More Free Stuff to run up the debt or taxes.

When you give someone something for free they wont put in near the effort they would have if they'd payed for it themselves.

These greedy welfare queens have a great gig going.

They can sit around all day long smoking pot, drinking Colt Malt liquor and screwing and they get food stamps, housing allowances, fuel subsidies and free heath care and all they have to do to earn it is to vote for the filthy ass Democrats every four years. Easy Peasy.
You mean when Jimmy Carter's CRA chickens came home to roost or do you mean the consequences of that 2006 elected Democrat Congress that was able to screw the economy up in just two years? You know, Barney Queerboy, Nancy Peloski, Harry Reid and that idiot Senator from Illinois who later was known as President Shit for Brains.

Right, it wasn't caused by Bush for the immediate 8 years of allowing the banks to do whatever the hell they wanted. It was because Jimmy Carter told the banks they couldn't deny people loans they qualified for if they lived in the wrong neighborhood.

Dude, you seriously fucking need help.
Venezuela is imposing a new government food redistribution system in its capital, Caracas, that requires locals to acquire food from Socialist Party members, a move triggering national outrage as anti-socialist activists say the Party will use food to coerce citizens into supporting it.

YOu do realize that Venezuela is in trouble because Oil prices collapsed and that was pretty much their only industry, right?

Saudi Arabia is in pretty much the same pickle right now.

Venezuela is in trouble because of socialism. OIl was its only industry because no one wants to invest money in a socialist kleptocracy./
You mean when Jimmy Carter's CRA chickens came home to roost or do you mean the consequences of that 2006 elected Democrat Congress that was able to screw the economy up in just two years? You know, Barney Queerboy, Nancy Peloski, Harry Reid and that idiot Senator from Illinois who later was known as President Shit for Brains.

Right, it wasn't caused by Bush for the immediate 8 years of allowing the banks to do whatever the hell they wanted. It was because Jimmy Carter told the banks they couldn't deny people loans they qualified for if they lived in the wrong neighborhood.

Dude, you seriously fucking need help.

The economy was doing OK even after the trillion dollar hit from 911 until those idiot Democrats took over Congress after the midterm 2006 election. Barney Queerboy and the rest of the Democrat jackasses fucked everything up and we are still paying for it ten years later with Obama's dismal economic growth, increase in poverty, increase in welfare, decrease in family income, increase in the gap between the rich and the poor and tremendous more debt. .
Right, it wasn't caused by Bush for the immediate 8 years of allowing the banks to do whatever the hell they wanted.

You're wrong. Banks weren't allowed to do whatever the hell they wanted. They were highly regulated.

Venezuela is in trouble because of socialism. OIl was its only industry because no one wants to invest money in a socialist kleptocracy./

All over the world socialism has destroyed nations or prevented any decent economic growth. For instance, the more historically capitalistic US has had twice the post WWII economic growth than the more socialistic European shitholes. Of course Obama is doing his best to change that so that we become a socialist shithole. Venezuela is the extreme but that is exactly what Crooked Hillary and Bat Shit Crazy Bernie wants to impose on the US in the name of social justice.
Uh, no, they weren't.

Banks were regulated. The were not unregulated.

Regulation == financial crisis.

Your side caused it.

My God, you are a fucking retard, aren't you?

Point was, the reason why we didn't have a crisis between 1929 and 2008 was because the banks WERE regulated. Then along came George W. Stupid, who let the banks do whatever the hell they wanted.
Uh, no, they weren't.

Banks were regulated. The were not unregulated.

Regulation == financial crisis.

Your side caused it.

My God, you are a fucking retard, aren't you?

Point was, the reason why we didn't have a crisis between 1929 and 2008 was because the banks WERE regulated. Then along came George W. Stupid, who let the banks do whatever the hell they wanted.
Wrong, asshole. Bush did not deregulated the banks.
Uh, no, they weren't.

Banks were regulated. The were not unregulated.

Regulation == financial crisis.

Your side caused it.

My God, you are a fucking retard, aren't you?

Point was, the reason why we didn't have a crisis between 1929 and 2008 was because the banks WERE regulated. Then along came George W. Stupid, who let the banks do whatever the hell they wanted.
Wrong, asshole. Bush did not deregulated the banks.

The FED or Federal Reserve are the bank regulators created not long after the 20th century started and independent of government oversight. They oversee themselves.
My God, you are a fucking retard, aren't you?

Point was, the reason why we didn't have a crisis between 1929 and 2008 was because the banks WERE regulated. Then along came George W. Stupid, who let the banks do whatever the hell they wanted.

Bush didn't deregulate the banks. They were regulated. The regulations caused the crisis.
I may be wrong but think that banks have to have at least ten cents of every dollar put in the bank as ready cash and then the FDIC was created.

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