more facts about recovery (for the right to deny)

I believe we are in a quasi-permanent recessionary/depression economy due to three things:

(1) Depressed wages because of "globalization" and international trade agreements;
(2) Concentration of much more wealth in many fewer hands; and
(3) Technological innovation that displaces (and devalues) human labor.

I don't see any of these things changing under the current regime.
Let me tell yas...the ONLY thing propping up Western civilization's economy right now is CHEAP MONEY.

That is why the stock market recovered.

But the problem we still have is that we are giving the cheap money to the CLASS that doesn't need it.

The wealthy can borrow money right now at rate LOWER THAN the real rate of inflation.

Now check how much YOU must pay to rent money.

There's no comparison.

Thats' the monetary policy of the US. The inflation created by the federal reserves policy also hurts the lowest incomes the most. The stock market and real estate markets are up because of these inflationary policies. And again, just like last time, it will all come crashing down like the house of cards that it is.

There is no substantial monetary inflation. There are price increases due to increased competition for a dwindling supply of resources.
debt ceiling threats,

refusual to vote on jobs bills

trying to PUSH austerity

shoving your heads up your asses and willing to SAY ANYTHING no matter how stupid it is to try and avoid a recovery for the American people.

Its why you lost the election

40Jobs Bills Stuck In The Senate
House Republicans have passed 40 jobs bills that are currently stuck in the Democrat controlled Senate.

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