More Hunter and Joe = Hunter demanded payment from Chinese = "I am sitting here with my father"

We have his son saying so in the text, we have him saying that Joe gets 10%, we see Hunter saying that he pays his fathers bills with this money, we have Joe admitting to getting that prosecutor fired, we have Joe AND Hunter taking trips together on "Airforce 2" to China, Ukraine and Romania and then mere weeks later payments begin rolling in from those nations through a maze of shell companies, and we have Bobulinski saying Joe is "the big guy" BEFORE Hunters laptop revealed the "10percent for the big guy", and we have Devon Archer who was Hunters main partner who is about to testify to all of this and likely much more. Lastly, Joe claimed that he knew nothing about Hunters business, yet we can prove that he met with Hunters partners on many occasions........ but you say the is "zero evidence that Joe was involved". Yeah, ok, whatever dude. *SMH*

Joe owns properties that he couldnt possibly afford on his salary, he has no record of major stock exchanges, and he has ZERO answers for any of this.

Hunter could never pull in 25 million without his father trading policy decisions in return. You know it and i know it.
Joe doesnt live on his salary. The Bidens reported an adjusted gross income of roughly $11 million in 2017 and $4.6 million in 2018. The bulk of that number comes from a multi-book deal with Flatiron Books valued at $8 million (per Publishers Weekly).

The Bidens also earned a sizable income from speaking engagements. The AP reports that Biden's basic speaking fee was $100,000, but it ranged from $40,000 to $190,000. The New York Times also notes that Biden made additional unpaid speaking engagements during this time which are not listed on the disclosure, citing his campaign.

Additionally, the disclosures reveal that the former VP earned $540,000 as a professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement.

That is plenty of income to live comfortably. All of that is disclosed. There is no secret income streams but if you find one feel free to report it to the people who investigated Hunter for 5 years and accused him of nothing other than a gun form issue.

So.. if you have real evidence contact the US Attorney's office in Delaware.
Joe doesnt live on his salary. The Bidens reported an adjusted gross income of roughly $11 million in 2017 and $4.6 million in 2018. The bulk of that number comes from a multi-book deal with Flatiron Books valued at $8 million (per Publishers Weekly).

The Bidens also earned a sizable income from speaking engagements. The AP reports that Biden's basic speaking fee was $100,000, but it ranged from $40,000 to $190,000. The New York Times also notes that Biden made additional unpaid speaking engagements during this time which are not listed on the disclosure, citing his campaign.

Additionally, the disclosures reveal that the former VP earned $540,000 as a professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement.

That is plenty of income to live comfortably. All of that is disclosed. There is no secret income streams but if you find one feel free to report it to the people who investigated Hunter for 5 years and accused him of nothing other than a gun form issue.

So.. if you have real evidence contact the US Attorney's office in Delaware.
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Id respond to that, but you changed the subject.

You said there was "ZERO" evidence tying Biden to this corruption scheme and then i laid out a long list of evidence that ties him to that corruption scheme. Are you going to take back your claim now? If not, why not?
It should have gone to court long ago. It didn't because Jew Supremacist Zionist Fascist Chris Wray hid the laptop, instead of using it to prosecute the Biden Crime family for dozens of counts of treason.
So the Jews hid the laptop behind the space lazers...
What did Jared do for $2B? Jared was in the government and you can actually point to Trumps favorable Saudi policies. Biden didn’t do anything favorable for Chinese, hell, he was VP not president. You guys kill me.
As you know and wish to remain apparently ignorant of is the fact that Jared did not receive $2 billion. As you know, Jared was experienced in forming real estate investment groups.

The money went to one of his groups, it was still the Saudi's money.

How do you, or anyone know what Biden did for the money he extorted from China?

Even you have to acknowledge what he is doing for China now.
Joe doesnt live on his salary. The Bidens reported an adjusted gross income of roughly $11 million in 2017 and $4.6 million in 2018. The bulk of that number comes from a multi-book deal with Flatiron Books valued at $8 million (per Publishers Weekly).

The Bidens also earned a sizable income from speaking engagements. The AP reports that Biden's basic speaking fee was $100,000, but it ranged from $40,000 to $190,000. The New York Times also notes that Biden made additional unpaid speaking engagements during this time which are not listed on the disclosure, citing his campaign.

Additionally, the disclosures reveal that the former VP earned $540,000 as a professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement.

That is plenty of income to live comfortably. All of that is disclosed. There is no secret income streams but if you find one feel free to report it to the people who investigated Hunter for 5 years and accused him of nothing other than a gun form issue.

So.. if you have real evidence contact the US Attorney's office in Delaware.
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Good German
We have his son saying so in the text, we have him saying that Joe gets 10%, we see Hunter saying that he pays his fathers bills with this money,
No your don't. You think if you repeat the lies enough that they will magically come true.

we have Joe admitting to getting that prosecutor fired,

Yes, at the direction of the President in the interest of the US and many other nations. What you saw was a world class statesman in action doing the dirty work.

we have Joe AND Hunter taking trips together on "Airforce 2" to China, Ukraine and Romania

And just how many miles have other people hitched rides. Hell, I have hitched rides like that to circle the globe and I still have that capability.

and then mere weeks later payments begin rolling in from those nations through a maze of shell companies,

Still waiting on your "Proof" on that one. Again, tell a lie enough times and believe it becomes true.

and we have Bobulinski saying Joe is "the big guy" BEFORE Hunters laptop revealed the "10percent for the big guy", and we have Devon Archer who was Hunters main partner who is about to testify to all of this and likely much more.

One huge problem. No one can confirm what he says. I wonder what his real motive is to do this. Again, say a lie enough times and you believe it to be true.

Lastly, Joe claimed that he knew nothing about Hunters business, yet we can prove that he met with Hunters partners on many occasions........ but you say the is "zero evidence that Joe was involved". Yeah, ok, whatever dude. *SMH*
Read it and weep, Commie.

Joe owns properties that he couldnt possibly afford on his salary, he has no record of major stock exchanges, and he has ZERO answers for any of this.

Funny how he still lives in the same house he's lived in for many decades unless he's called to Washington. You would think that he would be staying in a multi-million dollar mansion.

Hunter could never pull in 25 million without his father trading policy decisions in return. You know it and i know it.

Funny how Rump Jr. has been proven to bringing in about 650 million using his Fathers Name during his Daddy's presidentcy.
No your don't. You think if you repeat the lies enough that they will magically come true.

Yes, at the direction of the President in the interest of the US and many other nations. What you saw was a world class statesman in action doing the dirty work.

And just how many miles have other people hitched rides. Hell, I have hitched rides like that to circle the globe and I still have that capability.

Still waiting on your "Proof" on that one. Again, tell a lie enough times and believe it becomes true.

One huge problem. No one can confirm what he says. I wonder what his real motive is to do this. Again, say a lie enough times and you believe it to be true.

Read it and weep, Commie.

Funny how he still lives in the same house he's lived in for many decades unless he's called to Washington. You would think that he would be staying in a multi-million dollar mansion.

Funny how Rump Jr. has been proven to bringing in about 650 million using his Fathers Name during his Daddy's presidentcy.
Ohhh, so your strategy is to deny all this evidence exists? Thats not going to work. The Bidens will still end up being indicted. Im not sure why you are setting yourself up for an obvious fall, but if you cant see the writing on the wall, you are destined for disappointment and embarrassment.
Ohhh, so your strategy is to deny all this evidence exists? Thats not going to work. The Bidens will still end up being indicted. Im not sure why you are setting yourself up for an obvious fall, but if you cant see the writing on the wall, you are destined for disappointment and embarrassment.

Until you tell the same lie at least 14,000 times, it will never have a chance of becoming true.
Id respond to that, but you changed the subject.

You said there was "ZERO" evidence tying Biden to this corruption scheme and then i laid out a long list of evidence that ties him to that corruption scheme. Are you going to take back your claim now? If not, why not?
I am sorry but what you posted was a story not evidence...

Where are the witnesses or tapes, the documents... You know the kind of stuff they ask in courts...
Ohhh, so your strategy is to deny all this evidence exists? Thats not going to work. The Bidens will still end up being indicted. Im not sure why you are setting yourself up for an obvious fall, but if you cant see the writing on the wall, you are destined for disappointment and embarrassment.
What evidence...

Have you got these tapes so we can here them... IF you have an email or text message can you tie directly to Joe and also get Joe tied back...

Under your burden of proof, Trump had prostitutes pissing on beds in Moscow...
I am sorry but what you posted was a story not evidence...

Where are the witnesses or tapes, the documents... You know the kind of stuff they ask in courts...
Witnesses are coming. In a week or two you are all in for a rude awakening. You probably have no idea what im talking about. Lets just keep it as a fun surprise then.

Unless we produce fucking audio recordings of the deals going down, anything less than that isnt "evidence"? Are you crazy, man? Do you have any idea how god damn rare it is for a prosecutor to have a friggin tape of the accused doing an illegal deal? All prosecutors EVER have in financial cases are the bank records of shady unexplainable money transfers and unreported taxes.

Did Hunter register to be a Foreign Agent? If not, then he committed another serious crime, multiple times. Ask Paul Manafort what happened when HE didnt register, and he didnt do a fraction of what Hunter did. Not even close.
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Witnesses are coming. In a week or two you are all in for a rude awakening. You probably have no idea what im talking about. Lets just keep it as a fun surprise then.

35 years later, witnesses to lock Hillary up will be here next week.

Unless we produce fucking audio recordings of the deals going down, anything less than that isnt "evidence"? Are you crazy, man? Do you have any idea how god damn rare it is for a prosecutor to have a friggin tape of the accused doing an illegal deal? All prosecutors EVER have in financial cases are the bank records of shady unexplainable money transfers and unreported taxes.

In this case, they still don't have those records. Yah, I know, coming next week and all that.

Did Hunter register to be a Foreign Agent? If not, then he committed another serious crime, multiple times. Ask Paul Manafort what happened when HE didnt register, and he didnt do a fraction of what Hunter did. Not even close.

Manafort sold his entire country down the tubes for personal gain and gain for his Orange Deity.
35 years later, witnesses to lock Hillary up will be here next week.

In this case, they still don't have those records. Yah, I know, coming next week and all that.

Manafort sold his entire country down the tubes for personal gain and gain for his Orange Deity.
Its Devon Archer who is about to testify against the Biden's. You know, Hunters partner for all those bribery deals? Have fun with that. :laugh:

You think they dont have those bank records? The GOP and Dems in Congress have seen those records. Do you have evidence that they are in collusion with this lie, aka "conspiracy theory"?

What youre saying Manafort did, Hunter did a hundred times more of. Its at least around 25 million in bribes.

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