More Free Stuff to run up the debt or taxes.

Yeah, I really do think that Bush was lax in enforcing bank regulations. So did everyone who investigated it after the crash

Here's my favorite.

Report: SEC staffers watched porn as economy crashed -

As the country was sinking into its worst financial crisis in more than 70 years, Security and Exchange Commission employees and contractors cruised porn sites and viewed sexually explicit pictures using government computers, according to an agency report obtained by CNN.

"During the past five years, the SEC OIG (Office of Inspector General) substantiated that 33 SEC employees and or contractors violated Commission rules and policies, as well as the government-wide Standards of Ethical Conduct, by viewing pornographic, sexually explicit or sexually suggestive images using government computer resources and official time," said a summary of the investigation by the inspector general's office.

Lax in enforcing regulations, but still enforcing them to some extent.

So yeah, like I said, the banks were regulated, and those regulations caused the financial crisis.
Lax in enforcing regulations, but still enforcing them to some extent.

So yeah, like I said, the banks were regulated, and those regulations caused the financial crisis.

Okay, going back into full retard default mode, repeating the same thing without understanding the counter argument.


Okay, going back into full retard default mode, repeating the same thing without understanding the counter argument.

My position is that banks were regulated, and this regulation caused the financial crisis.

You tried to argue that they weren't regulated, but you failed. Regulation may indeed have been lax, but they were regulated. So your counter to my argument fails.

My position is that banks were regulated, and this regulation caused the financial crisis.

It's a retarded position. I mean, I can't emphasize that enough. It's clearly the dumbest thing you've said yet, and that's an accomplishment given how many dumb things you say.

The financial crisis was caused because a lot of dishonest people gamed the system. They'd have gamed the system if there were no regulations. They'd have tried to game the system if we had strictly enforced regulations, but they'd have probably been caught and sanctioned.

You tried to argue that they weren't regulated, but you failed. Regulation may indeed have been lax, but they were regulated. So your counter to my argument fails.

Again, dude, don't go full retard. The problem wasn't the regulations. The problem was the lack of enforcement and the cronyism and guys like Chris Cox who were more interested in working with the banks instead of protecting consumers, which was actually his job.

This is why Republicans can't be trusted. They think they work for the rich when government SHOULD work for workers and consumers. The rich are going to be just fine, really.
It's a retarded position. I mean, I can't emphasize that enough. It's clearly the dumbest thing you've said yet, and that's an accomplishment given how many dumb things you say.

The financial crisis was caused because a lot of dishonest people gamed the system. They'd have gamed the system if there were no regulations. They'd have tried to game the system if we had strictly enforced regulations, but they'd have probably been caught and sanctioned.

Again, dude, don't go full retard. The problem wasn't the regulations. The problem was the lack of enforcement and the cronyism and guys like Chris Cox who were more interested in working with the banks instead of protecting consumers, which was actually his job.

This is why Republicans can't be trusted. They think they work for the rich when government SHOULD work for workers and consumers. The rich are going to be just fine, really.

Yep, they gamed the highly regulated system. Without freddie and fannie, they couldn't have. Without the fed they couldn't have. Without fdic, they couldn't have.

Thank you, regulations, for the financial crisis.
That idiot Obama doesn't give a crap that we are over $18 trillion debt and will be close to $20 trillion by the time he leaves office now the sonofabitch wants another entitlement; Two years of college free.

He doesn't have a clue on how to pay for something like this. More of taking money from those that earned it and giving it to those that didn't earn it. Government stealing.

The problem is that with students being able to live off the dole for a couple years smoking pot and passing easy classes soon that two year degree won't be worth the diploma it is written on. It will be like high school is now, a worthless "education".

President Barack Obama announced his proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

“Put simply, what I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everyone who’s willing to work for it,” Obama said in a video filmed Wednesday aboard Air Force One and posted to Facebook. He made the announcement as part of his pre-State of the Union tour and will formally lay out the proposal Friday in a speech in Tennessee.

The White House estimated it would save the average community college student $3,800 annually and said it could benefit millions.

Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College

how many times do you numbers need to be given the numbers.

reagan doubled the debt
daddy bush doubled the debt
baby bush doubled the debt

you don't give a damn about debt unless a democrat is in office.

now shut up. if you have a problem with debt support corporations paying the taxes they're supposed to.

That idiot Obama doesn't give a crap that we are over $18 trillion debt and will be close to $20 trillion by the time he leaves office now the sonofabitch wants another entitlement; Two years of college free.

He doesn't have a clue on how to pay for something like this. More of taking money from those that earned it and giving it to those that didn't earn it. Government stealing.

The problem is that with students being able to live off the dole for a couple years smoking pot and passing easy classes soon that two year degree won't be worth the diploma it is written on. It will be like high school is now, a worthless "education".

President Barack Obama announced his proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

“Put simply, what I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everyone who’s willing to work for it,” Obama said in a video filmed Wednesday aboard Air Force One and posted to Facebook. He made the announcement as part of his pre-State of the Union tour and will formally lay out the proposal Friday in a speech in Tennessee.

The White House estimated it would save the average community college student $3,800 annually and said it could benefit millions.

Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College

how many times do you numbers need to be given the numbers.

reagan doubled the debt
daddy bush doubled the debt
baby bush doubled the debt

you don't give a damn about debt unless a democrat is in office.

now shut up. if you have a problem with debt support corporations paying the taxes they're supposed to.


How many times do I have to tell you Moon Bats that I am not a Republican so your partisan pig hatefest against the GOP is wasted on me. The Republican Party is just as much a party of big government as the shithead Democrats. The only difference is the rhetoric. They both govern the same.

Reagan was a great leader and he was better than any Democrat would have been but at the end of the day he supported big government and the difference between him and a Democrat is minimal, just like nowadays.

Since you are an idiot bitching about corporations there is one thing you ignorant Moon Bats need to understand about corporations. They do not really pay taxes. They just collect the money from the people that buy their goods and services and pass it on to the filthy ass government to be wasted on the welfare queens, illegal aliens and Solyndra executives.

If you are proposing raising the already astronomical corporate tax then you are an idiot because all that will do is drive up the cost of the goods and services that you and your stupid Moon Bat friends buy from the corporations.

If you don't think a corporation pays its fair share of taxes then all you have to do is not buy anything from them. Problem solved!

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