More FBI Malfeasance To Be Released Tomorrow

HRC whataboutery won't work

Your engaging in lame ass whataboutery and it still ain't working.

The Rapist and Traitor is no longer holding office and he has no legal to retain classified documents.

The Rapist and Traitor illegally remove (stole actually) from the WH and moved it to Shit-A-Lago. He at no time had the right to possess them.

The Rapist and Traitor has been indicted 31-Counts of Violating the Espionage Act of 1917.

HRC never kept classified material at her private residence, nor did she claim she had a right to possess classified material as the Rapist and Traitor has. The private server was NOT against the law at the time, poor judgement yes but against the law no.

You people have been investigating HRC for over 25-Years, costing millions of tax payer dollars and you have shit to show for it.

The Rapist and Traitor admits he did not have the power declassify a damn thing, and he removed (stole actually) classified material and moved it to Shit-A-Lago.

Your continued lame as shit whataboutery means nothing. Get the fuck over it.
Keep using that rapist and traitor bit, as it just keeps on showing that everything you all do is a set up for political gains and purposes.
If the DOJ wasn't corrupt, all of this would end up in some people doing hard time in a federal prison. :iagree:

But because you seem to think it's funny that our government is a steaming pile of're gonna hear about stuff like this from people all of the time, and your only answer will be "Yeah, is sucks but what can we do about it!!", just like they've been doing in Venezuela since they went communist.

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Your idea of government corruption is that it’s not protecting your fuckups.
No, that’s DEMOCRAT privilege. Hillary destroyed evidence on the illegal server she had hidden in her house, and she didn’t even get a slap on the wrist. Joe Biden had boxes and boxes of classified info strewn all over the place, some daring to his days as a Senator, and the FBI gives him a 2-week warning that they’re going to do a search.
Biden had 13 total documents.

The former 1-term fuckup had more just as conservation starts at Margo-largo.
It just keeps getting worse and worse for the FBI:

Did it happen?



You MAGA rubes are such easy marks!

Keep sending, wallet!

Did it happen?



You MAGA rubes are such easy marks!

Keep sending, wallet!

View attachment 823854
Yeah....well most of us in the real world know that you sucks will believe any God damned lie the media tells you.

You always consider the source rather than think whether it makes any sense or not.

If the left told you shit was blue and the sky is brown you'd argue with anyone who said otherwise.
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WTF is wrong with Congressional Republicans?? Anyone knows you don't do a news dump on a Friday. All that does is give the story a chance to disappear over the weekend.

Friday news dump
The House can't do anything without the Speaker's approval.

McCarthy is holding everything up.
They didn't want him to be Speaker, but they weren't going to allow anyone else to be Speaker.

So here we are almost 3 years into the Biden adm and he's still talking about an impeachment inquiry.
Under Biden, there is so much bad shit going on that it makes it difficult to press him on any one thing.




"Cover up"!

"Hunter Biden"!

All the earmarks of another failed Trump humper conspiracy. Keep it in the news and the duped will rage.

Well, dipshit, the only reason is seems that way is because our corrupt media never seems to want to cover any issue when they come up. There's always another mess to talk about. And if all fails, issue another Trump indictment.

You rubes think people who have long memories are all making this shit up. Meanwhile you sucks only pay attention to the latest shiny thing the press throws your way.
You're told who to hate and when to hate.
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Did it happen?



You MAGA rubes are such easy marks!

Keep sending, wallet!

View attachment 823854
I'm guessing you figure those are only whites living in those trailers, but here's a little secret for you racist ignant city dweller's, uhhh that undoubtedly you don't know or try to ignore... Black's and many other low income races occupy those dwellings also across this land, and if they voted for Biden, then it speaks of even a way far worse scenario that even you wouldn't want to share truthfully with that constituency honestly.

Biden is allegedly corruptly rich, but it's the same upper class lifestyle that you are so jealousy trying to apply only to Trump.

Hey spsssssss, let ya in on a secret, the blacks are figuring you leftist liberals out fast now, and it's going to be an uphill climb for you all from here on out.
Yeah....well most of us in the real world know that you sucks will believe any God damned lie the media tells you.

You always consider the source rather than think whether it makes any sense or not.

If the left told you shit was blue and the sky is brown you'd argue with anyone who said otherwise.
Dude, don’t project your cult on anyone.

Your leader already stated that he could shoot someone on 5Th avenue and would still eat his crap sandwich.
The House can't do anything without the Speaker's approval.

McCarthy is holding everything up.
They didn't want him to be Speaker, but they weren't going to allow anyone else to be Speaker.

So here we are almost 3 years into the Biden adm and he's still talking about an impeachment inquiry.
Under Biden, there is so much bad shit going on that it makes it difficult to press him on any one thing.
What law has President Biden broke exactly?

What evidence can you offer?

And no, we don’t need to see the shit you made in the wingnut toilet.

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