More Free Stuff to run up the debt or taxes.


You're the dumbass dupes saying we don't need investment in our people, that giveaways to the richest and giant corps are just peachy.

They can invest all they want of their money.

I just don't like the idea of the filthy ass oppressive government taking my money by force and giving it away to pay other people's bills, you fucking morn. Is that concept of freedom too hard for your Moon Bat mind to understand?

However, if you want to pay somebody else's bills then that is fine. Have at it Sport. Give them all of your money if you feel that strongly about it.
So join your greedy idiot megarich party in making things as hard as possible, all to save giveaways to the bloated rich and giant corps, dupe.

So join your greedy idiot megarich party in making things as hard as possible, all to save giveaways to the bloated rich and giant corps, dupe.

The greed, you idiot, are the shitheads that want somebody else to pay their bill.

Then you have the greedy asshole welfare queens that get the government handouts but don't pay one cent towards that trillion a year that is collected in income taxes.

You don't understand the concept of greed very well, do you? It is greedy for shithead Moon Bats to elected Liberals to office that run on a platform to steal my money and give it you.

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, family and church. Not from a bloated out of control debt ridden oppressive government welfare state.
An educated population is well worth it. Of course, you don't want that.

Matty, Democrats have destroyed our educational system, 80% of big city high school kids cant even read at grade level, why are you so nice to these fucking people who are destroying our future

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you

I'm not sure that your information is correct. Studies show that 76.3% of all statistics quoted on the internet are incorrect.
...and from the GOP Propaganda Machine....what an incredible pile of crap.

here you go, Moonbat. Let me know if you need someone to read it to you

"NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — It’s an education bombshell.

Nearly 80 percent of New York City high school graduates need to relearn basic skills before they can enter the City University’s community college system.

The number of kids behind the 8-ball is the highest in years, CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer reported Thursday."

Officials: Most NYC High School Grads Need Remedial Help Before Entering CUNY Community Colleges
So at least 20% are learning. Far more than the zero% Republicans want to learn.

So join your greedy idiot megarich party in making things as hard as possible, all to save giveaways to the bloated rich and giant corps, dupe.

The greed, you idiot, are the shitheads that want somebody else to pay their bill.

Then you have the greedy asshole welfare queens that get the government handouts but don't pay one cent towards that trillion a year that is collected in income taxes.

You don't understand the concept of greed very well, do you? It is greedy for shithead Moon Bats to elected Liberals to office that run on a platform to steal my money and give it you.

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, family and church. Not from a bloated out of control debt ridden oppressive government welfare state.
If avoiding ways to help people is what you think the Bible teaches you, then you are learning in the wrong church. You are learning while kneeling at the Alter of the Church of the Heartless Bastard.
[Qfrom a bloated out of control debt ridden oppressive government welfare state.
If avoiding ways to help people is what you think the Bible teaches you, then you are learning in the wrong church. You are learning while kneeling at the Alter of the Church of the Heartless Bastard.[/QUOTE]

You don't help anybody by having a bloated debt ridden oppressive government that steals money from the people that earns it and gives to the ones that that don't earn it. All that does is stifle economic growth and promotes personal irresponsibility as we are seeing nowadays with piss poor economic growth, increasing poverty and a third of the people on the government dole. Despicable, isn't it?

You Libtards never get it, do you? Dumbasses!
40% of all r&d and science is funded by the government.
The majority of infrastructure is funded by tax payers

Good luck running a first world country without investment....We wouldn't even be in the top 20 or 30. This is a insane position to take, just to come out completely against government.
40% of all r&d and science is funded by the government.
The majority of infrastructure is funded by tax payers

Good luck running a first world country without investment....We wouldn't even be in the top 20 or 30. This is a insane position to take, just to come out completely against government.

We are becoming a third world country because of our astronomical debt and taking 40% of the GDP for the combined cost of government. You see what happens in places like Greece and Venezuela with big bloated debt ridden government. We are heading down that path. We are a poorer country now than we were when that asshole socialist Obama was elected. We have piss poor economic growth, greater division between the rich and poor, more poverty, more welfare, more taxes, more illegal aliens, less family income and a tremendous amount of additional debt.

The US spends more money on infrastructure than anybody else in the world and we also waste more than anybody else with stupid shit like Davis Bacon contracting rules and bridges to nowhere.

We spend more money on education than any other country in the world and has the least to show for it. Big bloated government has destroyed education in the US and additional wasted money won't fix it.

Nobody would disagree that we need some government. We need defense, courts, police and a few other necessary government services. Nobody has a problem with collective road building to be paid for out of an user fee like the fuel tax. After all there ain't no such thing as a free lunch. Most people would support the idea of public education at the community level providing the money is spent wisely for the kid's real education and not welfare for the teacher's unions or some demented idea of social justice.

What is absolutely wrong is when the corrupt politician, elected by special interest groups take the money that is made by one person and gives it some filthy ass welfare queens that never earned anything. That is stealing and it is wrong.

The government needs to get out of the business of providing welfare, subsidies, entitlements, bailouts and subsidies. Those are the things that are wrong with government and is destroying this country. It is thievery and it is despicable.

Why do you support thievery? Are you an idiot or is it simply greed?
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Did you see Trumps Telepromter speech tonight? Trillions of dollars of spending, promising absurd crap he can't possibly deliver on, while complaining about the size national debt. Trump will bankrupt the country and leave the American people holding e bag, just like he's done with his businesses, and the almost 5 billion dollars he defaulted on.
Did you see Trumps Telepromter speech tonight? Trillions of dollars of spending, promising absurd crap he can't possibly deliver on, while complaining about the size national debt. Trump will bankrupt the country and leave the American people holding e bag, just like he's done with his businesses, and the almost 5 billion dollars he defaulted on.

Trump sucks, but not as much as Crooked Hillary.

So join your greedy idiot megarich party in making things as hard as possible, all to save giveaways to the bloated rich and giant corps, dupe.

The greed, you idiot, are the shitheads that want somebody else to pay their bill.

Then you have the greedy asshole welfare queens that get the government handouts but don't pay one cent towards that trillion a year that is collected in income taxes.

You don't understand the concept of greed very well, do you? It is greedy for shithead Moon Bats to elected Liberals to office that run on a platform to steal my money and give it you.

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, family and church. Not from a bloated out of control debt ridden oppressive government welfare state.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Did you see Trumps Telepromter speech tonight? Trillions of dollars of spending, promising absurd crap he can't possibly deliver on, while complaining about the size national debt. Trump will bankrupt the country and leave the American people holding e bag, just like he's done with his businesses, and the almost 5 billion dollars he defaulted on.

Trump sucks, but not as much as Crooked Hillary.
Everything crooked about her is 25 years of discredited GOP BS propaganda, dupe. No fact, hater dupe.
40% of all r&d and science is funded by the government.
The majority of infrastructure is funded by tax payers

Good luck running a first world country without investment....We wouldn't even be in the top 20 or 30. This is a insane position to take, just to come out completely against government.

We are becoming a third world country because of our astronomical debt and taking 40% of the GDP for the combined cost of government. You see what happens in places like Greece and Venezuela with big bloated debt ridden government. We are heading down that path. We are a poorer country now than we were when that asshole socialist Obama was elected. We have piss poor economic growth, greater division between the rich and poor, more poverty, more welfare, more taxes, more illegal aliens, less family income and a tremendous amount of additional debt.

The US spends more money on infrastructure than anybody else in the world and we also waste more than anybody else with stupid shit like Davis Bacon contracting rules and bridges to nowhere.

We spend more money on education than any other country in the world and has the least to show for it. Big bloated government has destroyed education in the US and additional wasted money won't fix it.

Nobody would disagree that we need some government. We need defense, courts, police and a few other necessary government services. Nobody has a problem with collective road building to be paid for out of an user fee like the fuel tax. After all there ain't no such thing as a free lunch. Most people would support the idea of public education at the community level providing the money is spent wisely for the kid's real education and not welfare for the teacher's unions or some demented idea of social justice.

What is absolutely wrong is when the corrupt politician, elected by special interest groups take the money that is made by one person and gives it some filthy ass welfare queens that never earned anything. That is stealing and it is wrong.

The government needs to get out of the business of providing welfare, subsidies, entitlements, bailouts and subsidies. Those are the things that are wrong with government and is destroying this country. It is thievery and it is despicable.

Why do you support thievery? Are you an idiot or is it simply greed?
Well you certainly believe all the BULLSHYTTE GOP propaganda. We spend less on infrastructure etc etc than any modern country. For 30 years now, to save the megarich from paying their fair share. Great job, GOP thieves and the racist dupes. Prepare to get your ass- and the big orange idiot/con man's- handed to you. Only ignoramuses can't see this Reaganist mess.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
No, I don't think you can say anything dumber than you already have. But I'm sure you'll surprise me.

Also, I notice that you're too stupid to answer simple questions.

Your assertion that people are being paid the "wrong" amount in the exchanges they engage in is moronic.

so you aren't adding anything to the conversation, you are like a retard hitting his head against the wall trying to get attention.

No one is trying to steal your helmet.
They can invest all they want of their money.

I just don't like the idea of the filthy ass oppressive government taking my money by force and giving it away to pay other people's bills, you fucking morn. Is that concept of freedom too hard for your Moon Bat mind to understand?

However, if you want to pay somebody else's bills then that is fine. Have at it Sport. Give them all of your money if you feel that strongly about it.

I don't like the idea of the government taking my money and using it fight wars or supporitng zionism.

So here's an idea. How about instead of whining about not liking what the government does, you get to check boxes as to what policies your taxes will go to support.

My guess is, poverty alleviation would get funded before wars do.
No, I don't think you can say anything dumber than you already have. But I'm sure you'll surprise me.

Also, I notice that you're too stupid to answer simple questions.

Your assertion that people are being paid the "wrong" amount in the exchanges they engage in is moronic.

so you aren't adding anything to the conversation, you are like a retard hitting his head against the wall trying to get attention.

No one is trying to steal your helmet.

My contribution to the conversation has been to debunk the idea that there is someone cutting up a big pie and distributing pieces. The idea that income is "distributed" is idiotic.
My contribution to the conversation has been to debunk the idea that there is someone cutting up a big pie and distributing pieces. The idea that income is "distributed" is idiotic.

Because you dun der can't gets your mind on the idea of pie as an analogy.

Okay, we got it, the pie makes you smash your head into the wall.

So when the Board of Directors of McDonald's pays the CEO seven figures when the company is losing money, but then only pays the guys who flip the burgers $7.85 an hour with no benefits, are they distributing income or not? It would seem that they are.

Good, now that we've established income is indeed distributed, is it being distributed fairly?

McDonald's CEO gets 368% pay raise

So join your greedy idiot megarich party in making things as hard as possible, all to save giveaways to the bloated rich and giant corps, dupe.

The greed, you idiot, are the shitheads that want somebody else to pay their bill.

Then you have the greedy asshole welfare queens that get the government handouts but don't pay one cent towards that trillion a year that is collected in income taxes.

You don't understand the concept of greed very well, do you? It is greedy for shithead Moon Bats to elected Liberals to office that run on a platform to steal my money and give it you.

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, family and church. Not from a bloated out of control debt ridden oppressive government welfare state.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

The victims are all Americans that are burdened with the enormous cost of government that is killing our economy and putting our children in enormous debt.

The cost of combined American government is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on the face of the earth and that is far too much. The cost of the Federal government by itself is greater than the GDP of all but three other countries on the face of the earth.

With so much money taken out of the productive economy and put into the hands of corrupt politicians, elected by special interest groups, it is no wonder the economy can't grow and all American have a difficult time prospering and there would be need for this filthy ass welfare state.

You dumbass Moon Bats promote Left economics, which is destructive to our economy and then you bitch about the consequences.

You despicable Liberals put you slave minorities on welfare, promise them a meager living and give them a free cell phone if only they keep you assholes in power.

You promise the greedy unions more bloated wages and you cater to the queers, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts and all the other despicable shitheads in the country and then complain about the government that they want.

In addition to disastrous economic consequences you have the lost of Liberty that comes with the oppressive big government nanny state.

We are all victims because you dumbass Libtards love your big government and are too stupid to understand how destructive it is.
The victims are all Americans that are burdened with the enormous cost of government that is killing our economy and putting our children in enormous debt.

Two problems with that statement.

First, what is causing the debt? The pittance we spend keeping poor people from starving to death, or the bloated military establishment and the lavish entitlements we give to middle class people when they retire?

Second, we had the debt under control under clinton and were even starting to pay it down. Then Bush doubled the national debt in 8 years and left us with gaping holes in future budgets to give tax breaks to the rich.

The cost of combined American government is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on the face of the earth and that is far too much. The cost of the Federal government by itself is greater than the GDP of all but three other countries on the face of the earth.

Actually, our government spending as a percentage of GDP is lower than most industrialized countries.


And after that, your post really goes pretty much off the rails and there's no point in talking to you.
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So join your greedy idiot megarich party in making things as hard as possible, all to save giveaways to the bloated rich and giant corps, dupe.

The greed, you idiot, are the shitheads that want somebody else to pay their bill.

Then you have the greedy asshole welfare queens that get the government handouts but don't pay one cent towards that trillion a year that is collected in income taxes.

You don't understand the concept of greed very well, do you? It is greedy for shithead Moon Bats to elected Liberals to office that run on a platform to steal my money and give it you.

The Bible teaches that charity should come from the heart, family and church. Not from a bloated out of control debt ridden oppressive government welfare state.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

The victims are all Americans that are burdened with the enormous cost of government that is killing our economy and putting our children in enormous debt.

The cost of combined American government is greater than the GDP of all but two other countries on the face of the earth and that is far too much. The cost of the Federal government by itself is greater than the GDP of all but three other countries on the face of the earth.

With so much money taken out of the productive economy and put into the hands of corrupt politicians, elected by special interest groups, it is no wonder the economy can't grow and all American have a difficult time prospering and there would be need for this filthy ass welfare state.

You dumbass Moon Bats promote Left economics, which is destructive to our economy and then you bitch about the consequences.

You despicable Liberals put you slave minorities on welfare, promise them a meager living and give them a free cell phone if only they keep you assholes in power.

You promise the greedy unions more bloated wages and you cater to the queers, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts and all the other despicable shitheads in the country and then complain about the government that they want.

In addition to disastrous economic consequences you have the lost of Liberty that comes with the oppressive big government nanny state.

We are all victims because you dumbass Libtards love your big government and are too stupid to understand how destructive it is.
Too bad all that bad stuff ACTUALLY happens more under the New BS GOP- freedom unless you disagree. But thanks for the depression and the stupidest wars ever and wrecking the nonrich and the country. See sig.

Well you certainly believe all the BULLSHYTTE GOP propaganda. We spend less on infrastructure etc etc than any modern country. For 30 years now, to save the megarich from paying their fair share. Great job, GOP thieves and the racist dupes. Prepare to get your ass- and the big orange idiot/con man's- handed to you. Only ignoramuses can't see this Reaganist mess.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

I am sorry but I am not a Republican so you partisan pig hatefest is wasted on me.

The Republicans are just as much a contributor to the welfare state and big government as the filthy ass Democrats and any distinction you try to draw between the two is inconsequential.

There is not a dime difference between these Republicans that you stupid Libtard Moon Bats hate so much and the Democrats that you love so much.

Even Ronald Reagan increased the size the government, increased government taxes, increased debt, granted amnesty to the illegals and supported the welfare state. All things you Moon Bats love dearly. The same with Bush Sr and Bush 41 so don't tell me that there is some difference.

Even the Republican Congress elected in 2014 gave that jackass Obama an increased budget, more debt and didn't have the courage to take the steps necessary to do away with Obamacare.

You are confused Moon Bats if you think there is much of a difference.

Stop blaming the destruction of the Left on somebody else. It just makes you look like a fool and an asshole.

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