More Free Stuff to run up the debt or taxes.

Hong Kong has a much stronger economy than the US and collects a whole less taxes per capita than our bloated filthy ass government.

It is not how much you spend on government that makes it good. It is how you spend the money and the US government and many state governments are very bad at spending it wisely.

We waste tons of money on everything imaginable and that includes education. Education in the US has turned into welfare for the unions in a lot of places.

The worse thing about our government is that money is taken away from the people that earn it and given away to those that didn't earn it in the form of welfare, subsidies and bailouts.

I agree.

Nothing is free. Its using someone elses hard earned money and letting those that didn't earn it spend it.

Education is a bottomless pit in this country and we turn out kids who can't read or spell.

I sure don't want my tax dollars to give some kid two years of "free" college.

Nothing is free.

Education is a bottomless pit in this country

Spoken like a true Conservative

Fiscal conservative and proud to be one.

We spend billions on education. Its a bottomless pit that turns out kids who can't read or write.

Hell. Most towns spend 2/3rds of collected taxes on education.

Bottomless pit says it all.

It has also produced hundreds of millions of Americans who are among the most productive workers on earth

Education is our future.....PERIOD

We cannot become a society where only those who can afford it are given an opportunity for advanced education

Maybe as a society we should open schools and hire teachers and get the students some books....
Maybe it's time we try this...... LOL
We spend a fortune on education....

And what do we have to show for it....
Where do we rank in the world on education?
Hong Kong has a much stronger economy than the US and collects a whole less taxes per capita than our bloated filthy ass government.

It is not how much you spend on government that makes it good. It is how you spend the money and the US government and many state governments are very bad at spending it wisely.

We waste tons of money on everything imaginable and that includes education. Education in the US has turned into welfare for the unions in a lot of places.

The worse thing about our government is that money is taken away from the people that earn it and given away to those that didn't earn it in the form of welfare, subsidies and bailouts.

I agree.

Nothing is free. Its using someone elses hard earned money and letting those that didn't earn it spend it.

Education is a bottomless pit in this country and we turn out kids who can't read or spell.

I sure don't want my tax dollars to give some kid two years of "free" college.

Nothing is free.

Education is a bottomless pit in this country

Spoken like a true Conservative

Fiscal conservative and proud to be one.

We spend billions on education. Its a bottomless pit that turns out kids who can't read or write.

Hell. Most towns spend 2/3rds of collected taxes on education.

Bottomless pit says it all.

It has also produced hundreds of millions of Americans who are among the most productive workers on earth

Education is our future.....PERIOD

We cannot become a society where only those who can afford it are given an opportunity for advanced education

Maybe as a society we should open schools and hire teachers and get the students some books....
Maybe it's time we try this...... LOL
Works for me

There was a time when the concept of a free education open to all was considered an outrage
Why should MY kids be in the same classes as those poor kids?
That idiot Obama doesn't give a crap that we are over $18 trillion debt and will be close to $20 trillion by the time he leaves office now the sonofabitch wants another entitlement; Two years of college free.

He doesn't have a clue on how to pay for something like this. More of taking money from those that earned it and giving it to those that didn't earn it. Government stealing.

The problem is that with students being able to live off the dole for a couple years smoking pot and passing easy classes soon that two year degree won't be worth the diploma it is written on. It will be like high school is now, a worthless "education".

President Barack Obama announced his proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

“Put simply, what I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everyone who’s willing to work for it,” Obama said in a video filmed Wednesday aboard Air Force One and posted to Facebook. He made the announcement as part of his pre-State of the Union tour and will formally lay out the proposal Friday in a speech in Tennessee.

The White House estimated it would save the average community college student $3,800 annually and said it could benefit millions.

Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College
How can we keep paying for all these illegalls with free health care ,free phones and housing, we would never get this in Mexico if we went there.
Mr Trump if you get elected please stop all the free give always to people that don't deserve it
Why wont Liberals just cut to the chase....
They want everything to be free.
Just make sure that those that earned their wealth foot the bill.
Why? because it's not fair they don't have the same stuff.

Well, as a nation we call it investing in ourself.
Educated population = good
Science programs like the nws, nasa, jpl, = good
Infrastructure = good
r&d that the world wants = good.

Take some economics. Certainly, we should work to pay down the debts, but none of the stuff I listed is the cause of it. Do some research before you speak. And I support the right to be rich and to build up a corporation. So don't call me a socialist. I am a free market person! ;)
I work at a small hospital in Minnesota and see the illegals coming in for free health care they have no identification or insurance and get better health care then I do
Free stuff....
Free stuff....

Well, the rich sure enjoy our roads and educated population to make money off of. Fact.

And they pay taxes for those roads and education and hire people and pay their salaries which are taxed.....

Well, those taxes are used by the government that you hate so much to make those things happen. You see, it takes money to run a first world country.

I hate a govenment that wastes my tax dollars....
I hate hearing stories about people that travel to other countries and rave about the airports then come back here and feel they are in a third world country....
But spend,tax,spend more,tax more makes me sick....

Government gets plenty of revenue...
They regulate and tax people and stifle...
Because only government knows best.

You have no understanding whatsoever of what government does or what it costs.

You're unwilling to invest in your own country or your own people.

You're lucky previous generations didn't take that view.
all we have to do is rename the years of school.
right now we have elementary school, junior high and high school.
get rid of junior high and call it high school, instead of grades 7 through 9 make it 7 through 10. you graduate high school after passing the 10th grade, then we call 11 and 12 college and give an AA in liberal arts. (worthless but a degree) then the students can choose to continue their educaton if they want on their own.
costs pretty much nothing.
Why wont Liberals just cut to the chase....
They want everything to be free.
Just make sure that those that earned their wealth foot the bill.
Why? because it's not fair they don't have the same stuff.

Well, as a nation we call it investing in ourself.
Educated population = good
Science programs like the nws, nasa, jpl, = good
Infrastructure = good
r&d that the world wants = good.

Take some economics. Certainly, we should work to pay down the debts, but none of the stuff I listed is the cause of it. Do some research before you speak. And I support the right to be rich and to build up a corporation. So don't call me a socialist. I am a free market person! ;)

Liberal "educated" population:

This is a terrible idea.
That idiot Obama doesn't give a crap that we are over $18 trillion debt and will be close to $20 trillion by the time he leaves office now the sonofabitch wants another entitlement; Two years of college free.

He doesn't have a clue on how to pay for something like this. More of taking money from those that earned it and giving it to those that didn't earn it. Government stealing.

The problem is that with students being able to live off the dole for a couple years smoking pot and passing easy classes soon that two year degree won't be worth the diploma it is written on. It will be like high school is now, a worthless "education".

President Barack Obama announced his proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

“Put simply, what I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everyone who’s willing to work for it,” Obama said in a video filmed Wednesday aboard Air Force One and posted to Facebook. He made the announcement as part of his pre-State of the Union tour and will formally lay out the proposal Friday in a speech in Tennessee.

The White House estimated it would save the average community college student $3,800 annually and said it could benefit millions.

Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College
why are people like you so ignorant ... there isn't any free stuff for anyone ... were you people get these Ideas is beyond me ... every thing that is offered by the government by the democrats to the people has a tax to pay for it .... every thing that the republicans have offered to the people has no tax base to it ... look it up for yourself ... their wars their no child left behind Medicare part "D" they didt pass any tax to pay for it... they you nut jobs blame Obama really go educate yourself... in every republicans bill they passed they never pass a tax to pay for their programs .. by them not doing so it runs up the national debt ... this huge national debt is caused by republicans and republicans only you .... idiot
That idiot Obama doesn't give a crap that we are over $18 trillion debt and will be close to $20 trillion by the time he leaves office now the sonofabitch wants another entitlement; Two years of college free.

He doesn't have a clue on how to pay for something like this. More of taking money from those that earned it and giving it to those that didn't earn it. Government stealing.

The problem is that with students being able to live off the dole for a couple years smoking pot and passing easy classes soon that two year degree won't be worth the diploma it is written on. It will be like high school is now, a worthless "education".

President Barack Obama announced his proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

“Put simply, what I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everyone who’s willing to work for it,” Obama said in a video filmed Wednesday aboard Air Force One and posted to Facebook. He made the announcement as part of his pre-State of the Union tour and will formally lay out the proposal Friday in a speech in Tennessee.

The White House estimated it would save the average community college student $3,800 annually and said it could benefit millions.

Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College
and who are you to decide who earned it or who doesn't earned it .. if its paid for by taxes then what your beef taxes ??? the national debt won't go up if its paid for... what the hell do you want a bunch of uneducated people all over the country ??? thats what you feel is a good Idea... to bad... I feel if we educate more people then we will have less unemployed people sucking off of the government tit, as you would call it
I agree.

Nothing is free. Its using someone elses hard earned money and letting those that didn't earn it spend it.

Education is a bottomless pit in this country and we turn out kids who can't read or spell.

I sure don't want my tax dollars to give some kid two years of "free" college.

Nothing is free.

Education is a bottomless pit in this country

Spoken like a true Conservative

Fiscal conservative and proud to be one.

We spend billions on education. Its a bottomless pit that turns out kids who can't read or write.

Hell. Most towns spend 2/3rds of collected taxes on education.

Bottomless pit says it all.

It has also produced hundreds of millions of Americans who are among the most productive workers on earth

Education is our future.....PERIOD

We cannot become a society where only those who can afford it are given an opportunity for advanced education

Maybe as a society we should open schools and hire teachers and get the students some books....
Maybe it's time we try this...... LOL
We spend a fortune on education....

And what do we have to show for it....
Where do we rank in the world on education?
That idiot Obama doesn't give a crap that we are over $18 trillion debt and will be close to $20 trillion by the time he leaves office now the sonofabitch wants another entitlement; Two years of college free.

He doesn't have a clue on how to pay for something like this. More of taking money from those that earned it and giving it to those that didn't earn it. Government stealing.

The problem is that with students being able to live off the dole for a couple years smoking pot and passing easy classes soon that two year degree won't be worth the diploma it is written on. It will be like high school is now, a worthless "education".

President Barack Obama announced his proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

“Put simply, what I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everyone who’s willing to work for it,” Obama said in a video filmed Wednesday aboard Air Force One and posted to Facebook. He made the announcement as part of his pre-State of the Union tour and will formally lay out the proposal Friday in a speech in Tennessee.

The White House estimated it would save the average community college student $3,800 annually and said it could benefit millions.

Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College
How can we keep paying for all these illegalls with free health care ,free phones and housing, we would never get this in Mexico if we went there.
Mr Trump if you get elected please stop all the free give always to people that don't deserve it
illegals do not get free health care ... where do you get tis stuff

anti-reform chain email that’s circulating in various versions on the Internet ups the ante by claiming that the House health care bill* says that "HC will be provided to all non-US citizens, illegal or otherwise, will be provided with health care services."

To get this latter assertion out of the way first, it’s a fiction. The bill specifically says that that undocumented aliens aren’t eligible for subsidized health insurance. See for yourself:

It’s unclear where the larger urban myth of "free health care for illegals" originated, but it’s not true either.

"No matter what studies show or the clear language of the eligibility rules, the myth that immigrants get free care persists," says Sonal Ambegaokar, health policy attorney at the National Immigration Law Center, a non-profit group in Los Angeles.
Here are the facts about this combustible subject:

Illegal immigrants are not eligible for any of the major government-run health programs, including Medicare, Medicaid, or CHIP. Period. Legal immigrants have to be in the U.S. lawfully for five years to sign up for these programs and have to meet the same eligibility standards as anyone else. The 2009 revision of the Children’s Health Insurance Program gives states the option of removing the five-year waiting period for children and pregnant women; everybody else still has to wait. It’s not yet known how many states will sign on for this.
The lone federal program that occasionally covers a limited amount of health care for immigrants is an obscure one called Emergency Medicaid. Here’s how it works: if an immigrant, whether here legally or not, shows up at an emergency room with a true medical emergency, Emergency Medicaid will pay to treat it. But there are several catches. Immigrants have to meet the same Medicaid eligibility standards as citizens, meaning that if they’re single or childless adults, in the vast majority of states they’re completely out of luck because people in those categories rarely qualify for Medicaid. Also, they have to be really poor. Also, Emergency Medicaid doesn’t pay for non-emergency or routine care. "If they need a hospital admission or followup care, it wouldn’t be covered and they’d be billed for it," explains Ambegaokar.
Last edited:
That idiot Obama doesn't give a crap that we are over $18 trillion debt and will be close to $20 trillion by the time he leaves office now the sonofabitch wants another entitlement; Two years of college free.

He doesn't have a clue on how to pay for something like this. More of taking money from those that earned it and giving it to those that didn't earn it. Government stealing.

The problem is that with students being able to live off the dole for a couple years smoking pot and passing easy classes soon that two year degree won't be worth the diploma it is written on. It will be like high school is now, a worthless "education".

President Barack Obama announced his proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

“Put simply, what I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everyone who’s willing to work for it,” Obama said in a video filmed Wednesday aboard Air Force One and posted to Facebook. He made the announcement as part of his pre-State of the Union tour and will formally lay out the proposal Friday in a speech in Tennessee.

The White House estimated it would save the average community college student $3,800 annually and said it could benefit millions.

Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College
How can we keep paying for all these illegalls with free health care ,free phones and housing, we would never get this in Mexico if we went there.
Mr Trump if you get elected please stop all the free give always to people that don't deserve it
illegals do not get free health care ... where do you get tis stuff

Did you get the public Marxist education?
Illegal Immigrants Get Public Health Care, Despite Federal Policy

This is why, it's a terrible idea.
Why wont Liberals just cut to the chase....
They want everything to be free.
Just make sure that those that earned their wealth foot the bill.
Why? because it's not fair they don't have the same stuff.

Well, as a nation we call it investing in ourself.
Educated population = good
Science programs like the nws, nasa, jpl, = good
Infrastructure = good
r&d that the world wants = good.

Take some economics. Certainly, we should work to pay down the debts, but none of the stuff I listed is the cause of it. Do some research before you speak. And I support the right to be rich and to build up a corporation. So don't call me a socialist. I am a free market person! ;)
I work at a small hospital in Minnesota and see the illegals coming in for free health care they have no identification or insurance and get better health care then I do
you are a liar ... the only way the can get any kind of health care is if its listed as a emergency ... a tummy ache won't cut it ... a heart attack broken bones, things of that nature ... anything eld they're out of luck ... where you get this is beyond me ... read the god damn ACA bill for once in your life ... if the hospital you work at are working on some one who has the flue or a tummy ache they are doing it on their own dollar
That idiot Obama doesn't give a crap that we are over $18 trillion debt and will be close to $20 trillion by the time he leaves office now the sonofabitch wants another entitlement; Two years of college free.

He doesn't have a clue on how to pay for something like this. More of taking money from those that earned it and giving it to those that didn't earn it. Government stealing.

The problem is that with students being able to live off the dole for a couple years smoking pot and passing easy classes soon that two year degree won't be worth the diploma it is written on. It will be like high school is now, a worthless "education".

President Barack Obama announced his proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

“Put simply, what I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everyone who’s willing to work for it,” Obama said in a video filmed Wednesday aboard Air Force One and posted to Facebook. He made the announcement as part of his pre-State of the Union tour and will formally lay out the proposal Friday in a speech in Tennessee.

The White House estimated it would save the average community college student $3,800 annually and said it could benefit millions.

Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College
How can we keep paying for all these illegalls with free health care ,free phones and housing, we would never get this in Mexico if we went there.
Mr Trump if you get elected please stop all the free give always to people that don't deserve it
illegals do not get free health care ... where do you get tis stuff

Did you get the public Marxist education?
Illegal Immigrants Get Public Health Care, Despite Federal Policy

This is why, it's a terrible idea.
they can do what they want i don't care... they won't be paid by the federal government ... some have tried to do this, then found out that the fed went back and took the payment back from it, comrade ... illegals can't get obama care thats what you claimed... emergency medical is the law for everyone illegal or not ... but they can't get obama care period.. so stop your lying
That idiot Obama doesn't give a crap that we are over $18 trillion debt and will be close to $20 trillion by the time he leaves office now the sonofabitch wants another entitlement; Two years of college free.

He doesn't have a clue on how to pay for something like this. More of taking money from those that earned it and giving it to those that didn't earn it. Government stealing.

The problem is that with students being able to live off the dole for a couple years smoking pot and passing easy classes soon that two year degree won't be worth the diploma it is written on. It will be like high school is now, a worthless "education".

President Barack Obama announced his proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

“Put simply, what I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everyone who’s willing to work for it,” Obama said in a video filmed Wednesday aboard Air Force One and posted to Facebook. He made the announcement as part of his pre-State of the Union tour and will formally lay out the proposal Friday in a speech in Tennessee.

The White House estimated it would save the average community college student $3,800 annually and said it could benefit millions.

Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College
How can we keep paying for all these illegalls with free health care ,free phones and housing, we would never get this in Mexico if we went there.
Mr Trump if you get elected please stop all the free give always to people that don't deserve it
illegals do not get free health care ... where do you get tis stuff

Did you get the public Marxist education?
Illegal Immigrants Get Public Health Care, Despite Federal Policy

This is why, it's a terrible idea.
why don't you try and educate yourself ... read the god damn ACA about illegals getting health care its on the web in a pdf file format
That idiot Obama doesn't give a crap that we are over $18 trillion debt and will be close to $20 trillion by the time he leaves office now the sonofabitch wants another entitlement; Two years of college free.

He doesn't have a clue on how to pay for something like this. More of taking money from those that earned it and giving it to those that didn't earn it. Government stealing.

The problem is that with students being able to live off the dole for a couple years smoking pot and passing easy classes soon that two year degree won't be worth the diploma it is written on. It will be like high school is now, a worthless "education".

President Barack Obama announced his proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

“Put simply, what I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everyone who’s willing to work for it,” Obama said in a video filmed Wednesday aboard Air Force One and posted to Facebook. He made the announcement as part of his pre-State of the Union tour and will formally lay out the proposal Friday in a speech in Tennessee.

The White House estimated it would save the average community college student $3,800 annually and said it could benefit millions.

Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College
How can we keep paying for all these illegalls with free health care ,free phones and housing, we would never get this in Mexico if we went there.
Mr Trump if you get elected please stop all the free give always to people that don't deserve it
illegals do not get free health care ... where do you get tis stuff

Did you get the public Marxist education?
Illegal Immigrants Get Public Health Care, Despite Federal Policy

This is why, it's a terrible idea.
p.s again illegals get emergency health care because of federal policy the policy you're complaining about was written by republicans and signed into law by ronald reagan ... pull you head out of your biased ASS
Why wont Liberals just cut to the chase....
They want everything to be free.
Just make sure that those that earned their wealth foot the bill.
Why? because it's not fair they don't have the same stuff.

Well, as a nation we call it investing in ourself.
Educated population = good
Science programs like the nws, nasa, jpl, = good
Infrastructure = good
r&d that the world wants = good.

Take some economics. Certainly, we should work to pay down the debts, but none of the stuff I listed is the cause of it. Do some research before you speak. And I support the right to be rich and to build up a corporation. So don't call me a socialist. I am a free market person! ;)
I work at a small hospital in Minnesota and see the illegals coming in for free health care they have no identification or insurance and get better health care then I do
you are a liar ... the only way the can get any kind of health care is if its listed as a emergency ... a tummy ache won't cut it ... a heart attack broken bones, things of that nature ... anything eld they're out of luck ... where you get this is beyond me ... read the god damn ACA bill for once in your life ... if the hospital you work at are working on some one who has the flue or a tummy ache they are doing it on their own dollar

Free Health Care for Illegal Immigrants Now a Campaign Issue

"According to the newspaper’s survey of the 25 counties with the highest concentrations of illegal immigrants, 20 of them provide inexpensive or free medical services, vaccinations, lab tests, surgeries and prescription drugs. The recipients are assured their immigration status isn’t a problem – and they won’t run into trouble with the INS-- as long as they can demonstrate that they live in the county or jurisdiction."

No lying... just a dumb liberal living in his alternate reality bubble. By the way, I don't for a second believe that you have read the ACA bill, or could even understand half of it. And certainly you aren't aware of how it's implemented. This is why, you don't take public school...
Why wont Liberals just cut to the chase....
They want everything to be free.
Just make sure that those that earned their wealth foot the bill.
Why? because it's not fair they don't have the same stuff.

Well, as a nation we call it investing in ourself.
Educated population = good
Science programs like the nws, nasa, jpl, = good
Infrastructure = good
r&d that the world wants = good.

Take some economics. Certainly, we should work to pay down the debts, but none of the stuff I listed is the cause of it. Do some research before you speak. And I support the right to be rich and to build up a corporation. So don't call me a socialist. I am a free market person! ;)
I work at a small hospital in Minnesota and see the illegals coming in for free health care they have no identification or insurance and get better health care then I do
you are a liar ... the only way the can get any kind of health care is if its listed as a emergency ... a tummy ache won't cut it ... a heart attack broken bones, things of that nature ... anything eld they're out of luck ... where you get this is beyond me ... read the god damn ACA bill for once in your life ... if the hospital you work at are working on some one who has the flue or a tummy ache they are doing it on their own dollar

Free Health Care for Illegal Immigrants Now a Campaign Issue

"According to the newspaper’s survey of the 25 counties with the highest concentrations of illegal immigrants, 20 of them provide inexpensive or free medical services, vaccinations, lab tests, surgeries and prescription drugs. The recipients are assured their immigration status isn’t a problem – and they won’t run into trouble with the INS-- as long as they can demonstrate that they live in the county or jurisdiction."

No lying... just a dumb liberal living in his alternate reality bubble.
so how is this a problem if a hospital wants to absorb the cost thats fine with me ... but to imply that the federal government is going to pay for it is a lie ... it would have to go through the congress ... then have the president sign for it ... if the people of those counties want to pay higher taxes for it then so be it ,,, but don't come here and claim that obama care will pay for it ... because it is against federal law you moron ... it won't happen no ,matter how much they ask ... until federal law is change its not going to happen
Why wont Liberals just cut to the chase....
They want everything to be free.
Just make sure that those that earned their wealth foot the bill.
Why? because it's not fair they don't have the same stuff.

Well, as a nation we call it investing in ourself.
Educated population = good
Science programs like the nws, nasa, jpl, = good
Infrastructure = good
r&d that the world wants = good.

Take some economics. Certainly, we should work to pay down the debts, but none of the stuff I listed is the cause of it. Do some research before you speak. And I support the right to be rich and to build up a corporation. So don't call me a socialist. I am a free market person! ;)
I work at a small hospital in Minnesota and see the illegals coming in for free health care they have no identification or insurance and get better health care then I do
you are a liar ... the only way the can get any kind of health care is if its listed as a emergency ... a tummy ache won't cut it ... a heart attack broken bones, things of that nature ... anything eld they're out of luck ... where you get this is beyond me ... read the god damn ACA bill for once in your life ... if the hospital you work at are working on some one who has the flue or a tummy ache they are doing it on their own dollar

Free Health Care for Illegal Immigrants Now a Campaign Issue

"According to the newspaper’s survey of the 25 counties with the highest concentrations of illegal immigrants, 20 of them provide inexpensive or free medical services, vaccinations, lab tests, surgeries and prescription drugs. The recipients are assured their immigration status isn’t a problem – and they won’t run into trouble with the INS-- as long as they can demonstrate that they live in the county or jurisdiction."

No lying... just a dumb liberal living in his alternate reality bubble.
so how is this a problem if a hospital wants to absorb the cost thats fine with me ... but to imply that the federal government is going to pay for it is a lie ... it would have to go through the congress ... then have the president sign for it ... if the people of those counties want to pay higher taxes for it then so be it ,,, but don't come here and claim that obama care will pay for it ... because it is against federal law you moron ... it won't happen no ,matter how much they ask ... until federal law is change its not going to happen

First of all I did't claim that. I just claimed that you were wrong on that the illegals don't get tax-payer funded health care.

Also because of O-care more illegals get tax-payer financed care:

Because Of Obamacare, Illegal Immigrants Get Taxpayer-Financed Care

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