More Hunter and Joe = Hunter demanded payment from Chinese = "I am sitting here with my father"

See what I mean gang? This idiot thinks Hillary killed Seth Rich because he had something from DNC computers... you cant make this shit up. You fuckers will believe anything. Anything.
Numbnuts you believe in Trump Russian collusion conspiracy theory
Biden should deny having Bank Records? Almost all of us have Bank Records. Are you saying that it's illegal to have bank records?
They always think they have the smoking gun. Usually it is some sort of conspiracy thingy they have constructed out of unconnected data points. The repubs film op the other day they were talking about their evidence raises questions.
Numbnuts you believe in Trump Russian collusion conspiracy theory
There is no Trump Russian collision conspiracy. There is only the Mueller report which outlined all the shady connections and documented cooperation with Russians but was unable to conclude a tight conspiracy. He did conclude obstruction and said he couldn’t charge a sitting president.
I said he couldnt afford all of his PROPERTIES under his salary.
Same thing. He made millions speaking and writing. He made zero off of fleecing the Secret Security with bogus bills for parties and rooms but maybe this time around he will learn something from Trump.
There is no Trump Russian collision conspiracy. There is only the Mueller report which outlined all the shady connections and documented cooperation with Russians but was unable to conclude a tight conspiracy. He did conclude obstruction and said he couldn’t charge a sitting president.
It is kinda funny every time you hear a conservative mention the Mueller report they always say it PROVES there was no collusion. Well, not really.
It is kinda funny every time you hear a conservative mention the Mueller report they always say it PROVES there was no collusion. Well, not really.
Bar was smart to make up his own summary of the report a month ahead of the media getting it. You can’t unring a bell with right wingers. He knew his fool audience and played them well.
There is no Trump Russian collision conspiracy. There is only the Mueller report which outlined all the shady connections and documented cooperation with Russians but was unable to conclude a tight conspiracy. He did conclude obstruction and said he couldn’t charge a sitting president.
Oh so now there never was Trump Russian collusion? Why are you cultists still pushing it? While watching the Durham committee report why, do I keep hearing the dem representatives pushing that lie in the way they are questioning Durham? Hell even Mueller said there was no collusion.
Bar was smart to make up his own summary of the report a month ahead of the media getting it. You can’t unring a bell with right wingers. He knew his fool audience and played them well.
Durham and Mueller no collusion you cultists got it bad
Oh so now there never was Trump Russian collusion? Why are you cultists still pushing it? While watching the Durham committee report why, do I keep hearing the dem representatives pushing that lie in the way they are questioning Durham? Hell even Mueller said there was no collusion.
Did you watch Durham report? He said there should have been an investigation. He convicted one person for making one alteration on one email. That was it. No malfeasance. Trump didn’t call Putin on audio tape and ask for help which you fuckers wouldn’t believe anyway. Shit Trump is on audio tape talking about violating classified document protocols deliberately and you don’t care. But back to Russia Russia Russia… trump was never impeached or prosecuted for it.. only you right wing nuts keep it alive. I am satisfied that he likely acted improperly but there isn’t evidence that he committed crimes.. except in obstruction which Mueller did conclude.
Same thing. He made millions speaking and writing. He made zero off of fleecing the Secret Security with bogus bills for parties and rooms but maybe this time around he will learn something from Trump.
Not true. Biden was almost bankrupt at the time he became VP, then suddenly MILLIONS started pouring in, and it wasnt from speaking gigs.
Same thing. He made millions speaking and writing. He made zero off of fleecing the Secret Security with bogus bills for parties and rooms but maybe this time around he will learn something from Trump.
He wasnt making millions from speaking gigs, and he owned these properties before he could have even been chosen for a speaking gig. No one was paying "plagerizing Joe" for speaking gigs as a Senator.
It is kinda funny every time you hear a conservative mention the Mueller report they always say it PROVES there was no collusion. Well, not really.
A lie
He would have charged and it’s your hurt feelings, wishful conclusion that Mueller himself did not make but you feel he should have.

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