More Evidence Of Hillary's Responsibility For Benghazi Deaths

Well her State Department wasn't exactly a shinning example of competence. They had months of warnings and did nothing.

If that's your idea of nothing wrong then an idiot you truly are.

The buck for Benghazi stops at Hilbats desk and always will.

Things went wrong in a war zone! Extra! Extra!

The US State Department run by Hillary Rodham Clinton did nothing after months of warning about an attack in Benghazi and four men died.

Extra! Extra!

And that means if Hilary would've done...SOMETHING. Those guys would be alive today! Thats how hypothetical work!

You bet your ass they would be alive.

See? THATS the part you need to prove. But since you cant prove things that never happened watching you claim it as a fact is good times

The Brits and the Red Cross left Libya because of those same warnings.

Oh oh and that means....We would've left too!

If our folks had been pulled out there would have been no Benghazi attack you idiot.

Those four men would still be alive.

Thats the part you have to prove. Speculation isnt truth. Hell, if I wouldve bought a lottery ticket I wouldve won!!!!
Why did it take the committee so long to get Ambassador Steven's emails? Don't you think those would be crucial to any investigation of the attack. It's hard to get the truth or prove anything when the administration has done everything possible to complicated the process.
Another crucial piece of the equation would be the Secretary's emails. Well, what do ya know, the gov doesn't have them because they were on a private server....which has been destroyed...with thousands of work related emails missing...

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What truth are you trying to get to? The Attack? Or emails about stuff before the attack? What kicked off the attack? Or server security?

Your answer is "All the above" and thats why its a witch hunt. You dont even have something you're looking for. This is just fishing
Wrong, and budget had been increased.

ah... the Obama deranged loons become Hillary deranged loons.

it's going to be an awesome eight years. :thup:

and since you're so concerned, why aren't you shrieking about the 50 dead in a dozen attacks when baby bush was president?

Did the 50 dead ask for extra security and was denied?
aren't the republican senators who voted against the funding bill that would have provided "extra security" ,responsible too?
haven't seen any of their asses in the seats at the hearings .
Well her State Department wasn't exactly a shinning example of competence. They had months of warnings and did nothing.

If that's your idea of nothing wrong then an idiot you truly are.

The buck for Benghazi stops at Hilbats desk and always will.

Things went wrong in a war zone! Extra! Extra!

The US State Department run by Hillary Rodham Clinton did nothing after months of warning about an attack in Benghazi and four men died.

Extra! Extra!

And that means if Hilary would've done...SOMETHING. Those guys would be alive today! Thats how hypothetical work!

You bet your ass they would be alive.

See? THATS the part you need to prove. But since you cant prove things that never happened watching you claim it as a fact is good times

The Brits and the Red Cross left Libya because of those same warnings.

Oh oh and that means....We would've left too!

If our folks had been pulled out there would have been no Benghazi attack you idiot.

Those four men would still be alive.

Thats the part you have to prove. Speculation isnt truth. Hell, if I wouldve bought a lottery ticket I wouldve won!!!!

No you idiot.

If the American embassy was empty. If the consulate at Benghazi was empty they would have no reason to attack.

Common sense 101. No Americans. No need to attack.

Pretty simple really and yes. Those four men would still be alive.

Smith and the ambassador would have been gone and there would have been no reason for Woods or Doherty to be at Benghazi.

You really are one dumb fuck.
Things went wrong in a war zone! Extra! Extra!

The US State Department run by Hillary Rodham Clinton did nothing after months of warning about an attack in Benghazi and four men died.

Extra! Extra!

And that means if Hilary would've done...SOMETHING. Those guys would be alive today! Thats how hypothetical work!

You bet your ass they would be alive.

See? THATS the part you need to prove. But since you cant prove things that never happened watching you claim it as a fact is good times

The Brits and the Red Cross left Libya because of those same warnings.

Oh oh and that means....We would've left too!

If our folks had been pulled out there would have been no Benghazi attack you idiot.

Those four men would still be alive.

Thats the part you have to prove. Speculation isnt truth. Hell, if I wouldve bought a lottery ticket I wouldve won!!!!

No you idiot.

If the American embassy was empty. If the consulate at Benghazi was empty they would have no reason to attack.

Common sense 101. No Americans. No need to attack.

Pretty simple really and yes. Those four men would still be alive.

Smith and the ambassador would have been gone and there would have been no reason for Woods or Doherty to be at Benghazi.

You really are one dumb fuck.

Yeah but your speculation cant be used to hold anyone at fault. Sorry.
The US State Department run by Hillary Rodham Clinton did nothing after months of warning about an attack in Benghazi and four men died.

Extra! Extra!

And that means if Hilary would've done...SOMETHING. Those guys would be alive today! Thats how hypothetical work!

You bet your ass they would be alive.

See? THATS the part you need to prove. But since you cant prove things that never happened watching you claim it as a fact is good times

The Brits and the Red Cross left Libya because of those same warnings.

Oh oh and that means....We would've left too!

If our folks had been pulled out there would have been no Benghazi attack you idiot.

Those four men would still be alive.

Thats the part you have to prove. Speculation isnt truth. Hell, if I wouldve bought a lottery ticket I wouldve won!!!!

No you idiot.

If the American embassy was empty. If the consulate at Benghazi was empty they would have no reason to attack.

Common sense 101. No Americans. No need to attack.

Pretty simple really and yes. Those four men would still be alive.

Smith and the ambassador would have been gone and there would have been no reason for Woods or Doherty to be at Benghazi.

You really are one dumb fuck.

Yeah but your speculation cant be used to hold anyone at fault. Sorry.
No speculation there. If we had gotten them out of there they would still be alive. She's right, you are a dumb fuck.
How many previous "investigations" were there that didn't even uncover the fat lady's use of a private server?
Honest question here - how does the location of an email server change what happened?

it doesn't... they're not even speaking with the people who could talk about *why* it happened. they don't care why it happened.

they are simply terrified of hillary... which is awesome.

it's the same garbage they did when bill was president, wasting 70 million dollars of our money.
Did the 50 dead ask for extra security and was denied?
Should every request be automatically granted? I would say no, that just because a request is made doesn't mean there was reason enough to grant it. The state department is not prescient

Every request needs to be evaluated and if extra security is needed but unfeasible then steps need to be taken to evacuate those that you are unable to protect.

In this case they had credible intelligence that suggested an attack was imminent.

Yup. They had months of warnings. Warnings the Brits and the Red Cross took very seriously as they pulled their people out of Libya. That's exactly what we should have done.

But Hilbats State Department did nothing and four good men died for their gross negligence.

As for money for funding? That's been debunked so many times. I myself watched an administration spokeswoman the very next day say money wasn't a problem.

Stick a fork in that no money bullshit. Its done.

Oh and if any of the lefty loons on this board had lost a brother at Benghazi they would be singing an entirely different tune.

They would want answers, explanations and I'd bet they would be looking to broil Hilbat and her incompetent State Department over a very hot fire.

With the incompetent State Department as an employer who the hell needs any enemies??

you mean like the warnings we had about an attack by bin laden on US soil using our own planes.

you really should lay off the cool-aid.
The lives of the 3,000 who were murdered on 9-11 mean nothing to these people just like the lives of the 4,500 who were killed looking for wmds. Only the 4 at Benghazi matter to them. Yes, it`s about Hillary, our next president.

ah... the Obama deranged loons become Hillary deranged loons.

it's going to be an awesome eight years. :thup:

and since you're so concerned, why aren't you shrieking about the 50 dead in a dozen attacks when baby bush was president?

Did the 50 dead ask for extra security and was denied?
They weren't Ambassadors either. Jillian is a libtard being a libtard.
You just had to say something,

that's what happens when braindead rightwingnut idiots try to post.
And that means if Hilary would've done...SOMETHING. Those guys would be alive today! Thats how hypothetical work!

You bet your ass they would be alive.

See? THATS the part you need to prove. But since you cant prove things that never happened watching you claim it as a fact is good times

The Brits and the Red Cross left Libya because of those same warnings.

Oh oh and that means....We would've left too!

If our folks had been pulled out there would have been no Benghazi attack you idiot.

Those four men would still be alive.

Thats the part you have to prove. Speculation isnt truth. Hell, if I wouldve bought a lottery ticket I wouldve won!!!!

No you idiot.

If the American embassy was empty. If the consulate at Benghazi was empty they would have no reason to attack.

Common sense 101. No Americans. No need to attack.

Pretty simple really and yes. Those four men would still be alive.

Smith and the ambassador would have been gone and there would have been no reason for Woods or Doherty to be at Benghazi.

You really are one dumb fuck.

Yeah but your speculation cant be used to hold anyone at fault. Sorry.
No speculation there. If we had gotten them out of there they would still be alive. She's right, you are a dumb fuck.

If we were never there they would be alive too. If they never joined they'd be alive. If they asked that pretty girl to prom they wouldnt be there.
And why were the special forces in Tripoli told to "not board the plane"? They could have saved them

Because those in the compound had already been rescued by the CIA. Smith was dead and the ambassador was missing, the first response team from Tripoli were already in route to the Benghazi Airport. Furthermore they were needed in Tripoli.
You bet your ass they would be alive.

See? THATS the part you need to prove. But since you cant prove things that never happened watching you claim it as a fact is good times

The Brits and the Red Cross left Libya because of those same warnings.

Oh oh and that means....We would've left too!

If our folks had been pulled out there would have been no Benghazi attack you idiot.

Those four men would still be alive.

Thats the part you have to prove. Speculation isnt truth. Hell, if I wouldve bought a lottery ticket I wouldve won!!!!

No you idiot.

If the American embassy was empty. If the consulate at Benghazi was empty they would have no reason to attack.

Common sense 101. No Americans. No need to attack.

Pretty simple really and yes. Those four men would still be alive.

Smith and the ambassador would have been gone and there would have been no reason for Woods or Doherty to be at Benghazi.

You really are one dumb fuck.

Yeah but your speculation cant be used to hold anyone at fault. Sorry.
No speculation there. If we had gotten them out of there they would still be alive. She's right, you are a dumb fuck.

If we were never there they would be alive too. If they never joined they'd be alive. If they asked that pretty girl to prom they wouldnt be there.
The difference is that they knew they were in danger and should have been removed, or at least protected but they weren't.
They were in danger the moment they stepped foot over there. Lets haul in the person who issues assignments too because if it wasnt for him they wouldnt even had been there.
See? THATS the part you need to prove. But since you cant prove things that never happened watching you claim it as a fact is good times

Oh oh and that means....We would've left too!

Thats the part you have to prove. Speculation isnt truth. Hell, if I wouldve bought a lottery ticket I wouldve won!!!!

No you idiot.

If the American embassy was empty. If the consulate at Benghazi was empty they would have no reason to attack.

Common sense 101. No Americans. No need to attack.

Pretty simple really and yes. Those four men would still be alive.

Smith and the ambassador would have been gone and there would have been no reason for Woods or Doherty to be at Benghazi.

You really are one dumb fuck.

Yeah but your speculation cant be used to hold anyone at fault. Sorry.
No speculation there. If we had gotten them out of there they would still be alive. She's right, you are a dumb fuck.

If we were never there they would be alive too. If they never joined they'd be alive. If they asked that pretty girl to prom they wouldnt be there.
The difference is that they knew they were in danger and should have been removed, or at least protected but they weren't.
They also knew the job was dangerous when they took it.
Straw grasping at its finest.
I suggest you go back and listen to your video. The vote to cut funding never made it through the Senate.
Bulloney, it made it through the Senate, with just a slight rise in Embassy security money from what the House requested but STILL 270 BILLION DOLLARS shy of what the President said he needed in his budget.

The facts:

According to Democratic House Oversight Committee staff, the amount that the GOP-led House passed for two accounts that pay for embassy security in fiscal 2012 ($2.311 billion) was $330 million less than the Obama administration had requested ($2.641 billion).

A GOP House Appropriations Committee aide confirmed the House bill had less in these accounts than what the administration requested.

However, the final bill, after being worked on by the Democratic-led Senate, put in more money than what had passed in the House. The final bill, which passed with bipartisan support, gave a total of $2.37 billion to these accounts for fiscal 2012 -- about $270 million less than what the administration had requested.

Conclusion: The GOP-led House did initially approve about $330 million less than what the administration requested, but in the final bill, passed with bipartisan support after adjustments by the Senate, put the amount a little closer to the administration's target, (with being $270 million less than what the administration requested).

CNN Fact Check: What about the security in Benghazi? -

But C4A, we KNOW that the men there CALLED for HELP, and one of them even LITE UP a mortar site for the HOPED FOR Air Force bombing....that never came!.... WHY was that request denied?
Because Obama and Hillary were more concerned about the upcoming election and covering their ass on their incompetence.
Conspiracy theory?
No, just trying to shift the blame from themselves to a video that no one ever saw.

Debunked long ago

Sept. 5
Morris Sedak, Washington, D.C.-based Coptic Christian and anti-Islam activist, starts promoting the movie trailer to journalists and via social media, timing his pitch to Florida pastor Terry Jones' "International Judge Muhammad Day" on Sept. 11.

Sept. 8
Egyptian television firebrand Sheik Khaled Abdalla airs part of the the Arabic version of the clip on local channel Al Nas, condemning it harshly. The trailer's YouTube view-count skyrockets.

Sept. 10
Pastor Jones, known for threatening to burn the Koran on previous Sept. 11 anniversaries, announces that he will show part of the movie at his "Judge Muhammad Day."

The anti-Islam-film riots: A timeline
And why were the special forces in Tripoli told to "not board the plane"? They could have saved them

Because those in the compound had already been rescued by the CIA. Smith was dead and the ambassador was missing, the first response team from Tripoli were already in route to the Benghazi Airport. Furthermore they were needed in Tripoli.
Hicks testified these troops had highly trained skills that would have been useful to the personnel in Benghazi, who were "exhausted from a night of fighting against very capable opponents."

"There was every reason to believe our personnel was still in danger," he says, adding he does not know why the Special Forces troops were not allowed to get on the C-130.

He says Lt. Col. Gibson was "furious" that he could not assist the Americans in Benghazi. "That's what he wanted to do."

Top Diplomat in Tripoli: Pentagon Told Special Forces to 'Stand Down'
No you idiot.

If the American embassy was empty. If the consulate at Benghazi was empty they would have no reason to attack.

Common sense 101. No Americans. No need to attack.

Pretty simple really and yes. Those four men would still be alive.

Smith and the ambassador would have been gone and there would have been no reason for Woods or Doherty to be at Benghazi.

You really are one dumb fuck.

Yeah but your speculation cant be used to hold anyone at fault. Sorry.
No speculation there. If we had gotten them out of there they would still be alive. She's right, you are a dumb fuck.

If we were never there they would be alive too. If they never joined they'd be alive. If they asked that pretty girl to prom they wouldnt be there.
The difference is that they knew they were in danger and should have been removed, or at least protected but they weren't.
They also knew the job was dangerous when they took it.
Straw grasping at its finest.
So it was THEIR fault? You really are a POS, aren't you?

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