More governing through extorsion

Trump said he was going to put tariffs on steel.

Now he says he won't do it if Canada & Mexico sign a new NAFTA agreement.

First, the orange dumbass said all steel & Aluminum imports would be taxed. When nearly everyone said what a stupid deal it was, he is now backing away making up this NAFTA bullshit.

He bitched about of trade imbalance with Canada & Mexico.

First, Trump is too fucking ignorant to know that the US has a trade surplus with Canada when you look at total business in products & services. Even if you look at just products, it is only a 3% deficit.

The major imports from Canada is gas & oil and car parts.

As for Mexico, name one Mexican company that is flooding our market outside of Tequila & Dos Equis. We import a lot of Mexican oil & the bulk of the rest is US companies manufacturing in Mexico.

So Second, Trump is clueless on trade between the US, Mexico, and Canada.

But to tell our neighbors that they have to agree to what Trump wants or else he will slap tariffs on steel & aluminum is mafia tactics utilized when you have zero ability to negotiate.

Si that is the "art of the deal" Threaten, extort, & lie. Trump's business model his entire dishonest life.

Then to tell Mexico to do more to stop drugs flowing into the US when it is the US demamd flor drugs that is creating the problem.

This is how Lying Donald 'makes deals', he threatens people and he thought it would work just the same with countries as it did with people that didn't have the means to fight him in court.

If you were to sit and talk to a round table of economists and ask them how to lose hundreds of thousands of jobs in the US and cause great harm to US businesses this is what they would come up with. Trump knows as much about business as Roy Moore knows about boundaries.

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