More evidence that the Des Moines Register OpEd on Trump was on the mark....

Has Trump coarsened the debate and cheapened the electoral process?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • No

    Votes: 5 55.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
Exactly one month ago, I posted this thread:

Des Moines Register: Trump is a "feckless blowhard", should drop out | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The thread is about an OP/ED that was in that paper that excoriated Don Trump for many things.

A few short days later, this happened:

Out of revenge, Trump bans Des Moines Register from Iowa campaign event | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Back to the Des Moines Register thread. This is what I quoted in that thread:

It's time for Donald Trump to drop out of the race for president of the United States.

People who run for public office typically perform a great public service, regardless of whether they win on Election Day. That's particularly true of presidential candidates, most of whom must devote two years of their lives to hard-fought campaigns that involve staggering personal and financial sacrifices, all in an effort to serve their country.

And then there's Trump.

In the five weeks since he announced his campaign to seek the GOP nomination for president, Trump has been more focused on promoting himself, and his brand, than in addressing the problems facing the nation. If he were merely a self-absorbed, B-list celebrity, his unchecked ego could be tolerated as a source of mild amusement. But he now wants to become president, which means that he aspires to be the leader of the free world and the keeper of our nuclear launch codes.

That is problematic, because Trump, by every indication, seems wholly unqualified to sit in the White House. If he had not already disqualified himself through his attempts to demonize immigrants as rapists and drug dealers, he certainly did so by questioning the war record of John McCain, the Republican senator from Arizona...

...If Trump, our would-be commander in chief, doesn't like POWs, how does he feel about men and women killed in action?

His comments were not merely offensive, they were disgraceful.

...he has coarsened our political dialogue and cheapened the electoral process.

He has become "the distraction with traction" — a feckless blowhard who can generate headlines,
name recognition and polling numbers not by provoking thought, but by provoking outrage.

In just five weeks, he has polluted the political waters to such an extent that serious candidates who actually have the credentials to serve as president can't get their message across to voters....

I think that the second-to-last bolded quote is probably the most telling of all:

"...he has coarsened our political dialogue and cheapened the electoral process."

Let's take a look at how Donald Trump deals with other people:

Here is is direct attack on Rosie O'Donnell right in the middle of the GOP Debate from August 6th, 2015:

When Conservative pollster Frank Luntz' polling group didn't like what it saw, Trump then went on the offensive to attack Luntz directly, which I noted here:

Trump also goes after Conservative pollster Frank Luntz | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


And Trump's attacks, personal attacks, on Megyn Kelly, have already been discussed pretty thoroughly here in USMB, attacks that Trump later classified as "fun". He made those comments just two days ago. He even went so far as to say that Megyn Kelly should apologize to him. Prettty brazen stuff.

So, now come three completely different attacks from Trump, all in just a couple of days:

Trump blasts ABC News, demands apology -

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump is aiming his Twitter firepower squarely at ABC News, attacking them early Friday morning for what he called a "fraudulent" report.

Just after midnight, Trump unleashed a series of tweets to ABC's "World News Tonight" and reporter Tom Llamas calling on them to correct a report that aired Thursday evening.

He said Llamas "cannot report the news truthfully" and asked him to "apologize for your fraudulent story on World News Tonight. Gang members & criminals."

2015-08-021 Trump on ABS and Liamas.png

And then there is this direct attack on Democratic candidate Gov. Martin O'Malley:

Trump calls O'Malley a 'disgusting, little, weak, pathetic baby'

Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley apologized “like a disgusting, little, weak, pathetic baby” for his remark that “all lives matter,” Donald Trump said in an excerpt of a new interview aired Friday on Fox News.

In an interview with Jeanine Pirro for her program “Justice” set to air Saturday night, Trump said that the former Maryland governor did not need to say he was sorry.

“And then he apologized like a little baby, like a disgusting, little, weak, pathetic baby. And that’s the problem with our country,” Trump said, according to a clip aired on “Fox and Friends.”

O’Malley, in fact was “politically incorrect” with his apology, Trump remarked.

And then there is this about Bowe Bergdahl:

Bowe Bergdahl’s defense team warns Trump about damaging comments

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s defense team is keeping record of Donald Trump’s comments about their client — who the Republican presidential candidate called “a dirty rotten traitor” during a town hall speech in New Hampshire on Wednesday night.

“Mr. Trump’s comments are contemptible and un-American,” Eugene Fidell, Bergdahl’s attorney said in a statement. “They are a call for mob justice.” He added that they directly threaten his client’s right to a fair trial, and noted that, as a practical matter, Bergdahl is not in the position to bring “the defamation lawsuit Mr. Trump richly deserves.”

Here are the comments that Trump made:

In fact, if you look at Trump's Twitter feed alone, it is like a minefield of insults and low-brow one-liners all the way:

Trump continuous rant 3.png

Trump continuous rant 2.png

Trump continuous rant.png

Trump Erikson.png

Trump Fiorina.png

Trump Kelly.png

And then there is Trump's proposed immigration policy:

Immigration Reform

So, yeah, take off your partisan hats for a while and simply ask yourselves:

"When is the last time a Presidential candidate was ever this brazen and coarse?"

I think you already know the answer.

The Des Moines Register OP/ED from last month nailed it, in my opinion. Trump's overbearing coarseness will be his undoing.
The event today had to be moved twice because of growing crowds. It will be held in a football stadium and some will still be turned away.

His candidacy reflects a towering dissatisfaction with overbearing political correctness.
Its funny that all Trump has to do is say something that is the opposite of what is real and the repubs swallow it up. You see they really hate the politics of personal destruction and thats why they praise Trump for doing it. They dislike attacks on women especially their own, unless Trump does it. Luntz was a conservative Hero, until Trump said he sucks. McCain was a war hero, that is until Trump said he wasnt.

Trump will be the greatest at women issues. You know why? Because he said he'll be the best

Mexicans love Trump. How do I know? Trump said so, thats why!

Its simple, Trump says it and dispite it not making any sense he says it confidently and really, what else do you need to change reality?
Exactly one month ago, I posted this thread:

Des Moines Register: Trump is a "feckless blowhard", should drop out | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The thread is about an OP/ED that was in that paper that excoriated Don Trump for many things.

A few short days later, this happened:

Out of revenge, Trump bans Des Moines Register from Iowa campaign event | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Back to the Des Moines Register thread. This is what I quoted in that thread:

It's time for Donald Trump to drop out of the race for president of the United States.

People who run for public office typically perform a great public service, regardless of whether they win on Election Day. That's particularly true of presidential candidates, most of whom must devote two years of their lives to hard-fought campaigns that involve staggering personal and financial sacrifices, all in an effort to serve their country.

And then there's Trump.

In the five weeks since he announced his campaign to seek the GOP nomination for president, Trump has been more focused on promoting himself, and his brand, than in addressing the problems facing the nation. If he were merely a self-absorbed, B-list celebrity, his unchecked ego could be tolerated as a source of mild amusement. But he now wants to become president, which means that he aspires to be the leader of the free world and the keeper of our nuclear launch codes.

That is problematic, because Trump, by every indication, seems wholly unqualified to sit in the White House. If he had not already disqualified himself through his attempts to demonize immigrants as rapists and drug dealers, he certainly did so by questioning the war record of John McCain, the Republican senator from Arizona...

...If Trump, our would-be commander in chief, doesn't like POWs, how does he feel about men and women killed in action?

His comments were not merely offensive, they were disgraceful.

...he has coarsened our political dialogue and cheapened the electoral process.

He has become "the distraction with traction" — a feckless blowhard who can generate headlines,
name recognition and polling numbers not by provoking thought, but by provoking outrage.

In just five weeks, he has polluted the political waters to such an extent that serious candidates who actually have the credentials to serve as president can't get their message across to voters....

I think that the second-to-last bolded quote is probably the most telling of all:

"...he has coarsened our political dialogue and cheapened the electoral process."

Let's take a look at how Donald Trump deals with other people:

Here is is direct attack on Rosie O'Donnell right in the middle of the GOP Debate from August 6th, 2015:

When Conservative pollster Frank Luntz' polling group didn't like what it saw, Trump then went on the offensive to attack Luntz directly, which I noted here:

Trump also goes after Conservative pollster Frank Luntz | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


And Trump's attacks, personal attacks, on Megyn Kelly, have already been discussed pretty thoroughly here in USMB, attacks that Trump later classified as "fun". He made those comments just two days ago. He even went so far as to say that Megyn Kelly should apologize to him. Prettty brazen stuff.

So, now come three completely different attacks from Trump, all in just a couple of days:

Trump blasts ABC News, demands apology -

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump is aiming his Twitter firepower squarely at ABC News, attacking them early Friday morning for what he called a "fraudulent" report.

Just after midnight, Trump unleashed a series of tweets to ABC's "World News Tonight" and reporter Tom Llamas calling on them to correct a report that aired Thursday evening.

He said Llamas "cannot report the news truthfully" and asked him to "apologize for your fraudulent story on World News Tonight. Gang members & criminals."

View attachment 47932

And then there is this direct attack on Democratic candidate Gov. Martin O'Malley:

Trump calls O'Malley a 'disgusting, little, weak, pathetic baby'

Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley apologized “like a disgusting, little, weak, pathetic baby” for his remark that “all lives matter,” Donald Trump said in an excerpt of a new interview aired Friday on Fox News.

In an interview with Jeanine Pirro for her program “Justice” set to air Saturday night, Trump said that the former Maryland governor did not need to say he was sorry.

“And then he apologized like a little baby, like a disgusting, little, weak, pathetic baby. And that’s the problem with our country,” Trump said, according to a clip aired on “Fox and Friends.”

O’Malley, in fact was “politically incorrect” with his apology, Trump remarked.

And then there is this about Bowe Bergdahl:

Bowe Bergdahl’s defense team warns Trump about damaging comments

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s defense team is keeping record of Donald Trump’s comments about their client — who the Republican presidential candidate called “a dirty rotten traitor” during a town hall speech in New Hampshire on Wednesday night.

“Mr. Trump’s comments are contemptible and un-American,” Eugene Fidell, Bergdahl’s attorney said in a statement. “They are a call for mob justice.” He added that they directly threaten his client’s right to a fair trial, and noted that, as a practical matter, Bergdahl is not in the position to bring “the defamation lawsuit Mr. Trump richly deserves.”

Here are the comments that Trump made:

In fact, if you look at Trump's Twitter feed alone, it is like a minefield of insults and low-brow one-liners all the way:

View attachment 47934

View attachment 47933

View attachment 47935

View attachment 47936

View attachment 47937

View attachment 47938

And then there is Trump's proposed immigration policy:

Immigration Reform

So, yeah, take off your partisan hats for a while and simply ask yourselves:

"When is the last time a Presidential candidate was ever this brazen and coarse?"

I think you already know the answer.

The Des Moines Register OP/ED from last month nailed it, in my opinion. Trump's overbearing coarseness will be his undoing.

Interesting in that I was watching Luntz this very morning on Fox news and his audience meter when Trump discussed various "coarseness" topics
BOTH democrats and GOPs saw the meter climb above 70% at times!
Exactly one month ago, I posted this thread:

Des Moines Register: Trump is a "feckless blowhard", should drop out | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The thread is about an OP/ED that was in that paper that excoriated Don Trump for many things.

A few short days later, this happened:

Out of revenge, Trump bans Des Moines Register from Iowa campaign event | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Back to the Des Moines Register thread. This is what I quoted in that thread:

It's time for Donald Trump to drop out of the race for president of the United States.

People who run for public office typically perform a great public service, regardless of whether they win on Election Day. That's particularly true of presidential candidates, most of whom must devote two years of their lives to hard-fought campaigns that involve staggering personal and financial sacrifices, all in an effort to serve their country.

And then there's Trump.

In the five weeks since he announced his campaign to seek the GOP nomination for president, Trump has been more focused on promoting himself, and his brand, than in addressing the problems facing the nation. If he were merely a self-absorbed, B-list celebrity, his unchecked ego could be tolerated as a source of mild amusement. But he now wants to become president, which means that he aspires to be the leader of the free world and the keeper of our nuclear launch codes.

That is problematic, because Trump, by every indication, seems wholly unqualified to sit in the White House. If he had not already disqualified himself through his attempts to demonize immigrants as rapists and drug dealers, he certainly did so by questioning the war record of John McCain, the Republican senator from Arizona...

...If Trump, our would-be commander in chief, doesn't like POWs, how does he feel about men and women killed in action?

His comments were not merely offensive, they were disgraceful.

...he has coarsened our political dialogue and cheapened the electoral process.

He has become "the distraction with traction" — a feckless blowhard who can generate headlines,
name recognition and polling numbers not by provoking thought, but by provoking outrage.

In just five weeks, he has polluted the political waters to such an extent that serious candidates who actually have the credentials to serve as president can't get their message across to voters....

I think that the second-to-last bolded quote is probably the most telling of all:

"...he has coarsened our political dialogue and cheapened the electoral process."

Let's take a look at how Donald Trump deals with other people:

Here is is direct attack on Rosie O'Donnell right in the middle of the GOP Debate from August 6th, 2015:

When Conservative pollster Frank Luntz' polling group didn't like what it saw, Trump then went on the offensive to attack Luntz directly, which I noted here:

Trump also goes after Conservative pollster Frank Luntz | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


And Trump's attacks, personal attacks, on Megyn Kelly, have already been discussed pretty thoroughly here in USMB, attacks that Trump later classified as "fun". He made those comments just two days ago. He even went so far as to say that Megyn Kelly should apologize to him. Prettty brazen stuff.

So, now come three completely different attacks from Trump, all in just a couple of days:

Trump blasts ABC News, demands apology -

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump is aiming his Twitter firepower squarely at ABC News, attacking them early Friday morning for what he called a "fraudulent" report.

Just after midnight, Trump unleashed a series of tweets to ABC's "World News Tonight" and reporter Tom Llamas calling on them to correct a report that aired Thursday evening.

He said Llamas "cannot report the news truthfully" and asked him to "apologize for your fraudulent story on World News Tonight. Gang members & criminals."

View attachment 47932

And then there is this direct attack on Democratic candidate Gov. Martin O'Malley:

Trump calls O'Malley a 'disgusting, little, weak, pathetic baby'

Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley apologized “like a disgusting, little, weak, pathetic baby” for his remark that “all lives matter,” Donald Trump said in an excerpt of a new interview aired Friday on Fox News.

In an interview with Jeanine Pirro for her program “Justice” set to air Saturday night, Trump said that the former Maryland governor did not need to say he was sorry.

“And then he apologized like a little baby, like a disgusting, little, weak, pathetic baby. And that’s the problem with our country,” Trump said, according to a clip aired on “Fox and Friends.”

O’Malley, in fact was “politically incorrect” with his apology, Trump remarked.

And then there is this about Bowe Bergdahl:

Bowe Bergdahl’s defense team warns Trump about damaging comments

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s defense team is keeping record of Donald Trump’s comments about their client — who the Republican presidential candidate called “a dirty rotten traitor” during a town hall speech in New Hampshire on Wednesday night.

“Mr. Trump’s comments are contemptible and un-American,” Eugene Fidell, Bergdahl’s attorney said in a statement. “They are a call for mob justice.” He added that they directly threaten his client’s right to a fair trial, and noted that, as a practical matter, Bergdahl is not in the position to bring “the defamation lawsuit Mr. Trump richly deserves.”

Here are the comments that Trump made:

In fact, if you look at Trump's Twitter feed alone, it is like a minefield of insults and low-brow one-liners all the way:

View attachment 47934

View attachment 47933

View attachment 47935

View attachment 47936

View attachment 47937

View attachment 47938

And then there is Trump's proposed immigration policy:

Immigration Reform

So, yeah, take off your partisan hats for a while and simply ask yourselves:

"When is the last time a Presidential candidate was ever this brazen and coarse?"

I think you already know the answer.

The Des Moines Register OP/ED from last month nailed it, in my opinion. Trump's overbearing coarseness will be his undoing.

Interesting in that I was watching Luntz this very morning on Fox news and his audience meter when Trump discussed various "coarseness" topics
BOTH democrats and GOPs saw the meter climb above 70% at times!

Thanks for your contribution to this thread.

I didn't say "coarseness topics". The Des Moines Register is referring to his method of delivery, including a very non-presidential choice of words, to say the least.
Coming from the Party with the foreign born President that dared to call Republicans "the enemy"



Fuck off
I cringe when I hear him yammer on about nothing. He's an embarrassment to America and the thought of him talking down to world leaders, insulting them, calling them dumb and low class is frightening. He has said he wants several wars and he'd get them.

He's a used car salesman. He never says anything of substance. No facts and never a real policy statement. All he says is "Trust me because I'm very rich".

The emperor has no clothes.

Or hair.
Trump is fucking awesome.


I love it!

He's not letting Progressives (Neo-Communists) Set the terms of the debate

He's focused on - winning

Can you say Winning?

Obama's been a slacker, an apologist and a total scumbag fuck up of a President who actually hates the nation that was stupid enough to elect him. It will be so refreshing to have someone in office who understand American greatness comes from We the People and not from Washington
Both Trump and Sanders are attracting large crowds to their speeches.
But the reasons are different as night and day.
Trump is getting crowds because of his edgy/non-PC style, Sanders is attracting large crowds because of the substance of his speeches.
Night and day.
Last edited:
Both Trump and Sanders are attracting large crowds to their speeches.
But the reasons are different as night and day.
Trump is getting crowds because of his edgy/non-PC style, Sanders is attracting undecideds because of the substance of his speeches.
Night and day.


Sanders speaks very directly to issues and policies.

Trump just yells and calls names while sidestepping all questions on issues.

That's why RWs like him.
Coming from the Party with the foreign born President that dared to call Republicans "the enemy"



Fuck off

You know, CrusaderFrank - I've actually treated you with nothing but kindness ever since I got here, but your mind-numbingly off topic and stupid statements are taking their toll and you are very close to going on ignore forever.

So, here was the question from the OP:

"When is the last time a Presidential candidate was ever this brazen and coarse?"

This is your final chance to reach down, feel your balls, realize that you are still a man and decide to respond like an adult instead of a 1st grader.

Simply ask yourself the question and give an answer like an adult.

"Fuck off" is not an adult answer.

Now, think before you jump, because your next answer decides whether you go on iggy forever, or not.

Trump, not taking shit from Progressives.

Oh Dear! Is that allowed?

When confronted with a number of links that shows Trump attacks anyone like a spoiled rich kid Frank covers his eyes and pretends Trump is attacking Progressives and not republicans. Its easier to cope that way

Indeed, because a great many of those unseemly and very unpresidential personal attacks are upon known Conservative figures who have nothing to do with Progressives at all.
Wow! Banning a media outlet! Who in the hell does he think he is? Obama!

The article is butt hurt. I tire of left and right wing nuts making something out of nothing.

Are you all truly that desperate?
Coming from the Party with the foreign born President that dared to call Republicans "the enemy"



Fuck off

You know, CrusaderFrank - I've actually treated you with nothing but kindness ever since I got here, but your mind-numbingly off topic and stupid statements are taking their toll and you are very close to going on ignore forever.

So, here was the question from the OP:

"When is the last time a Presidential candidate was ever this brazen and coarse?"

This is your final chance to reach down, feel your balls, realize that you are still a man and decide to respond like an adult instead of a 1st grader.

Simply ask yourself the question and give an answer like an adult.

"Fuck off" is not an adult answer.

Now, think before you jump, because your next answer decides whether you go on iggy forever, or not.


Congratulations Crusader Frank! Now you can comment without the idiotic response of Stat. Lol!

Ignore is for cowards.
Many conservatives have an unhealthy emotional need for an abusive daddy-figure.

Trump fills that need.

Remember, Trump fans deserve our pity.

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