More Fake News from the AP


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
News from The Associated Press

"We have a situation where billionaires are paying less tax often than their cleaner or their secretary," Lawson told The Associated Press. "That's crazy."

No bed wetter, that's BULLSHIT.

Let's just for the sake of argument say that billionaires really don't pay taxes. Not a fuckin penny.

You still have to ignore all the taxes that come in to any doing any sort of transaction, from the lowly consumer all they way up to the income taxes generated by the CEO's and lawyers and tens of thousands of mother fuckers who work for them.

Billionaires didn't just steal a billion dollars and run off to some secluded island to sit on a pile of money like a fucking dragon in a fairy tale. These assholes generate more revenue when they take a shit than the "reporter" of this bullshit article will pay in taxes.

That doesn't mean they can tell us how to live our lives and scam us on global warming hoaxes.

News from The Associated Press

"We have a situation where billionaires are paying less tax often than their cleaner or their secretary," Lawson told The Associated Press. "That's crazy."

No bed wetter, that's BULLSHIT.

Let's just for the sake of argument say that billionaires really don't pay taxes. Not a fuckin penny.

You still have to ignore all the taxes that come in to any doing any sort of transaction, from the lowly consumer all they way up to the income taxes generated by the CEO's and lawyers and tens of thousands of mother fuckers who work for them.

Billionaires didn't just steal a billion dollars and run off to some secluded island to sit on a pile of money like a fucking dragon in a fairy tale. These assholes generate more revenue when they take a shit than the "reporter" of this bullshit article will pay in taxes.

That doesn't mean they can tell us how to live our lives and scam us on global warming hoaxes.

You are too stupid to be one person, which is, of course, why you voted for Trump.
Billionaires are stealing your tax dollars via food stamps, and EIC's, to pay their workers. Subsidies paid to Walmart workers increased their bottom line by $9 billion in 2013, most of which went to the Walton Family.

Billionaires pay less tax, as a percentage of income, than their secretaries. That is correct. Since Reagan changed the tax code, wealth has trickled up to the top 5% at a steady clip. The working class has seen their savings melt away, and now the middle class is in trouble. If that's not stealing from the lower classes, I don't know what is.
News from The Associated Press

"We have a situation where billionaires are paying less tax often than their cleaner or their secretary," Lawson told The Associated Press. "That's crazy."

No bed wetter, that's BULLSHIT.

Let's just for the sake of argument say that billionaires really don't pay taxes. Not a fuckin penny.

You still have to ignore all the taxes that come in to any doing any sort of transaction, from the lowly consumer all they way up to the income taxes generated by the CEO's and lawyers and tens of thousands of mother fuckers who work for them.

Billionaires didn't just steal a billion dollars and run off to some secluded island to sit on a pile of money like a fucking dragon in a fairy tale. These assholes generate more revenue when they take a shit than the "reporter" of this bullshit article will pay in taxes.

That doesn't mean they can tell us how to live our lives and scam us on global warming hoaxes.

You are too stupid to be one person, which is, of course, why you voted for Trump.
Billionaires are stealing your tax dollars via food stamps, and EIC's, to pay their workers. Subsidies paid to Walmart workers increased their bottom line by $9 billion in 2013, most of which went to the Walton Family.

Billionaires pay less tax, as a percentage of income, than their secretaries. That is correct. Since Reagan changed the tax code, wealth has trickled up to the top 5% at a steady clip. The working class has seen their savings melt away, and now the middle class is in trouble. If that's not stealing from the lower classes, I don't know what is.
Pete apparently aspires to join the Walmart family and figures he need to kiss a little ass to make it so.
You are too stupid to be one person, which is, of course, why you voted for Trump.
Billionaires are stealing your tax dollars via food stamps, and EIC's, to pay their workers. Subsidies paid to Walmart workers increased their bottom line by $9 billion in 2013, most of which went to the Walton Family.

Billionaires pay less tax, as a percentage of income, than their secretaries. That is correct. Since Reagan changed the tax code, wealth has trickled up to the top 5% at a steady clip. The working class has seen their savings melt away, and now the middle class is in trouble. If that's not stealing from the lower classes, I don't know what is.

You should have thought about what would happen with Willy the Rapist started demanding banks make home loans to folks who couldn't afford the payments. And we were called "racists" for trying to stop what was coming. And then your muslim moron let the banksters off the hook for campaign money. Your party is little more than a criminal enterprise.
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News from The Associated Press

"We have a situation where billionaires are paying less tax often than their cleaner or their secretary," Lawson told The Associated Press. "That's crazy."

No bed wetter, that's BULLSHIT.

Let's just for the sake of argument say that billionaires really don't pay taxes. Not a fuckin penny.

You still have to ignore all the taxes that come in to any doing any sort of transaction, from the lowly consumer all they way up to the income taxes generated by the CEO's and lawyers and tens of thousands of mother fuckers who work for them.

Billionaires didn't just steal a billion dollars and run off to some secluded island to sit on a pile of money like a fucking dragon in a fairy tale. These assholes generate more revenue when they take a shit than the "reporter" of this bullshit article will pay in taxes.

That doesn't mean they can tell us how to live our lives and scam us on global warming hoaxes.

Jesus Christ, you just loathe yourself don't you. And all those awful proles that walk about, filth that they are. Why can't they be like the glorious rich, if you don't work hard you'll never get an ivory tower. You don't have an ivory tower but that's because you're a lazy fuck and you admit it.

Fucking digusting bullshit. You are scum.
You should have thought about what would happen with Willy the Rapist started demanding banks make home loans to folks who couldn't afford the payments. And we were called "racists" for trying to stop what was coming. And then your muslim moron let the bansters off the hook for campaign money. Your party is little more than a criminal enterprise.

wtf does any of your psychobabble have to do with race !
You should have thought about what would happen with Willy the Rapist started demanding banks make home loans to folks who couldn't afford the payments. And we were called "racists" for trying to stop what was coming. And then your muslim moron let the bansters off the hook for campaign money. Your party is little more than a criminal enterprise.

wtf does any of your psychobabble have to do with race !

Ah, another dumbass looking for a free education.

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You should have thought about what would happen with Willy the Rapist started demanding banks make home loans to folks who couldn't afford the payments. And we were called "racists" for trying to stop what was coming. And then your muslim moron let the bansters off the hook for campaign money. Your party is little more than a criminal enterprise.

wtf does any of your psychobabble have to do with race !

Ah, another dumbass looking for a free education. Check out Maxine Waters and her husband's role in the housing crash:

43 is on record demanding 5 million new fannie/freddie loans for minorities ... eat shit, bash clinton, fuck you.

You are too stupid to be one person, which is, of course, why you voted for Trump.
Billionaires are stealing your tax dollars via food stamps, and EIC's, to pay their workers. Subsidies paid to Walmart workers increased their bottom line by $9 billion in 2013, most of which went to the Walton Family.

Billionaires pay less tax, as a percentage of income, than their secretaries. That is correct. Since Reagan changed the tax code, wealth has trickled up to the top 5% at a steady clip. The working class has seen their savings melt away, and now the middle class is in trouble. If that's not stealing from the lower classes, I don't know what is.

That is a lie and you are an idiot.

Billionaires pay taxes on Corporate Profit, Stock Distributions or Dividends at a lower rate BUT, the money they received has already been taxed at the CORPORATE LEVEL

Before th Billionaire receives his or her Stock Distributions, Capital Gains or Dividends distribution, the money has already been taxed at the Corporate Income Tax rate...... Usually around an effective rate of 18% with a nominal rate of 39.5%

So it's being double taxed. Corporate Profit distributions are also minus ALL expenses and losses

You people are imbeciles. True, honest to God, mental defectives
You are too stupid to be one person, which is, of course, why you voted for Trump.
Billionaires are stealing your tax dollars via food stamps, and EIC's, to pay their workers.

No, politicians and the people like you who vote for them are the ones stealing our tax dollars via food stamps and the EIC.
You are too stupid to be one person, which is, of course, why you voted for Trump.
Billionaires are stealing your tax dollars via food stamps, and EIC's, to pay their workers. Subsidies paid to Walmart workers increased their bottom line by $9 billion in 2013, most of which went to the Walton Family.

Billionaires pay less tax, as a percentage of income, than their secretaries. That is correct. Since Reagan changed the tax code, wealth has trickled up to the top 5% at a steady clip. The working class has seen their savings melt away, and now the middle class is in trouble. If that's not stealing from the lower classes, I don't know what is.

You should have thought about what would happen with Willy the Rapist started demanding banks make home loans to folks who couldn't afford the payments. And we were called "racists" for trying to stop what was coming. And then your muslim moron let the banksters off the hook for campaign money. Your party is little more than a criminal enterprise.

Why don't you take a couple of years off to brush on on Reality, instead of showing up here to be conspicuously ignorant?
You are too stupid to be one person, which is, of course, why you voted for Trump.
Billionaires are stealing your tax dollars via food stamps, and EIC's, to pay their workers. Subsidies paid to Walmart workers increased their bottom line by $9 billion in 2013, most of which went to the Walton Family.

Billionaires pay less tax, as a percentage of income, than their secretaries. That is correct. Since Reagan changed the tax code, wealth has trickled up to the top 5% at a steady clip. The working class has seen their savings melt away, and now the middle class is in trouble. If that's not stealing from the lower classes, I don't know what is.

That is a lie and you are an idiot.

Billionaires pay taxes on Corporate Profit, Stock Distributions or Dividends at a lower rate BUT, the money they received has already been taxed at the CORPORATE LEVEL

Before th Billionaire receives his or her Stock Distributions, Capital Gains or Dividends distribution, the money has already been taxed at the Corporate Income Tax rate...... Usually around an effective rate of 18% with a nominal rate of 39.5%

So it's being double taxed. Corporate Profit distributions are also minus ALL expenses and losses

You people are imbeciles. True, honest to God, mental defectives
There is nothing in her post which is factually incorrect......and all the chindribble in yours is entirely irrelevant to her point..
You are too stupid to be one person, which is, of course, why you voted for Trump.
Billionaires are stealing your tax dollars via food stamps, and EIC's, to pay their workers.

No, politicians and the people like you who vote for them are the ones stealing our tax dollars via food stamps and the EIC.
The levels of state and federal subsidies for employees at Walmart and other predatory enterprises are a matter of record...
You are too stupid to be one person, which is, of course, why you voted for Trump.
Billionaires are stealing your tax dollars via food stamps, and EIC's, to pay their workers. Subsidies paid to Walmart workers increased their bottom line by $9 billion in 2013, most of which went to the Walton Family.

Billionaires pay less tax, as a percentage of income, than their secretaries. That is correct. Since Reagan changed the tax code, wealth has trickled up to the top 5% at a steady clip. The working class has seen their savings melt away, and now the middle class is in trouble. If that's not stealing from the lower classes, I don't know what is.

You should have thought about what would happen with Willy the Rapist started demanding banks make home loans to folks who couldn't afford the payments. And we were called "racists" for trying to stop what was coming. And then your muslim moron let the banksters off the hook for campaign money. Your party is little more than a criminal enterprise.

Why don't you take a couple of years off to brush on on Reality, instead of showing up here to be conspicuously ignorant?

He's right. The Community Reinvestment Act was a well-meaning program started by The Peanut. under The Rapist, Jamie Gorelick and Janet The Baby Killer threatened Banks if they didn't Toe The Line.

Dishonest Banks saw an opportunity and seized it -- They started applying CRA rules to EVERY loan and Fannie Mae, under the corrupt and dishonest criminal, Franklin raines, bought them up, lied about their credit ratings and sold them -- Mostly overseas.

You're the one that don't know jack shit
There is nothing in her post which is factually incorrect......and all the chindribble in yours is entirely irrelevant to her point..

I bet you're a hit on the street corner outside the drug store, huh?

you being so clever n' all
You are too stupid to be one person, which is, of course, why you voted for Trump.
Billionaires are stealing your tax dollars via food stamps, and EIC's, to pay their workers.

No, politicians and the people like you who vote for them are the ones stealing our tax dollars via food stamps and the EIC.
The levels of state and federal subsidies for employees at Walmart and other predatory enterprises are a matter of record...

Walmart, nor any other employer, is under any obligation to pay your bills for you. They pay the wage the market dictates they pay (aside from some government intervention) and it's obviously a sufficient wage or they would have a shortage of employees, which they do not. If you don't like what they pay don't work for them. It's that simple.
The levels of state and federal subsidies for employees at Walmart and other predatory enterprises are a matter of record...

Mostly because of the shitty education system that is run by dimocrap scum.

BTW, no thanks. I don't need a cart
Walmart, nor any other employer, is under any obligation to pay your bills for you. They pay the wage the market dictates they pay (aside from some government intervention) and it's obviously a sufficient wage or they would have a shortage of employees, which they do not. If you don't like what they pay don't work for them. It's that simple.

I was in Wally World to pick up a TV the other day and, trust me, at Minimum Wage -- Some of those people are seriously overpaid
News from The Associated Press

"We have a situation where billionaires are paying less tax often than their cleaner or their secretary," Lawson told The Associated Press. "That's crazy."

No bed wetter, that's BULLSHIT.

Let's just for the sake of argument say that billionaires really don't pay taxes. Not a fuckin penny.

You still have to ignore all the taxes that come in to any doing any sort of transaction, from the lowly consumer all they way up to the income taxes generated by the CEO's and lawyers and tens of thousands of mother fuckers who work for them.

Billionaires didn't just steal a billion dollars and run off to some secluded island to sit on a pile of money like a fucking dragon in a fairy tale. These assholes generate more revenue when they take a shit than the "reporter" of this bullshit article will pay in taxes.

That doesn't mean they can tell us how to live our lives and scam us on global warming hoaxes.

You are too stupid to be one person, which is, of course, why you voted for Trump.
Billionaires are stealing your tax dollars via food stamps, and EIC's, to pay their workers. Subsidies paid to Walmart workers increased their bottom line by $9 billion in 2013, most of which went to the Walton Family.

Billionaires pay less tax, as a percentage of income, than their secretaries. That is correct. Since Reagan changed the tax code, wealth has trickled up to the top 5% at a steady clip. The working class has seen their savings melt away, and now the middle class is in trouble. If that's not stealing from the lower classes, I don't know what is.

Billionaires are stealing your tax dollars via food stamps, and EIC's, to pay their workers.

So if Republicans end food stamps, the rich get hurt most? Shhhh.....they want to hurt the rich. Let them, eh?

Billionaires pay less tax, as a percentage of income, than their secretaries.

Tell me how much their secretary makes and I'll show you your error.

The working class has seen their savings melt away, and now the middle class is in trouble.

Cutting taxes on everyone causes savings to melt away? How?

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