More Free Stuff to run up the debt or taxes.

Because you dun der can't gets your mind on the idea of pie as an analogy.

Okay, we got it, the pie makes you smash your head into the wall.

So when the Board of Directors of McDonald's pays the CEO seven figures when the company is losing money, but then only pays the guys who flip the burgers $7.85 an hour with no benefits, are they distributing income or not?

They're not distributing income. They're paying people for goods/services. It's called trade. You'll find the concept explained in any basic economics text.

It would seem that they are.

Good, now that we've established income is indeed distributed, is it being distributed fairly?

It's not being distributed, so your question is nonsensical.
No, they are distributing the proceeds after other expenses are paid.

And your side doesn't get to argue that you understand economics after 2008.

Okay, I see. So you're calling paying for goods and services "distributing income".

And you're saying that McDonald's is paying the burger flipper and the CEO an amount that's "wrong". By what objective criteria do you make this determination?

When you yourself buy a gallon of milk, how do you know whether you're distributing the right amount of income. Maybe you're distributing too little, or too much. How do you know?
The victims are all Americans that are burdened with the enormous cost of government that is killing our economy and putting our children in enormous debt.

Two problems with that statement.

First, what is causing the debt? The pittance we spend keeping poor people from starving to death, or the bloated military establishment and the lavish entitlements we give to middle class people when they retire?

Big government is causing the debt you dumbass. We spend $4 trillion a year on the cost of the Federal government and then like dumbasses go out and borrow another half trillion. Duh!

Government transfer payments is not a penitence you shithead. We spend too much money on everything.

People are poor and "children are starving" because big bloated government that robs money from the productive economy prevents the economy from growing and prospering.

Actually, our government spending as a percentage of GDP is lower than most industrialized countries.


And after that, your post really goes pretty much off the rails and there's no point in talking to you.

Actually you are confused again. You Moon Bats live in a constant state of confusion, don't you?

The US carries a substantial amount of the defense burden of many of these industrialized countries that is caused by an interventionist government policy that is supported by both Democrats and Republicans. We also dole out foreign aid like it was candy.

Not only does the US dole out domestic welfare but it is big on foreign welfare in many forms and that is the reason the US spends more money on government than anybody else.

For instance, Obama is spending American taxpayer's money to build mosques in Muslim countries and you voted for him so don't complain that the children are starving because their parents don't have enough money to buy food after paying taxes.

We need to stop handing out welfare, bailouts, entitlements and subsidies to everybody both domestic and foreign.

So join your greedy idiot megarich party in making things as hard as possible, all to save giveaways to the bloated rich and giant corps, dupe.

The greed, you idiot, are the shitheads that want somebody else to pay their bill.

Then you have the greedy asshole welfare queens that get the government handouts but don't pay one cent towards that trillion a year that is collected in income taxes.

You don't understand the concept of greed very well, do you? It is greedy for shithead Moon Bats to elected Liberals to office that run on a platform to steal my money and give it you.

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, family and church. Not from a bloated out of control debt ridden oppressive government welfare state.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

The victims are all Americans that are burdened with the enormous cost of government that is killing our economy and putting our children in enormous debt.

The cost of combined American government is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on the face of the earth and that is far too much. The cost of the Federal government by itself is greater than the GDP of all but three other countries on the face of the earth.

With so much money taken out of the productive economy and put into the hands of corrupt politicians, elected by special interest groups, it is no wonder the economy can't grow and all American have a difficult time prospering and there would be need for this filthy ass welfare state.

You dumbass Moon Bats promote Left economics, which is destructive to our economy and then you bitch about the consequences.

You despicable Liberals put you slave minorities on welfare, promise them a meager living and give them a free cell phone if only they keep you assholes in power.

You promise the greedy unions more bloated wages and you cater to the queers, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts and all the other despicable shitheads in the country and then complain about the government that they want.

In addition to disastrous economic consequences you have the lost of Liberty that comes with the oppressive big government nanny state.

We are all victims because you dumbass Libtards love your big government and are too stupid to understand how destructive it is.
Too bad all that bad stuff ACTUALLY happens more under the New BS GOP- freedom unless you disagree. But thanks for the depression and the stupidest wars ever and wrecking the nonrich and the country. See sig.

The problem is big bloated progress government and the Republicans are just as guilty as the Libtard Democrats so stop being a partisan pig.

Your bitch Crooked Hillary is loved by Wall Street more than anybody else so don't pretend otherwise.
Big government is causing the debt you dumbass. We spend $4 trillion a year on the cost of the Federal government and then like dumbasses go out and borrow another half trillion. Duh!

Government transfer payments is not a penitence you shithead. We spend too much money on everything.

People are poor and "children are starving" because big bloated government that robs money from the productive economy prevents the economy from growing and prospering.

Right Have you ever picked up a history book to see if Children were starving BEFORE we instituted a social safety net?

Fact is, we had more prosperity in the period when government spending was a larger percentage of GDP than it is now.
They can invest all they want of their money.

I just don't like the idea of the filthy ass oppressive government taking my money by force and giving it away to pay other people's bills, you fucking morn. Is that concept of freedom too hard for your Moon Bat mind to understand?

However, if you want to pay somebody else's bills then that is fine. Have at it Sport. Give them all of your money if you feel that strongly about it.

I don't like the idea of the government taking my money and using it fight wars or supporitng zionism.

So here's an idea. How about instead of whining about not liking what the government does, you get to check boxes as to what policies your taxes will go to support.

My guess is, poverty alleviation would get funded before wars do.
I've proposed that same exact thing many times. My guess is that welfare will get almost zero. The same goes for Social Security.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
The best way, hands down, for anybody to get out of poverty is to stop voting for Liberal candidates that screw up the economy.

Left economics is absolutely terrible for the economy and when anybody votes for it then they shouldn't complain about the consequences like increased poverty, poor economic growth, declining family income and a greater divide between the rich and the poor.

Left economics works great until the money that was made under capitalism drys up and then everybody is screwed.

Democratic socialism doesn't even work in Venezuela, which should be very rich due to tremendous oil reserves but Left economics have even screwed that up.

So join your greedy idiot megarich party in making things as hard as possible, all to save giveaways to the bloated rich and giant corps, dupe.

The greed, you idiot, are the shitheads that want somebody else to pay their bill.

Then you have the greedy asshole welfare queens that get the government handouts but don't pay one cent towards that trillion a year that is collected in income taxes.

You don't understand the concept of greed very well, do you? It is greedy for shithead Moon Bats to elected Liberals to office that run on a platform to steal my money and give it you.

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, family and church. Not from a bloated out of control debt ridden oppressive government welfare state.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

The victims are all Americans that are burdened with the enormous cost of government that is killing our economy and putting our children in enormous debt.

The cost of combined American government is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on the face of the earth and that is far too much. The cost of the Federal government by itself is greater than the GDP of all but three other countries on the face of the earth.

With so much money taken out of the productive economy and put into the hands of corrupt politicians, elected by special interest groups, it is no wonder the economy can't grow and all American have a difficult time prospering and there would be need for this filthy ass welfare state.

You dumbass Moon Bats promote Left economics, which is destructive to our economy and then you bitch about the consequences.

You despicable Liberals put you slave minorities on welfare, promise them a meager living and give them a free cell phone if only they keep you assholes in power.

You promise the greedy unions more bloated wages and you cater to the queers, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts and all the other despicable shitheads in the country and then complain about the government that they want.

In addition to disastrous economic consequences you have the lost of Liberty that comes with the oppressive big government nanny state.

We are all victims because you dumbass Libtards love your big government and are too stupid to understand how destructive it is.
Too bad all that bad stuff ACTUALLY happens more under the New BS GOP- freedom unless you disagree. But thanks for the depression and the stupidest wars ever and wrecking the nonrich and the country. See sig.

The problem is big bloated progress government and the Republicans are just as guilty as the Libtard Democrats so stop being a partisan pig.

Your bitch Crooked Hillary is loved by Wall Street more than anybody else so don't pretend otherwise.
No actual evidence she's crooked. Look at her policies and stop swallowing the New BS GOP propaganda and malevolent gossip. Yes, she'll take their speech money and money from Dems on Wall St.

The GOP is MUCH more crooked, totally in bed with Big Money, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Health, lobbyists etc etc. Thanks for ANOTHER GOP world depression. Change the channel.
The future of socialist America. This is what we have to look forward to when we voted in idiots like Obama and Crooked Hillary.


Venezuela is imposing a new government food redistribution system in its capital, Caracas, that requires locals to acquire food from Socialist Party members, a move triggering national outrage as anti-socialist activists say the Party will use food to coerce citizens into supporting it.

President Nicolás Maduro announced last week the creation of the Local Committees for Supply and Production (CLAP), groups of Socialist Party members who will be in charge of controlling food supplies, preventing black market sales, and door to door distributions of food. Maduro has called these groups the “great instrument of the Revolution to win the economic war,” Argentine news outlet Infobae notes. Venezuelans are currently forced to buy food through a rations system that forces them to stand on supermarket lines up to eight hours long. Often citizens find out — after they have made their way through the lines — that the supermarket in question has run out of basic goods like rice, vegetable oil, and milk.

Distributing bags of food door to door, the government hopes, will diminish the length of these lines. The bags are meant to last 21 days, according to the government but carry only 3 kilos of rice, a kilo each of sugar and milk, a bag of beans and a liter of oil.
The greed, you idiot, are the shitheads that want somebody else to pay their bill.

Then you have the greedy asshole welfare queens that get the government handouts but don't pay one cent towards that trillion a year that is collected in income taxes.

You don't understand the concept of greed very well, do you? It is greedy for shithead Moon Bats to elected Liberals to office that run on a platform to steal my money and give it you.

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, family and church. Not from a bloated out of control debt ridden oppressive government welfare state.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

The victims are all Americans that are burdened with the enormous cost of government that is killing our economy and putting our children in enormous debt.

The cost of combined American government is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on the face of the earth and that is far too much. The cost of the Federal government by itself is greater than the GDP of all but three other countries on the face of the earth.

With so much money taken out of the productive economy and put into the hands of corrupt politicians, elected by special interest groups, it is no wonder the economy can't grow and all American have a difficult time prospering and there would be need for this filthy ass welfare state.

You dumbass Moon Bats promote Left economics, which is destructive to our economy and then you bitch about the consequences.

You despicable Liberals put you slave minorities on welfare, promise them a meager living and give them a free cell phone if only they keep you assholes in power.

You promise the greedy unions more bloated wages and you cater to the queers, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts and all the other despicable shitheads in the country and then complain about the government that they want.

In addition to disastrous economic consequences you have the lost of Liberty that comes with the oppressive big government nanny state.

We are all victims because you dumbass Libtards love your big government and are too stupid to understand how destructive it is.
Too bad all that bad stuff ACTUALLY happens more under the New BS GOP- freedom unless you disagree. But thanks for the depression and the stupidest wars ever and wrecking the nonrich and the country. See sig.

The problem is big bloated progress government and the Republicans are just as guilty as the Libtard Democrats so stop being a partisan pig.

Your bitch Crooked Hillary is loved by Wall Street more than anybody else so don't pretend otherwise.
No actual evidence she's crooked. Look at her policies and stop swallowing the New BS GOP propaganda and malevolent gossip. Yes, she'll take their speech money and money from Dems on Wall St.

The GOP is MUCH more crooked, totally in bed with Big Money, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Health, lobbyists etc etc. Thanks for ANOTHER GOP world depression. Change the channel.

I think I have explained this to you several times Moon Bat but you are not smart enough to pay attention.

You can take you Moon Bat partisan pig crap and shove it up your ass. I am not a Republican because at the end of the day there is hardly any difference so your ignorant hatefest against the Republicans is wasted on me..

Both the Democrats and the Republicans support big government and the distinction is minimal.

Crooked Hillary is a piece of dishonest shit. We all know that including you stupid Moon Bats who plan to vote for her anyway. She will give us bad bloated debt ridden big government and will destroy the soul of this country the same as Obama has been doing.

We will get better government from Trump or whoever the Republicans decide but the difference is so small as to be meaningless.
The future of socialist America. This is what we have to look forward to when we voted in idiots like Obama and Crooked Hillary.


Venezuela is imposing a new government food redistribution system in its capital, Caracas, that requires locals to acquire food from Socialist Party members, a move triggering national outrage as anti-socialist activists say the Party will use food to coerce citizens into supporting it.

President Nicolás Maduro announced last week the creation of the Local Committees for Supply and Production (CLAP), groups of Socialist Party members who will be in charge of controlling food supplies, preventing black market sales, and door to door distributions of food. Maduro has called these groups the “great instrument of the Revolution to win the economic war,” Argentine news outlet Infobae notes. Venezuelans are currently forced to buy food through a rations system that forces them to stand on supermarket lines up to eight hours long. Often citizens find out — after they have made their way through the lines — that the supermarket in question has run out of basic goods like rice, vegetable oil, and milk.

Distributing bags of food door to door, the government hopes, will diminish the length of these lines. The bags are meant to last 21 days, according to the government but carry only 3 kilos of rice, a kilo each of sugar and milk, a bag of beans and a liter of oil.
Has nothing to do with US Dems- it's a 3rd world country. No doubt oligarchs in Ven. have caused this chaos to a great extent. The place is a gd mess , also due to oil prices. Hugo DID halve homelessness, poverty, and illiteracy in a few years. Which were ridiculously high while the few rich were having a ball. Which COULD be us if Reaganism keeps going on too much longer.

No actual evidence she's crooked. l.

That statement is probably the most stupid thing I have ever read on any Internet Discussion forum.

But of course you Moon Bat Gruberididots actually believe that shit, don't you?
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

The victims are all Americans that are burdened with the enormous cost of government that is killing our economy and putting our children in enormous debt.

The cost of combined American government is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on the face of the earth and that is far too much. The cost of the Federal government by itself is greater than the GDP of all but three other countries on the face of the earth.

With so much money taken out of the productive economy and put into the hands of corrupt politicians, elected by special interest groups, it is no wonder the economy can't grow and all American have a difficult time prospering and there would be need for this filthy ass welfare state.

You dumbass Moon Bats promote Left economics, which is destructive to our economy and then you bitch about the consequences.

You despicable Liberals put you slave minorities on welfare, promise them a meager living and give them a free cell phone if only they keep you assholes in power.

You promise the greedy unions more bloated wages and you cater to the queers, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts and all the other despicable shitheads in the country and then complain about the government that they want.

In addition to disastrous economic consequences you have the lost of Liberty that comes with the oppressive big government nanny state.

We are all victims because you dumbass Libtards love your big government and are too stupid to understand how destructive it is.
Too bad all that bad stuff ACTUALLY happens more under the New BS GOP- freedom unless you disagree. But thanks for the depression and the stupidest wars ever and wrecking the nonrich and the country. See sig.
But you believe the GOP propaganda and vote for them, so you ARE a typical careless, ignorant, not paying enough attention, GOPer.

The problem is big bloated progress government and the Republicans are just as guilty as the Libtard Democrats so stop being a partisan pig.

Your bitch Crooked Hillary is loved by Wall Street more than anybody else so don't pretend otherwise.
No actual evidence she's crooked. Look at her policies and stop swallowing the New BS GOP propaganda and malevolent gossip. Yes, she'll take their speech money and money from Dems on Wall St.

The GOP is MUCH more crooked, totally in bed with Big Money, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Health, lobbyists etc etc. Thanks for ANOTHER GOP world depression. Change the channel.

I think I have explained this to you several times Moon Bat but you are not smart enough to pay attention.

You can take you Moon Bat partisan pig crap and shove it up your ass. I am not a Republican because at the end of the day there is hardly any difference so your ignorant hatefest against the Republicans is wasted on me..

Both the Democrats and the Republicans support big government and the distinction is minimal.

Crooked Hillary is a piece of dishonest shit. We all know that including you stupid Moon Bats who plan to vote for her anyway. She will give us bad bloated debt ridden big government and will destroy the soul of this country the same as Obama has been doing.

We will get better government from Trump or whoever the Republicans decide but the difference is so small as to be meaningless.

Has nothing to do with US Dems- it's a 3rd world country. No doubt oligarchs in Ven. have caused this chaos to a great extent. The place is a gd mess , also due to oil prices. Hugo DID halve homelessness, poverty, and illiteracy in a few years. Which were ridiculously high while the few rich were having a ball. Which COULD be us if Reaganism keeps going on too much longer.

You dumbass. It has the same form of government that Crooked Hillary and Bat Shit Crazy Sanders is pushing for in the US. They call it "Democrat Socialism" and it will be just as destructive in the US as it has been in countries like Greece and Venezuela.

You don't create prosperity by taking money from the people that earn it and giving to the welfare queens. That never works out like you stupid Moon Bats think it will. You never get that one right.

Venezuela would not be a third world country with its vast petrol wealth if wasn't for socialism. Socialism screws up everything dumbass.
Venezuela is imposing a new government food redistribution system in its capital, Caracas, that requires locals to acquire food from Socialist Party members, a move triggering national outrage as anti-socialist activists say the Party will use food to coerce citizens into supporting it.

YOu do realize that Venezuela is in trouble because Oil prices collapsed and that was pretty much their only industry, right?

Saudi Arabia is in pretty much the same pickle right now.

No, they are distributing the proceeds after other expenses are paid.

And your side doesn't get to argue that you understand economics after 2008.

You mean when Jimmy Carter's CRA chickens came home to roost or do you mean the consequences of that 2006 elected Democrat Congress that was able to screw the economy up in just two years? You know, Barney Queerboy, Nancy Peloski, Harry Reid and that idiot Senator from Illinois who later was known as President Shit for Brains.
I've proposed that same exact thing many times. My guess is that welfare will get almost zero. The same goes for Social Security.

I promise you, social security and welfare would get funded before the B-2 bomber and the space program would.

Social Security is a $56 trillion dollar future debt that will probably bankrupt this country one of these days.

If we borrow the money to pay for it we ill be worse off than Greece with debt.

If we try to raid the economy to pay for it with increased taxation we will go down the path of Venezuela for economic destruction.

We are sure as hell are not taking in enough money through the payroll tax to pay for the entitlement especially when we are raiding the pension fund to give the illegals and Negroes bloated disability payments.

It is hard for people to pay enough into the payroll tax when all they have is an Obama created job flipping burgers.

We are screwed with this welfare state and the stupid entitlements. We are living off past accumulated wealth and future debt. We are using up the wealth that was created by real Capitalism to fund the filthy ass welfare state and it is just a matter of time before we start to go under. We are the largest debtor nation that the world has ever seen.

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