More evidence the BIG LOCKDOWN that i've been predicting

If you want to catch it dont [sic] get vaxxed. I'm just letting you know you can avoid it if you get the vax. You can also avoid things like the OP is whining about.

I've already been exposed, and my immune system did it's job. There's absolutely no rational reason whatsoever for me to take the risks inherent in allowing myself to be used as a test subject for a risky, unproven new “vaccine”, to protect me from a disease that never posed any credible threat to me in the first place.

And in any event, I do not see how an obsolete computer system could protect me from this or any other disease anyway.
Sorry to piss in your mama's cornbread, but I'm one of the master race of immunes. No masks, no shots, no problem.

Had it last year, three days and it was gone.
"Had it" means you're not immune.
Funny thing about virus'
Leave them around long enough and they'll mutate into something that transmits easily and kills efficiently.
From the link--thank you BTW...a lot of good info there--not sure that it's saying what you want it to say..other than a lot of anti-vaxxers are sane and making their decisions based on the same data as those who vax--this does not, however, mean those decisions are correct. The significant portion of the anti-vax movement is a bit crazy--but a lot of Chronovirus skeptics believe in vaccinations..just not this one.:

But most vaccine skepticism, if by that we mean reluctance, is not based on conspiracy theorizing — it’s based on risk-benefit calculations. You may think it’s an innumerate calculation. But when you look at patterns of uptake in the United States, two factors stand out, factors that are larger in their effect than partisanship: age and density. The older you are and the denser your community, the more likely you are to be vaccinated. The younger you are, and the more rural your community, the less likely you are to have gotten it. This reflects the real facts about the risk of death from COVID. People may be wildly overestimating their risk from the vaccine and underestimating their risks from COVID — but they have the directional thinking correct. Those who are in less danger, act like it.

I will point out the one matter he does not address is if we leave a large enough pool for the virus to mutate in...the problem remains..and could get worse.
It also doesn't mean that those opting for the vaccine are correct. They are just exercising their rights, as they should.

"Had it" means you're not immune.
Funny thing about virus'
Leave them around long enough and they'll mutate into something that transmits easily and kills efficiently.

That's bullshit, Flu Boi. Viruses don't mutate upward into something more deadly. The common cold is simply a virus that mutated through subsequent hosts, becoming weaker each time.
Youre just one person no one cares for that got lucky. Other people died or were seriously ill.
Please. He's lying.
Virus takes 10-14 days to incubate and show symptoms.
With another 3 weeks beyond that to show negative.
He got a tiny case of the sniffles and was sure it was COVID because of his manly response.
That's bullshit, Flu Boi. Viruses don't mutate upward into something more deadly. The common cold is simply a virus that mutated through subsequent hosts, becoming weaker each time.

Delta's already know to be more deadly and they think it spreads easier.

Please. He's lying.
Virus takes 10-14 days to incubate and show symptoms.
With another 3 weeks beyond that to show negative.
He got a tiny case of the sniffles and was sure it was COVID because of his manly response.
View attachment 514398

I'm pretty sure I had it back in Nov 2019. I am in incredible shape and that shit left me where I was winded just walking up the stairs. 2 weeks later it was gone. I would hate to have been out of shape and caught that shit.

Delta's already know to be more deadly and they think it spreads easier.

They do own you.

It is NO MORE deadly than the original, meaning it isn't very deadly at all.
Thats what happens when retarded Drumpf supporters wont get vaxxed. Dont complain when the company you work for goes out of business. You brought this on yourself.

Sweetheart---the illegals are our big carriers and spreaders and that fucking communist biden administration are purposely allowing them in and spreading them around the country via the military. They are trying to murder our people again in order to scare people into giving them more power.

Delta's already know to be more deadly and they think it spreads easier.


You're already owned, Flu Boi. You might as well hide in your closet the rest of your life, while I enjoy the things you used to do.

Don't forget to wear a mask or two. Or three.

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::lmao::21:

I am sick to death of being badgered by the establishment, the corporate/government Deep State, who, in all likelihood is responsible for engineering this virus in the first place through Gain of Function research, and now wants to guilt me into goose stepping into compliance with their bio-security police state paradigm, which they are responsible for setting up in the first place. It is anti-democratic and totalitarian. It is complete, and total bullshit.

All of these mother-fuckers need to face a Nuremberg type trial. I certainly won't be made to felt guilty for "mutations," or "variants," when these mad men are the ones responsible for this bio-warfare against the planet in the first place. It was their doing, all for profit, control, fun, and depopulation. I would be curious to look at all of their investment portfolios before this whole shit show went down. . . I am betting they all invested heavily into mask companies and vaccine makers.

Expecting me to just metaphorically get on the train and head to the camps and ovens at this point? You all can just fuck right off and pound sand. If you like being slaves, that is your choice, but no thanks.

TWiV 615: Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance​

29:52 Daszak notes that “coronaviruses are pretty good… you can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily… the spiked proteins drive a lot about what happens. You can get the sequence you can build the protein, we work with Ralph Baric at UNC to do this, insert into the backbone of another virus and do some work in a lab.”

If you folks want to continue being their useful idiots and not get up to speed with what the hell is going on? Go right ahead.

I learn from the behavior of governments and corporations through history though.
I'm going to laugh at you when you lose our job for starters. Is that enough?
i'm gonna laugh when you get MS, or CP, or some hardcore ailment because you wanted to be a good little sheep....
As I predicted earlier, the big lockdown is coming. Here is more evidence:

MSM Begins Prepping the Public for More Restrictions in the U.S.​

Bay Area Health Officials Strongly Urge Everyone to Wear Masks Indoors Regardless of Vaccination Status​

Did you also predict that if you poke yourself in the eye, it would hurt?


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