more facts about recovery (for the right to deny)

90 million is almost 1/3 of the entire population of the US.

Now add in the responsibily retired and children. What we have is around 90 million out of around 125 million of eligible workers.

The 90 million includes retirees and children 16 and older.

Children under 16 are excluded from the population used for labor force statistics as are people in prison, an institution or the military.

So there's 244,995,000 people 16 and older not in the military, prison, or an institution.
143,286,000 worked the week of March 10-16
11,742,000 did not work March 10-16 but could have started a job that week and actively looked for work between Feb 17 and March 16
83,245,000 neither worked nor looked for work because they don't want a job
6,722,000 didn't work March 10-16 and either could not have started a job that week or hadn't looked for work after Feb 17. Most hadn't looked for work since March 2012.
I dont think they did. But between welfare programs and state sponsored redistribution efforts, it makes no sense for someone to repeat "would you like fries with that?" or "would you like to super size your meal today?" when it pays less than above programs.

There are very few quality work opportunities. So it makes sense that they "don't want a 'would you like fries with that?' job".
Or, in other words. They are disenfranchised with this shitty economiy. And now are no longer counted as part of the labor force. TM will be ecstatic when the UE % hits 3. Even though that 90 million of "dont want a job" will be 244 million.
You want more people starving so you can chear their deaths later.

Your party did that on national TV didnt they
Now you are refuxsing to deal with the fact given in this thread.

You just make up crap instead of talking about what the thread is about.

discuss the thread or get out
Now you are refuxsing to deal with the fact given in this thread.

You just make up crap instead of talking about what the thread is about.

discuss the thread or get out

This thread, like you, is stupid. You're ranting, as usual, about nothing. I'll get out when Im done having my Friday entertainment at your expense. Not a moment sooner.
debt ceiling threats,

refusual to vote on jobs bills

trying to PUSH austerity

shoving your heads up your asses and willing to SAY ANYTHING no matter how stupid it is to try and avoid a recovery for the American people.

Its why you lost the election

What’s back

• Household wealth: Americans lost $16 trillion in wealth during the recession, mainly because home values and stock prices sank. Those losses have now been reversed. Household net worth reached $66.1 trillion in the final three months of 2012, according to the Federal Reserve. That was just 2 percent below the peak reached in the fall of 2007.

• Retail sales: Retail sales totaled $421.4 billion in February. Adjusted for inflation, that was nearly 18 percent above the recession low and just 0.7 percent below the record level in November 2007.

• Layoffs: The job market remains weak by some measures. But consider this: If you have a job, you’re less likely to lose it than at any other point in at least 12 years. That marks a sharp turnaround from the depths of the recession, when layoffs soared — from 1.8 million in December 2007 to 2.6 million in January 2009.

• Foreclosures: Foreclosures have sunk back to pre-recession levels. Banks repossessed 45,000 homes in February 2013, according to RealtyTrac, a foreclosure listing firm. That was the fewest since September 2007 and was down from a peak of 102,000 in March 2010.

• Stock market: The Dow Jones industrial average closed at an all-time high of 14,253.77 on March 6, topping its previous peak of 14,164.53 in October 2007. The Dow had plunged all the way to 6,547.05 in March 2009. It closed even higher on Tuesday at 14,662. 01.

• GDP: America’s economy is producing more goods and services than before the recession began. In the final three months of 2007, it produced an annual rate of $13.3 trillion in goods and services, a record high. That figure had shrunk to $12.7 trillion when the recession ended.

discuss these facts or get out of the thread
debt ceiling threats,

refusual to vote on jobs bills

trying to PUSH austerity

shoving your heads up your asses and willing to SAY ANYTHING no matter how stupid it is to try and avoid a recovery for the American people.

Its why you lost the election
Wave that Democrat flag TM! "We're #1!" :clap2:
Let me tell yas...the ONLY thing propping up Western civilization's economy right now is CHEAP MONEY.

That is why the stock market recovered.

But the problem we still have is that we are giving the cheap money to the CLASS that doesn't need it.

The wealthy can borrow money right now at rate LOWER THAN the real rate of inflation.

Now check how much YOU must pay to rent money.

There's no comparison.
Let me tell yas...the ONLY thing propping up Western civilization's economy right now is CHEAP MONEY.

That is why the stock market recovered.

But the problem we still have is that we are giving the cheap money to the CLASS that doesn't need it.

The wealthy can borrow money right now at rate LOWER THAN the real rate of inflation.

Now check how much YOU must pay to rent money.

There's no comparison.

Thats' the monetary policy of the US. The inflation created by the federal reserves policy also hurts the lowest incomes the most. The stock market and real estate markets are up because of these inflationary policies. And again, just like last time, it will all come crashing down like the house of cards that it is.

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