More Hunter and Joe = Hunter demanded payment from Chinese = "I am sitting here with my father"


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
I am suspect of this supposed text.
I would not be so anxious to jump on this.
The wording doesn't sound real. It sounds like a fake text.

I would not put it past the Bidens to put out fake stories like this, and then disprove it to paint doubt on other legitimate evidence.
Definitely something to be on guard against because there is nothing they will not do to deflect the guilt, discredit investigations & keep the massive grift going.
Then again, Hunter is unbelievably stupid & left evidence like this all over the world.

Hunter is like herpes for the Biden Crime Family & DC- the gift that keeps on giving
I am suspect of this supposed text.
I would not be so anxious to jump on this.
The wording doesn't sound real. It sounds like a fake text.

I would not put it past the Bidens to put out fake stories like this, and then disprove it to paint doubt on other legitimate evidence.

Um, this is from the laptop, the laptop that Chris Wray hid, that 50+ US "Intel officials" lied about and claimed was "Russian disinfo," that the Big Tech Globalists CENSORED because they hate truth and America...

All knew it was true. The DOJ has known Traitor Joe was selling access for decades = DECADES.
I am suspect of this supposed text.
I would not be so anxious to jump on this.
The wording doesn't sound real. It sounds like a fake text.

I would not put it past the Bidens to put out fake stories like this, and then disprove it to paint doubt on other legitimate evidence.
You guys are getting so delusional your fantasies are turning back on themselves. It is already all over the RWNM. Go with it, the rest of the RWers will.
New rule. Until you can get someone to walk into court and make these allegations it didn't happen.

It should have gone to court long ago. It didn't because Jew Supremacist Zionist Fascist Chris Wray hid the laptop, instead of using it to prosecute the Biden Crime family for dozens of counts of treason.
A newly released screen capture from July 30, 2017 of a WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden to Henry Zhao shows Hunter Biden putting pressure on Zhao for payment using the influence of his father, Joe Biden, who was in the room. I am sure Biden scared him to death...

The Chinese elite and Zionist Fascism are in bed together. Mikey Bloomberg, Bill Gates, Traitor Joe, the Mossad, the Khazarian Mafia, Zelenskky = all on the same team

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