More evidence the BIG LOCKDOWN that i've been predicting

You can wipe your ass with a towel you retard. You dont need 47 rolls of TP just because youre at home. Hoard food, ammuniction, something you can fucking use. Not non essentials.
so you use a bath towel to wipe your ass ! that explains the shitty BO you emit ! and the fact that you need a towel to wipe your ass tells us just how large your ripped and torn anus really is !...... Asclepias cant wipe his ass without getting shit on his elbows .
Its not rocket science though. There is a highly contagious novel virus mutating and making people seriously sick or killing them. Whats hard to understand about that? Why make it complex?
Chicken Pox is highly contagious.
He is just reporting on a very good MIT study, and on something those on the left, and the non critical thinking community somehow fail to grasp.

The arguments in this whole thread, and indeed, this whole forum over masks, lock-downs, and vaccines. . . would probably END, if you folks that want to FORCE others what to do, would just READ IT, and then understand, that yeah, some of us do know what the hell we are talking about. There ARE, indeed, different ways to visualize the same exact data sets. And they aren't wrong.

When more Covid-19 data doesn’t equal more understanding​

Social media users share charts and graphs — often with the same underlying data — to advocate opposing approaches to the pandemic.
Exactly try doing that for once instead of always showing off what a dumbass you are everyday to the entire board.
We're not talking about "hesitancy" are we?
We're talking about Tiny Minded "conservatives" who think "Owning the Libs" by dropping dead is cool.
I'm with you.
Drop dead and own me!

Sorry to piss in your mama's cornbread, but I'm one of the master race of immunes. No masks, no shots, no problem.

Had it last year, three days and it was gone.
Two fucking years, no mask, fly all over the country, still cant catch that fucking Kung Flu virus. Does that mean it is scared of my ultimate manly immune system? Or is it just a scare tactic of the progressives to force idiots like the slave Asclepiasss to bow down to their wishes?

OK Fans!
Who recognizes the first lie in the post?
That's so close!
"no mask, fly all over the country, "
Is not quite right.
"TWO YEARS" is the correct answer to the First Lie.

And with the first Lie told in the first two words you win the Fastest Lie Award for 7/18/21.
As I predicted earlier, the big lockdown is coming. Here is more evidence:

MSM Begins Prepping the Public for More Restrictions in the U.S.​

Bay Area Health Officials Strongly Urge Everyone to Wear Masks Indoors Regardless of Vaccination Status​

The thread premise is a lie; these are unreliable sources and fake rightwing news.
Instead of hesitancy or resolution, how about just a good old "fuck no", Mr. Clotshot cult member.

My body, my choice. Now what are you going to do about it?

Go die. It's your duty to The Cheeto!
When I was young, we just got it, and allowed it to run its course, and that was that.

I think I was about four or five years old when I had it.
I think youre missing the point. With a vaccine you dont have to let it "just run its course". Not really a smart solution if it can kill you or fuckup your lungs for the rest of your life.
Youre [sic] just one person no one cares for that got lucky. Other people died or were seriously ill.

Then the overwhelming vast majority of those who get exposed to the virus are just lucky. Most of us only get a mild, flu-like illness, if anything at all. My wife had it, last year, and it was much milder than most of the other illnesses that she tended to catch at work and bring home to me, and I didn't have any symptoms at all, though my immune system was greatly weakened at the time, and there's no way I could avoid being exposed to anything contagious that she had.

See how simple the concept is?
Yup. And considering what my chances of dying from it are? And the adjuvants and possible side affects of that particular vaccine? I made that choice for my kid to not have that one. . . the risk was not worth the benefits. Chicken Pox is nothing, it is not a big deal. Neither is COVID if you are under 60. If you watch the fear porn on your TEE VEE? They would have you believe it is that black plague. :heehee: It's just a bad, bad flu. I've had worse.

I feel that same with this illness.

I have looked into that data, and I feel the same about this.

NOW. . . OTH, if I were above the age of say, 65, and these vaccines had finished phase 4 clinical trails with approval from the FDA, and had not racked up so many deaths and side affects, I would certainly consider taking one of them.

As of right now? Things don't look good for these gene therapy treatments. You don't suppress discussion and reporting of news on something that there is no problems with, this is just common sense.

Maybe you don't give a shit about long term damage and immunological damage and disorders to your immune system, but this is a concern of mine.
Man dont say that. Those fuckers hoarding toliet paper were weird. Of all the things to hoard why toilet paper?
It is a great parable? Is that the right word?
For what society considers it's most foundational pieces.
Wiping their butts and filling their mouths with fast food.
This would be a fascinating social study.
I think youre [sic] missing the point. With a vaccine you dont [sic] have to let it "just run its course". Not really a smart solution if it can kill you or fuckup your lungs for the rest of your life.

It turns out that aside from a number of diseases, I also happen to be immune to the sort of bullshit, lies, and fearmongering that you seem intent on trying to inflict on me.

And I am capable of making proper use of apostrophes.
Then the overwhelming vast majority of those who get exposed to the virus are just lucky. Most of us only get a mild, flu-like illness, if anything at all. My wife had it, last year, and it was much milder than most of the other illnesses that she tended to catch at work and bring home to me, and I didn't have any symptoms at all, though my immune system was greatly weakened at the time, and there's no way I could avoid being exposed to anything contagious that she had.
If you want to catch it dont get vaxxed. I'm just letting you know you can avoid it if you get the vax. You can also avoid things like the OP is whining about.
It turns out that aside from a number of diseases, I also happen to be immune to the sort of bullshit, lies, and fearmongering that you seem intent on trying to inflict on me.

And I am capable of making proper use of apostrophes.
You said yourself you immune system was weakened. Obviously some Drumpftard bullshit took advantage of you.

I dont really give a fuck about apostrophes unless it causes confusion.

MIT Study: Vaccine Hesitancy Is ‘Highly Informed, Scientifically Literate,’ and ‘Sophisticated’​

MIT Study: Vaccine Hesitancy Is 'Highly Informed, Scientifically Literate,' and 'Sophisticated' - James Fetzer
From the link--thank you BTW...a lot of good info there--not sure that it's saying what you want it to say..other than a lot of anti-vaxxers are sane and making their decisions based on the same data as those who vax--this does not, however, mean those decisions are correct. The significant portion of the anti-vax movement is a bit crazy--but a lot of Chronovirus skeptics believe in vaccinations..just not this one.:

But most vaccine skepticism, if by that we mean reluctance, is not based on conspiracy theorizing — it’s based on risk-benefit calculations. You may think it’s an innumerate calculation. But when you look at patterns of uptake in the United States, two factors stand out, factors that are larger in their effect than partisanship: age and density. The older you are and the denser your community, the more likely you are to be vaccinated. The younger you are, and the more rural your community, the less likely you are to have gotten it. This reflects the real facts about the risk of death from COVID. People may be wildly overestimating their risk from the vaccine and underestimating their risks from COVID — but they have the directional thinking correct. Those who are in less danger, act like it.

I will point out the one matter he does not address is if we leave a large enough pool for the virus to mutate in...the problem remains..and could get worse.

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