More economic good news, unemployment rate drops to 8.6%

This is what I said

this is the question you asked

I am asking you is you agree or disagree with my comment?

Oh, I disagree with your comment. I believe the government sometimes lies, and I believe it happens when either party is in control.

I also believe that both my dad and my wife have lied. That doesn't mean everything they say is a lie, and it didn't doesnt' serve as evidence that a statement one of them makes today is a lie.

I'm still waiting for your evidence.

I believe the government sometimes lies, and I believe it happens when either party is in control.

Have I made any indication of any party?

Yes. As a matter of fact you mentioned Democrats right there in your question.

Both lie both cover up the fuzzy math. So, tell me in your opinion when would the government lie?

When it wants to take us to war or revoke civil liberties.
Oh, I disagree with your comment. I believe the government sometimes lies, and I believe it happens when either party is in control.

I also believe that both my dad and my wife have lied. That doesn't mean everything they say is a lie, and it didn't doesnt' serve as evidence that a statement one of them makes today is a lie.

I'm still waiting for your evidence.

Have I made any indication of any party?

Yes. As a matter of fact you mentioned Democrats right there in your question.

Both lie both cover up the fuzzy math. So, tell me in your opinion when would the government lie?

When it wants to take us to war or revoke civil liberties.

So wars and revoke civil liberty's, is that all? I must ask how could you trust anything from a government that would want to take away civil liberty's? And yes even unemployment numbers? Someone wanting to take a way your liberty's will not allow you to here real by truth they want to keep you contained by giving you what they think will keep you in line.

Yes. As a matter of fact you mentioned Democrats right there in your question.
Cut and paste the post where THAT QUESTION IS.
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Have I made any indication of any party?

Yes. As a matter of fact you mentioned Democrats right there in your question.

When it wants to take us to war or revoke civil liberties.

So wars and revoke civil liberty's, is that all? I must ask how could you trust anything from a government that would want to take away civil liberty's? And yes even unemployment numbers?

Well, I trust the unemployment numbers because I understand how they are derived, I've seen the data sets and I understand the massive conspiracy that would be involved in falsifying them. The data is a matter of public record and anyone could FOIA the information and find the lies.

And if they were going to lie, why would they admit that, for instance, 750,000 jobs were lost in a certain month?

Yes. As a matter of fact you mentioned Democrats right there in your question.
Cut and paste the post where THAT QUESTION IS

you! said:
\The government never lies' or is it just when a democrat is in control it never lies?
Yes. As a matter of fact you mentioned Democrats right there in your question.

When it wants to take us to war or revoke civil liberties.

So wars and revoke civil liberty's, is that all? I must ask how could you trust anything from a government that would want to take away civil liberty's? And yes even unemployment numbers?

Well, I trust the unemployment numbers because I understand how they are derived, I've seen the data sets and I understand the massive conspiracy that would be involved in falsifying them. The data is a matter of public record and anyone could FOIA the information and find the lies.

And if they were going to lie, why would they admit that, for instance, 750,000 jobs were lost in a certain month?

Yes. As a matter of fact you mentioned Democrats right there in your question.
Cut and paste the post where THAT QUESTION IS

you! said:
\The government never lies' or is it just when a democrat is in control it never lies?

Well, I trust the unemployment numbers because I understand how they are derived, I've seen the data sets and I understand the massive conspiracy that would be involved in falsifying them. The data is a matter of public record and anyone could FOIA the information and find the lies.

When the unemployment numbers drop because, people who no longer receive unemployment checks, even though they haven't went back to work and that causes the UE numbers to drop that fuzzy math it may be the way they do it but it does not indicate that tax payers are working and being able to pay taxes. Which is another indicator of how well the economy is. Federal government lay off's less tax payers less taxes coming in, more government layoff's. Which isn't that happening now?
Yes. As a matter of fact you mentioned Democrats right there in your question.

When it wants to take us to war or revoke civil liberties.

So wars and revoke civil liberty's, is that all? I must ask how could you trust anything from a government that would want to take away civil liberty's? And yes even unemployment numbers?

Well, I trust the unemployment numbers because I understand how they are derived, I've seen the data sets and I understand the massive conspiracy that would be involved in falsifying them. The data is a matter of public record and anyone could FOIA the information and find the lies.

And if they were going to lie, why would they admit that, for instance, 750,000 jobs were lost in a certain month?

Yes. As a matter of fact you mentioned Democrats right there in your question.
Cut and paste the post where THAT QUESTION IS

you! said:
\The government never lies' or is it just when a democrat is in control it never lies?

I asked a question. I was not pointing a finger at one party. Do you understand that?
So wars and revoke civil liberty's, is that all? I must ask how could you trust anything from a government that would want to take away civil liberty's? And yes even unemployment numbers?

Well, I trust the unemployment numbers because I understand how they are derived, I've seen the data sets and I understand the massive conspiracy that would be involved in falsifying them. The data is a matter of public record and anyone could FOIA the information and find the lies.

And if they were going to lie, why would they admit that, for instance, 750,000 jobs were lost in a certain month?

Cut and paste the post where THAT QUESTION IS

you! said:
\The government never lies' or is it just when a democrat is in control it never lies?

I asked a question. I was not pointing a finger at one party. Do you understand that?
Yes of course. You certainly meant to be fair and balanced. That's why you mentioned Democrats.
Well, I trust the unemployment numbers because I understand how they are derived, I've seen the data sets and I understand the massive conspiracy that would be involved in falsifying them. The data is a matter of public record and anyone could FOIA the information and find the lies.

And if they were going to lie, why would they admit that, for instance, 750,000 jobs were lost in a certain month?

Cut and paste the post where THAT QUESTION IS

I asked a question. I was not pointing a finger at one party. Do you understand that?
Yes of course. You certainly meant to be fair and balanced. That's why you mentioned Democrats.

It was a question do you know thew difference in a question and a accusation?
So wars and revoke civil liberty's, is that all? I must ask how could you trust anything from a government that would want to take away civil liberty's? And yes even unemployment numbers?

Well, I trust the unemployment numbers because I understand how they are derived, I've seen the data sets and I understand the massive conspiracy that would be involved in falsifying them. The data is a matter of public record and anyone could FOIA the information and find the lies.

And if they were going to lie, why would they admit that, for instance, 750,000 jobs were lost in a certain month?

Cut and paste the post where THAT QUESTION IS

Well, I trust the unemployment numbers because I understand how they are derived, I've seen the data sets and I understand the massive conspiracy that would be involved in falsifying them. The data is a matter of public record and anyone could FOIA the information and find the lies.

When the unemployment numbers drop because, people who no longer receive unemployment checks,
How many fucking times do you have to be told that doesn't happen? Why on earth do you think it does?
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Well, I trust the unemployment numbers because I understand how they are derived, I've seen the data sets and I understand the massive conspiracy that would be involved in falsifying them. The data is a matter of public record and anyone could FOIA the information and find the lies.

And if they were going to lie, why would they admit that, for instance, 750,000 jobs were lost in a certain month?

Cut and paste the post where THAT QUESTION IS

Well, I trust the unemployment numbers because I understand how they are derived, I've seen the data sets and I understand the massive conspiracy that would be involved in falsifying them. The data is a matter of public record and anyone could FOIA the information and find the lies.

When the unemployment numbers drop because, people who no longer receive unemployment checks,
How many fucking times do you have to be told that doesn't happen?
How many god damn mother fucking times do you have to be told that is god damn mother fucking fuzzy god damn math you stupid son of a bitch?
And how many god damn times do I have to tell you do not fucking chop my god damn post up.
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When the unemployment numbers drop because, people who no longer receive unemployment checks,
How many fucking times do you have to be told that doesn't happen?
How many god damn mother fucking times do you have to be told that is god damn mother fucking fuzzy god damn math you stupid son of a bitch?

I love how you claim it's fuzzy math right after you outright lie about how it's calculated. Again how can you criticize something you don't understand?

But go ahead present the correct numbers, explaining your methodology.
How many fucking times do you have to be told that doesn't happen?
How many god damn mother fucking times do you have to be told that is god damn mother fucking fuzzy god damn math you stupid son of a bitch?

I love how you claim it's fuzzy math right after you outright lie about how it's calculated. Again how can you criticize something you don't understand?

But go ahead present the correct numbers, explaining your methodology.

Listen up stupid here is what I said before you deleted a protion of what I said.

Those who claim someone lied but yet will not quote all the post is exactly what they are calling the other person
When the unemployment numbers drop because, people who no longer receive unemployment checks, even though they haven't went back to work and that causes the UE numbers to drop that fuzzy math it may be the way they do it but it does not indicate that tax payers are working and being able to pay taxes. Which is another indicator of how well the economy is. Federal government lay off's less tax payers less taxes coming in, more government layoff's. Which isn't that happening now?
Ok, here's the full quote:
When the unemployment numbers drop because, people who no longer receive unemployment checks, even though they haven't went back to work and that causes the UE numbers to drop that fuzzy math it may be the way they do it
Wait, let's stop right there...IT'S NOT THE WAY THEY DO IT!!!!
Whether or not you've ever collected UI benefits has NOTHING to do with how you're classified.

but it does not indicate that tax payers are working and being able to pay taxes. Which is another indicator of how well the economy is. Federal government lay off's less tax payers less taxes coming in, more goverHnment layoff's. Which isn't that happening now?

The labor force numbers certainly do measure how many people are working. Amount of taxes has nothing to do with it at all.
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Ok, here's the full quote:
When the unemployment numbers drop because, people who no longer receive unemployment checks, even though they haven't went back to work and that causes the UE numbers to drop that fuzzy math it may be the way they do it
Wait, let's stop right there...IT'S NOT THE WAY THEY DO IT!!!!
Whether or not you've ever collected UI benefits has NOTHING to do with how you're classified.

but it does not indicate that tax payers are working and being able to pay taxes. Which is another indicator of how well the economy is. Federal government lay off's less tax payers less taxes coming in, more goverHnment layoff's. Which isn't that happening now?

The labor force numbers certainly do measure how many people are working. Amount of taxes has nothing to do with it at all.

Whether or not you've ever collected UI benefits has NOTHING to do with how you're classified.
And there is that fuzzy math. unemployed means without a job. If you are receiving a check for unemployment you are unemployed. If you are not receiving a check because you have run out of benefits but are not working you still are unemployed. No job no taxes .

Amount of taxes has nothing to do with it at all.

Well it most certainly is a good indicator of the work force numbers, If you have less people in the work force you have less taxes taken in meaning the government will have to lay people off which is what they are doing.
And there is that fuzzy math. unemployed means without a job.
Not quite. Surely you wouldn't call retirees, students or stay home spouses as unemployed? By the government definition, unemployed is without a job and looking for work, regardless of elibility for benefits.

If you are receiving a check for unemployment you are unemployed.
Well, some people have jobs but receive partial benefits. They are not considered unemployed.

If you are not receiving a check because you have run out of benefits but are not working you still are unemployed.
and BLS agrees with you and does NOT stop counting people as unemployed when benefits stop. They also count people who never received a check or never had a job.

Well it most certainly is a good indicator of the work force numbers, If you have less people in the work force you have less taxes taken in meaning the government will have to lay people off which is what they are doing.
Isn't counting how many people have jobs a good way of telling how many have jobs?
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They will find a reason why this is not good.

Perhaps the reason was in the article:

"Still, one reason the unemployment rate fell so much was because roughly 315,000 people gave up looking for work and were no longer counted as unemployed."

So true! Too bad 1 million people didn't stop looking for work. If 1 million stopped looking for work unemployment could have dropped to 5%!!! :badgrin::badgrin:
And there is that fuzzy math. unemployed means without a job.
Not quite. Surely you wouldn't call retirees, students or stay home spouses as unemployed? By the government definition, unemployed is without a job and looking for work, regardless of elibility for benefits.

If you are receiving a check for unemployment you are unemployed.
Well, some people have jobs but receive partial benefits. They are not considered unemployed.

If you are not receiving a check because you have run out of benefits but are not working you still are unemployed.
and BLS agrees with you and does NOT stop counting people as unemployed when benefits stop. They also count people who never received a check or never had a job.

Well it most certainly is a good indicator of the work force numbers, If you have less people in the work force you have less taxes taken in meaning the government will have to lay people off which is what they are doing.
Isn't counting how many people have jobs a good way of telling how many have jobs?

Not quite. Surely you wouldn't call retirees, students or stay home spouses as unemployed? By the government definition, unemployed is without a job and looking for work, regardless of elibility for benefits.

There's that fuzzy math again. Unemployed means having no job and you take the government at their word? House wives have a job it's called maintaining the home, Students have a job it's called getting a education, Retiree's are the exception to the rule they have completed their job. One more time the numbers shown by the government are fuzzy math numbers.

and BLS agrees with you and does NOT stop counting people as unemployed when benefits stop. They also count people who never received a check or never had a job.
Those people are no longer counted as unemployed that is the fuzzy math.
I asked a question. I was not pointing a finger at one party. Do you understand that?
Yes of course. You certainly meant to be fair and balanced. That's why you mentioned Democrats.

It was a question do you know thew difference in a question and a accusation?

Yes, of course. You mentioned Democrats because....well, to be fair and balanced. Definitely not an attempt to bait or offer a loaded question.

Then, of course, you denied mentioning either party before you agreed you mentioned the Democrats. It was just a question, kinda like "when did you stop beating your wife" is just a question.
Ok, here's the full quote:
When the unemployment numbers drop because, people who no longer receive unemployment checks, even though they haven't went back to work and that causes the UE numbers to drop that fuzzy math it may be the way they do it
Wait, let's stop right there...IT'S NOT THE WAY THEY DO IT!!!!
Whether or not you've ever collected UI benefits has NOTHING to do with how you're classified.

The labor force numbers certainly do measure how many people are working. Amount of taxes has nothing to do with it at all.

Whether or not you've ever collected UI benefits has NOTHING to do with how you're classified.
And there is that fuzzy math. unemployed means without a job. If you are receiving a check for unemployment you are unemployed. If you are not receiving a check because you have run out of benefits but are not working you still are unemployed. No job no taxes .

Well using this calculation, the US Unemployment rate would be over 50%. With a workforce of 130M+/- and a population of 310M, the rate would be almost 58%!

Holy shit man! We're sunk! 58%!

Bigreb and others have clearly demonstrated they have no interest in the facts. It's breathtaking to watch the spin and denial.
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Yes of course. You certainly meant to be fair and balanced. That's why you mentioned Democrats.

It was a question do you know thew difference in a question and a accusation?

Yes, of course. You mentioned Democrats because....well, to be fair and balanced. Definitely not an attempt to bait or offer a loaded question.

Then, of course, you denied mentioning either party before you agreed you mentioned the Democrats. It was just a question, kinda like "when did you stop beating your wife" is just a question.

I asked you about the democrats because you support democrats. This is not making an accusation it's asking you a question to see how partisan you are
\The government never lies' or is it just when a democrat is in control it never lies?
It's like you're trying to deflect it as attacking democrats. when I haven't blamed one party over the other. The government lies whether it's a republican in control or a democrat in control.
Ok, here's the full quote:
Wait, let's stop right there...IT'S NOT THE WAY THEY DO IT!!!!
Whether or not you've ever collected UI benefits has NOTHING to do with how you're classified.

The labor force numbers certainly do measure how many people are working. Amount of taxes has nothing to do with it at all.

Whether or not you've ever collected UI benefits has NOTHING to do with how you're classified.
And there is that fuzzy math. unemployed means without a job. If you are receiving a check for unemployment you are unemployed. If you are not receiving a check because you have run out of benefits but are not working you still are unemployed. No job no taxes .

Well using this calculation, the US Unemployment rate would be over 50%. With a workforce of 130M+/- and a population of 310M, the rate would be almost 58%!

Holy shit man! We're sunk! 58%!

Bigreb and others have clearly demonstrated they have no interest in the facts. It's breathtaking to watch the spin and denial.

There you go, you almost have it until you got to the last part.

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