More FBI Malfeasance To Be Released Tomorrow

Moral-relativism my ass. I told the truth and you ignore the truth.

Look you steaming pile dog shit.

Paul Manafart passed information to Russian Military Intelligence, he is a traitor.

Flynn was working the send an opponent of President Recep Tayip Erdogan BACK to Turkey to be killed. He took money for doing that.

You ignore the millions and billions (in the case Kushner) that both Ivanka and Jared made while the worked in the WH.

You deliberately ignore the graft and corruption of the people who worked with and for the Rapist and Traitor, while making bull shit noise about H.B.

H.B. was late paying his had a shit fit.

H.B. failed to disclose he was an addict when he went to purchase a fire arm, never all the gun huggers take their weapon of choice into bars and drunk. You had a shit fit about that.

The children of the Rapist and Traitor made millions of dollars while in the WH....nope not one fucking word.

Members of staff working for Rapist and Traitor worked as unregistered agents of a foreign government and not one fucking word about from you.

Rank Hypocrisy and manufactured outrage, that is all you got.
Paul Manafart was planted on the Trump campaign for that expressed purpose.
They wanted to attach guilt by association.
He did what they busted him for BEFORE he was hired to work on Trump's campaign, and he was gone in little or no time once Trump found out what they were planning on charging him with.
And Trump's net worth dropped $3 billion while he was president.
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That's not what has been reported.
My understanding is most of the people he wanted to interview refused.
Im telling you I watched the hearings. He never alluded to or specifically said he had any restrictions or was impeded. Watch it.
In 2025 the Trump Administration should defund and replace the FBI. Start a new agency and bring over the good FBI agents.

Or keep the FBI and fire all high-ranking managers. Completely restructure the organization.
Absolutely. The challenge is that the corrupt, weaponized employees of the DOJ and FBI know they are goners if Trump wins, and you can expect them to become even moreso as the election takes off. They will collude with the media to hide all the negatives about the Democrat nominee while dreaming up more “crimes” to prosecute against Trump.

IOW, we have our work cut out for us.
In 2025 the Trump Administration should defund and replace the FBI. Start a new agency and bring over the good FBI agents.

Or keep the FBI and fire all high-ranking managers. Completely restructure the organization.

The 2025 Biden Administration will that lying Orange Fuckwad Weasel in prison.
The 2025 Biden Administration will that lying Orange Fuckwad Weasel in prison.
I think it’s hilarious that Trump owns every minute of your frantic, hand-wringing, desperate life.
Contrast and Compare.

Weiss got what? A plea agreement on H.B for paying his taxes late and lying own firearm application about being an addict.

Jack Smith slapped the Rapist and Traitor with a 37-Count that includes 31-Counts of Violations of the Espionage Act of 1917.

In total, the Rapist and Traitor is facing 71-Counts from 2-Indictments.

Duh-Ham put three cases up for trial.

One Case resulted in Community.

Two Not Guilty Verdicts.

The Rapist and Traitor stole classified documents and stored in his fucking bathroom. H.B. paid his taxes late (but he did pay them).

The MAGA MAGGOT MADNESS is in overdrive right now. They need to distract from their bat shit crazy Dead Leader. It ain't working.
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Contrast and Compare.

Weiss got what? A plea agreement on H.B for paying his taxes late and lying own firearm application about being an addict.

Jack Smith slapped the Rapist and Traitor with a 37-Count that includes 31-Counts of Violations of the Espionage Act of 1917.

In total, the Rapist and Traitor is facing 71-Counts from 2-Indictments.

Duh-Ham put three cases up for trial.

One Case resulted in Community.

Two Not Guilty Verdicts.

The Rapist and Traitor stole classified documents and stored in his fucking bathroom. H.B. paid his taxes late (but he did pay them).

The MAGA MAGGOT MADNESS is in overdrive right now. They need to distract from that bat shit crazy Dead Leader. It ain't working.
A frantic tirade worthy of any 12 year old.
Contrast and Compare.

Weiss got what? A plea agreement on H.B for paying his taxes late and lying own firearm application about being an addict.

Jack Smith slapped the Rapist and Traitor with a 37-Count that includes 31-Counts of Violations of the Espionage Act of 1917.

In total, the Rapist and Traitor is facing 71-Counts from 2-Indictments.

Duh-Ham put three cases up for trial.

One Case resulted in Community.

Two Not Guilty Verdicts.

The Rapist and Traitor stole classified documents and stored in his fucking bathroom. H.B. paid his taxes late (but he did pay them).

The MAGA MAGGOT MADNESS is in overdrive right now. They need to distract from their bat shit crazy Dead Leader. It ain't working.
Hillary had an illegal server in a bathroom with classified information only she disseminated it, Trump has not. Plus, Trump as POTUS had every right to have the documents. Hillary had 0 rights to do what she did.
In 2025 the Trump Administration should defund and replace the FBI. Start a new agency and bring over the good FBI agents.

Or keep the FBI and fire all high-ranking managers. Completely restructure the organization.
Purdy much what Obama wanted in the opposite.. You know "Fundy change".
Hillary had an illegal server in a bathroom with classified information only she disseminated it, Trump has not. Plus, Trump as POTUS had every right to have the documents. Hillary had 0 rights to do what she did.

HRC whataboutery won't work

Your engaging in lame ass whataboutery and it still ain't working.

The Rapist and Traitor is no longer holding office and he has no legal to retain classified documents.

The Rapist and Traitor illegally remove (stole actually) from the WH and moved it to Shit-A-Lago. He at no time had the right to possess them.

The Rapist and Traitor has been indicted 31-Counts of Violating the Espionage Act of 1917.

HRC never kept classified material at her private residence, nor did she claim she had a right to possess classified material as the Rapist and Traitor has. The private server was NOT against the law at the time, poor judgement yes but against the law no.

You people have been investigating HRC for over 25-Years, costing millions of tax payer dollars and you have shit to show for it.

The Rapist and Traitor admits he did not have the power declassify a damn thing, and he removed (stole actually) classified material and moved it to Shit-A-Lago.

Your continued lame as shit whataboutery means nothing. Get the fuck over it.

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