More Evidence That Covid Is A Scam

There's nothing "paranoid" about it. Dims have flushed our freedom down the toilet. I don't care if 1 millions Dims have to die to keep them out of power.
What a good little Nazi you'd make
So I guess he was gonna die of a heart attack anyway. We have 35% to 40% of our population thinking this stuff. And we wonder why we can't get it under control. They don't care how much they spread it in the name of the "liberty" or how many they kill.
True. These idiots are almost as dangerous as the frigging virus itself. God almighty, what idiots... DANGEROUS idiots.
Yep. This virus was the moment that Trumpism turned from potentially dangerous to literally dangerous.

How many people have died, and how many more have long term health issues, because these sociopaths are paranoid that their "freedom" and "liberty" are stolen if they just wear a fucking mask?
There's nothing "paranoid" about it. Dims have flushed our freedom down the toilet. I don't care if 1 millions Dims have to die to keep them out of power.
Wow. I believe you.

You guys have really lost it.
Letlow had surgery to remove a COVID-related blood clot. He underwent another procedure for the clot and suffered a heart attack.

It sounds covid related to me.

As a patient who has had a few clots removed in the past, it caught my attention when I read earlier in the year that Covid-19 causes blood clots. Big ones that they can't remove on the first try.
Since when are blood clots a symptom of COVID?
Von Willebrand factor

Since covid19 blocks ACE2 receptor, it leads to VWF, which leads to clotting.
There's nothing "paranoid" about it. Dims have flushed our freedom down the toilet. I don't care if 1 millions Dims have to die to keep them out of power.
What a good little Nazi you'd make
This is who they have been all along. Trump brought it out.

There it is. Incredible.
Wrong turd, Trump haters brought it out. Of course, I have never cared about Dims dying. The more that die, the better, as far as I'm concerned.
There's nothing "paranoid" about it. Dims have flushed our freedom down the toilet. I don't care if 1 millions Dims have to die to keep them out of power.
What a good little Nazi you'd make
This is who they have been all along. Trump brought it out.

There it is. Incredible.
Wrong turd, Trump haters brought it out. Of course, I have never cared about Dims dying. The more that die, the better, as far as I'm concerned.
Good stuff. This is who you are.
So I guess he was gonna die of a heart attack anyway.

We have 35% to 40% of our population thinking this stuff.

And we wonder why we can't get it under control.

They don't care how much they spread it in the name of the "liberty" or how many they kill.
Happens. Has happened for thousands of years. Why is that difficult for you?
There's nothing "paranoid" about it. Dims have flushed our freedom down the toilet. I don't care if 1 millions Dims have to die to keep them out of power.
What a good little Nazi you'd make
This is who they have been all along. Trump brought it out.

There it is. Incredible.
Wrong turd, Trump haters brought it out. Of course, I have never cared about Dims dying. The more that die, the better, as far as I'm concerned.
Good stuff. This is who you are.
I hate evil as well! Hitler was no different, we sent troops to kill him
So I guess he was gonna die of a heart attack anyway.

We have 35% to 40% of our population thinking this stuff.

And we wonder why we can't get it under control.

They don't care how much they spread it in the name of the "liberty" or how many they kill.
Happens. Has happened for thousands of years. Why is that difficult for you?
I wonder if you realize you're a sociopath. Who knows.
First, the death reported by the Left.....then the truth from the Right.

1. "41-Year-Old GOP Congressman-elect Dies of COVID-19

While in the ICU, Letlow received the antiviral drug remdesivir and steroids. Dr. G.E. Ghali of LSU Health Shreveport said that Letlow did not have any health problems that would have made him more vulnerable to the coronavirus. “He had no underlying conditions,” Ghali said. “It was just COVID.”

2. "REPORT: Congressman-elect Letlow died after suffering a heart-attack

Yesterday we reported that Congressman-elect Luke Letlow died yesterday after contracting coronavirus and being put in intensive care last week. Now we learn that his death came after he suffered a heart attack following surgery:

NY POST – Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow, who died while battling COVID-19, suffered a heart attack following a procedure, a hospital official said.
The 41-year-old was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit at Ochsner LSU Health in Shreveport when he died Tuesday, the Monroe News-Star reported."

3. And the explanation:
“We began this experiment in 1933 under the pressure of an internal economic crisis. We continue and extend it under the necessities of a war crisis....It is born in crisis, lives on crisis, and cannot survive the era of crisis. By the very law of its nature it must create for itself, if it is to continue, fresh crises from year to year. …And our future is all charted out upon the same turbulent road of permanent crisis.”
John T. Flynn, "As We Go Marching," p. 256

Flynn wrote that in 1944.

So......hundreds of thousands of hospital personnel are just making this shit up, huh, PoliticalChit?
They should all get Oscars next year.
Hundreds of thousands of doctors and nurses around the world have exposed this hoax.:abgg2q.jpg: I have a thread that proves all that. You are grasping at straws that there are hundreds of thousands making this up.more and more doctors from around the world are standing up to the the government and have a conscience not going along with the coverup and not accepting payoffs to rule them as covid,the ones that are ruling it as covid,if they don’t,they lose their license,many nurses from around the country have come forward and told how they lost their jobs by telling the truth that hospitals were ruling gunshot wounds and fatal car accidents as deaths and then lost their jobs after making videos of it on alternative media sites sense fascist YouTube takes them down now.

You trolls keep ignoring that these doctors are saying that deaths like the yearly flu virus and other yearly deaths,their hardly ever. Mentioned anymore as deaths at hospitals the yearly flu virus is all of a sudden gone now along with other yearly deaths that have been reported for decades and you say no coverup,that all these doctors and nurses are lying?:abgg2q.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

maybe YOU should shut up.:cuckoo:

I know it is a waste of time but it needs to be said anyway. There is no "hoax" concerning the over-reporting of coronavirus deaths. And hospitals are not making hundreds of thousands dollars because of Covid-19. Most hospitals have been losing money because of the elimination or reduction in their biggest profit generator, elective surgeries. Hundreds, no thousands of nurses have been laid off because of that very thing.

The CARES act provided a 20% add-on to Medicare reimbursement rates for Covid patients. So that is only patients on Medicare, and it is only 20%. Additionally, the CARES act provided 100 billion dollars in additional aid to those hospitals, disbursed on a geographical basis, not on the prevalence of the virus. The purpose of that hundred billion, and the 20% add-on, was to compensate hospitals for the care provided to the uninsured.

But now to listing Covid-19 as the cause of death. It is really hard to believe you have "hundreds of thousands" of doctors and nurses making this accusation. Either that is a lie, or hundreds of thousands of doctors and nurses are totally clueless as to how the "system" operates. The CDC provides guidelines, it took less than ten seconds for me to find them,

Vital Statistics Reference Guidance Number 03, April, 2020 (

In short, if someone tests positive for Covid-19, or even if they test negative and there is supporting diagnosis that reflects that Coronavirus is likely, then listing the Coronavirus on the death certificate is REQUIRED. If someone dies of a gunshot wound, and they tested positive for the Coronavirus, then yes, CDC guidelines REQUIRE it to be listed on the death certificate. So those doctors, those nurses, that are complaining, are IGNORANT. Maybe they should be exerting their energies on doing their job, taking care of their patients, washing their hands, wearing their protective gear, and stop spending time posting ignorance on social media.

And there is a reason. If someone comes in to CMC Main with a gunshot wound and they die right there in the emergency room, and records show that they had recently tested positive for Covid-19, this is what happens. First they clear the examination room that the victim was in. His body is still there. Then they call my daughter-in-law. She goes in wearing a hazmat suit, face mask, face shield, special shoes, covered from head to toe. She places the body in a bodybag, and with a big red marker she scribbles "CORONA" across the bag. The reality, the body itself is a hazardous waste and has to be treated accordingly.

She does that EVERY FLIPPIN DAY that she works. And she could work seven days a week, twelve hours a day, if she wanted. Because lets be honest, it takes a special individual to have the mental fortitude to handle that, day in and day out, and nothing, I mean nothing, pisses me off more than MORONS like you, spewing your toxic shit on messageboards. It is dangerous, it is stupid, it is selfish. I know this much, if this virus evolves, if it changes, and instead of targeting the weak and the vulnerable, the frail and the elderly, and turns it's sights on the healthy, the young, the vibrant, like a top of the chain predator, your ass would be screaming for all your worth for everyone to wear masks. You would lock yourself in your house and have food dropped off at the front door. Because more than anything else, you are a COWARD.
Because one 41 year old senator dies does not mean that all 41 year olds are in peril. 1 in 1000 things do happen when many thousands are involved
You lockdowners completely throw fact away for feelings
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First, the death reported by the Left.....then the truth from the Right.

1. "41-Year-Old GOP Congressman-elect Dies of COVID-19

While in the ICU, Letlow received the antiviral drug remdesivir and steroids. Dr. G.E. Ghali of LSU Health Shreveport said that Letlow did not have any health problems that would have made him more vulnerable to the coronavirus. “He had no underlying conditions,” Ghali said. “It was just COVID.”

2. "REPORT: Congressman-elect Letlow died after suffering a heart-attack

Yesterday we reported that Congressman-elect Luke Letlow died yesterday after contracting coronavirus and being put in intensive care last week. Now we learn that his death came after he suffered a heart attack following surgery:

NY POST – Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow, who died while battling COVID-19, suffered a heart attack following a procedure, a hospital official said.
The 41-year-old was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit at Ochsner LSU Health in Shreveport when he died Tuesday, the Monroe News-Star reported."

3. And the explanation:
“We began this experiment in 1933 under the pressure of an internal economic crisis. We continue and extend it under the necessities of a war crisis....It is born in crisis, lives on crisis, and cannot survive the era of crisis. By the very law of its nature it must create for itself, if it is to continue, fresh crises from year to year. …And our future is all charted out upon the same turbulent road of permanent crisis.”
John T. Flynn, "As We Go Marching," p. 256

Flynn wrote that in 1944.

So......hundreds of thousands of hospital personnel are just making this shit up, huh, PoliticalChit?
They should all get Oscars next year.
Hundreds of thousands of doctors and nurses around the world have exposed this hoax.:abgg2q.jpg: I have a thread that proves all that. You are grasping at straws that there are hundreds of thousands making this up.more and more doctors from around the world are standing up to the the government and have a conscience not going along with the coverup and not accepting payoffs to rule them as covid,the ones that are ruling it as covid,if they don’t,they lose their license,many nurses from around the country have come forward and told how they lost their jobs by telling the truth that hospitals were ruling gunshot wounds and fatal car accidents as deaths and then lost their jobs after making videos of it on alternative media sites sense fascist YouTube takes them down now.

You trolls keep ignoring that these doctors are saying that deaths like the yearly flu virus and other yearly deaths,their hardly ever. Mentioned anymore as deaths at hospitals the yearly flu virus is all of a sudden gone now along with other yearly deaths that have been reported for decades and you say no coverup,that all these doctors and nurses are lying?:abgg2q.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

maybe YOU should shut up.:cuckoo:

I know it is a waste of time but it needs to be said anyway. There is no "hoax" concerning the over-reporting of coronavirus deaths. And hospitals are not making hundreds of thousands dollars because of Covid-19. Most hospitals have been losing money because of the elimination or reduction in their biggest profit generator, elective surgeries. Hundreds, no thousands of nurses have been laid off because of that very thing.

The CARES act provided a 20% add-on to Medicare reimbursement rates for Covid patients. So that is only patients on Medicare, and it is only 20%. Additionally, the CARES act provided 100 billion dollars in additional aid to those hospitals, disbursed on a geographical basis, not on the prevalence of the virus. The purpose of that hundred billion, and the 20% add-on, was to compensate hospitals for the care provided to the uninsured.

But now to listing Covid-19 as the cause of death. It is really hard to believe you have "hundreds of thousands" of doctors and nurses making this accusation. Either that is a lie, or hundreds of thousands of doctors and nurses are totally clueless as to how the "system" operates. The CDC provides guidelines, it took less than ten seconds for me to find them,

Vital Statistics Reference Guidance Number 03, April, 2020 (

In short, if someone tests positive for Covid-19, or even if they test negative and there is supporting diagnosis that reflects that Coronavirus is likely, then listing the Coronavirus on the death certificate is REQUIRED. If someone dies of a gunshot wound, and they tested positive for the Coronavirus, then yes, CDC guidelines REQUIRE it to be listed on the death certificate. So those doctors, those nurses, that are complaining, are IGNORANT. Maybe they should be exerting their energies on doing their job, taking care of their patients, washing their hands, wearing their protective gear, and stop spending time posting ignorance on social media.

And there is a reason. If someone comes in to CMC Main with a gunshot wound and they die right there in the emergency room, and records show that they had recently tested positive for Covid-19, this is what happens. First they clear the examination room that the victim was in. His body is still there. Then they call my daughter-in-law. She goes in wearing a hazmat suit, face mask, face shield, special shoes, covered from head to toe. She places the body in a bodybag, and with a big red marker she scribbles "CORONA" across the bag. The reality, the body itself is a hazardous waste and has to be treated accordingly.

She does that EVERY FLIPPIN DAY that she works. And she could work seven days a week, twelve hours a day, if she wanted. Because lets be honest, it takes a special individual to have the mental fortitude to handle that, day in and day out, and nothing, I mean nothing, pisses me off more than MORONS like you, spewing your toxic shit on messageboards. It is dangerous, it is stupid, it is selfish. I know this much, if this virus evolves, if it changes, and instead of targeting the weak and the vulnerable, the frail and the elderly, and turns it's sights on the healthy, the young, the vibrant, like a top of the chain predator, your ass would be screaming for all your worth for everyone to wear masks. You would lock yourself in your house and have food dropped off at the front door. Because more than anything else, you are a COWARD.
:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:
the shill like all of them can only post Bible length rants and sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: He did not read one word of what I posted obviously thst proves it’s a hoax.:cuckoo:
The truth always hurts these shills so as always like clockwork,instead of being open minded about being wrong,even though I said I have a thread that proves this troll is babbling,as always,when I offer to show them videos of thousands of doctors around the world saying all this,they pretend they have reading comprehension problems and pretend to miss the part of me offering to show them the thread of all these doctors saying this.

the truth hurts these shills so rather than ask to see the videos of these doctors I offered,same ole same ole as always when I offer to post the videos,they prove they don’t want to look at them or even ask me to post them.instead of wanting to hear the evidence,they attack the messenger.:cuckoo: You can shoot the messenger but the truth is I have many videos of many doctors saying all this. Sorry the truth hurts shill,go attack those doctors in my videos and call them up and tell them they are morons and all that bullshit you said to me asswipe,don’t be a coward and attack the messenger of what THEY said coward.attack them,jesus Christ,grow up shill.
Since when are blood clots a symptom of COVID?
You really ARE that stupid aren't you
Let me play Trump-hater for a moment:

There's no evidence!

There's no evidence!

There's no evidence!

There's no evidence!
Could not have said it better myself. :up: :thankusmile: That’s their logic as well on the hospitals inflating covid deaths,on what a hoax it is on being so dangerous.they don’t have logic and common sense that if it was anywhere near as dangerous as they say it is,that the only way we would all not be here now and not dropping like flies is you would have to have one of those spacesuit looking outfits to wear like the ones you see in those old James Bond films when they have a madman who is going to destroy the world with a virus he is working on.these asswipe clowns are that stupid that that’s the only way we would not be dropping like flies all of us if it was anywhere near as dangerous as they like us to believe. :abgg2q.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: As I said before, I go to large crowds at the mall all the time,have been this past year, i can’t seem to get it.:auiqs.jpg: Seems like I would have got it by now passing all these hundreds of people in almost a year.:cuckoo::abgg2q.jpg: I of course don’t mix with hundreds of peopleover a year to try prove my point,it’s just I’m not paranoid as the covid apologists are and have no doubt it’s all a hoax is why I am not afraid to go to the mall and be around all these people..:up:
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So I guess he was gonna die of a heart attack anyway. We have 35% to 40% of our population thinking this stuff. And we wonder why we can't get it under control. They don't care how much they spread it in the name of the "liberty" or how many they kill.
True. These idiots are almost as dangerous as the frigging virus itself. God almighty, what idiots... DANGEROUS idiots.
Yep. This virus was the moment that Trumpism turned from potentially dangerous to literally dangerous.

How many people have died, and how many more have long term health issues, because these sociopaths are paranoid that their "freedom" and "liberty" are stolen if they just wear a fucking mask?
There's nothing "paranoid" about it. Dims have flushed our freedom down the toilet. I don't care if 1 millions Dims have to die to keep them out of power.
Wow. I believe you.

You guys have really lost it.
Sorry asshole. It’s you and your side killing people, burning buildings, looting businesses, shutting down and killing small businesses. Let us know when Republicans start doing that, But keep babbling with your 4 year old mentality responses. It’s all you’re good for.
On going personal survey.....

I continue asking every stranger that I can...."So, do you personally know anyone who died of covid" ?

I've probably asked 1000 people now......


America may have a fake pandemic, but the surge in Morons is real.

Just because you don't know anyone who died of the virus doesn't mean that no one else does and that the whole thing is fake.

My favorite aunt died of the virus on April 14th 2020. She was tested on the 9th. The positive results came on the 13th. She died on the 14th.

I normally don't use such vulgar language but this is from me, my cousins and all of those who have lost someone they love.


I am so sick and tired of people like you.
Dude I hate to break the news to you and I am going to go out of my way to be polite to you because I really am very sorry to hear about your aunt ,but even the inventor of the PCr test has said that the device cant accurately detect viruses,that it is testing false positives of covid all the time. If you were objective and open minded I would post some links or videos to you on that but you have proven too many hundreds of times as all covid apologists do,you only see what you want to see and if the facts don’t go along with your warped opinions,you ignore them. You got to stop being so damn gullible and naive and accept the fact that it was something else she passed away from and the evil people in the hospitals did not tell you the truth of what it was she really died from and thats because they receive massive payoffs for ruling it as covid when it is something else.:cuckoo:

I wouldn’t be coming out and sayingthings like this if it was just from a few blogs or someone like rush Limbaugh that were the people that I got this from,I sat it BECAUSE there are dozens of videos out there of Many doctors saying this who are not going along with the coverup and being grave speaking out.

.I can only offer to post them so many times but you all are so closed minded And so sure that you all are not wrong,you all always go off on rants and go into swear mode all the time without and refuse to take me up on the offer to watch these videos of all these doctors I say I will offer to, all as we both know,refuse to listen to the facts in videos from doctors as I have, what kind of fucked up logic is that?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
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Sorry asshole. It’s you and your side killing people, burning buildings, looting businesses, shutting down and killing small businesses. Let us know when Republicans start doing that, But keep babbling with your 4 year old mentality responses. It’s all you’re good for.
"My side" does none of that. None of that was done by or for politics.

YOUR "side" however HAS plotted to kidnap and murder...and oh yea...inflict mass casualties to cover that plot.

YOUR "side" has threatened everyone from local mayors to the GOP government of Georgia AND THEIR FAMILIES

And THOSE things happened over politics...
What is wrong with you screwballs?
They don't care.

There's a great deal of evidence about the damaged caused by the virus. Our microbiologist daughter says that as these new strains appear, the long term damage is becoming more severe. Heart, kidneys, lungs, nervous system, circulation, more.

But the Trumpsters don't care. They are sociopaths, which is why a sociopath like Trump is so attractive to them.

Watch me put a cork in your pie hole:

What are the symptoms of the Wuhan Red Death?

What are the symptoms of the average season flu?
Many of the symptoms are similar, but the primary difference is that COVID attacks the heart and lungs significantly more aggressively, and it is generally that feature that is the reason the death rate for COVID is approximately five times higher than that of the flu.

But we are also seeing far more significant long term damage and effects from COVID than from the flu for those who survive it, which I specified above.

You are out of your league. You're just an obedient Trumpster. I believe my sources far more than anything someone like you would claim.
:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

your sources are the idiot box in the living room Where myself,I have offered trolls like you a thread of mine I made with many thosands of doctors from around the world saying it’s all a hoax thst you all go into insult mode onto and say shit like there are no doctors saying that.:cuckoo: Even AFTER I offer to give you my thread of videos of these doctors saying that,don’t you ever get tired of losing and having shit on your face after the day is over?:abgg2q.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

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