More Free Stuff to run up the debt or taxes.

Why wont Liberals just cut to the chase....
They want everything to be free.
Just make sure that those that earned their wealth foot the bill.
Why? because it's not fair they don't have the same stuff.

Well, as a nation we call it investing in ourself.
Educated population = good
Science programs like the nws, nasa, jpl, = good
Infrastructure = good
r&d that the world wants = good.

Take some economics. Certainly, we should work to pay down the debts, but none of the stuff I listed is the cause of it. Do some research before you speak. And I support the right to be rich and to build up a corporation. So don't call me a socialist. I am a free market person! ;)

Liberal "educated" population:

This is a terrible idea.

I don't get "love" out of that video.

What freedom are they fighting for?

What chains are binding them?

WTH is wrong with these people?
Brainwashed, selfish, ignorant dupes don't understand the need to invest in America- all to save the rich and giant corps from paying their fair share...
Brainwashed, selfish, ignorant dupes don't understand the need to invest in America- all to save the rich and giant corps from paying their fair share...

Taking someone's money and giving it someone else isn't "investing".
Brainwashed, selfish, ignorant dupes don't understand the need to invest in America- all to save the rich and giant corps from paying their fair share...

Taking someone's money and giving it someone else isn't "investing".
When you take it from the bloated rich and giant corps, 30 years of laughing all the way to the bank, and the middle class and the country is a wreck, you're a brainwashed functional gd idiot. Investing in cheaper loans and college is just smart at this point.

Your sympathy for the bloated rich is touching. lol dupe. It's not your taxes that will go up, fool. To the contrary, for a change.
Brainwashed, selfish, ignorant dupes don't understand the need to invest in America- all to save the rich and giant corps from paying their fair share...

Taking someone's money and giving it someone else isn't "investing".
When you take it from the bloated rich and giant corps, 30 years of laughing all the way to the bank, and the middle class and the country is a wreck, you're a brainwashed functional gd idiot. Investing in cheaper loans and college is just smart at this point.

Your sympathy for the bloated rich is touching. lol dupe. It's not your taxes that will go up, fool. To the contrary, for a change.

Okay, you hate the rich, generally much better people than yourself. It's the liberal ideology of hate.

But how exactly does this give you an excuse to take other people's money and pay your college with it?

If you want to invest into something, take a loan. That's what people do when they have a worthwhile investment to make. It's only the shitty liberal gender studies degrees that become worthwhile when someone else is forced to pay for your education. As we know, people graduating with those degrees come out dumber than they went in. Perhaps you got one of those, it would certainly explain the Marxist message...
When you take it from the bloated rich and giant corps, 30 years of laughing all the way to the bank, and the middle class and the country is a wreck, you're a brainwashed functional gd idiot. Investing in cheaper loans and college is just smart at this point.

Your sympathy for the bloated rich is touching. lol dupe. It's not your taxes that will go up, fool. To the contrary, for a change.

So you're doubling down on your initial claim that taking someone's money and giving it to someone else is investing.

So the mugger who steals your money and then gives the money to a stripper is "investing"? How idiotic.
Okay, you hate the rich, generally much better people than yourself. It's the liberal ideology of hate.

But how exactly does this give you an excuse to take other people's money and pay your college with it?

If you want to invest into something, take a loan. That's what people do when they have a worthwhile investment to make. It's only the shitty liberal gender studies degrees that become worthwhile when someone else is forced to pay for your education. As we know, people graduating with those degrees come out dumber than they went in. Perhaps you got one of those, it would certainly explain the Marxist message...

It's amazing how the left is so completely obsessed with money and material things. It's like they can't think about anything else.
That idiot Obama doesn't give a crap that we are over $18 trillion debt and will be close to $20 trillion by the time he leaves office now the sonofabitch wants another entitlement; Two years of college free.

He doesn't have a clue on how to pay for something like this. More of taking money from those that earned it and giving it to those that didn't earn it. Government stealing.

The problem is that with students being able to live off the dole for a couple years smoking pot and passing easy classes soon that two year degree won't be worth the diploma it is written on. It will be like high school is now, a worthless "education".

President Barack Obama announced his proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

“Put simply, what I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everyone who’s willing to work for it,” Obama said in a video filmed Wednesday aboard Air Force One and posted to Facebook. He made the announcement as part of his pre-State of the Union tour and will formally lay out the proposal Friday in a speech in Tennessee.

The White House estimated it would save the average community college student $3,800 annually and said it could benefit millions.

Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College
Only after Raygun tripled the national debt, and Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years, and Shrub Jr. doubled it again, do cons start crying about the debt when Obama digs the country out of the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression, that they, the cons put us in. Con scum is so thick, you can walk on it.
Why wont Liberals just cut to the chase....
They want everything to be free.
Just make sure that those that earned their wealth foot the bill.
Why? because it's not fair they don't have the same stuff.

Well, as a nation we call it investing in ourself.
Educated population = good
Science programs like the nws, nasa, jpl, = good
Infrastructure = good
r&d that the world wants = good.

Take some economics. Certainly, we should work to pay down the debts, but none of the stuff I listed is the cause of it. Do some research before you speak. And I support the right to be rich and to build up a corporation. So don't call me a socialist. I am a free market person! ;)

Liberal "educated" population:

This is a terrible idea.

Why wont Liberals just cut to the chase....
They want everything to be free.
Just make sure that those that earned their wealth foot the bill.
Why? because it's not fair they don't have the same stuff.

Well, as a nation we call it investing in ourself.
Educated population = good
Science programs like the nws, nasa, jpl, = good
Infrastructure = good
r&d that the world wants = good.

Take some economics. Certainly, we should work to pay down the debts, but none of the stuff I listed is the cause of it. Do some research before you speak. And I support the right to be rich and to build up a corporation. So don't call me a socialist. I am a free market person! ;)

Liberal "educated" population:

This is a terrible idea.

That idiot Obama doesn't give a crap that we are over $18 trillion debt and will be close to $20 trillion by the time he leaves office now the sonofabitch wants another entitlement; Two years of college free.

He doesn't have a clue on how to pay for something like this. More of taking money from those that earned it and giving it to those that didn't earn it. Government stealing.

The problem is that with students being able to live off the dole for a couple years smoking pot and passing easy classes soon that two year degree won't be worth the diploma it is written on. It will be like high school is now, a worthless "education".

President Barack Obama announced his proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

“Put simply, what I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everyone who’s willing to work for it,” Obama said in a video filmed Wednesday aboard Air Force One and posted to Facebook. He made the announcement as part of his pre-State of the Union tour and will formally lay out the proposal Friday in a speech in Tennessee.

The White House estimated it would save the average community college student $3,800 annually and said it could benefit millions.

Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College
why are people like you so ignorant ... there isn't any free stuff for anyone ... were you people get these Ideas is beyond me ... every thing that is offered by the government by the democrats to the people has a tax to pay for it .... every thing that the republicans have offered to the people has no tax base to it ... look it up for yourself ... their wars their no child left behind Medicare part "D" they didt pass any tax to pay for it... they you nut jobs blame Obama really go educate yourself... in every republicans bill they passed they never pass a tax to pay for their programs .. by them not doing so it runs up the national debt ... this huge national debt is caused by republicans and republicans only you .... idiot
If we don't get trump as president most of the money we make will go to more free stuff for the illegalls
That idiot Obama doesn't give a crap that we are over $18 trillion debt and will be close to $20 trillion by the time he leaves office now the sonofabitch wants another entitlement; Two years of college free.

He doesn't have a clue on how to pay for something like this. More of taking money from those that earned it and giving it to those that didn't earn it. Government stealing.

The problem is that with students being able to live off the dole for a couple years smoking pot and passing easy classes soon that two year degree won't be worth the diploma it is written on. It will be like high school is now, a worthless "education".

President Barack Obama announced his proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

“Put simply, what I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everyone who’s willing to work for it,” Obama said in a video filmed Wednesday aboard Air Force One and posted to Facebook. He made the announcement as part of his pre-State of the Union tour and will formally lay out the proposal Friday in a speech in Tennessee.

The White House estimated it would save the average community college student $3,800 annually and said it could benefit millions.

Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College
How can we keep paying for all these illegalls with free health care ,free phones and housing, we would never get this in Mexico if we went there.
Mr Trump if you get elected please stop all the free give always to people that don't deserve it

I can't figure out why people don't recognize the work ILLEGAL. These people are here illegally. They shouldn't be receiving anything from we taxpayers.

Boot them all out.
Why wont Liberals just cut to the chase....
They want everything to be free.
Just make sure that those that earned their wealth foot the bill.
Why? because it's not fair they don't have the same stuff.

Well, if the wealth was fairly distributed to start with, the government wouldn't need to redistribute.

That idiot Obama doesn't give a crap that we are over $18 trillion debt and will be close to $20 trillion by the time he leaves office now the sonofabitch wants another entitlement; Two years of college free.

He doesn't have a clue on how to pay for something like this. More of taking money from those that earned it and giving it to those that didn't earn it. Government stealing.

The problem is that with students being able to live off the dole for a couple years smoking pot and passing easy classes soon that two year degree won't be worth the diploma it is written on. It will be like high school is now, a worthless "education".

President Barack Obama announced his proposal Thursday to provide two years of free community college tuition to American students who maintain good grades.

“Put simply, what I’d like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everyone who’s willing to work for it,” Obama said in a video filmed Wednesday aboard Air Force One and posted to Facebook. He made the announcement as part of his pre-State of the Union tour and will formally lay out the proposal Friday in a speech in Tennessee.

The White House estimated it would save the average community college student $3,800 annually and said it could benefit millions.

Obama President Proposes 2 Free Years of Community College

Just debt.

Our current Government is too stupid and afraid to raise taxes.

We went into two wars without raising taxes.

Hundreds of Billions of dollars continue to trickle up to the super-rich and into off-shore accounts / tax havens.

They will take us to the brink of destruction and probably stick all of us with the bill.

I can't figure out why people don't recognize the work ILLEGAL. These people are here illegally. They shouldn't be receiving anything from we taxpayers.

Boot them all out.

There are many things these Moon Bats don't understand. The sovereignty of the US is one just of them.

The Litards love illegals because they perceive the illegals to be future Democrat voters. They see nothing wrong with turning the whole US into a politically correct nanny state socialist paradise like Kalifornia.

It is really despicable, isn't it?
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You don't understand how the super-rich earn the bulk of their income. (for which they pay little or no taxes).

The super-rich receive their incomes exactly the same way everyone else receives their incomes: People voluntarily give it to them.
You don't understand how the super-rich earn the bulk of their income. (for which they pay little or no taxes).

The super-rich receive their incomes exactly the same way everyone else receives their incomes: People voluntarily give it to them.

Unless you get inherited wealth or win the lottery you pretty much have to earn it.

Of course you can get welfare just by sitting on your fat ass and smoking pot all day long.

Hell if you are a real greedy asshole you can even get somebody else to pay your health care insurance subsidizes just by voting for Democrats once every few years. Easy money, huh?

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