More Evidence Of Hillary's Responsibility For Benghazi Deaths

Debunked long ago

Sept. 5
Morris Sedak, Washington, D.C.-based Coptic Christian and anti-Islam activist, starts promoting the movie trailer to journalists and via social media, timing his pitch to Florida pastor Terry Jones' "International Judge Muhammad Day" on Sept. 11.

Sept. 8
Egyptian television firebrand Sheik Khaled Abdalla airs part of the the Arabic version of the clip on local channel Al Nas, condemning it harshly. The trailer's YouTube view-count skyrockets.

Sept. 10
Pastor Jones, known for threatening to burn the Koran on previous Sept. 11 anniversaries, announces that he will show part of the movie at his "Judge Muhammad Day."

The anti-Islam-film riots: A timeline
Now you're back to blaming the video, eh? That figures.

You're the one who said that no one ever saw the video. It was broadcast in Egypt on the 8th. It was to blame for many riots and many deaths in the ME. So just to be clear, the video was viewed by many Muslims by the 11th.
So just to be clear, are you saying that you believe the video was responsible for the Benghazi attack?

No. All I've said is that you are incorrect when you say that it was video that no one saw.
No? So you admit Obama and Clinton lied about the video?

No, they always qualified their statements with the fact that there was an investigation going on that would determine what exactly happened. They always claimed that extremist were responsible for the assault. They were obviously guessing that there was a repeat of what happened a few hours earlier in Cairo, in Benghazi there were many militias with enough weapons to pull off such an assault, unlike Egypt. Their speculation and talking points had no bearing on the 4 deaths. Unlike the Talking points a certain other Rice spouted for a year or so about the magnitude of the threat poised by Saddams' non existent WMD programs that lead to the deaths of thousands of our soldier and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.
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This would explain the deleted emails and made-up story about a video.

Two months before the fatal 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, then-Ambassador Chris Stevens requested 13 security personnel to help him safely travel around Libya, according to a cable reviewed by Fox News -- but he was turned down.

Ambassador sought security staffing before Benghazi attack, cable shows

Every administration is lead astray by the military, and the cia. Obama included.
Now you're back to blaming the video, eh? That figures.

You're the one who said that no one ever saw the video. It was broadcast in Egypt on the 8th. It was to blame for many riots and many deaths in the ME. So just to be clear, the video was viewed by many Muslims by the 11th.
So just to be clear, are you saying that you believe the video was responsible for the Benghazi attack?

No. All I've said is that you are incorrect when you say that it was video that no one saw.
No? So you admit Obama and Clinton lied about the video?

No, they always qualified their statements with the fact that there was an investigation going on that would determine what exactly happened. They always claimed that extremist were responsible for the assault. They were obviously guessing that there was a repeat of what happened a few hours earlier in Cairo, in Benghazi there were many militias with enough weapons to pull off such an assault, unlike Egypt. Their speculation and talking points had no bearing on the 4 deaths. Unlike the Talking points a certain other Rice spouted for a year or so about the magnitude of the threat poised by Saddams' non existent WMD programs that lead to the deaths of thousands of our soldier and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.
What a load of bullshit. Hillary knew the whole time it was a terrorist attack and the recovered emails prove it, yet she STILL insisted it was a video. Threats had been made for months beforehand and I guess the fact that it happened on the anniversary of 9/11 didn't give them a clue either? You leftards are void of any integrity at all. You'll say anything.

Cute. Out of context, but who cares huh?
The context moron is that the GOP which inflicted the sorry fool Failure 43 on America wants to go after Hillary who has more competence in her toe nail clippings than Retardo 43 has in total...the context is incompetence and the cost of incompetence as we saw on 9 11 and the aftermath...

I see you have no clue what "context" means.
— Democrats appear to be rallying around Hillary Rodham Clinton after her command performance in the party's first presidential debate, with strong majorities viewing her favorably and more saying she can win the White House than any ... (AP)

Cute. Out of context, but who cares huh?
The context moron is that the GOP which inflicted the sorry fool Failure 43 on America wants to go after Hillary who has more competence in her toe nail clippings than Retardo 43 has in total...the context is incompetence and the cost of incompetence as we saw on 9 11 and the aftermath...

I see you have no clue what "context" means.

Your concession is duly noted.
This is so sweet
The House Select Committee on Benghazi has been furiously preparing for months to interrogate Hillary Rodham Clinton about private email accounts, the computer server in her house, and Americans killed in Libya, but on the eve of the hearing Thursday, it is not Clinton who is on the defensive.

It is the committee.



Cute. Out of context, but who cares huh?
The context moron is that the GOP which inflicted the sorry fool Failure 43 on America wants to go after Hillary who has more competence in her toe nail clippings than Retardo 43 has in total...the context is incompetence and the cost of incompetence as we saw on 9 11 and the aftermath...

I see you have no clue what "context" means.

Your concession is duly noted.
This is so sweet
The House Select Committee on Benghazi has been furiously preparing for months to interrogate Hillary Rodham Clinton about private email accounts, the computer server in her house, and Americans killed in Libya, but on the eve of the hearing Thursday, it is not Clinton who is on the defensive.

It is the committee.


He's not, nor has ever been secretary of state nor is he under current investigation.
You're the one who said that no one ever saw the video. It was broadcast in Egypt on the 8th. It was to blame for many riots and many deaths in the ME. So just to be clear, the video was viewed by many Muslims by the 11th.
So just to be clear, are you saying that you believe the video was responsible for the Benghazi attack?

No. All I've said is that you are incorrect when you say that it was video that no one saw.
No? So you admit Obama and Clinton lied about the video?

No, they always qualified their statements with the fact that there was an investigation going on that would determine what exactly happened. They always claimed that extremist were responsible for the assault. They were obviously guessing that there was a repeat of what happened a few hours earlier in Cairo, in Benghazi there were many militias with enough weapons to pull off such an assault, unlike Egypt. Their speculation and talking points had no bearing on the 4 deaths. Unlike the Talking points a certain other Rice spouted for a year or so about the magnitude of the threat poised by Saddams' non existent WMD programs that lead to the deaths of thousands of our soldier and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.
What a load of bullshit. Hillary knew the whole time it was a terrorist attack and the recovered emails prove it, yet she STILL insisted it was a video. Threats had been made for months beforehand and I guess the fact that it happened on the anniversary of 9/11 didn't give them a clue either? You leftards are void of any integrity at all. You'll say anything.

Keep spinning SJ, keep spinning.

"....we believe that it looks like extremist elements, individuals, joined in that-- in that effort with heavy weapons of the sort that are, unfortunately, readily now available in Libya post-revolution. And that it spun from there into something much, much more violent.

S. Rice on Face the Nation

"The United States condemns in the strongest terms this outrageous and shocking attack. ... No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation."

B. Obama several times on Sept 12th

"We are working to determine the precise motivations and methods of those who carried out this assault. Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior, along with the protest that took place at our embassy in Cairo yesterday, as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. America's commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is no justification for this; none."

H. Clinton Sept. 12th

So are you going to post a video where they actually blame the Benghazi attacks on that video because in all three clips they were talking about the riots and violence that video caused all over the ME.

How about just the quote where they do that?

So are you going to post a video where they actually blame the Benghazi attacks on that video because in all three clips they were talking about the riots and violence that video caused all over the ME.

How about just the quote where they do that?

No, I'm done with you. Their claims of the attack being the fault of the video has been well documented and I've posted it. Your denial of the facts don't change them and continuing to respond to your redundancy is a waste of my time. Debate over.

So are you going to post a video where they actually blame the Benghazi attacks on that video because in all three clips they were talking about the riots and violence that video caused all over the ME.

How about just the quote where they do that?

No, I'm done with you. Their claims of the attack being the fault of the video has been well documented and I've posted it. Your denial of the facts don't change them and continuing to respond to your redundancy is a waste of my time. Debate over.

Not in the videos you posted pal, they were talking about the riots that were happening throughout the ME at the time. I don't even think you watched them did ya? How can I deny facts that haven't been presented?

But don't let that stop you from ducking out.
This is why it's pointless to argue with dishonest people. You can show them facts and they'll just keep saying. "No it isn't, no it isn't". Only a moron would try to say Obama, Rice, and Clinton didn't blame a video for the attack on the Benghazi Embassy. They all three went on tv, in front of Congress, and at the UN and made the claim but idiots on this forum will still say they didn't, even though the proof is right in front of them.

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