More Evidence Reveals FBI Protected Hillary Clinton

Got it. Whatever Trump is doing is just taking two plus years because the evidence is soo well hidden we don't know if she's guilty or innocent. But Trump is working very hard at convicting her.

'Whatever Trump is doing'?
-- What Trump is doing is attempting to run the country as President DESPIT the exposed attempted coup against him while waiting for the treasonous witch hunt to end.

'so well hidden'?
-- Mueller and the Democrats went back over a DECADE looking for crime not even associated with the 'Russian' hoax BS over the last 2+ years and have found ZERO.
-- Lisa Pager testified that the FBI had been digging BEFORE the official investigation had been opened and that they had found NOTHING...which means they already KNEW before they officially opened up the investigation and before they appointed co-conspirator Mueller as Special Counsel that there was NO EVIDENCE and NO CRIME

..and as pointed out, there is an overwhelming pile of existing evidence proving Hillary was / is guilty as hell. AGAIN, the FBI under Obama announced publicly they had recovered 15,000 OFFICIAL SUPOENAED documents Hillary tried to destroy, documents that proved criminal activity...and COMEY publicly declared Hillary broke the law....

You are working overtime - intentionally ignoring / refusing to acknowledge existing exposed evidence - trying to convince YOURSELF Hillary never did anything illegal.

It's embarrassing.

Stay focused. Who here said Hillary never did anything illegal.

On your Trump side track, Trump is surely guilty of SOMETHING.

But we're talking about Hillary here. My money is on her being guilty of SOMETHING as well. Sounds like you have a case for avoiding a subpoena. Can we indict her on that? Any one under Trump have that power?

Maybe its soo well hidden we have no clue what it is and it will take another 10 years to come out is what you are saying?
On your Trump side track, Trump is surely guilty of SOMETHING.
WHY? Because Democrats / snowflakes SAY SO?

They have been saying so for over 2 years and have not been able to produce 1 piece of evidence to support that claim. Not only have the NOT been able to support that claim, they have more than enough evidence exposing they KNEW the crimes they have accused him of for 2 years never happened BEFORE they opened up the investigation against him and BEFORE they appointed the now exposed co-conspirator as Special Counsel.

Evidence shows:

Hillary DID break the Law

The DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI knew before ever opening an OFFICIAL investigation up against Trump that there was no crime and no evidence

This whole investigation of Trump was an attempted coup

There was NEVER any evidence of a crime warranting an investigation of President Trump

There was NEVER a crime committed warranting an investigation of President Trump.
On your Trump side track, Trump is surely guilty of SOMETHING.
WHY? Because Democrats / snowflakes SAY SO?

They have been saying so for over 2 years and have not been able to produce 1 piece of evidence to support that claim. Not only have the NOT been able to support that claim, they have more than enough evidence exposing they KNEW the crimes they have accused him of for 2 years never happened BEFORE they opened up the investigation against him and BEFORE they appointed the now exposed co-conspirator as Special Counsel.

Evidence shows:

Hillary DID break the Law

The DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI knew before ever opening an OFFICIAL investigation up against Trump that there was no crime and no evidence

This whole investigation of Trump was an attempted coup

There was NEVER any evidence of a crime warranting an investigation of President Trump

There was NEVER a crime committed warranting an investigation of President Trump.

But but, they've been investigating Hillary for 19 years so she must be innocent by your logic. :(

Leave the party cheerleader camp. You are better than that
Kind of like the FBI couldn't take Cohen's documents which are protected by attorney/client privilege, eh Skippy?
Except Mueller simply bypassed that law by finding a crime Cohen committed then raiding Cohen - after tipping off CNN so they could get the raid televised showing them in full SWAT gear, SEIZING all of those otherwise protected attorney-client documents. (Not the 1st time Mueller broke / circumvented laws in his investigations).

Trump is in trouble?

Conspiracy / coup exposed.
More evidence against Hillary and the conspirators piling up.
NO evidence / no crime after 2 years of investigating.


No crimes?? Then what are all those guilty pleas? Campaign finance violations naming the President as an unindicted co-conspirator? Lying to Congress? If you are not doing anything illegal, why all of the lies?

There is no question in regard to obstruction of justice. We've all watched Trump dangling pardons, attacking and attempting to intimidate witnesses, and lying daily to the American public about all of it, via Twitter. One need only print out the President's Twitter feed and media interviews to see him admitting to obstructing justice. You seem to want to give him a pass on these violations of law.

Then there's his campaign finance violations, and co-ordination with the National Enquirer on the catch and kill stories.
No crimes?? Then what are all those guilty pleas?

Again, what do you NOT understand about Paige stating the FBI already knew BEFORE the official investigation was opened up that there was NO EVIDENCE and NO COLLUSION?!

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