Who does the fact checking?
Who does the fact checking?

For the CPS, Census collects the data, BLS analyzes it. Multiple layers of oversight from the junior analyst to the Associate Commissioner of the the program and the Commissioner him/herself. Random spot checks on the household's surveyed to make sure they were actually interviewed. Local estimates are made in conjunction with the States and additional info from the State offices (60,000 households is fine for National estimates, but the individual samples for each state are too small and must be supplemented) so the State offices would notice anything hinky. Census and BEA get access to the raw data and University Academics can obtain access as well.

Similar for CES, thoush Census isn't involved in the Collection.

OPM has oversight over all through the Statistical Policy Branch.

Also, Gallup does their own survey of Unemployment which matches up with BLS data (making allowances for differences in collection, sample, and methodology), ADP does their own survey using admin data for Private sector Employment, and throwing the CPI into the mix, MIT does the Billion Price Index which also confirms BLS data.

Like I said it would have to be a vast conspiracy that's gone on for almost 100 years and not one whistle-blower.
Do you agree or disagree?

Disagree with what?
This is what I said

this is the question you asked
Who said that?
I am asking you is you agree or disagree with my comment?
Do you agree or disagree?

Oh, I disagree with your comment. I believe the government sometimes lies, and I believe it happens when either party is in control.

I also believe that both my dad and my wife have lied. That doesn't mean everything they say is a lie, and it didn't doesnt' serve as evidence that a statement one of them makes today is a lie.

I'm still waiting for your evidence.
"When the numbers do not add up to reality how else do you explain it? When they no longer count people who are no longer receiving unemployment checks as unemployed you do the math."

How else can one interpret that quote, other than to mean you don't think they count people who are no longer receiving unemployment checks.
He's going to dodge, of course. I'm not sure how he thinks he can criticize methodolgy he refuses to read.
Disagree with what?
This is what I said

this is the question you asked

I am asking you is you agree or disagree with my comment?
Do you agree or disagree?

Oh, I disagree with your comment. I believe the government sometimes lies, and I believe it happens when either party is in control.

I also believe that both my dad and my wife have lied. That doesn't mean everything they say is a lie, and it didn't doesnt' serve as evidence that a statement one of them makes today is a lie.

I'm still waiting for your evidence.

I believe the government sometimes lies, and I believe it happens when either party is in control.

Have I made any indication of any party? Both lie both cover up the fuzzy math. So, tell me in your opinion when would the government lie?
They will find a reason why this is not good.

Perhaps the reason was in the article:

"Still, one reason the unemployment rate fell so much was because roughly 315,000 people gave up looking for work and were no longer counted as unemployed."

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